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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 11 Jan 1951, p. 6

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( Thursday, January 11, losy TT Toe THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL you, with possibly some infor, tion on a big event that is cont up. Mystery!! See you they, Ming Page 6 Sy year a chool Was The new year at the scl 2 started off on the right foot with A] christ movement, will be the HIGH SCHOOL | speaker at a special young peo- CHURCH NEWS = [ise Sa =z a et evenings eotiese HIGHLIGHTS iroduce the new principal, Mem be : "be at 'the J. Wilson, to the schoo PHIL LOSOPHY CALVARY BAPTIST cvenins prayer meeting will the Foond tem, Rev. A. A. Stoll | Norman J. Neilson of the Bib-[home of Mr. and Mrs. George By Myke Dyer ty Members of the Young Reoplos | lical Research Institute, Toron-| Stairs, Lakeshore Rd. Fast. il a mall teams are) eing = Society went to Dunbarton Shor to, will be the speaker at Sunday ST. JOHN'S I trust you all had a happy Bo The ashe Ta a p. MOST NEW Yeaq sast of Toronto, Sunday After. | morning's service, Rev. Mr. Stoll Rev. Harry Pawson iday! Judging from those WOLD | hipped into shape oe [RESOLUTIONS syouyq a \ will preach in the evening, when| mio een y Pawson | LF on looks on those StudiouS| es 'ang I understin 3 8 BE WRITTEN on noon, to nt their Cantata, | The Sacrament of the Lord's ¢ that you did « will be starting od the soloist will be Mrs. Ronald : % ;, 1 would say that yo | league games INNER TUBES - Wonderfu at a mission BAIS ate ald | supper will be administered, and LO didn't, remember | come By mext week I hope to N To Mrs. E. Kerr addressed the | Dempster, Toronto A new members received, by Rev. But in case } E 3 le. in the column, > Youne People's meeting Monday | Mr. Mercer, of the Youth for [yy pawson this coming Sund i then you can try again: {here's only little more than 300 |yave the sche next Christmas|, q if by chance any of you IAT _-- basketball fans want to see some the sacrament will be admin asketha a 3 J ood games be sure I {ered for members of the Sunday EPIPHANY Bhool teams during their leag: ? 1 | 00N school staff and others unable to canon D. R. Smith so : rai rvice ra i . g toma the moraing service | Singur, son of rand [MET ays 1 was p "will be the subject of an Dodson Wilson was baptized ct mont. or mst » to onton talk to the mt Johns Sunday. The godparentsiwere Mi | raquates who) are mow awey at Club at its meeting on days until the aac A and Mrs. J. Watson. ties an over the country. |} MakefaiNewRVeats resorting Phe Evening rancl the ; : i 3 El ... SO WE AGAIN INVITE YOU TO Thursday evening, Jan. 18. The | The LE Tn ting |1 found out Diet Al n oo In to give us a tofal. It will meg speaker will be Anton Landi, of |W: A. lew S Sie Gunyon are right in the RMS . WATCH THIS PAPER FOR OUR GRAND the Swiss Consulate at Toronto. | nd id i bh spirit and really learning the mit a lot to you in the year to come, Rev. Russell McGilli retir- | parish hall Monday. 'fhe itary ropes, as is Bill Hall out a y i 2 ra annual meet- A 3 OPENING. WE WANT EVERYONE TO od Dreshyterian minister of Onk- on TH et | Noval Ronis In B.C ohn Toss is Michigan University's leading ville, formerly of Winnipeg, ad- ty 113 ATTEND. dressed a meeting of the After Tuesday. freshman track star, and Ted CCM PATHFINDER noon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Witten has recuperated ol uy FIGURE SKATING OUTFIT Tuesday afternoon. "Sacrament" is the subject of | initiation trials and is wells! The Byerfaithtul Bible Class | (he lesson sermon which will be |tled in the OAC academic and ath- FOR YOUNG LADIES VICES met on Tuesday evening. read In the service of the Christ: |letic functions. And so it goes A meeting of the Evening Aux:| ja; Science Society, on Sunday, |with former OTHS students. $10 95 iliary of the W.M.S. will be held | pynuary 14th, Potng the fifst eofumn after . 16 DUNN STREET NORTH OAKVILLE ||on Monday evening at 815 in the | "he 'Golden Text will be "The | yo yoy year, and as everyone is tpn Ta stil bread of God is he which eomiell still under the spell of holiday he annual meeting of the con-|gown from Heaven, and giveth | el really Hav grogation of St. Johns will be [life unto the world" Selections [ERDUR Te i a Bud Corbett ~\ [held in the Sunday school audit |gom the Bible include the fol "or SER LC Heo. But come next ||'s Th 2) 5 orfum at § o'clock Monday eve-|lowing from Lamentations 3:40: | Serio C8 FES Be news for Smale hone 1378 ning, Januaryiaand, "Let us search and try fata Preliminary plans are being [ana turn again to the Lord." made for a Passion Play to be| The correlative citations will presented at Easter. Z be "We know that a desire for New officers of the Woman's |joliness is requisite in order to BEFORE Y B Association will be elected, and | gain holiness; but if we desire installed by Mr. Pawson, at a|holiness above all else, we shall meeting to be held in the Ladies' | sacrifice everything for it. We Parlor tomorrow at 3 p.m must be willing to do this, that KNOX we may walk securely in the only Rev. C. K. Nicoll practical road to holiness." BE SURE YOU SEE EDDIE ROWE Questions asked by Jesus will 3 form the themes of Rev. Mr.