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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 15 Feb 1951, p. 8

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EED. n, 8¢ per g insertion. LASSIFIEDS WILL BE ACCEPTED UP TO OON EACH WEDNESDAY. CLASSIFIEDS MAY BE PHONED TO 1298, BUT THE ACCURACY OF TELE- PHONED ADVERTISEMENTS CANNOT BE GUARANT AE WORD PC will be made Cuested. Legal no- at 12¢ per agate line agate line for - The Ladies' Aid Society of Knox Presbyterian Church will hold [ess with poles. John Brown- their third Lenten Tea on Thurs-|lee. Phone 1059 or 577TW. (35p12) day, February 22nd, from three to GIRL'S figure skates, size 2 five-thirty Mrs. D. McInnis and Mrs. H. Mor- den will convene. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scott an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Katheryn at the Private Patients Pavilion, Toronto West- ern Hospital, February 12, 1951, a sister for John. HOBBS--Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hobbs on Friday, Febru- ary 9 in St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, a daughter. A grand daughter for Mr. and Mrs. R. 'W. Hobbs, Ninth Line COLLETT--Mr. and Mrs. Ray Col- in the Church Hall |boot, worn twice. Phone 379. lett, 152 Reynolds Street, an- nounce the arrival of a son, Robert Shaun, born Saturday, February 3, 1951 CAR ALELLS Mrs. Joseph Fixter and daugh- ter, 21 Inglehart Ave. wish to ex- to their many friends, rela- and neighbors, their heart- felt thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness, messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes extended to them in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear husband and fath- er, especially thanking the Rev. Canon D. Russell Smith for his comforting words. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan MacDonald wish to thank all their friends and neighbors for their floral tributes and kind expressions of sympathy in their recent loss of their son Jackie. SALE OR TRADE PAIR of Chalet skis and harn- MODERN Philco radio, cellent Westinghouse range, phonograph, 3 ex- beds, kitchen table and chest of drawers, var- s working desk, and five light arm chairs. Phone 1468R ROYAL, SHINGLES, a quantity of B. C. Royal Shingles, 24" long, make beautiful roofing or siding Phone 233M after 5 o'clock. MIXED WOOD, $3.50; full cord $13. ple wood, single Te $4.00; cord $15.00. Cut any length. De- livered. Phone 375J3. (50p12) MODERN Acme cooking. stove, 4 burner, gas and coal combina- tion. Cheap for quick sale. Phone 1198-M. 14 FT. finished as cord dry cabin trailer, partially inside. Coleman space heater, one year old; deluxe chemical closet, practically new. 1 suid on, cf to move} Phone 23 Hh" cha! ell chair and otfoms and mattress, $7.0 and spring filled 1 electric iron an Phone Bronte kimp cot 54" spri tress $1 toaster. (178¢12-13) SITUATIONS WANTED DO YOU NEED HELP? I can talk, I can type, I have done shorthand, I can add, I speak 1 speak German, I am wil- me work, 5 day mornings. Tel French, ling to do part a week preferably 171 1 des position. Experienced in meeting the public and careful about de- tail. Box 467. (36p12) BABY sitter, the hour or all d "BABY sitter 25¢ per hour midnight. Phone 2082. (70p12-15) Accommodations, 24 business people, light housekeeping, hot water, new furniture in modern home near bus stop. Phone 1499M COMPACT, conveniently laid out apartment, admirable suited for one or two persons, centrally located close to shopping centre, churches, theatres. Bed-sitting- room, Iitchen, three-piece bath- room, well planned cupboards. For additional information, call 328. COMFORTABLE room with breakfast or full board for young man to share. Phone 1663. (45c12) APARTMENT. Brand new apt. just being completed, ready for occupancy Feb. 15th. 2 bedrooms, tiled bath, living room, 11 x 22, picture window, kitchen with gas stove and electrie refrigerator. Rubber tile in bath and kitchen. children minded b Phone 1499M s offered, servi until Ter movi i ads and streets notice is Horens ten to all motor car and truck owners requesting that they refrain from parking on the streets and roads. Should this warning be ignored the Trafalgar police department has authority under the Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 167, Section 43, Sub Section 9, to have the car or truck removed to a suitable place and costs recovered from the owner before property is released. S. A. Featherstone, clerk, Trafalgar Post Office. Thursday, February 16, 1957 WHITAKER & SONS Station Rd. OAKVILLE 0ST AND FOUND Phone (35p12) Black fIND: spaniel, NOTICE To CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF JOSEPH SAMBORSKI, late of the Town- ship of Trafalgar, in the County of Halton, Farmer, deceased. All persons haying claims against the Estate of Joseph Samborski, late of the Township of Trafalgar, in the County of Halton, Farmer, Deceased, who died on or about the 27th day of August, 1950, at the Township of Trafalgar, are hereby notified to send ee) of the same to TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR Tenders for Gravel and Hauling Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon Monday, Feb. 18, 1951, for 9,000 cubic ds of gravel to be crushed and delivered in bins and delivered on roads. 