Page 12 THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Classified Speedy Results - In order that adver issue, advertisements for borne St. KEEP AN EYE ON JOURNAL WANT ADS For Outstanding Opportunities Phone 1298 sers may have ample time each week to forward copy for insertion in the c The Journal will be accepted up to Wednesday noon. Want ads may also be left at the office, 100 Col- rrent the classified section of HELP WANTED CARETAKER for Oakville Bowling Lanes. Immediately. Phone 1328. PIN BOYS wanted for afternoons, spare time work. Apply Oakville Bowling Lanes, 25-1c-48 ROOM AND BOARD NTLEMAN wants private or room only, in town. 233, Oakville-Tra- falgar Journal. 25-p-48 NOTIC Trafalgar township hunting li- censes available at ©. Dent's store, Dundas and 7th line, Trafalgar P.O.; and after Oct. 27th for pheasant shoot, Nov. 5th and 6th. Also good for rabbits during the fall and winter months. Tra- falgar resident's license, $1.00; Halton County resident's' license, $2.00; Out of County resident's li. cene, S. A. Featherstone, Clerk, Trafalgar Township. Please Report Promptly LOST OR FOUND NIMALS to Caicville Humane Society PHONE 515 Lost and Injured Animals Humanely Treated ANNOUNCEMENT THE NEW Maytag washer. See this beautiful efficient washer to- day. Small down payment and easy terms. Halton Hardware 75-p-4 LOVELY corner lot. Randall and Allan Streets. Phone 690-M. 25-p-48 PLYMOUTH sedan, rebuilt motor, new clutch, safety tubes, heater. A real buy. Call Bronte 136-M. 25-p-48 Don't forget the rummage sale in the gymnasium of St. John's Church on Saturday, Oct. 23, at two o'clock. Ic-48 Euchre and draw, sponsored by AO.F. in the I.0.0.F. Hall on Fri- day, Oct. 22nd, at 815 pm. Everyone welcome. 35-p-48 7 FOR SALE IGHTLY USED three-piece studio suite with chrome arms and bedding wardrobe, upholster- ed in combination green velour, Half price, $79. Dominion Furni- ture Stores. 118 Colborne Street. Phone 957. le-48 FOR RENT LARGE double room, twin bds, kitchen privileges can be ar. ranged. Suitcouple. Call 724-W after 5 25-p-48 BRIGHT room, breakfast supper, in pleasant home, avail able to lady guest." Phone 1083.R, 35 WANTED TO RENT 3 OR 4 unfurnished rooms want- ed, one child. Willing to look after 1 or 2 children. Phone 438-W. 21-c-4: FEMALE HELP WANTED 1940 PLYMOUTH sedan, good mechanical condition; with good t radio and heater. Call Giles, 27-c-47 '31 MODEL A Ford roadster, $125, E. O'Connor, 6th Line, Hornby (near Drumquin). A GOOD building lot, 48' x 15 on Watson Ave, near Palmer. For information, phone Bronte 18 in IMMEDIATE possession -- On Sheddon, east of Watson Ave. new bungalow, 4 rooms and finish- cd recreation room; 4-piece bath, oak and mastic tile floors, insul ated. Phone owner, New Toronto Zone 6-703. 55-p-47 W. H dresser, imperial Loy- alist maple; pair of ladies white ice skates, size 6}. Man's light brown tweed coat, size 38. Phone 63-3. 7-c-48 1 CHICKEN house, 200 feet wire fencing, 80 feet fancy wire fencing with iron gate. B. David- son, Station Road. Phone 11-R-12 30-p-4i BEATTY electric washer, fac- tory rebuilt, $89.50. Small down payment with easy payments. Halton Hardware. STENOGRAPHER General Office Work Week. Conditions. Preferred. Pleasant Ex- 5-Day Working perience Apply Box 222 Journal 75-p-48-50 WOMAN to do housework and cooking, 5 days a week, from 2 pm. to 7 pm. Telephone 776. 31-p-47 WOMAN for general house- work, 2 mornings a week, from 9 to 1. 75c per hour. Phone 504. 