in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 27 ,2 01 8 | 38 AyA Kitchens of oAKville 1195 north service roAdwest 905.847.1522 Home Suite Hope's board of directors has ap- pointed Britta Martini- Miles as its new president and CEO, succeeding a re- cently-departed Michelle Pommells. Martini-Miles comes to Home Suite Hope (HSH) with extensive and varied experience in the charita- ble sector, and has consid- erable knowledge of gov- ernance, strategic man- agement and fundraising. Her passion and leader- ship has been acknowl- edged with multiple nom- inations for the RBC Wom- en of Influence Award and she was the recipient of the Rotary's Paul Harris Fellowship Award in 2015. For six years, she served as the executive di- rector of Lighthouse For Grieving Children where she steered all aspects of a capital campaign that raised over $4 million. Her tenacity and creativity helped in increasing the agency's annual giving by 280 per cent in just four years. Under Martini-Miles leadership, Lighthouse completed Imagine Cana- da's rigorous Standards Program. The agency was awarded accreditation in 2016, joining 200 other charities that share a com- mitment to performance excellence, accountability and public transparency; values she shares and which have made her an effective not-for-profit ex- ecutive. Prior to joining Light- house, she was the execu- tive director of CommUni- ty Arts Space and owned and managed a boutique hotel. Martini-Miles complet- ed her undergraduate de- gree in Germany, her home country, and re- ceived a Fulbright schol- arship to study interna- tional relations at Penn- sylvania State University where she completed her master of arts. An Oakville resident since 2005, she's actively involved in building a vi- brant community through her volunteer work with the board of directors of the Bronte Historical So- ciety, Hippy Oakville and Acclaim Health. "We are thrilled to have Britta join the Home Suite Hope family," said board chair Peter Kolisnyk. "In addition to her depth of experience and back- ground in not-for-profit management, Britta has a track record of strong leadership and we are confident that she will en- sure Home Suite Hope continues to grow and serve Halton's families who are faced with pover- ty and homelessness." "We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Michelle Pommells for the tremendous workfor the tremendous workf she has put into Home Suite Hope since 2014. Mi- chelle's guidance and commitment has posi- tioned HSH well for the next stage of its develop- ment." HOME SUITE HOPE WELCOMES NEW PRESIDENT/CEO COMMUNITY