9,000 cubic yards to be crushed and placed in stock pile at pit. This material to be 75% stone, balance finer crushed to pass thro- ugh a %" screen. the unders on or before the 15th day of March, 1950. after which time the assets of the Es- tate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED at this 27th day TEODOZIA SAMBORSKT, dministratr by her Solicitor, Ross Ryrie, 61 A Colborne Street, East, (110-12) Oakville, Ont. Oakville, Ontario, of January, 1951. BUILDING PERMITS TOWNSHIP OF TRAFALGAR Please be advised that here all building permits will be is from the Township office, lente at the intersection of the 7th lip and No. 5 highway. Office hours. 9 a.m. to 5 pm. inclusive. S. A. Featherstone, clerk, Trafalgar Post Office BUSINESS SERVICES FOR SALE: No. 1 Pennsylvania Anthracite from Frank Sullivan Bronte, 80-W. Your Blue Cog Dealer. (a4tt) --_-- UND FOR your Tuller Brush needs, contact Bill Ganton, 9 Wilson St. S. Oakville. Phone orders taken by phoning 1646-J. (tf) --_-- NO AGENTS PLEASE I want to buy a'reason- ably priced house in the north end of town. FOR CASH Four or five rooms. If you have a property please contact BOX 464 THE JOURNAL Tenders for hauling the above yardarge of 9,000 cubic yards to be placed on roads, on a per cubic yard mile basis will be received at the same time, average haul 12 miles. Contract to be started and com- pleted between Juge 15 and Sept- ember 1, 1951. Marked cheque for $200.00 must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. S. A. Featherstone, clerk, the posting, furnish at 954-J Trafalgar Post Office. BOOKKEEPING AND ACCOUNTING We set up BUSINESS RECORD SYSTEMS; do all MONTHLY STATEMENT and ANALYSIS, prepare ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATE- MENTS and INCOME TAX RETURN. For prompt and efficient service at moderate cost call FRANK CORNIN References Available Hardwood floors in other rooms. Phone 986W, nights. (2012) SLEIGH bed and springs. Ma- hogany antique. Pouble bed spring and mattress, A-l condition, desk; hand carved settee walnut antique. Phone 2112 (43p12) MOFFAT gas range, 4-burner table-top model, Heintzman up: right plano; washbasin, kitchen sink; 136 Colborne St. E. phone 23 (41p12) FAIRBANKS Morse stoker, 60 cycle complete with timer and thermostat, $75. Phone 1475. NEW Philco car radio, under dash mounting, never used, reas- onable; small Coleman space heater, phone 796-W-2. (35p12) BABY A-1 condition. Phone 8! (45¢13) carriage, R. '38 FORD coupe good mechan- ical condition, $300. Private. Tele- phone 1588W. | WAS GOING TO HAVE THE BRAKES FIXED THIS IS WHAT | GET FOR NOT GOING TO OAKVILLE MOTORS SOONER They can put your brakes in tip top shape in no time at all. So why take unneces brakes. Drive in this week and drive out in safety. REMEMBER CARELESS TO-DAY, CAR-LESS TO-MORROW atolls Bente: 2220.1-2 oakville mofors OLOSMOBILE- SALES Zl SERVICE: ary chances with faulty Up one flight, separate outside entrance, garage. Suitable for el- derly couple, two ladies or couple with new baby. Rent $100. per month, 1 year lease. Phone 328. COOK for small estate at Oak- ville, 2 adults in family, other help kept. Phone Oakville 134 (45c12) HELP WANTED--MEN FORD MECHANICS Class A men only with actual Ford experience, up-to-date shop, best pay with bonus plan, holiday pay, hospitalization and insur- ance. Phone Mr. Binns, Rodney 2361 or Port Credit 3318. 1(.03c12) WHEN PATRONIZING OUR ADVERTISERS MENTION YOU SAW THEIR AD IN THE JOURNAL LOWANCE. COLBORNE ST. EAST AS WE HAVE CUSTOMERS WAITING FOR USED TIRES WE SUGGEST EVERYONE REVIEW THEIR TIRES TODAY CONDITIONS INDICATE REPLACEMENT IMMEDIATELY WOULD BE WISE AS WE ANTICIPATE ADDITIONAL PRICE INCREASE AND PRESENT CONDITIONS OF SUPPLY ARE UNCERTAIN. LIBERAL TRADE-IN AL- STIRLING-DYNES LIMITED PHONE, 800 Bufton-type back. Fully upholstered ENSEMBLE 830 \ Two ends, one cireular centro, arms. Has desirable "luxury" look. Fits any room, any- where. Easy 10 arrange and reatrange. Genuine 16 BEAUTIFUL COLOUR CHOICES Snyder's quality construction. TERMS MAY BE 4 HANDSOME PIECES, PRICED FROM 1743 % 4 LOVELY FABRIC RANGES , one armchair DEPENDING ON YOUR CHOICE OF FABRIC EASY CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE NEW LUXURIOUS DESIGN NEW CURVED SECTIONAL NEW DISTINCTIVE FABRICS --. all at a Price to suit every budget! DOMINIO PHONE 957 FURNITURE STORES OAKVILLE OPEN SATURDAYS TILL 9 P.M. Chris

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