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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Jul 1948, p. 8

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL \ Thursday, July 15, 19 FOR SALE WANTED Port all LOTS FOR Credit area, convener lage; $16 lot 100 foot frontag Credit 20 WALNUT good condition; 161, gin the wooded, just north of vil foot frontage. Each Phone Port 1.06-p-33-5 nal table in onable. Phone DOUBLE HOUSE, 6 rooms and ch side, garage; immediate ion one side. Price $11,000, Phone 972-R or 1127-M, 78032-84 HOMER FRASER Oakville Radio and Electric-- Wiring, Electrical Maintenance & Repair; Electric Motors, Radio Repairs. Phone 1187-J. Shop 27 Kerr St. 35c30-tF Properties Wanted G. Albert Walsh Real Estate Broker If you have a tenant- PIRCE chesterfield bedroom suite, 6- piece Kitchen set, 1 combination radio-phonograph, 1 record cabin- et, 1 tri-lamp, 1 table lamp; all in good condition, 25 Stewart St. East, after pm ENG Cocker pu as pets; 00. Mrs. Phone 80. USED TOILETS good condition; Phone 762-M TV Phone "ONE BLEC Cw condition; nearly new. Apply 92 Kerr St, or P.O. Box 564 THREE - suite, 5-piece or sale Card. 25-p-34 tanks, each. 5-p-34 Torses. 35-c-84 ps WwW. with 5.00 I work 25-p-34 WALSH FOR OAKVILLE "The With the Corner Colborne & Randall Phone 882-M ULTRA MODERN BUNGALOW $8,500 Five large rooms and 3- piece bathroom; immacu- late condition throughout Also self - contained 3- roomed apartment. Near- est offer will be accepted. MODERATELY PRICED 7,000 Attractive frame bunga- low, large living room with fireplace, modern kitchen, hot air heating; three nice bedrooms and 3-piece bathroom. Act fast for this bargain. Man Choice" Sts. this over the week- Three nice' bedrooms, ultra-modern kitchen, 4- piece bathroom; hot water heated. Every convenience for the modern housewife. Located on double lot. Taxes approximately $40. LOCAL BARGAIN §3,500--In good section of Oak- ville, frame bungalow on large lot, sunroom, living room, kitchen (town wa- ter in), 2 bedrooms and large back kitchen. Act fast for this one. 6,500--See end. If you are thinking of selling, list it with Walsh. A call today may mean a sale tomorrow. G. ALBERT WALSH Real Estate Broker Phone 882-M Office open evenings to show above Bargains and many others. Priced Right. = ROOM and BOARD Apply 21 35-p-31 ROOM and board. Forsythe St. WANTED T D TO RENT LOOK ! One year free double pass to Century to anyone who can provide me with a flat, house or apartment. Howard Binns, manager, Century and Gregory: Theatres. ~ WE WANT to rent accommoda- tion in the Oakville-Clarkson area; a house or small apartment suitable for a business couple. Excellent references. Phone Port Credit 2029. THREE or four rooms, unfurl ished, as soon as possible; any- thing in this line would be deeply appreciated. Rent no objective if within reason. , Phone Walsh Real Estate, 882-M. 51-c-34 FURNISHED house or duplex, 6 or 7 rooms, in good residential district; on long or short lease; desired by English executive whose family arrives Sept. Box No. 802, The Journal. LOST wrist Sct ty, Tone Jim Black, 35-34 ANS watch and strap; carnival. Reward. 36 Colborne. rangette, good | 94-p-33.35| occupied home you wish to dispose of, phone Walsh at once. . . . CALL 882-M FEMALE HELP WANTED YOUNG GIRL to help with three small children and a- little light housework from July 19th to end of August. Box 715, The Journal, or phone 216. 55-c-3 HELP WANTED ~ THREE HIGH school students for canvassing work. Selling ex- erience an advantage, but not a necessity. Apply in writing to Box 701, Journal. 58-p-33-35 WANTED Young man with cost accounting experience; age 21-35 years; resident of Oakville; preference to war veterans. Ap- ply in own handwriting to Oakville Water and Light Commission. -c-34 STENOGRAPHER required for local industry; five-day week. State qualifications. Apply Box for him, is good enough for his son." Successful and prosperous farmers of today did mot reach that state by holding such be- liefs. That there are disadvantages to the operations of the high school area plan is most true. That students are kept after sefiool and thus miss the bus and Ta to hitch-hike their way home aceful. But it'is not an indication the failure of the over-all plan. It is merely evi- dence of an administrative blun- der. Other forms of discipline which will not conflict with the bus timetable