| ar LUKE'S o Nicoll's evening sermons for the pa next nine weeks. "Art thou a mas. |, The choir repeated the pageant ME CURY L ter in Israel and knowest not| The Christmas Story," at the METE R, 7 LN these things?" is the subject chos- | United Church, Appleby Sunday a PREFECT OR CONSUL CAR ning. The morning subject will Sh aa directed the be "Thou knowest the people." ullding 'commitice x Ladies of the congregation were | With the installation AND VOHE guests of the Ladies Aid Society | heating system. Mrs. Milord, Mrs. at a luncheon in the church hall | Barber and Mr. George Pelletter- MERCURY and THAMES TRUCKS io were appointed the finance FIGH CAR WEAR RUS "rig rou os T T The regular meeting of the committee. 4 4 2 The flowers on the Evening Auxiliary was held Tues- | a i Tore . y . day evening at the home of Mrs. [11 memory of Mrs. orge Mor- 0. N. Carlson, Allan Street. den and were given by her. dau- ] SQUEAKS, RATTLES WITH Er ET TEE : The annual Vestry meeting will IC LINCOLN} WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION rmapemane 3 Father J. 1 Father sti win" celebrate [be beld in the parish hall Mon- Masses at 8.30 and 10.30 am. on Si oe 220d. All menthers) are 69 Colborne St. W. Phone 1106 BRAND Sunday. Evening devotions win | n¥ited to a congregational sup- per at 7 pn. \ RUBBERIZED Ee DES PROTECTIVE COATING Rev. F. C. Jackson There was a good attendance! For Your New It's down underneath where any car shows its first signs i di ig a , of wear. That's where flying rocks, gravel and corrosive day morning. At the breakfast FOR COMPLETE INTERIOR road salts eat away at under-surfaces, rust fenders which followed, the speaker was through, start annoying squeaks and rattles. No wonder A. Bennett, who gave a talk on cars get old, ugly and noisy before their time! the Yukon. Don't let that happen to your car! Protect it with Bilvis Sunday willl be! celebrated DEC RAT N pa "UNDERSEAL" Protective Coating, the new sprayed- ay Ly open the = : reacher at both ing ve on coating that covers under-surfaces with a tough, 14 ee ln BE lk -- inch thick "hide" which protects against rust, muffles ington of the U squeaks and rattles, insulates against drafts, cold, heat, | Sor, a a 2 INQUIRE ABOUT THE NEW fumes, dust. Ask us about " ERSEAL" Protective \ | tection forthe work of the Bible Coating today. It will last for the life of your car. Society will be made. Reports of the past years acffy- ities will be presented, and offic- (0) AKVILLE | fals elected at the annual vestry meeting. to be held at 8 o'clock (Opposite Century Theatre) PHONE 2220-1-2-3 | Monday evening, January 22nd. 3 - @ BEAUTIFUL INTERIOR DECORATION IS EASY TO ACHIEVE WITH SPEED-WALL COLORS. THEIR JEWEL-LIKE LOVELINESS RECAPTURES THE TRADITIONAL BEAUTY OF THE PAST . .. PROVIDES MODERN COL- OR STYLING THAT HARMONIZES PERFECTLY WITH FLOOR COVERINGS, FURNITURE AND DRAPERIES. THREE FINISHES @ FLAT: Bedrooms, Living Rooms, Dining Rooms. A high quality oil finish that looks like velvet on the wall. Highly durable, easily cleaned or washed. @® SEMI-GLOSS: Kitchens, Walls, Woodwork, Furniture and odd pieces. Dries to a rich egg-shell finish. ® GLOSS: Bathrooms, Pantries, Hallways, Walls and THE CANADIAN WAY LTR Woodwork. Its tile-like finish washes spotless. > - = > Sleighride . =. cOuniry style USE THEM ANYWHERE WITH CONFIDENCE The sleigh's coursing happily along, with its ; : 5 ASK FOR OUR COLOR-HARMONY CHART bells a-jingle, its runners squeaking out merry sounds in the crisp snow. The air's tingling-- and i's filled with laughter and shouting, music and singing. THE 0 BK It's a sleighing party--a carefree event that : : provides just as much wholesome enjoyment today as it did in Grear-Grand father's day. fF Sleigh-riding is a typical Canadian recreation : PRINT AND W ALLP NPER 1 RE ++ . rewarding in fun, good fellowship and healchful . fresh air. It's another Canadian Way to Good Health. COLBORNE STREET EAST TELEPHONE 1383

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