25 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,D ecem ber 20,2018 insidehalton.com Expropriations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.26. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL TO EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER OF an application by Metrolinx for approval to expropriate the lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto for the purposes of facilitating infrastructure improvements of GO Transit rail facilities, corridors, stations, spurs and related services in connection with the Regional Express Rail Program as part of the GO Expansion Program, including, but not limited to, construction, reconstruction, installation, operation, improvement, relocation, maintenance and repairs of tracks, signals, platforms, stairs, tunnels, elevators, railway bridges, spurs, pedestrian bridges, noise walls, retaining walls, parking areas, road intersections, erosion controls, tiebacks, grade separations, road widenings, utilities, support structures, layover facilities, telecommunication equipment and facilities, the conversion of rail corridors to electric propulsion, including, without limitation, power supply and distribution infrastructure, bridge modifications and ancillary works, and any other Metrolinx and/or associated facilities, and the establishment of new, improved and/or additional access in connection therewith and all other improvements and works ancillary thereto. In the case of a Temporary Limited Interest (Diversion) for the purposes of a free, exclusive, uninterrupted and unobstructed temporary easement in gross or rights in the nature of a temporary easement in gross for a term of five (5) years commencing on registration of an expropriation plan to occupy and enter and re-enter by all authorized users, including, but not limited to, servants, agents, employees, contractors, sub-contractors and workers, with all necessary material, including, but not limited to, vehicles, machinery, supplies and equipment at all times in, on, over, through, under, along and upon the lands for all purposes, including, but not limited to, establishing temporary alternative access and/or road and rail diversion, road widening, grading, utility relocation, placement and storage of soil, equipment, supplies and other material, fences, access to any other Metrolinx and/or associated facilities, construction staging and laydown areas, construction ingress and egress to and from the station, parking areas and rail corridor, site clearance, including all necessary removal of vegetation, relocation, reconstruction or demolition of buildings and other structures at grade and/or above and below grade including the disconnection and/or reconnection of any electrical and public utilities, construction of berms and retaining walls, noise walls, temporary removal of parking areas and all other improvements. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for approval to expropriate the interests herein described in the lands described herein. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires a hearing into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonably necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing, a) in the case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after the registered owner is served with the notice, or, when the registered owner is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice; b) in the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. The Drawings referred to in Schedule "A" forming part of this Notice can be requested by a person having an interest in the land described herein by contacting Kevin Rachman at Kevin.Rachman@Metrolinx.com The approving authority is: The expropriating authority is: Minister of Transportation Metrolinx c/o Metrolinx (the expropriating authority) Attn.: Director, Property Acquisitions/Capital Projects Groups Attn.: Director, Property Acquisitions/Capital Projects Groups 20 Bay Street, Ste. 600 20 Bay Street, Ste. 600 Toronto, ON M5J 2W3 Toronto, ON M5J 2W3 Dated at Toronto this 8th day of November 2018 Metrolinx Original signed by Kevin Rachman Director, Property Acquisitions/Capital Projects Groups I have authority to bind the Corporation Schedule "A" Those lands in the Town of Oakville described as follows: 1. Burloak at Wyecroft A temporary limited interest - diversionA temporary limited interest - diversion Part of PIN 24858-0250 (LT) Part of Lot 35, Concession 3, SDS, Township of Trafalgar Part 1 on Drawing No. LW-BUR-SK-P-0102 4. 605 Burloak A temporary limited interest - diversionA temporary limited interest - diversion Part of PIN 24858-0090 (LT) Part of Lot 35, Concession 3, SDS, Township of Trafalgar Parts 1 and 2 on Drawing No. LW-BUR-SK-P-0105 2. 845 Burloak A temporary limited interest - diversionA temporary limited interest - diversion Part of PIN 24858-0249 (LT) Part of Lot 35, Concession 3, SDS, Township of Trafalgar Part 1 on Drawing No. LW-BUR-SK-P-0103 5. 3457 Superior A temporary limited interest - diversionA temporary limited interest - diversion Part of PIN 24858-0235 (LT) Part of Lot 35, Concession 3, SDS, Township of Trafalgar Parts 1 and 2 on Drawing No. LW-BUR-SK-P-0119 3. East Side of Burloak at Corridor A temporary limited interest - diversionA temporary limited interest - diversion Part of PIN 24858-0179 (LT) Part of Block 22, Plan 20M-1005 Part 1 on Drawing No. LW-BUR-SK-P-0104 THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED ON THE 6TH DAY OF DECEMBER 2018. The Kerr Street Mission is calling on residents to help local families in need have a Merry Christ- mas this year by participating in the organization's Christmas Wonders and Beyond program. Gary O'Neill, Kerr Street Mission executive di- rector, noted that while Oakville is often regarded as an affluent community, more than 18,680 people here actually live below the poverty line. "They live with the daily struggle of not being able to provide for their families, which can lead to hopelessness and despair," said O'Neill in a press release. "During the holiday season, these financial bur- dens are magnified, often leaving those struggling feeling inadequate and hopeless."feeling inadequate and hopeless."f O'Neill noted for these families Kerr Street Mis- sion has created its Christmas Wonders and Be- yond program. The initiative sees the local charityyond program. The initiative sees the local charityy use donations from the community to purchase food, pyjamas, gift cards and more for those in need.food, pyjamas, gift cards and more for those in need.f Organizers said the gift cards are important be- cause being able to shop and get that special gift of a loved one is an important part of the Christmas ex- perience. "We want to help these people provide for their families and give them a nice Christmas with pre-families and give them a nice Christmas with pre-f sents under the tree and a lovely meal to eat with their families," said Heidi Avery, Kerr Street Missi- on marketing director. She said this year Kerr Street Mission is hoping around 1,300 people will be able to enjoy the benefits of this Christmas Wonders and Beyond program. Normally the program helps 1,200 people each year, however, Avery said the need for assistance has increased within the community. To that end the organization wants to raise $400,000. So far they have raised $184,000, but with Christmas rapidly ap- proaching, they still have a long way to go. Residents can make a:Residents can make a:R • $50 donation, which pays for two food cards; • $100 donation, which will purchase food and gift cards; • $500 donation, which will provide "Christmas in a Box" to a larger family; • $1,500 donation to help support a struggling family for one year.family for one year.f Avery said these gifts are deeply appreciated byAvery said these gifts are deeply appreciated byA those who receive them and Kerr Street Mission has saved some of the thank-you letters from previ- ous years. "At this time of year, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart for extending a hand to my family and above all to my children so that they dofamily and above all to my children so that they dof not feel abandoned and neglected during the Christmas and holiday season," reads one letter. "God bless you all for your compassion to reach out to people despite your own personal daily con- cerns." The Christmas Wonders and Beyond program has been helping people in the Oakville community for 15 years.for 15 years.f For more information on this program or to do-For more information on this program or to do-F nate visit https://kerrstreet.com. NEWS KERR STREET MISSION HOPING TO RAISE $400K TO HELP OAKVILLE FAMILIES IN NEED DAVID LEA dlea@metroland.com