ca Dodge Shadow ES Cl Base Dodge Shadow L els offer a well equipped ca tive price. More spony-lool formance-oriented Shadow with available V6 power. v Six Dodgy offered for 199 a Dodge T _ he highly-successful D Shadow has won wide app ', a subcompact car that off high level of standard equipment very affordable pricing. Modern, temporary styling, liftback versat fuel efficient performance, comfor five-passenger seating and tensor purchase price make Dodge Shad smart choice. iftback Cl Dodgy iftback a Dodg iftback Cl Do bnvertible ca Doda iftback Equipped with. .. 6 cylindei. automatic. air conditioning. 7 passenger, luggage rack, boo mouldings, front wheel drive, amIlm stereo, Convenience light paciege, driver‘s side air ts glass, rear wiper etc. LOW rrtIIiiiriTrfniiii snrtaats.e:xnassabr, A 1991 PATHFINDER SE A 1989 VOYAGEUR V6 loaded 35,000 km. Stk No. £3218VA Chan, 68,000 km. Like new. Stk No. 930WA * 1989 VOYAGEUR SE WooOraia air, & much more. Stk. No. P711. Air and, & much more Stk. No. P702. * 1989 CARAVAN LE /CiC7fiiiliiiiS2s Dod oc 610 FOURTH LINE Shadow OWLLEiPREOWNEDVEMCLEHEADQUARTERS' Shadow 842-6854 Shadow Shadow Shadow s10,742 S9,751 1 993 CARAVAN me, an rack body 908 n stereo, Slde an bag, timed L...-, "'n’tr 4'.“ _ I l 03' ..§:r"r - yJt,Iltlll,lll,ris];--,-, i'cC",, 'sl-he _ "_., __ {J "Nit; ‘r‘u'r ' '. :3 A La. L: 3;“. LI Loaded Stk. No. 9362?â€. d door; 5t),000 km Stk. No. 93188VA 4 door, loam Stk. No. 9310511. 4 door, air, well equipped. a Stk. No. 93211 QA A 1989 CARAVAN LE A 1989 COROLLA at 1989 TOPAZ k 1989 TOPAZ PLUS MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! 9aii s11,268 um“ 1 993 SPIRIT YOU! Black d sharp. Stk No. $345VA Loaded Stk No. a: 1989 FORD F150 XLT 4x4 at 1ii8iMitrihiiiji 2.5 automatic, air and Stk. No. 92224QA * 1988 CARAVAN SE 302W Md Stk. No. SW56PA it 1988 CARAVAN LE t 1988 RELIANT WAGON ' - _ I rig Mal b t i ye, 'Od 'iijrj,xitir,/'iiii" tv', Pr, A Jhthco,rfo" N991] /E1‘ (iicss"8 'ttua m L'lsuu"L [MM a 000 km; spam Stk. Na 93211111. Auto, nice, great shape. Stk. No. 9395PA With Stk. _ 4 door, sharp. Stk. Na WA it 1989 BEREITA GT 1 993 CONCORDE [plow loaded No. 92243 " 1987 MAZDA PICK UPEXT. CM * 1986 RAM VAN 12 PASS. 1986 JEEP LAREDO 4X4 * 1986 NEW YOHKER TURBO LOW PRICES! an an 1 993 SHADOW Loaded rare, 81,000 Ian. Stk. No, 93NWA Mather plus, must see Stk. No. 93087A Black, loaded. well amd Stk. No. N95. Sporty. Stk. No. 9373HA * 1986 TEMPO 2 DOOR * 1986 NEW YORKER TURBO we at 34w