25-p-48 BRIGHT young girl required as receptionist "and telephone clerk, knowledge of filing and typ: ing preferred. Excellent working conditions. Five-day week. Apply Canadian Charts and Supplies Limited, Oakville 1077. Postal Delivery complied with: Number and a Letter of these are installed made. 1949. of 7.15 p.m. and 9.15 p.m. The Postal Authorities have advised us that if the citizens of the Town of Oakville wish to have postal delivery the following regulations must be 1--Every house, factory or store must have Postal delivery will commence by December 1st, 1948, if at the time of inspection on November 15th next the ahoye requirements are complied with and if not delivery will not be made until For your convenience an office will he opened in the Civil Guard Rooms (Near Colborne and Navy Streets) on October 26th, 27th and 28th between the hours This is an important matter for the Town of Oakville and your co-operation is earnestly requested. a Street Slot and until 90 per cent postal delivery will not be C. V. Hillmer, Mayor. pital. Plans may be obtained TENDERS TENDERS for a Lump Sum Contract, including all mechan- ical trades, will be received up until noon Wednes., Oct. 28, 1948, for the construction of the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hos- Mr. W. L. Somerville, 1104 Bay S addressed to the Architect, and must be accompanied by a certified cheque for 10 per cent of the amount of the tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. EB. IRWIN, Chairman, Building Committee, Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital, at the office of the architect, , Toronto. Tenders to be YOUR YOUNGSTER'S CAREER DEPENDS ON SAVINGS HABIT Help Him to Build This Keystone of Success The way of your youngster with a dollar will influence his way with a hundred or a thousand in years to come. That's why many far-sighted parents open savings accounts for their children at the Bank of Montreal. They realize that the child with. the regular-saving habit is doing much more for him. self than just building part of his pocket-money and leisure- time earnings into a bank ac- count. He's building character. . . developing patience and purpose- fulness. An opening deposit of as little as one dollar at the B. of MM. may well be your youngster's first step LW. B., Highway or the | £ Discuss New Plans (Continued from Page 1) "I suggest we notify the had a com- said, firm that we have plaint, and request that steps be the smoke in a taken to control order that such a by-law won't be necessary. being opened up at the junction of Queen Elizabeth Way and Sev- enth Line, J. M. Wallace sought council approval of a plan to set "There are 98 lots in this ivision alone, and with the ict expanding I think pro- vision should be made for stores to service the new residents," he maintained. Council agreed an area without such conveniences is unbalanced, request. and concurred with Mr. Wallace's On the Fence Clifford Beatty, Gordon Booth and Clifford Maybee were ap- pointed fence viewers for one year by by-law. Hospital Vote Council approved a by-law for a plebiscite, to take place in con- junction with the December 6 election, to determine the feeling xpayers concerning would township's share in and equipping the Oakvi falgar Memorial hospital. Smartly uniformed Scouts and Cubs, their cheeks matching the rosy hue of the shining McIntosh Reds they dispensed, last Satur- Apple Day Successful | on the highway fo a successful career. It will help him to stand on his own feet . . . and will put the experience of Canada's oldest bank behind him, as well as the friendly encouragement of every- one at the local branch. Wh not send him around to see Mr. Otton, manager at the B. of M. tomorrow ? le-48 As part of the Dominion wide campaign to control tuberculosis, the residents of rural areas of Halton county will have the op- portunity for free X-rays of their chest from Monday, Oct. 25th to Friday, Oct. 29th. These mass X-rays are financed, in part, by the sale of Christmas Seals, and is a co-operative effort of the Halton County Christmas Seal committee, the Ontario Depart- ment of Health, the Ontario Tuberculosis association, the Hal- ton County Federation of Agri- culture and the Halton County Health unit. Organizaional meetings have been held in each township, and a house to house canvas will be conducted to explain the need for a chest X-ray. At the clinics, ten of which will be held in the county, appointments are not ne- cessary and everyone who wants a picture taken is welcome to at- tend. Clinics will be held at the following locations: Union School, Trafalgar Ash), October 25th, 7-10 p.m. Norval Community hall, tober 28th, 1-5 p.m. No. 9 Coyne school, October 28th, 7-10 p.m. Palermo, October 29th, 1-5 p.m Bronte, October 29th, 7-10 p.m. (17 Oc- PEOPLE and EVENTS Permission was granted hy council to Oakville-Trafalgar high school students to hold a tag day on Saturday, October 23rd. Pro- ceeds, part of which will go to- ward outfitting this season's battling rugby squads, will be de- voted to the promotion of extra- curricular activities of the school. Among activities which a suc- cessful ag day will help support are the public speaking club, drama club and glee club, as well as boys and girls athletics. While it is hoped to make several of these clubs self-supporting as the school year progresses, the students require some initial backing if success is to crown their efforts. area Mrs. Ray Matthews was -re- appointed president of the ladies section of the Oakville lawn bowling club for next season at a recent meeting. Mrs. W. A. Wise was elected vice-president, while Mrs. Thomas Smith will serve as secretary-treasurer. The games committee will have Mrs, Wise and Mrs. B. Heldman as co-convenors. The first in a series of winter card parties will be held November 10 at the home of Mrs, David Chapman. PRE The choir of St. John's United Church rendered the sacred can- tata "The Rolling Seasons" by Caleb Simper on Sunday evening last. The choir, 32 strong, ex. celled itself in the choruses and the soloists were excellent in their individual parts. Miss L. M. MacBain, AT.CM., was at the organ and the choirleader, Irven Fell, conducted. The soloists were. Mrs. Wallace Denike, Thelma Skoog, Mr. Flavelle, Mr. Bruce Donaldson and Mr, Murray Inkster. day realized a substantial sum | as they canvassed the entire apple day. Proceeds of the drive, Betty McFaul; Modern history-- North American and World his- tory--James Brown. Boys field day awards: senior championship -- and mediate Francis Smith. phy tain Girls field - | championship -- Barbara Snider; town during the annual ne supervised by district Scout- master Dean Wilkes, will assist the promotion of general scouting activities. The scout committee this week voiced deep apprecia- tion for the generous public sup- port which assured the event's success. Thursday, October 2 intermediate -- 3, Junior--Jean Patfery, Marksmanship boys--Kenneth Pog. - diate boys --Brooyy p junior boys -- Reging)g E girls trophy--sany 1 Corps shooting egy. Pollock; « Lions Gly, team shooting, poy, Pollock, Milton p, Peers, John Sn stein, Kent Squires Honor, secondary gy | diate diplomas yey, M4 by Trustees Norma oy G erson Ford, and J, w we fel yg n| Drizes; Diplomas Awarded (Continued from Page 1) | Munro, Aaron Milton Farrow (tied); inter- Sutton; junior Basketball - tro- team cap- Don Jackson Walter to Alex Wilson, day award: senior I A CHECK-UP is cheaper than a SMASH, up| ee ---- You can't afford to take chances! NOW js the time to have your brakes looked at. ., before they go wrong... not after. Come in today and let us check them. Our brake specialists will check the fluid in the master cylinder, and make all the adjustments necessary to give you perfect brake per. formance. Don't delay. ..don't put off Jour safety till tomorrow. r Hedleigh Home Limited The Home of Chrysler - Plymouth Service Dundas Street N. Oakville PHONE 1063 - EVENINGS 887-J - as well as comfort arms . . . hair . . . priced at homespun covering . ular price . . A beautiful four-piece suite in the newest upholstered in the very Another four-piece sectional suite hy KROEHLER , . KROEHLER Sectional Furnitu For the woman who enjoys flexibility in her LIVINGROOM FURNITURE . .. two new arrivals . A design with fluted back and best grey frieze mo- $325 00 (] . in delicate rose a really lovely suite at a pop- $229 00 ] TO SUIT CHARGE OR CREDIT TERMS ARRANGED YOUR BUDGET WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO BE AS LOW AS ANY STORE ANYWHERE _ FURNITURE STORES 118 COLBORNE DOMINIO OPEN SATUR DAY EVENINGS OAKVILLE