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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 11 Jan 1951, p. 8

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THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, January 11, 1951 Wm. WHITAKER & SONS Station Rd. OAKVILLE Duncan Phyfe valnut WALNUT tension table; tel radio; ies' lapin 16, ; silver fox colla crib, nable offers fused. Phone 1774W. (47c6. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOUR-burner T table- top, tyle, jacket I toilet two pair drapery rods. (78p6-8) nge child" also s dinner complete, . Dl c S. $25.00 Phone 156 Phone 1018M ex- RCA man- at, size re- SITUATIONS WANTED 1 CAN HELP YOU! prepare meals, sew, knit, drive car, read to invalid, care for child, fill in for bridge, shopping, party decor, ete. 70 cents hour. Four hour min- imum, 8 to 5. ) $10 Apply (85¢7) Space heaters, mon: e and Dou Therm. Real Mason Hardware, @ S-PIECE dining roonv suite, oak, good condition, ch: have real leather seats. Phone 1831W. (p6) BEACH, enamel, 4 burner elec- tric stove, $25. 96. (25p7) SMALL cook vacuum _ cleaner Normandy Rd stove, SMALL. Coleman space heater $30. 6W light color. Phone (2508 RED D 30 zal. lo Theat er, automatic, only used one year. Phone 1112. FOR RENT WELL furnished bright room residential district, r 1-2 business people, abs! Reynolds St. N. ROOM and board in Oakvil Phone 1773-J. in 53 (366). suitable (2507) ) box 452 (7'pT) WOMAN desires house work or minding children, Tuesday or Thursday mornings. Box 454 RELIABLE middle aged couple would care for home for few mon- ths. Box 453. (26p7) HELP WANTED--WOMEN HOUSEKEEPER, three in family; sleep in. Phone 524W after 5.30 p.m. (50p5-7) PIANIST for Ballet classes, n UNFURNISHED in home for person couple, kitchen abstainers. Phone 1637J FURNISHED, modern, and recreation room, oil heating, air conditioned, 4 month. 9697. (25pf) LEGS RH hE HOUSE or apartment, 5 or 6 rooms, Oakville or vicinity. Tele- phone 2180, local 127 days. 1996 evenings. (296) MAN would like light house: keeping room, abstainer, clean, and willing to do odd jobs around house. Dinner and supper out. Apply Oakville-Trafalgar Memor- | al Hospital. (35D7) LOST AND FOUND LOST: Red Irish Setter, fe- male, 6 years, answers to "Trudy" please contact J. E. Forster, phone Milton 99R12. Reward. (29p7) LOST: Photo work on Jan. 3. Liberal reward for information Lk to its return. Russel Drug Jo. Toom or new CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Colborne & Wilson Sts. (36¢7) HEAR OUTSTANDING YOUTH FOR CHRIST EVANGELIST JIM MERCER WED., JAN. 17 - 8 P.M. Mr. Mercer is a dynamic Florida preacher and mightily of God in great revivals and noted for his southern drawl. Though usually engaged in large union campaigns, we are fortunate in securing Mr. Mer cer for this night while he is taking part in the Y.F.C. world vision Conference in Toronto. COME WED., JAN. 17 - 8 P.M. BEFORE YOU BUY A 1951 CAR SEE THE DODGE AND DESOTO ON DISPLAY SOON WM. WHITAKER AND SONS | STATION ROAD In Order to Give Better Service to Our Increasing Number of 'Customers LEE'S BARBER SHOP ~~ has secured the services of MR. GEORGE BURT, OF TORONTO Mr. Lee and Mr. Burt will be pleased to look after your needs. childless priveleges and 8 rooms months, $125 about 3 hours, 2 or 3 afternoons a week, must be able to read class: ical music. Applicants please tele- phone 220. (39-6tf) Stenographer for general of- fice work, typing and shorthand essential, hours 9 to 5. Apply to Box 