should be adopted. The fear that friendships, will not be made around home is non- sense. The neighbor children of the same age will go to the same school--the same friendships will result as if they all went to an- other school. It is a fallacious argument, and should be disre- garded. Fear that a larger centre will make children discontented with their own surroundings is also nonsense. If this were true, no students who attended the Uni- vrsity of Toronto would ever re- turn to their home towns or other small towns. What finally brings us back to our own locality is the way we are treated, the way. of life we will find around us, and the fact that all of us settle where we will be happy. The long day which students have been enduring is again an administrative problem. With enough busses, whose routes are laid out intelligently, no child need take any longer to get from his home to school than do stud- ents in Toronto. It is easy for a group to argue from a premise, building up their points to make the premise look sound--but in this case we feel their premise is most unsound, and does not put the welfare of the children first. A word should be said for Dep- uty-reeve Hall and the members of township and county councils, who entered into the agreement: which set up the Oakville-Trafal- gar high school area. Mr. Hall had in mind only the providing of better education for the youth of he He saw the breadth COLLEGE GIRL d porary position for July and Au- gust; knowledge of typing. Phone 992- 25-p-34 Better Education (continued from page 1) lishment of the high school area, will be one of the finest in On- tario. Occupational' subjects of great value to rural and urban young people alike will be taught. Also, there will be advantages provided for liberal education through gymnasium, assembly hall and other features. It would be a tragedy if these plans had to be abandoned. We hope that the Department of Education, who will have the final decision, will not be hasty in accepting the pro- tests of the group who wish to disassociate themselves from the rea--if, and when, (these protests a them. To the protesting residents we would suggest that they, give care- ful consideration to the advant- ages they will forego, and think in terms of their children's fu- tures. We were astonished to hear a member of the deputation who appeared before township council say in closing that he considered education of farm children a mis- take, because educated children would not remain on the farm. Evidently he advocated the main- tenance of ignorance in order that children be interested in farming. Many will feel such a statement revealed a lack of understanding. on his part. When he coupled with this statement the opinion that students of the Ontario Agri- cultural College were failures as nd possibilities of the plan, after arefully study with the fact-find- ing committee of county council. He and his associates, realizing the plan was of benefit to the people who elected them, acted accordingly. It would be very unwise on their part if they now permit some 100 voters to influ- nce their judgment concerning a lan which will benefit so many nore. It should also be remembered that existing legislation surround- ing the area plan, as presently set out, would effectively block this attempt on the part of northern residents to have the stipulated rea changed this year. Town- ship council must appeal to coun- council to approve any. hange, and county council, in urn, must make representation 0 the Department of Education set aside orders-in-council which have designated the Oak- ville-Trafalgar high school area boundaries. This procedure would consume many months, Such be- ing the case, would it not be a sensible move if dissenting resi- ents of the northern sector were allow the area plan a longer pportunity to prove or disprove itself, at the same time putting forth every possible effort to more fully and open-mindedly understand the many facets of the scheme? During this same per- iod the administrators of the area must eradicate any present disadvantages, and devote the major .part of their time: to the elimination of possible additional points of friction before they arise. = ds to o] fame it seems ry to discuss the matter. The improve- ment of animal breeds, acre yields and general productivity Which have resulted from the ap- plication of the