in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 19 ,2 02 1 | 6 Ying Yang Chartered Professional Accountant Member of Canadian Tax Foundation (647) 989-1276 Oakville Office: (289) 291-3924 Toronto Offiffice: (647) 255-8049 For an affordable solution to your Business and Individual tax difficulties … Make an Appointment Today for a Free Confidential Consultation CRACRACRACRA PPPPrroblobleems?ms? Individual, Corporati &on & Trust Payrayroll, HST includiudingng Overseas & O& Offffshorshore Tax Issueax Issues Yang Tang Tang Tang ax Resolsolution Guess who got through Covid without one case? V for Vistamere For us multiple precautions meant we didn't get a single case. And when safety is a vital concern, that's something to be proud of. We're also proud of our cosy suites and very reasonable price. Vistamere in quiet residential South Oakville. TakTakT e a virtual tour at 380 Sherin Drive Oakville, Ontario L6L 4J3 905.847.1413 Like us on BOOK A TOUR TODAY The Town of Oakville has announced it has re- ceived roughly $2.3 million in funding toward the mu- nicipality's active transpor- tation (AT) projects. The federal government has put up $1.8 million, and the province shelled out $464,981. Active transportation is any mode of travel that re- lies on human power. Walk- ing, cycling, skateboarding are just some examples. The Town's Active Transportation Master Plan (ATMP) is a blueprint for how the mode of travelfor how the mode of travelf will be implemented. It says AT can provide the "recom- mended daily physical ac- tivity, while decreasing the risk of developing or the progression of chronic dis- eases." Yet, the ATMP also saysYet, the ATMP also saysY that 81 per cent of Oakvil- lians travel to work in a car and 14 per cent use public transit. Only four per cent use AT modes, three per cent walk and one per cent cycle. Currently, there are 1488 kilometres-worth of routes and facilities in Oak- ville, including walking paths and cycling lanes. Part of the funding will go toward 20 pedestrian crossovers the town said will "increase the accessi- bility of the town's active transportation network by providing more controlled locations at trail connec- tions and intersections for pedestrians." It is not clear yet where these crossovers will go. The funding will also up- grade municipal facilities, like public bathrooms. "The COVID-19 pandem- ic has had a major impact on the well-being of all Ca- nadians and ensuring that residents have access to safe and inclusive community spaces is essential," Federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities Cather- ine McKenna said in a news release. Oakville MPP Stephen Crawford joined Mckenna in saying, "This critical funding is essential forfunding is essential forf making buildings more in- clusive and ensuring the safety of residents on our roadways." "Throughout the CO- VID-19 pandemic, Oakville residents have utilized our town's outdoor amenities. This is a trend we expect to continue and our council is committed to advancing more community and out- door infrastructure for our residents," added Mayor Rob Burton. The money comes from the Investing in Canada In- frastructure Program, afrastructure Program, af $33-billion federal govern- ment funding envelope for infrastructure projects. The pandemic spurred the feds to create the COVID-19 Re- silience Stream, from which Tuesday's $2.3 million was draw. The stream is a tempo- rary $3-billion pool for short-term projects that might not otherwise be eli- gible for funding. TOWN RECEIVES $2.3M IN ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION FUNDING MANSOOR TANWEER NEWS FUNDS WILL BENEFIT MODES OF TRAVEL THAT DEPEND ON HUMAN POWER, LIKE WALKING, CYCLING "This critical funding is essential for making buildings more inclusive and ensuring the safety of residents on our roadways." - MPP Stephen Crawford A STRONGER VOICE We recognize that diversity is the strength of our communities and we are inviting you to share your voice in our publications. INSIDEHALTON.COM/COMMUNITYDIVERSITY