36, Oakville, Ont. (351c7) Switchboard operator, small board, typing and shorthand es- sential, hours 9 to 5. Box 36, Oak- ville, Ont. (351e7) WOMAN for housework, 2 half days a week. Phone 1791. (25p7) MORE ABOUT INAUGURAL MEETING (Continuing from Page 1) gaffin to the town parks board for 1951-2:3. Deputy-reeve Lauder, council lors Fred Turner and Del Carro- thers to the advisory committee to assessment commissioner Per- cy Spurgeon, who was officially reappointed. Deputy-reeve Lauder, Coun. Mc- Arthur and Mrs. Ethel Adamson to the public welfare committee, for which Miss Marilyn Ireland was re-appointed secretary. James Peat to the Oakville public library board for 1951 to fill the vacancy caused by Coun. Davis, resignation, and H. R. Os- trom and Peter Watters to serve To contact write | w BIRTHS HELP WANTED--MEN SUBURBAN REAL ESTATE Additional sales staff required for our suburban territories, Tor- onto to Oakville. We prefer men Real Estate background but consider energetic salesman production record or thorough sales training or ex: perience in other lines. All usual commissions. Must own good cars. Men who know how to work hard and follow our instructions can earn $5,000 first year and up, Re- plies held in strictest confidence. Telephone Mr. Clarke at Rodney 1022 or Port Credit 3571 for inter- view appointment. Harold A. Clarke OFFICES: OAKVILLE, PORT CREDIT, LAKEVIEW, MIMICO BUSINESS SERVICES FOR SALE: No. 1 Pennsylvania Anthracité from Frank Sullivan Bronte, 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. ° (44tf) gar Memorial Robert Timothy. To Elizabeth, wife of rack, on Friday, Janu- at the Oakville-Trafal- Hospital, a son, CRACK Ralph ary bth, Tuchre on Monday night, vary 16th at 815 pm. Mary's School Hall under f, auspices of the CIW.L. Everyod welcome, : At West Sub- , Oak Park, Illin- . . and Mrs, Irvin Strathman (nee Mary Lawrence) a daughter, Susan. a Legionnaires! Don't forget Ig des' Night this Friday, Jan. 12 with Donna Alway's Orchesir] Come out and support your go tertainment committee. LOST 3 BROWN ENVELOPES CONTAINING PAPERS AND DRAWINGS. FINDER PLEASE PHONE 1203-W $25.00 REWARD FOR your Fuller Brush needs, contact Bill Ganton, 9 Wilson St, S., Oakville. Phone orders taken by phoning 1646-J. (tf) OBITUARIES MRS. J. W. STEWART Suffering a heart attack, My- rtle Cochrane Stewart, wife of Rev. J. W. Stewart, pastor of Tra- falgar Circuit of the United Church, died suddenly at Munn's Church parsonage, Dundas high- way, Monday morning. Her un- TRAFALGAR MOTORS LTD. "Home of Selected Used Cars" SPECIAL 1937 DODGE COUPE Fully Equipped $395.00 " Open 9.00 a.m. - 10 p.m. daily OAKVILLE timely passing came as a great shock to her many friends and to the community which her hus- band serves. Born in Mimico, Mrs. Stewart was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Coch- rane. She had lived in Trafalgar only eighteen months, coming there from Lucknow with her husband. Besides the part which she played in the work of the Church, Mrs. Stewart was an ac- tive member of the Order of the Eastern Star, being a former dis- on the same board for 1951-23. Coun. Lachlan McArthur as council representative on Oakville recreation commission. Reeve Litchfield and deputy- reeve Ted Lauder as council re- presentatives on the arena board Coun. Turner and mayor Black as council representatives on the Oakville-Trafalgar Chamber of Commerce. Coun. Davis and Percy Spur- geon to the Oakville-Trafalgar planning board. Clerk C. H. Byers as tax col- lector. Town