in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A pr il 1, 20 21 | 22 MUNN'S UNITED CHURCH 5 DUNDAS STREET WWW.MUNNSUNITED.CA 905 257-8434 Rev. Kate Young Maundy Thursday 7 pm with Communion Easter Sunrise Service 6 am Easter Service 10 am All via zoom…check website for details Celebrate Easter Join Oakville United Churches for Virtual Holy Week Events Palm Sunday Messy Church - 4:30pm on Saturday, March 27 Good Friday - 10am on Friday, April 2 Easter Pilgrimage - Travel to five Oakville churches for the telling of the Easter story - Saturday, April 3 You can find more information and links to the events on our Websites and Facebook pages. UNITED IN FAITH AND MISSION AS WE CELEBRATE THE RISEN CHRIST Holy Week Services MAPLE GROVE United Church 346 Maple Grove Drive 905-845-5721 He is Risen! Happy Easter! info: Palm Sunday, March 28 - prerecorded Daily prayer walk at 5:30pm, Monday-Friday, 30 min with Rev. Kerry Stover, meet in parking lot. Maundy Thursday, April 1 - prerecorded Modified washing of feet with Communion EASTER, April 4 - prerecorded with Communion 6:45 am 4th