TB NATIONAL INDIGENOUS HISTORY MONTH MEET STEPHEN PAQUETTE: INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE GUIDE FOR STUDENTS In celebration of. ‘Nation- Get a lonth, duces eaders to 30 Indige- nous people who are mak- ing a difference. Stephen Paquette, of the Wikwemikong First Na- is an Indigenous knowledge guide for stu- dents of the Halton District School Board, it he is €Z0z ‘Sb auNp ‘Aepsiny | seneeg ONAN | 1Z at=ymr.e) a :4 W714 0m (eXexe] 1] 0) ole) as from A to Zed known throughout Halton region for his extensive work with num mittees and organizations, ‘hir' five years ago, Paquette was told by one of his first Elders that he was to act as that bridge be- tween the First Nations and non-First Nations world. "I took that as my role Graham Paine/Metroland file photo and responsibility and I Stephen Paquette, shown at an unveiling ceremony for a Truth hhave never looked back. and Reconciliation mural, is known throughout the region as a My second Elder told me community builder. shortly afterwards that I was goingtodogoodthings we've explored the darker for our community but to side of the Indigenous ex- always do so with humili- perience in Canadian his- tory, we've moved from the “yy would honestly say dark and into the beauty that these two pieces of ad- e of what is vice were the best I ever re- ae Daigares reality in ceived. I believe that my El- today’ 's world, said Pa- ders were telling me to que reach my full potential, “Feom Indigenous au- which is all the Creator thors, musicians, artists, asks of us.” actors, film directors, doc- While in recent years, tors and educators, to ad- BB WHAT'S ON vocates for change. This is what I want the non-Indig- enous peoples of Turtle Is- land to understand and ap- preciate, not only during Indigenous history month but every day." C] ‘SCAN THIS CODE for more Truth through Storytelling INDIGENOUS FILM TO BE SHOWN AT 5 DRIVE-IN al ville, which will hold a spe- THE DRIVE-IN WILL cial screening of the Indig- OPEN AT 6:30 PM. enous sci-fi thriller "The Beehi AND THE MOVIE WILL °Gresamother's Voice BEGIN AT ABOUT wil lead the land acknowl- 9:15 PM., DEPENDING ON SUNSET event. long with the movie Area residents are invit- screening, the evening will edtocelebrate NationalIn- feature a variety of perfor- digenous People's Day mances — a traditional (Wednesday, June 21) with opening ceremony — as anightat5Drive-IninOak- well as Indigenous food, shopping, dance, drum- ming, lacrosse and volley- The drive-in will open at 6:30 p.m. and the movie will begin at about 9:15 p.m., de- pending on sunset. Admission will include a Qand-A with the film- makers from "The Bee- hive." For tickets, visit https://offa2023.even- tive.org/passes/buy. 5 Drive-In is s located at 2332 Ninth Lins Craig, Cogeco Tech. (C; CoGeCO » Colelan (exero] ero) alal=reidlelal wo9"uo}|BYyepIsUt