foreman Ed. Fitzsimmons as weed inspector. EXPANSION PLAN (Continued from Page 1) had only $433 of extras on the entire project which totalled $72, 811.92. Mr. Giles announced the ap- SQUARE DANCE AND EUCHRE NORM GILL'S ORCHESTRA TOWNSHIP HALL FRIDAY, JANUARY 26TH, 8 P.M. ADMISSION 75¢ REFRESHMENTS Auspices Linbrook Home and School Association pointment of James Marshall to the High School Area Board. Mr. Marshall was for a number of years a member of the Trafalgar school board. He also paid trib- ute to the co-operation and assis- tance afforded the board during the building of the new school by Miss Muriel Willis the principal. "She was our watch dog and any time something was being done wrong she let us know." Plans were discussed for the Square Dance and Euchre the association will hold on January 26th in the Township" hall. Tick- ots sales had been brisk, and Mrs. Allan MacKenzie announced val: uable door prizes and card priz- es had been donated. Tickets would be on sale at the hall on the night of the dance, or were available from any member of the association. ANNUAL MEETIN OF THE G OAKVILLE AND DISTRICT BRANCH RED CROSS TO BE HELD AT OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC ROOM Wednesday Evening, January 17 - 8 o'clock SPEAKER-MR. L. R. STRINGER ONTARIO COMMISSIONER RED Cl ROSS Special discussion of Red Cross Activities at this. time CITIZENS URGED TO ATTEND trict deputy of the order in Bruce County. She is survived by her husband, a son, Melvin, of Guelph, and two daughters, Mrs. Kelley of Toronto, R. McKim of Oakville. mains are resting at the funeral home of S. S. Russell and Son, Dunn Street, and the funeral is being held at St. John's United Church this afternoon at 2.30 with Rev. Harry Pawson officiat- ing. Interment will be in St. Jude's Cemetery. "0K. USED CARS 1949 MORRIS SALON Maroon Radio and Heater $425, Po 1950 FORD COACH Black Air Condition Heater $500. DOWN 1949 FORD COACH Black G.M. Underseat Heater and Defroster $450. DOWN 1948 CHEVROLET FLEETMASTER COACH Radio, Heater Immaculate Inside and Out - $460. DOWN 1946 PONTIAC SEDAN T Heater and Defroster $3 75 i DOWN We have other "O.K.", Used Cars in process of recondi- tioning and a stock of good value cars and trucks from which you can choose. DROP IN TO-DAY AND LET OUR QUALIFIED SALES STAFF SHOW YOU AROUND i G.M.A.C. Plan Available OAKVILLE MOTORS Chevrolet and Old: NOTICE GENERAL MEETING SOUTH-EAST TRAFALGAR PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION JANUARY 16th - 8.15 P.M. TRAFALGAR MEMORIAL HALL MEMBERS AND RESIDENTS OF THE AREA AND DIS- TRICT ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND. -- REFRESHMENTS -- AGAIN WE SAY .. WATCH FOR OUR ANNOUNCEMENT OF OPEN HOUSE . .. WE WANT YOU TO ATTEND THIS BIG EVENT AT . .. LAUNDRY SERVICES 16 DUNN STREET NORTH OAKVILLE | HOT WATER BOTTLES .98, 1.25, 1.69,2.15 HEINZ BABY FOODS PABLUM AND PABENA 25 .50 INFANTOL .90 13.00 AQUA SEAL BABY PANTS .39 a aT. DUNN'S BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP .50 MINERAL OIL 45 | RIGHT WHEN WE [/ NEEDED |T MOST, THE HOT WATER BOTTLE GAVE WAY IN TWO PLACES" IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY RELIABLE RUBBER GOODS? GO TO All sizes PACQUIN'S HAND CREAM with small jar free .65 HUNT'S CHOCOLATES - THE BETTER KIND 1 1b. 1.25 2 1b. 2.10 16 oz. bottle Sales and Service PHONES 2220-1-2 Colborne & Reynolds Sts. OAKVILLE Dunn's Drugs Colborne. St. at Dunn Si t. PHONE 650 FREE MOTOR DELIVERY

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