5 | O akville B eaver | T hursday,January 28,2021 insidehalton.com FREE PARK ING + LOCKER + ASS IGNMENT CALL TO RESERVE / BY APPT. ONLY Bronte / Dundas Builders : Fernbrook Homes & Crystal Homes Occupancy : Jan 2024 4.5 ACRES OF RESORT- STYLE LIVING IN OAKVILLE *NOT INTENDED TO SOLICIT BUYERS OR SELLERS CURRENTLY UNDER CONTRACT WITH A BROKERAGE. SALES EVENT FEB 5TH -7TH FREE IPHONE 12 PRO FREE RENTAL SERVICE SALES EVENT FEB 5TH -7TH FREE IPHONE 12 PRO FREE RENTAL SERVICE 416 .312 .2807416 .312 .2807 ll BOU T I QU E R E S I D ENC E S The verdict is in -- Ste- phen Tanner will remain Halton's police chief. The Halton Police Board passed a resolution last Thursday (Jan. 21) that says it "accepts Chief Tan- ner's apology for his deci- sion to travel and will take no further action." The motion also notes that the board has "full and unequivocal confidence in Chief Stephen Tanner to re- main the Halton Regional Police Service chief." The head of the local po- lice force has been the sub- ject of more than 15 hours of debate over the past week by the board, which met three times in response to concerns raised about Tanner's recent personal business trip to Florida in the midst of a pandemic. His venture south of the border also sparked public criticism from fellow mem- bers of the force and local officials. In a statement, Tanner said he appreciates the con- fidence the board has placed in him, and ex- pressed regret for his visit to the U.S. "I will continue to lead our police service in the ex- emplary manner the board has come to expect, and will always do my very best for our members, citizens and for the community that I am sworn to protect," he said. "Regardless of the per- sonal property-related rea- sons for which I traveled re- cently, or the permission that I sought and obtained for that travel, I am re- morseful for that decision. I have previously apologized openly to all of our mem- bers and to the public." Tanner said he also re- grets the impact the issue has had on Oakville Mayor Rob Burton, who stepped down from his position as chair of the Halton Police Board as a result of his de- cision to support the chief's trip to Florida. While the motion ex- pressed "disappointment" in both Tanner's and Bur- ton's decisions, Oakville Councillor Jeff Knoll -- who has now been formally elected chair of the police board -- voiced his support for Burton during the Jan. 21 meeting. "I think it's important to establish that one error in judgment does not leave a legacy," he said. "I'm proud of his (Burton's) contribu- tions and proud of his lead- ership." The resolution passed by the board says it's com- mitted to reviewing its pol- icies around vacations, leave, continuity of leader- ship and the pandemic, with a particular focus on international travel guide- lines. And in the interest of transparency, the board di- rected its secretary to im- mediately release minutes of the special closed-door meetings it held on the top- ic. POLICE BOARD DECIDES CHIEF WILL KEEP POSITION The Halton Police Board has voted to keep Stephen Tanner on as chief. Graham Paine/Metroland MELANIE HENNESSEY mhennessey@ metroland.com NEWS 220 Randall Street, Downtown Oakville | 905-842-2100 ext. 109 www.watsoninvestments.com | To register please contact Adam at adam@watsoninvestments.com Register today for our Grow Your Wealth Webinar Hosted by Presenters Thursday February 4th at 12pm Presentation is 20 minutes. What you should be doing in January and February to grow your wealth. This presentation is for anyone that gets a T4. Register today for our Grow Your Wealth webinar. Jennifer Watson MBA, CFP®, CIM® Peter Watson MBA, CFP®, R.F.P., CIM®, FCSI