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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 20 Jul 1950, p. 12

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Page 12 GOOD ROAD LUG & HARD ROCK LUG TIRES Bethel den party at Seventh Line, 7 miles Oakville, Tuesday evening, Admission 50c. Children am Church will hold a ga north Jul; Splendid proj BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. H, D. Sewell ar nounce the arrival of their ghter Andree, born June FOR. SALE OR TRADE 1940 chanically FORD coupe, O.K. Sell DeLuxe, nabl John Plekett's of dau- me- FOR RENT FURNISHED room STILL looking f iday spot re's just would order, nny Georgian yell equipped, on sandy, bres Running wate ses, inside toilet. one week from July 22 to accommodation for four; ncy for three weeks from Aug. 5 to Sept. 2, accommodation for four; vacancy for two weeks from Aug. 12, accommodation for six. Phone 1151W or 328. r- 5 doctor cool, trict tages beach up in Bay airy Vacancy n- cash or terms, ward Ave 1934 BUICK, good tires, $80. J. M. Boy ' (31p35, ondition 6163 fair Phone coach, a can be Scott at Oak (2 buy See Motor HEINTZMAN plato, grand, excllent condition $200. Phone 586W. FOUR well tile and cabin tra er. Apply Mr. Hinton corner Nel son: and Belyea Streets, Bronte. Howard vill 3! 79 Ho: arranged. 5) Apartment, 97 Randall St Phone 567W. HELP WANTED--MEN located coal to ry $300. ) } for centrally building, no resident, salary $3 year. Apply Box 409 Journal. WE have vacancies at the Clark Refineries for physical- Caretaker o| apartment a on ly fit men, who have a basic -edu- cation tempor Dept. z may be ersonnel 0il Co, These positions British American METAL bed, imitation walnut, coll springs, mattress. R. F. San derson, Allan St, Oakville Phone 705J. (50p34-36) (0 Mon. to (6335) SALES OPPORTUNITY larkson, any morning ri. COMPLETE Furnace Installa- tion. Esso Oil burner, Hot furnace with automatic humidi: fier and air-conditioner unit. All automatic and safety controls, two fuel oil tanks. This is a com- plete functioning unit, being chan- ged for new type of heating plant. Will sell only as complete unit. Phone 379 for appointment to view 1.70p33-35 BUSINESS SERVICES ALBERTA coal briquets, an all-Canadian product, from Frank M. Sullivan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (85cltf) Once more we have that fine Pennsylvania oil. Bring your own | container and we fill it for only 80c. Grade 40 only. Hed- leigh Home Ltd, Dundas St. N. air Opportunity for man or wo- man to earn good income selling subseri door-todoor. Exclus: ive leads furnished, sales training, Guarantee weekly against liberal commission. This might suit high school student for summer months, or persons wishing to get first training in the art of selling. Apply in writ- ing to Box , 398 Oakville-Trafal- gar Journal, stating weekly earn- ings required and giving refer- ences. 0ST AND FOUND LOST AT St. Mary's School grounds, Saturday night, black wallet con- taining considerable sum of mon- ey, driver's license, personal pa- pers, valuable. Liberal reward. Phone 759. (35p38) Scores of things you'll need for time of your life this Summer a summer supplies. TAMPAX 10's 43c IVY DRY--59¢c STOPETTE SPRAY DEODORANT 75¢ to $1.25 ANGOSTURA BITTERS 49c, 93c & $1.75 HOPALONG CASSIDY SOAP 4 for 89c KAHYX PAPER CUPS 10c & 35¢c SMILES & CHUCKLES SUMMER PKG. 85c SKEETOFAX 50c REVELON STORMY PINK LIPSTICK $1.00 3 MANY FLOWERS SOAP WITH 1 CAKE BABY SOAP ALL FOR 23c Phone 94 here at Oakville Drug--displayed for easy shopping--priced 'way down low to help you save more money . . . just for' fun! So come in today for your play-time accessories . . . For Summer health and beauty aids . . . for every- thing you need from our thrifty buys in Oakville Drug Co.