scientific and edu- cated farming as taught at O.A. are too well known, even to non-farmers, to require elabora- tion here. But as a way of think- ing, which may be held by many who signed the petition, it reveal- ed a situation which should be alarming to all. It is our opinion that if sons of farmers refuse to remain on the farms after taking the advanced husbandry course to be provided at Oakville-Trafalgar high school the fault must lie with a lack of understanding and tolerance on the part of the parents for the knowledge gained. No son--eith- er a farmers or a manufacturer's --will work with a father whose mind is made up that what was "Good enough for his father, and WA FOR OPENING DAY MEL'S SODA BAR AND COFFEE SHOP Cor. Dundas N. TCH and Cross Ave. lee Is a Wet Cold 'WILL NOT DRY OUT FOODS ! - There are no chemicals in ice . . . it is scientific- ally pure, assuring safe refrigeration alway S. Moisture from melting ice provides a cold that humidifies the air . . . guards food against dry- ing out . . . is odor-free and protects food flavor! Stop in today and install your ice refrigerator to- morrow! .. On Display at . . Hillmers Fuel & Ice COMPANY Dundas Street North PHONE 23 for the All Stars, has addeg extra experience that the yy needed badly On Thuraday night the Aj 3 will play Burlington All Stq,, Bushy park at 8:30, BRONTE SHORE PARTY Mr. and Mrs, W. H. J, Tig, entertained members of Bronte Horticultural society a social evening held on the Shore at their Lakeshore Rd. E. hop, Highlight of the program wag, display of = delphinium pry, shown by Stanley Collier. Oakville Taxi All Stars Defeat Army . Navy Vets Oalville Taxi All Stars defeat- edthe Army and Navy Vets' nine by a score of 8 to 5 in a closely. contested softball game played at Busby park last Saturday night. The All Stars scored five runs in the first inning to take the lead and remain on top for the re- mainder of the game. Ken Crew, pitching stellar ball for the win- ners, was master of the game at all times. Doug Wilson, who has come out of retirement to play. Vacation Notice In order to give our si ioyses their annual vacation, our OFFICE AND' FACTORY will be closed from SATURDAY, JULY 24 to TUESDAY, AUGUST 3 We would ask your co-operation in Es antici- pated wants as far in advance as possibl Charles F. Doty & Son Dundas St. North of C.N.R. PHONE 76 NIGHTS 670 - 558-w : th Gives All ! (Continued from Page 1) when he found out the time he'd made, he was really rather elat- ed." tay 3 in John finished some 15 yards behind Parnell, about five yards in Hutchins' wake. "It was a terrific test for a 16-year-old kid, and he made a grand showing," declared Pete. "He just didn't have the strength to make the grade, but wait until next time." Ross and Taylor are already pointing to the British Empire games, which will take place two years hence. In 1852, of course, another Olympiad is scheduled. Both figure that Ross will De ready for both events, and Tay- lor wouldn't be 'greatly surprised if Johnny cracked a record or two along about then. In the mean- time, however, Ross is hanging up his spikes for a while--al- though he is already planning to enter an Ottawa meet in Sep- tember. y Incidentally, Johnny's early fears that entering the trials had robbed him of a summer job on the lake boats proved ground- less. Tuesday night he received a call to report at Hamilton yes- terday morning, where he joined the crew of the tanker John A. Joan Doreen DRESSES Maderia Suits We can solve all problems with our complete stock of Children's Wear. Visit our Shoe Bar and Educational Toy Department. The Hobby Horse COLBORNE ST. LOIS LUNAU PHONE 1303 Canadian Legion Branch 114 ONTARIO OAKVILLE olst ANNIVERSARY Carnival ON CENTRAL SCHOOL COMMONS Sat. July 23rd - 24th From 7:30 to 8:30 p.m, Friday, July 23rd THE LITTLE OLYMPIA GIRLS AND BOYS DRILL TEAM _ will demonstrate their skill under the able direction of Charles Flippance. GRAND DRAW "isT PRIZE--One Week at Muskoka, all expenses paid, for two people. Plus $50.00 Cash. 2ND PRIZE--Gilson Washing Machine. 4TH PRIZE--Tricycle. TICKETS 10c Monster Bingo GOOD PRIZES Fri. 3RD PRIZE--Mantle Radio. 5TH PRIZE--Pressure Cooker. 3 for 25¢ Merry-Go-Round 9 Kiddie Rides Games To Suit Everyone -- LOTS OF FUN FOR ALL -- Oakville Citizens' Band Legion Pipe Band} Will Be in Attendance

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