To view all pages, click on "Pages" "Select" to open them individually. Linked here is a photograph of the Palermo Women's Institute to further assist in identification. This photo isn't dated but wa
To view all pages, click on "Pages" "Select" to open them individually. …
Each year on the club's anniversary, a mystery bus trip was planned for members and their families and this series of photographs commemorates those events.
Each year on the club's anniversary, a mystery bus trip was planned …
Words to the Club's "Ode": God be with us at this meeting, May we do what good we can. May we feel His presence with us Every time we form a plan. When our journey here is ended And we lay aside our
Words to the Club's "Ode": God be with us at this meeting, …
North Trafalgar Community Club 35th Anniversary at Trafalgar Memorial Hall, 1956. In 1921 a family newly arrived in north Trafalgar Township was in desperate need of help. A small group of women got
North Trafalgar Community Club 35th Anniversary at Trafalgar Memorial Hall, 1956. In …
Members of the North Trafalgar Community Club celebrated the club's 45th anniversary by taking a bus to dinner in Troy, Ontario. In 1921 a family newly arrived in north Trafalgar Township was in desp
Members of the North Trafalgar Community Club celebrated the club's 45th anniversary …
The North Trafalgar Community Club put on its annual fall fashion show at the Pine Room to raise funds for charitable purposes. In 1921 a family newly arrived in north Trafalgar Township was in despe
The North Trafalgar Community Club put on its annual fall fashion show …
A link to the website of Munn's United Church in this record provides you with a brief history of this congregation and the church buildings. A link to the 50th Anniversary booklet celebrating the Ha
A link to the website of Munn's United Church in this record …