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Oakville-Trafalgar Journal, 13 Sep 1951, p. 8

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~ feearner Hooks, ae THE OAKVILLE-TRAFALGAR JOURNAL Thursday, "EVER HEAR THE STORY TIRES, TOO. | HAVE [§ ABQUT A STITCH MY TIRES CHECKED IN TIME 2 REGULARLY BY MY WELL, IT APPLIES TO GOODYEAR DEALER. SOUNDS LIKE A SURE IS! REGULAR TIRE INSPECTIONS CATCH TROUBLES BEFORE THEY HAPPEN --HELP YOU GET MORE MILEAGE... AVOID DELAYS. See us for GOODFYEAR TRUCK TIRE SERVICE Wm. Whitaker & Sons Station Rd., Oakville LOST YOUR PET? PHONE 515 OAKVILLE AND DISTRICT HUMANE SOCIETY vou need new slip cove: drapes contact Mrs. V. Hinton, on Street, Bronte. Phone (41-00-11) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jarvis, of Milton, announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Edythe Mary, to Mr. Stanley Corman, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Corman, 40 Hurd Ave. Bur- lington, Ontario, The marriage on Saturday, 3 oclock, in Church, will tal October 6, gh Presbyterian ilton.) Senior Catholic Women's will hold a Euchre in St. . | excellent FOR. SALE OR TRADE FOR RENT 'Working condition, tele- phone 1558-7 evenings. HELP WANTED--WOMEN ATTRACTIVE opening for Jun- ior Clerk preferable with mat- standing, but not a Apply Bank of Mon- c40tf) Ttractive opening for Junior preferable with matricula- nding, but not a necessity. Bank of Montreal. c40tf! GIRL or woman for general housewor in pleasant house. Three adults, no cooking, private room, liberal time off, plus mod- Ph. 4715-2 Apply school hall every Tues-| erate wage. Sleep Ir ght, & the 18th| I a clean oma 8.15 (42ctf) | one day weekly. Phone Esau. Senior Catholic Women's will be held in the hall on Tuesday after- 4 at 3 pm (42ctf) Born at Oakyille-Trafalgar Sunday, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs. n, a son. ial Hospital on 9th, at Oakville-Trafalgar Born Memorial Hospital on Monday, 10th, 1951, fo Mr. and Mrs. M a daughter. Oakyille-Trafalgar Memorial hospital, on Wednas- Sept. 5 to Mr. and Mrs. Bronte, a son. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE Choice building lot. Phone 1292-W. 90¢39-41 BLUE COAL: "The world's fin- est anthracite," from Frank Sul- livan, Bronte 80-W. Your Blue Coal Dealer. (21tf) FOR SALE House, brand new white clapboard, spacious liv- ing-room with picture window; dining-room, 3 large bedrooms, 4-piece tiled bathroom downstairs, 2-piece powder room upstairs, finished heated recreation room; air-conditioned oil heating; cen- tral; A-zone, $15,500. Phone 365M evenings. (85¢41) FOR SALE--Tenor banjo with resonator, in penfect condition. Phone between 9 am. and 6 pm. 1941, (c42) TOR SALE Jacket heater with 30 gal DE Chiztlet or temp. water heater with 250 gal oll tank, practically new. Phone 860. FOR SALE--Four red leather chairs and sette, ideal for pro- fessional er business office or recreation room, $99.95. Also Im- perial Loyalist folding card table and four foldi chairs, $49.95. Truly bargains. Phone 2048. FOR SALE--Youth bed, brown, dresser, 1 dinnette cupboard, red trim, 1 set coil spring 3% width, Phone 19937. (35042) FOR SALE 1950 Chev. sedan delivery, radio, heater, low mile- age. Terms arranged. Phone 1263-W. (35p42) FOR SALE--9 "young pigs, sev- en weeks old, ready to ween. Phone 7537. (45c42) FOR SALE Canning tomatoes, $1.25 bushel, delivered. Phone Oakville 1571W. (3542) SEWING machine operators for evenings from 5.15 to 11.15 p.m experiece desirable but not ne es Apply in person Stor-Aid of Canada Ltd. (62¢42) HELP WANTED--MEN DELIVERY man, steady job, guaranteed weekly wage. Apply Hillmers Fuel and Iee Co. in De Phone (451c41) 1 you help otect our children? The Oakville Public School Board is looking for the services of one of our citizens to undertake the watching over the safe passage of young school children in Brantwood School area for 30 minute periods 4 times per day. Renumeration $7.50 per week. Phone Mr. Hol- mes during school hours, phone 59. (1.61c43) SITUATIONS WANTED NEW WORK and remodeling kitchens a Ihertalin Guaranteed workmanship. uilders, Oakville 573J4, Se 4r3. D0 NEW work and remodeling kitchens a specialty. Guaranteed workmanship. K. & K. Builders, Oakville 57374), Bronte 4R3 (82p40. 