in si de ha lto n. co m O ak vi lle B ea ve r | T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 21 ,2 02 1 | 24 Aleading, award-winningbuilder of qualitynewhome development and communities.Webringyouthebest thatNiagara has to offer, right outside your doorstep. COMINGSOON in Fort Erie NOWSELLING! in St. Catharines NOWSELLING! in Niagara Falls AVAILABLECOMMUNITIES Learn more at Building for your Lifestyle forover35Years inNiagara @silvergate_homes With Ontario apparent- ly emerging from a fourth wave of COVID-19 infec- tions smaller than the pre- vious two, Ontario's top medical officer focused on the next steps toward a new normality during his week- ly briefing on Oct. 14. Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore hinted last week at a future booster strategy for CO- VID-19 vaccines. The prov- ince currently offers third vaccine doses to certain high-risk populations such as people undergoing treat- ment for tumours, trans- plant recipients and resi- dents living in high-risk congregate settings, and Moore said it might consid- er an annual booster pro- gram to counteract any waning of vaccine acquired immunity. "Waning immunity hap- pens to some extent with all vaccines, but that does not mean that the initial vaccine didn't work or that the vaccines stopped work- ing completely. Many vac- cines require boosters," Moore said. "As evidence continues to evolve, the long-term approach to vac- cination against COVID-19 will evolve regarding booster doses and potential reformulations." Moore was careful to as- sert that a complete two- dose COVID-19 vaccine se- ries provides strong pro- tection against serious out- comes in general, and that vaccines are "extremely safe and effective." MOORE HINTS AT BOOSTER SHOTS, TIMELINE FOR EASING RESTRICTIONS MEGAN DELAIRE Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Kieran Moore. CPAC screengrab NEWS ONTARIO'S CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH DISCUSSES PLANS FOR ONTARIO'S NEW NORMAL James Stanley, B. Comm Sales Representative Bronte Coming Soon Open House Saturday and Sunday 2-4 Over 5000 Views! Ready to Downsize? Call Now for Details on this Reno'd 2 Bed, 2 Bath Mississauga Suite SOLD Re/Max Aboutowne Realty Corp., Brokerage o: 905.842.7000 • d: 905.464.2640 r