- Limited Len Hope, Mgr. a better re right "POKEY" cute glazed pot- tery piggy bank filled with bub- Phone 697J or a happy hol- what your! | the HELP-WANTED--WOMEN JUNIOR bookkeeper. Apply Stirling-Dynes Ltd. Phone 800. TRESSES, Must be steady have good appearance. calls only. Apply sardens, Clarkson, TRANSPORTATION FOR two gi to and from Toronto, arriving Toronto leaying at 5. Phone I: _* LEGAL NOTICES TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR CONCRETE SIDEWALK " Tenders will be received by 'the undersigned up to 5 pm. (ED.S.) Friday, July 28th, 1950, for the construction of approximately 1067 ft. of concrete sidewalk on south side of Washington Ave; from Kerr St. to Queen Mary Drive. Plans and Specifications 'may be had at the office of the Town Clerk. The lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. C. H. Byers, Clerk, Town of Oakville AUCTION SALES Mr. George CO, Gibson has re- ceived instructions from the Pub- lic Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Tor- onto, to sell by public auction the chattels of GEORGE EDWARD LONG at Sixth Line at Queen Elizabeth Way, rear of Munn's Church, on FRIDAY JULY 28th, 1950, at 1 pm, DST, the fol- lowing: LIVING ROOM Oak dining table and 5 chairs; small buffet, mahogany finish; square table 2'6" x 26"; oval centre table; small cabinet table, mahogany finish; old chester field chair; occasional chair; 7 cane bottom chairs; back kitchen chairs; rug 9 x 12; old treadle sewing machine; old gramaphone. HALL 101d drop leaf table; hall chair, aight back; small table 12" x upholstered stool, 14" x 4; mirror 12" x 26"; old scatter rugs. DINING ROOM C old dining table; old side- board; settee; davenport; old china cabinet, shelves and draw- ers; coal heater; 7 scatter rugs; white painted rocker. KITCHEN Old gateleg table; old painted sideboard; old painted table and 5 chairs; cook stove Quebec type, 4 burners and oven; gent's bicycle, old model; 3 burner coal oil stove. BEDROOM Downstairs Painted bed, springs and mat- tress; white painted dresser; white washstand; white cane bot- tom chair. BEDROOM Upstairs Wooden bed, springs and mat- tress; dresser; was! stand; white table, small; mirror in stand. HALL UPSTAIRS Old couch; old mantle clock; chair, white. BEDROOM Upstairs small dresser, to Per- Kallen 50p33-35 8.30, 4 high|f Red Menace Real, Padre Warns, As District Legions Meet "We must not float on carpets of fantasy or clouds of imagina- tion, deluding ourselves that the facts are not as they really are We must face the fact that the Red menace today threatens the very foundations of our demo- cratic way of life, and we must face this fact before it is too late" Rev. A. T. Dalby, padre of Bronte-Trafalgar. Legion, declared Sunday. Rev. Dalby was the prin- cipal speaker at the Zome 7 Le: gion drumhead service held in Bronte athletic field. Contingents from Port Credit, Brampton, Acton, Milton, Oak- ville, Georgetown and Bronte: Trafalgar branches paraded to the park, with Zone Commander Art Herd, of Cooksville, taking the salute. The parade was head- ed by the Oakville Legion Pipe Band and the Port Credit Col. Alex Thomson Post bugle band. Following the service, pipe major William Robertson sound- ed the lament, while William Godfrey placed a wreath. Tip Tops Just That, Local Fans Discover Town and district softball fans were given an eye-opening dem- onstration of fastball at it's very best Tuesday night, when Charlie Justice brought his world's cham- pion Tip Top squad to Busby park for an exhibition tilt with Oakville All-Stars. Proceeds of] the game will go to the arena und, Justice took the mound himself for a couple of innings, regaling the crowd with his favourite stunt of permitting his infield to sit down and rest while he struck out the opposition in order. The score reached the stratospheric peak of 17-2, but it was neverthe- less an enjoyable softball show. Breakdown Slows Up Floodlight Project, Ball Clubs Unhappy Just as Oakville Baseball Assn. director Gorm _ McConvry finish- ed predicting Tuesday morning that all ten floodlight poles would be in the air above Wallace park diamond by Friday, a mechanical breakdown once more threw the project's schedule out of Kilter. Now it would appear the poles won't be up until next week, with hook-up wiring for the 90 power- ful floods still to be completed. But Assn. officials are sure the new baseball system will be in operation for the Halton county playoffs and such O0.B.A. play- downs for which town teams may qualify. The delay has been a blow to Al Yarnell's Oaks, Bud Corbett's ble bath. $1.25 2 trunks & large wooden box| juveniles, and Chris Speyer's new i quilts: and personal[ Orphuns, as dirt piles from" ex- effects; Philco mantle battery| cavating work have made the radio; broken furniture, chairs,| field unfit for play, causing post- ete. ponement of several games. Assn. BEDROOM