Oakville Images

John Breckon - Ministry of Agriculture Questions

John Breckon
Media Type
A questionnair sent by the Minister of Agriculture to John Breckon. Subjects include Breckon's demographic and land use information.
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Geographic Coverage
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 43.41681 Longitude: -79.86633
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Copyright status unknown. Responsibility for determining the copyright status and any use rests exclusively with the user.
Trafalgar Township Historical Society

Trafalgar Township Historical Society Sponsor: Jeff Knoll, Local & Regional Councillor for Oakville Ward 5 – Town of Oakville/Regional Municipality of Halton
Full Text

Series of Questions From the Minister of Agriculture to an Emigrant Farmer

What is your name? John Breckon

To What Church do you belong? ~~ Methodist

From what country do you come? England

What county? Yorkshire

What Perish? Westerdale

What was your Post Town? Gisborough

What was your occupation there? Farmer’s servant

When did you come to this country? In 1831

Were you married or not? – If you had any family, state their sexes and ages? Married without family

Under what circumstances did you emigrate? I desire to better my circum.

What age were you then? Twenty-eight years

What means had you on arrival in Canada? About twelve pounds ~~

Where and when did you settle? In Nelson County of Halton, 1831

How did you acquire your land, by purchase, free grant, credit or cash? By purchase on credit

What was the price of land in the township in which you reside, when you came there? One pound

What is it worth now? Ten pounds exclusive of ~~

How much land do you now own cleared and uncleared? 152 acres, 130 cleared 22 uncleared

What is it now worth in cash? ₤2300-

What is the price of labor by the year, month and day, with or without board? ₤30- board per year, ₤50- without ~~, ₤3- per month with board, ₤4 without ~~ ~~

How many head of cattle have you, horses, oxen, cows, sheep and pigs? 77 ~~ 6 horses 2 oxen 10 cows 10 ~~~ 30 sheep and 19 pigs

What are the prices of stock? Horses ₤25, oxen 25₤ per yoke, cows ₤7, sheep ₤1~, pigs from 10~ - ₤2

What are the prices of produce? X

What is your average yield, per acre, of Wheats, Oats, potatoes & c.? Wheat 27 bush Oats 35 bush Potatoes ~~ ~ ~~~~ Barley 30 ~~ per acre

Name a leading or influential name in your native Parish? Mr. Joseph Fertherston, Mr. George Nic~~

X Wheat 4/4 ½ Barley 2/6 Oats 1/10 ½ ~~~ 2/6 Hay ₤2 10f to ₤3 per ton

General Remarks: Mr. Breckon was one of the first settlers in the vicinity in which he lives and consequently he had the advantage of the rise of property; but as numerous lines of rail roads about being made through the interior of the county, the prospect for the same length of time ~~~ is perhaps quite as good as that past. He has built a large two story house in which he resides with his family. ~~~ few in this Township have accumulated more property by farming. Still he may be considered as one of the successful – but there are few who emigrated at this time ~~ did but what have acquired at least a ~~~~~. I certify that I know John Breckon of Nelson County of Halton and that the statements he has made in answer to the forgoing questions put to him by the Minister of Agriculture are substantially correct. Peter Fisher J.P.

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