“Lusk Hall” of the Methodist Church, Oakville, Ont. Text reads: Cornerstone laid July 11, 1923. Dedicated Nov 18, 1923. Named in memory of the late Dr. C.H. Lusk. Dimensions 71 x 80 ft. 14 class room
“Lusk Hall” of the Methodist Church, Oakville, Ont. Text reads: Cornerstone laid …
This congregation was founded as a Methodist Church in 1812; the building was erected in 1867. In 1925, this church became a part of the United Church of Canada. The church is located at 2521 Dundas
This congregation was founded as a Methodist Church in 1812; the building …
The church is located on the west side of 7th Line (Trafalgar Road) just north of Britannia Road, on a hill. In 2011, the church was Bethel United Church in Hornby Pastoral Charge. As of 2015, it is
The church is located on the west side of 7th Line (Trafalgar …
A panoramic photograph to commemorate the 1913 annual Sunday School picnic of Palermo Methodist Church, (later Palermo United Church). Unfortunately, we have no record of names for this congregation
A panoramic photograph to commemorate the 1913 annual Sunday School picnic of …