2 OUNG lady desires situa in the capacity of Souserseret in gentleman's well appointed home, pleasing personality, thor- oughly reliable and congenial, chauffeurs license. Apply Box 524 Journal. (75p43) FULLY experienced steno- grapher, moving to Oakville, re- quires position, $40 per week. Box 525 Journal. (4543) LOST AND FOUND LOST Bulova wrist watch, Sun- day morning on Dunn or Col- orne. Reward, 53 Colborne W., phone 11186-J. (35p42) WANTED--TO RENT SH MALL house or winterized cottage, Oakville or vicinity. Phone 560M. (90c41-43) HOUSE wanted for winter by veteran and English family. In stone business, will make paths, steps, ete. Anywhere from Tra- falgar to Bronte. Apply Box 523 Journal. (1.36p42-44) "FARM FRE TO IN FARM PRODUCTS . . . That's why everyone you've ever seen is coming out to HOLLYDEAN FARM Mon "PRODUCTS DIRECT FROM Thr SA IT'S REALLY ALL QUITE NATURAL! EVERYONE WANTS THAT SH" FLAVOR GET DOOIOAKVILLE HOLLYDEAN FARM NO.2 HIGHWAY. BRONTE plrmla] lifaralsle MARKET Chevrolet, 2- rooms, separately | locat- Hoar satan Sa miles, $1,8000.| ed, suitable for business couple, Phone 1805W. (45c42) | possession at once. Phone 155. FOR SALE--Happy Thought Kif- | ~ ROOM and board for man. chen range with water front, | Phone 19937. (35c42) good condition. Apply 32 Church FOR Comptometer in ANTE LLY WANTED all kinds of live poultry; also old feather ticks and feed bags. Absolutely high- est prices paid. We call--Phone Oakville 796-J-3 or Bronte 25-R-2 or write Moses Zener, 402 Dover- court Rd., Toronto. (pjun24-52) AUCTION SALES Important Auction Sale, official opening of Milton = Livestock Market, Thursday, Sept. 6th, at and continuing thereafter Thursday at same time, 1% 5 1 pm. every mile south of Milton, 25 High- way--horses, fat cows, springer cows, fresh cows, canners, cut- feeders, stogkers, fat cat- , baby beeves, veal calves, bobs, sheep, lambs, brood sow fat sows, boars, suckers, shoats, fat 'hogs. Poultry of all kinds. rmers and livestock dealers cordially invited to consign livestock to this market, ighest prices assured, excellent ide, sanitary . accommodation, plenty of parking space, fast ac- counting system. This sale is staffed by men of efficient and experience in this type of No sale--mo commission. Special low. rates to dealers and large consigners. Plan now to bring a load of livestock to Milton on Thursdays. Wateh for the sign. Will be seeing you. Linn and Dance, Livestock Auctioneers. SPECIAL NOTICES TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders, properly iden- tified as to contents, will be re- ceived by the Secretary of the Trafalgar Township School Area Board, Mrs. Gladys Speers, Queen Elizabeth Highway, Bronte, R. 1 Ontario, up to 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, October 10th, 1951, for the General Contract and separate contracts for plumbing, heating and ventilating and elec- tric wiring for a new school to be erected North of the Queen be secured from the office of the Architects upon deposit of Twen- ty-Five Dollars, which will be returned upon return of the plans in good condition. Tenders for a stipulated sum only will be con- sidered. The lowest or any ten- acknowledgement of Elizabeth Highway in Trafalgar | Association at its first Sa Township, Ont. Blueprints, Spec-| meeting Monday evening. ifications and Tender Forms may | Connolly addressed the She NEED SPACE Enlarged only at a cost of half a Oakville-Trafalgar High School already shows signs of over- crowding, and trustees may soon tackle the problem of providing more accommodation. Tuesday evening, Principal D. J. Wilson reported a registration of 510 pupils, and stated that some classes were overcrowded, es- pecially shop and science depart- ment "We've got to do some ning," remarked trustee Caulder Sr. "All the puis schools in the district are burst- ing at the seams, and in about two or three years there's going to be a big increase in our regis- tration." "It looks like we will have = an architect school, said T. Trustee Caulder two years ago million dollars Plan A and Mr. Wilson were authorized to engage lock. teacher to alleviate the situation. another present BRANTWOOD H. & 's. PAGES ELMER FOR YOUNGSTERS Brantwood H. & S. club hopes to introduce Elmer, the safety elephant, to (fakville school child- ren very shortly, the executive | annotinced this week. Sgt. Pear-| sall, of the Toronto Safety Coun-| cil, will address the Oct. 1 meet- ing of the group, it was announ- ced. An executive meeting was held Tuesday night at the school. NO ANNOUNCEMENT .YET There is still no definite word concerning the possibility of the Royal tour train passing through Oakville, Mayor Black stated. "The way the plans are being an- nounced it appears likely they will go through by train. We hope it will mot be at night, and that a slow order will be permitted. Immediately we have official Kiwanis Kapers There!ll be fun aplenty for hundreds of Oakville youngs- ters--and their elders, too-- at Oakville's new arena on