in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, S ep te m be r 9, 20 21 | 14 Nominate a community champion today! Oakville residents spend countless hours volunteering their time to make our town a better place to live, work and play. This past year has been no exception, with individuals, groups and businesses facing and overcoming unique challenges to find ways to continue helping others during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nominate your friend, family or colleague for an Oakville Community Spirit Award today! Nominations will be accepted until Friday, September 10, 2021 at 4 p.m. in the following categories: • Access Award, sponsored by Access Abilities • Arts Award, sponsored by The Oakville Beaver • Group Volunteer Award, sponsored by FirstOntario Credit Union • Heritage Award, sponsored by Sagen • Individual Volunteer Award, sponsored by Budds' Chevrolet Cadillac Buick GMC • Senior Award, sponsored by Chartwell Waterford Retirement Residence • Youth Award, sponsored by RBC Royal Bank Since the Town of Oakville was unable to host last year's awards due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the past two years are being combined into one special event to honour those who have gone above and beyond in 2019 and 2020. The online nomination form is available at If you need support uploading your nomination details to our online form, call 905-845-6601, ext. 3978 or email For Sale Residential Subdivision Development Opportunity (Proposal Number: RFP -24 - 2021) Residential subdivision development opportunity located on a portion of the Former Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital Site. The Town of Oakville is pleased to offer for sale a portion of the former Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital (OTMH) site outlined in the attached photo (the "Property"). The Property has an approved draft plan (24T-18001/1613) for 19 single family detached lots and 16 town house dwellings. The former OTMH site, owned by the town, is situated within an established residential area north-east of downtown Oakville and south-east of the Oakville GO station. The entire former OTMH site is approximately 5.7 hectares in size, which includes the new Oakville Trafalgar Community Centre, neighbourhood park, parking garage, as well as a future seniors-oriented housing development. The Property being offered for sale is approximately 2.0 ha in size. This is a rare chance to acquire an extraordinary development site in amature desirable neigh.bourhood in the Town of Oakville - one of the most affluent and well- established urban communities in Canada with an expanding population of 215,700 residents. This Property is being offered without an asking price. We invite respondents to submit an offer on or before 2 p.m., local time on Friday, October 15, 2021 in accordance with the RFP requirements. For more information about the site and to obtain the full RFP package, please visit residential-subdivision-rfp.html For further information on the proposal process please contact: Denise Durie, manager, Purchasing and Risk Management, Town of Oakville at 905-845-6601, ext. 3087 or by email at For the second year in a row, the Terry Fox Run will be held virtually across Canada. The theme of this year's run, to be held on Sept. 19, is "One Day. Your Way." After starting the Mara- thon of Hope on April 12, 1980, Terry Fox reached Oakville three months lat- er on July 13. He was 3,501 kilometres into his run. In his journal, he wrote, "To- day I started at 9:30 a.m. and did 20 miles. The roads were full today and the peo- ple cheered me all the way. It is simply beyond imagi- nation." Oakville will continue to honour Fox by holding its 41st annual Terry Fox Run. Here's how you can take part: • You can sign up to par- ticipate in the Oakville Ter- ry Fox Run, join a team or make a donation at run/oakville. All funds support Terry Fox cancer research projects. • Four fundraisers will be held prior to the run: Saturday, Sept. 4 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the South Oakville Centre, Rebecca Street and Third Line; Fri- day, Sept. 10 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Bronte Harbour; Satur- day, Sept. 11, Real Canadian Superstore, 201 Oak Park Blvd.; Saturday, Sept. 18 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Met- ro/LCBO/Beer Store, Eighth Line and Upper Middle Road. • You can buy a special edition Terry Fox Run T- shirt. The Fox family worked with Métis Nation British Columbia to create a shirt celebrating Terry's heritage. The shirt features illustrations of traditional Métis floral beading creat- ed by Métis artist Mal Blon- deau. The flowers chosen represent the land where Terry's ancestors lived: the prairie crocus of Manitoba and the wild prairie rose of North Dakota. The phrase "Try like Terry" is written in English, French and the Métis traditional language of Michif. VIRTUAL TERRY FOX RUN SET FOR SEPT. 19 Special edition Terry Fox Run T-shirts will be available at four fundraisers being held in Oakville to support the 41st annual Terry Fox Run on Sunday, Sept. 19. Terry Fox Foundation photo NEWS