LEARNING FROM THE CHAMP aa es ig? Ke 1k O- og ys Graham Paine/ Metroland Former World Heavyweight Champion Lennox Lewis helps Harrison Mann with technique at a week-long League of Champions Foundation boxing camp for youth at JTI Boxing in Oakville. The League of Champions is Lewis' charitable foundation, which provides funding to underprivileged youth in Jamaica to attend camps. NEWS RESIDENTS INVITED TO HELP TOWN SET - PRIORITIES Oakville residents are being invited to help the Town of a ville develop a long- term vision for the unity. From now until mid. “April the town is providing several opportunities for the community to get involved and share their feedback on what qe on Should prioritize over the next fou Town staff noted an online § survey is open until April 10 and will take about 10 to pe minutes to to complete e survey is anonymous and confidential survey can be accessed at https:// deloiticernade cal.qualtrics.com/jfe/ form/SV_bj5strMOZMX5PIa. aff also said residents may receive a call from Deloitte Canada, on behalf of the town during late March and early April asking for their participation in a phone version of the These calls will chow up as ‘Town - Oakville’ on call display. If contacted, residents will have an op- portunity to share their input, perspec- tives, and ideas on Oakville as a place to live, their priorities now and looking into the! future, and the ‘importance they place n the town's The town is bere inviting the commu- nity to provide their input by taking part in the following open houses. Thursday, March 30 + Sixteen Mile Sports Complex, Com- munity Room 2, 3170 Neyagawa Blvd., from 6-8 p.m. Trafalgar Park Community Centre, Multi- purpose Room 2, 183 Rebecca St., from 6-8 p. Wednesday, April 5 * Glen Abbey Community Centre, Community Room C, 1415 Third Line, from 6-8 p.m. e202 ‘06 YOIEW ‘Aepsinyy | sanzeR eMAYED | GZ * Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre, Studio 4, 2302 Bridge Rd., fro: Pre- segitration is not required. For ation visit https:// www. oakville. Ay townhall/ strategic- plan.html. ‘SCAN THIS CODE for more local news. SAVE 65% ON HOME DELIVERY Friday & Saturday Home Delivery 6-Day access to The Hamilton Spectator ePaper! NOY JUST HAMILTON Se X0TATOR *Plus HST. Save 65% off the newsstand rate for Friday and Saturday home delivery. This introductory offer is not available to current Hamilton Spectator subscribers. This offer includes complimentary access to B ek are not included. fet service at 1-800-263-8386 or 905-522-7732 to get the regular rate for your area. Payment must be made by credit card only. The Hamilton » Speci ator a ePaper ed introduc riod at tI ular hi ition and thespec.com. The New York Times International Weekly anc w section and TV Wee contact View our subscriber agreement at thespec.com/agreement and our privacy policy at thestar.com/privacy. Offer expires April 30, 2023 Home delivery wi $2.00... Subscribe at: hsoffers.ca/deal/CNHS200 or call 1-800-263-8386 and mention offer code: CNHS200 ill continue after the 12-month woo"uoyEYyapIsUt