Upstairs executives won't be able to set 2 iron beds; white painted|dates for playing of postponed dresser; 2 old chests of draw-|games until the work is complet: ers; desk; Aladin coal ofl lamp;[ed. And Speyer is in the same small rocker, cane seat. boat, being unable to book exhi- GROUP 2 bition tussles to round his squad Dining room table and five|into shape for the O.B.A. inter- chairs; arm chair; white wicker| mediate playdowns, into which it chair; white rocker straight| coasts on a bye. back chair; victrola; buffet;| The assn. directorate expected small hall table; couch; small| obstacles would have to be over- He x rocker with cane seat; bed,|come when the project was first Medicine by Mail springs and mattress; dresser (launched, however, and remains 17 'youre! out of town this and wash. stand; radio; trunk,| firmly convinced that, with the Se Fry! boxes, some personal things and|lights, baseball will take a firm summer on a visit or Vt 5 5 few clothes, forward step hereabouts this fall tion ious icant] clily Terms Cash. George C. Gibson,|and next spring, president R. O tain a refille of your pres- Auctioneer. Bull told" the Journal cribed medicine from Oak- : ville Drug Co. Just drop us a card, making sure to in- I ae AWNINGS ber and your summer ad- dress. We will promptly re- 1 Ai fill the p Li une Tailored to your individual less your doctor has in- requirements structed other a speed it to you by the fast- TEN DAYS DELIVERY est means possible Colborne St. E. Century A PHONE 957 FULL SELECTION OF FINE FABRICS Representative: DOMINION FURNITURE STORE wning Co. OAKVILLE "| novation H YDRO HOME ECONOMIST A few years ago homemakers were glad to have cold storage in order to keep foods from spoil ing. In those days, it was a type of poorly insulated icebox or the dark, dank basement. Today, homemakers use a well insulated and lighted refrigerator for the concocting of foods for the table, as well as for storage. However, many homemakers a not yet aware of all the possible uses of today's refrigerators--they can produce a full meal from appetiz- er to dessert and beverage. We can even "Bake" a fruit cake in the freezer. In addition to large freezing compartments, enabling the homemaker to take advant age of the most advanced tech- niques of food storage, practical: ly every new model has some in- which adds to the re- frigerator's utility and efficiency. There are automatic features such as magnetic door closing, new defrosting methods, butter conditioner, plastic drawers and sliding shelves. Delightful surprises Frozen Tomato Juice. Lemon Parfait, Potato-Meat Salad and Party Bisque are a pleasure both to prepare and to eat. such as FROZEN TOMATO JUICE 1 pint tomato juice 4 stalks celery, minced 2 tsps. sugar % tsp. salt 1 tbsp. onion, grated Mix these ingredients and.al- low to stand 20 minutes. Strain and place in a freezing tray. Let freeze partially. r LEMON PARFAIT 1 tbsp. gelatine 1 cup sugar % cup corn syrup 1 cup cream % cup cold milk 2 eggs, well-beaten 1% cups milk 1% cup lemon juice 1 tsp. lemon gratings Soften gelatine in % cup cold milk; dissolve over hot water. Cool slightly. Gradually add sug- ar to eggs and beat. Add remain- ing ingredients. Stir in dissolved gelatine. Freeze firm in refriger- ator unit. Break in cliuyy, wooden spooniturn ing bowl and beat smooth. i tray and freeze firm, sherbets, placing spoonfuls of ice sweetened strawberr! eight. POTATO-MEAT SALA 1 (10 0z) can luncheon p) % cup diced old cheese 1/3 cup chopped onion 2 hard-cooked eggs 3 cups diced, cooked 1 cup diced celery tsp. salt, pepper, Sef al salt ! Combine all cept garlic salt and egg Rub the serving bowl iy tsp. garlic salt. Toss salag French dressing. Garnish egg slices. Serves eight ingredieniy Radio comedian Ed Wyn, of the woman who is mad o subject of germs, and and filters everything house. Even her love fo husband is strained. Window & Counter DISPLAYS, SHOWCARD LETTERING, E Phones: OAKVILLE 1058) or | "PORT CREDIT 4207 After 6.00 p.m Stelle WATCH REPAIRING Colborne St. E, WRES a REFEREE Jack Sharkey Former World's Boxing Champion SEMI-FINALS Geo. Geohagen VS. Tiger Jack Moore General Admission 75¢ ~ FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1950 TLING RE-MATCH FINAL WHIPPER Ringside $12

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