M In 1988, Health and Welfare Canada released a landmark docu- ment, Promoting Healthy Weights: A Discussion Paper, pointing out that weight obsession, underweight and chronic dieting may be as haz- ardous to health as overweight, The document also supported the need for individuals and society to accept diverse body types and proportions and called for the creation of an environment supporting a realistic As far as Gates knows, few weight preoccupation programs exist in Canada. However, the need is there. While studies in the 1970s and most of the '80s have concen- trated on children with eating disor- ders, many American and Canadian studies within the past five years have moved past that and looked at young females and how they view their bodies. Besides discovering that some start dieting at five or six, they found that an alarming number of girls fear fat to such a degree than even the proportionately pleasing are attempting to lose weight. They also had a poor perception of the normal weight of teenaged girls. Unfortunately, young girls are likely to choose low energy diets at a time when they need energy for growth. Although long-term health effects are not known as yet, recent data suggests that dietary restric- tions between ll and 14 can nega- tively affect bone development. according to the studies. The co-ordinator will approach schools, anyone running recreation programs, youth centres and organi- zations such as the Girl Guides with the idea of setting up focus groups for girls from 10 to 16. The groups will explore the origin of weight perceptions young girls have and whether or not they are healthy ones. Working groups will also be established to develop plans to pro mote healthy weight and prevent weight preoccupation. When six-year-old girls start worrying about their weight, it's time to do something about it. And that's exactly what Lynn Gates at the Halton Regional Health Department is doing. As chairperson of The Teen Weight Preoccupation Coalition - Prevention Task Group, she and her helpers asked the provincial govem- ment for a grant to hire a part-time project co-ordinator to set up a pro- gram to probe attitudes young girls have about their weight. The gov- ernment promised $9,200, payable about the end of March. In April, the program should begin and last about nine months, said Gates. By BARB JOY Oakville Beaver Sim Teen Weight study to focus on young girls who are dieting BC. 93 is an "open forum" for the performance and creation of music. The founding members are Wally Matas, Sandy Home and Gard Deppe, who have all performed, written, and recorded for many years (Industrial Artz, The Spoons, as well as solo projects). This acoustic format gives them the opportunity to get back to the basits of music. The band covers tunes from Neil Young, The Eagles, Tom Petty, and Fleetwood Mac, just to name a few. They also invite participation from other singers, musicians, poets and percussionists, creating a true acoustic jam atmosphere, reminiscent of the early 60's cafes. POOR PERCEPTION __ _ Y, XX F),stsyht (tiie'?ss1t 1))?trtii, iii, 'i88WW?i MW' MRi.8. X rtii' 'it)?, 'it; 'i)Ti?; iii' 'tii, X tii ttst _)iiiiiej ii,i':'(slsstii X _,,ii.,,i:is; fi! , 't22ki Sta, il X 'i'" 'gli iliNtj' X x XX XX "fir] X XX _iillii,iiii'; “I , x tit' N , [iilt". ' "iti' il? tretRt XXX 5%R .X J0 Always something good cookin' Thw gig Chill Unplugged) TUESDAY NIGHTS B.C. 93 Starting March 30 Gates thought all these studies could not be trivialized. Through its Teen Weight Preoccupation Project, the health department wants to change girls' attitudes. It maintains later health problems could be pre- vented by adopting a more natural and realistic approach to weight main. "Why would an eight-year-old be worried because her thighs are liven cursory surveys m llalton have shown that many females are not satisfied with their weight. In one Oakville school, half of the 31 students aged 12 to 16 years weighed themselves weekly and 65% said that people had made comments about their weight and size. An alarming 61% had been on a weight loss diet and 10% thought about the calories in food "all the time Gates and positive body image. This could include support for adolescent were found to have " "re found to have lower self- steem than boys the same age, said OAKVILLE: 825-1216 MILTON: 875-1245 BIRTHRIGHT HOEéJgTAELéoniALL Mon.-7hurs. ff a.m.-5 p. m. Fri. ff a.m.-2 p.m. Tues. 8 Wed. 7:30 p.m.-Sy.3t3 p.m. HOTLINE t? trm.-Midnight 1-803-328-5683 CHANGE ATTITUDES 'lli(i,i!lhli,lt,l,)ialii,i,iini,),.jiiy! GLEN OAKS MEMORIAL GARDENS f"; PEACE OF MIND ' theLU tvy)NRltvving (itieieiigghtglo, ofâ€? Pm. a Urchanaeq bardenond in Halton notional irls who otanningour 220 North Service Rd. W. Dorval & Q. E. W. 257-1100 u 84-9-1 126 nihdesonuah frninduema: tht ma DES Image they see," U: Nor does she f sensitive to the me their children. Tell eat foods "because fat" can establish a predisposition to faulty weight perception, she said. Yet the female gender itself has been conditioned to weight preoc- cupation and often sends out double messages. "That outfit makes you look slimmer" or "You should wear black more often because you look about 10 pounds lighter," one woman tells another. said Gates to mirror the emaciated tt actresses and video stars th, every day? "If it (skininess) was on many images girls get, it l be so bad but often this is image they see," Gates said Nor does she feel par please boys friends pers weight off'? ( to mirror the supposed to gt Why, indee please bovs', m H She II cemetery arm Dorval an Wd tting bis " It's so ingrained in our culture cos 111mm madeallth MW uly .. 'lt M HOW mngana members M ablish It Or ing and her thigh zet bigger." U LCE! er, , messages they give Telling them not to ause it will make you sh a predisposition to perception, she said. le gender itself has 'la TE idinz 1a fl, h MT gamma orourt w, an " Ire M nr " ourou idato ll g the they 1m " [an irl Mes asked m THE OAKVILLE BEAVEf m at te the arents they itte ie among wouldn't the only [it try le mpting Inf Ision Itch and are Ire tt lt OLD FASHIONED PRICES “,..r ."u is" I , .nuu an} ,uqot mum, P " "r' ", Airs, H M» Mr Wm! 'roc,tt 'e' Fr l J ., ,|,r 4. Hr "plumb,“ N _ NV“) ;,. '.-. , Y'!17,n'f’)l“ _ , ‘uq' .' r V"l' sr', l h!" / ..- ' N 't.trrrlrt 1,1 , s . f I l i" . I " - T"" v v , EARLY BIRDS mf Buy Now 8. Save WE PAY THE G.S.T. 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