IB NEWS UPDATED BYLAW FEATURES CHANGES RESIDENTS SHOULD KNOW With the help of public feedback, the Town of Oak- ville has updated property standards, lot mainte- nance and division fence regulations. Changes to the property standards bylaw and the di- Vision fence bylaw are ef- immediately while changes to the lot mainte- nance bylaw will come into effect on July 10. The property sta standards and lot mi laws set minima an, dards for the upkee of buildings, yards and prop: erties in Oakville. The division fence by- law regulates how the cost nn fences located along the yperty line should be split between adjoin: new rules under the Prop- erty indards_ By-law 2023- on ‘and the Lot Main- tenance By-Law 2023-075, which require property i i Peter Wm. Richardson The Town of Oakville has updated its property standards bylaw, which sets minimum standards. for the upkeep of buildings, yards and properties in Oakville. owners to: + provide heat of at least 20 C for tenants in rental homes from Sept. 1 to June 15 unless the oe posiat can be controlk tenant in the rental unit + ensure their outdoor lighting is not aimed or lo- cated in a way that shines light directly into the inte- rior of neighbouring prop- erties regardless of wheth- perties have Shades drapes or other in- terior window coverings. + remove a dead tree or part of a tree that is dead, decayed or damaged that may be hazardous to per- and veg - ing boulevard(s) so they do not grow higher than 20 keep adjoining boule- vard(s) free and clear of ase. + keep naturalize aS to backyard areas. thon nat- uralized area should only cover up to a maximum of 25 per cent of the backyard space. + keep their property free of kite fighting string. Town staff said specific 1g ings to be closed and se- cured from unauthorized entry by using wood sheathing, metal sheathing or brick or concrete block has ana bray added and of "waste" has beer broadened to in- clude excess accumulation of unused or unusable ma- terial. The division fence by- law has also been updated to better outline what the basic costs are that proper- ty owners should share, such as the value of materi- asa structing or ing a fence and the applica- 2 emayeo | ¢ ble taxes, when the bylaw Fy applies and who is respon- sible for the cost of repairs 2 when the fence is damaged. & work with property owners to comply with the proper- ty standards rules and re- lated bylaws. However, if property owners do not voluntarily comply, progressive en- forcement measures can be used and cancers ¢ can issue a ticket fining le be- tween $300 and $5003 if ‘aper- son is found violating the Lot Maintenance Bylaw 2023-075 (starting ay 10) and betwe $500 $1,000 if a person is foun violating the Property Standards Bylaw 2023-074 (effective immediately). The town also has the ability to issue a court sum- mons for more serious of- fences and repeat offenders. ster Watson MBA, CFP, CIM, RFP, FCS! MBA, CFP, CIM Watson Investments BOOK A MEETING to learn more about how Watson Investments can help you. 7100 IN REBATES* TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY Gap Turn to the experts P| info@watsoninvestments.com (905) 842-2100 AIRE & ONE www.aireonewest.ca E & 905-649-4998 a s woo-uoyeyepIsu!