Liberal candidates start countdown to their April 7th nomination meeting BY KAREN SMITH Special to the Beaver An at times heated Liberal all- candidates meeting was full of cheers and boos for the four Oakville-Milton riding nominees Monday night. While most of the applause was directed at Bonnie Brown, the crowd, on two occasions, hissed David Bazar, who openly criticized Brown. Bazar, an Oakville accountant, said Brown "should be running for the NDP" based on her political beliefs. The audience was filled with backers for Brown, a former teach- er, councillor for Halton Region and the Town of Oakville. She said the next federal goverr ment must focus on people t "restore hope and rebuild the econc my." "Criticism is only what you make it inside yourself," responded Brown. "How are the people of Ca doing these days?" she asked. feel pinched. Far too many unemployed" Bazar said he stands for a simpli- fied tax system, linking environ- mental protection with economic development, and tougher sentences in Canada's criminal justice system. "I am a concerned citizen wt wants to make sure things gt done," he said. But the crowd booed his view on the issue of gun control, which opposed the opinions of his oppo- nents. He said he doesn't believe tough government legislation will help the matter. Two quieter candidates seeking the Liberal nomination to represent the riding in the upcoming federal election are Bruce Hood and Mohan Anand. "Community participation is what I'm all about," said Hood, a former NHL hockey referee and local businessman. “I get results. That's why I'm here tonight. I believe I could do a very good job in Ottawa" His objectives. he said, include building stronger links between government, schools and industry. he would also push for an indepen- dent review of government tax and spending, and the number of government departments and agen- cies. Anand, an educator, told the audience his emphasis would be on people - something he said the Tories have lost touch with. "They Young Offender charged in burglaries A 15-year-old Oakville boy is acing two charges of break and nter in connection to break-ins at e Dorval Drive Oakville Country Fair store and General Wolfe High School on Jan. 24th. Halton Regional Police reported fire extinguisher was sprayed nside General Wolfe High School on McCraney Street after someone roke into the school's auto shop ea Jan. 24th. On the same day, between 20 to 0 cartons of cigarettes were stolen n in a break-in at the Oakville ountrv Fair store. pountry Fair store. A suspect turned himself in to lice last Friday following investi- ation by Oakville's Criminal investigation Bureau's task force, said Acting Det. Sgt. Carey Smith. l The 15-year-old Oakville youth. hat at Jun Mrs. Albl (centre) has reason to smile. She's now the proud owner of a limited edition print by local artist Michael Hitchcock called 'Country Traditions'. Making the presentation is Mary Rotchell of Concept Galleries in Bronte Village Mall, and Oakville Beaver Circulation Director Geoff Hill. Everyone who subscribed to the Oakville Beaver in February was eligible for the print draw. cannot be M Offenders appear il 28th break and ame Oakv ar We ads he never learned how to take care of people. Let's throw them out of Ottawa for all times to come." He said technology is the key to economic recovery in the country, focusing on the need for technical education, research and develop- ment, apprenticeship, and coopera- tive educational programming "hom the inside out." 331E OAKVILLE TV 8: BURLINGTON APPLIANCE APPLIANCE CENTRE 476 Kerr Stret 3455 Fairview Street (Just South of Speers) (just west of Walkers Line Oakville . Burlington 845-2933 634-631 2 Call a Member Union Gas Appliance Dealer today! BE ENERGY SMART... CHOOSE NATURAL GAS Dry two loads for the price of one compared to electricity when you use a natural gas dryer. 0 Clothes come out soft and fluffy 0 Pilotless ignition provides instant, even heat . Wide range of drum sizes and control features available Make the smart choice with a natural gas range or dryer. The meeting in Milton was the last chance for local Liberals and the public to formally meet and hear the views of the nominees. The candidates will square off at the Oakville-Milton Federal Liberal Riding Association's nomination convention April 7th at the St. Volodvmvr Cultural Centre in Jah It H I No payments 'til July, 1993 " VILLE BEAVEi Multicultural Council hosts tax clinics and tm "TN ak urth Line Oll MU HOOK PAIN! SAVE " 'MIIIDJIIW The to 'ttteds",',.'.",,'.',,",',,'.:'.'",,,':',':."),,':,'.:,.'.',"',', "III-M ummmuwu 'o" 'r,,!.,.',,,,!., MEX SATIN lUSIRE 842-0032 134 Lakeshore Rd. W. arning how to file incom it mu ()1 m Mtht s VEIIAN‘ BllNDS mes at the Halton Multic x Line, Unit 48: Tues., March 30th, from 6 I Thurs., April lst, from 7:30 Tues., April 6th, from 6 p.n Thurs., April 8th, from 6 p. OAKVILLE akeshore W. & Kerr St.) St Clair s why the Halt is offering free i ', Halton area. linics will be h JUf Rr.Mit'M onfusing and fru BURLINGTON APPLIANCE CENTRE . 3455 Fairview Street (just west ol. 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