Fri- day and Saturday, Sept. 28 and 20. That's when Garden Bro- thers 3-ring circus' comes to town, under the auspices of the Kiwanis Club. There will be a matinee each day at which child - ren will be admitted for 35 cents, in addition to an evening performance. General admission will be 75 cents, with reserved seats at $1.25. "The admission charge covers everything," stressed Harold Stirling, chair- man of the Kiwanis Club's cir cus committee "There will be no extra charges. The Kiwanis Club is in complete control, and proceeds will be used for underprivileged children's work and welfare work." OBITUARIES ALBERT HANDY Following an illness of several 3 Albert Handy, of Bronte, died Tuesday in the Memorial Hospital of a heart ailment. The late Mr. Handy, who was in his 68th year, was born in Sheffield, England, coming to Canada fifty ars ago. Until moying to Bronte a few months ago he lived in . For the past eighteen . Handy had served as ff of Halton County. Be- wife, the former Lillian Leitly, he leaves three daugh- ters, Mrs. P. Mortenson, Dun- Darton, and Mrs. Homer Van Horne and Mrs, John Gray, Bronte. The funeral is being. held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Morden Funeral Chapel, Reynolds Street, with interment in Oakville Cemetery. Robert Snyder, pastor of Bronte Baptist Church, is officiating. a ba sides his word we will lay plans, but so far we have not even received an our re- quest," he said. MEET NEW PRINCIPAL Franklin Connolly, new princi- pal of Maple Grove School, Ninth WATCH FOR FALL FESTIVAL OF HITS COMING SOON TO THE CENTURY. Line, was to of the school's Home and School ing on the objectives of modern education, Trustee BE. J. James, who also spoke, said the school's registration was so heavy it had been necessary to open an extra class in the basement. A bowl of goldfish donated by Mr. der not necessarily accepted. MURTON & EVANS Architects 28 James Street South, Hamilton, Ontario Town To Appeal (Continued from Page 1) weel, by letter, suggested to Nel- son, Trafalgar and Oakville that the four southern Halton mun- icipalities "which are now to pay 73.086 of the county taxes," should study fully all assessment infor- mation and meet to reach an agreement "upon an equitable equalization of the assessments of these municipalities. The Bur- lington letter stated a judicial equalization "is very costly, and inevitably leads to an ill feeling James for the room with 7 FILL YOUR COAL BIN Now! Highest Quality No Shortages Cash Prices or Budget Terms largest number of parents at tl meeting was won by the oe mediate class. HILLMERS FUEL & ICE CO. Dundas St. N. Phone 23 NEW RAZOR AND SHAVING SUPPLIES A UNN'S NOXZEMA 3-Way Brushles; SHAVING CREAM; 10 oz. jar 8S 3 e e @ PEPSODENT DENTAL CREAT t 2 33¢ tubes fo} Special 49 eo } CREAM HAIR'BR SS 22¢ and 3!5¢ ® @ 9 NOXZEMA SKIN. CREAM 6-0z. jar Special '98¢ ® eo One 43¢ Tube LATHER SHAVING }CREAM and one 25¢ Pay kage CORUX RAZOR BI'ADES both for at AM OIL HAIR Tone of ® ® © DUNN'S DRUGS Opposite Loblaw' at the Oakville. Bus Stop PHONE 6%) FREE DELI"ERY that should be avoided." The letter went on to say: "In order to protect fon . . . we must also immediately file an appeal." Members of Oak- ville council declined to offer im- mediate comment when the let- ter was read at Monday's meet- ing.) Investigate Management Mayor Blask, reporting as a member of a committee appoint- ed to investigate the feasibility of appointing a town manager for Oakville, informed the council that mo: conclusive information as yet. The had been obtained committee had had, ieuinale | IcOrresponden' iin 'Chatham and Nocera Zl vo Ontario mun-| JEMHITES which had adopted the o/ town managef plan, and had just] got In touch) with Sarnia, which inted a town manf of these muni- Several a; ondments were mafie ment between e and the Oakville Pofice Association, regarding sal and working of ie officers. |The amended 1£ree- ment will be adopted. Couwil al- so agreed to give each member of the force six days' pay inlieu of i} CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE six statutory holidays 0) which they were on duty. PHONE so Gl : i See this modern bedroom group which is availablle pieces in all combinations--very sturdy construction, guides, dove tail joints and genuine hardwood drawers. Also available in grey walnut, and regular mahogany or walnut. THREE PIECES Bed, Double Dresser & Chest URNITURE, in any number of with centre drawer 5179.00 DOMINION STORES OAKVILLE | RSC OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS [l=] deb od etd mh td = Baad

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