Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 2 Jun 1993, p. 21

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NAILABLE now 1,750 pq. tt txtmnt.tmdlhrtthmtrtal, _ roll location on Spurn ' pod. vory attractive and pan. Could " dlwdod awaken-0170 DUNDAS. 8165.900. 3o bedrooms. 2-1/2 bum. 2 "replaces. CIA . much new Open Home. Sun- days, "MI-39m. " Bridle. nod Dr. To View Manly “(416)627M SOUTHEAST Ookvmo Exocuh‘vo a - 4 bedroom, sound Buor don. 'impueo, anlrll I". loneod yard, 2 bathroom. Jun nducodv $210.02: :ikrm. Mash S! am. I Olin ontu - “I Inc, awag TWO "any. a bedroom, noulrnl docor, tinith.d [gunman pool, sr condi- onln . dock. Ian was”, l"l?l'PiJ'l'iT, 8179. 00 942-2392 PRESTIGKDUI In“ mum- umod units. 1200 to 4500 a: tt Communal, 0M0... ugh! indumy Rum-Mo out. M71 pAKVILLE Slocum. of he. horn 8250 mm d! In liiiated Areyemo 838 PEERS & Third Lune. 325-2900 ft, Lou ot pm- 2 with from mm ttr mbmod Finland anon!- om-ttul, zonod M5, _ month (s) ML magma. Id your moan. competitively ncod Call - 847- 526 or 670-0170 Luv. stage If noon-1w super wccoulul oppor- mty Automonvo Hop." rs. cm n on poown rnkoy operation. 733- 1962 MERICA'S NUMBER 1 WALL installauon com- aof GLASS WINDOWS. RS with shop looking or partner, 5ggtt',,"r in am or insulation. In. vostmonl requxrod 022- mm.“ pm Tom. 5600 " ft. building. Industrial or automo- ‘tlvo uso. M5 corner ptopony. Good condi- lion. Owner will flnaneq at excellent arms. ”In.” opportunity now [ netting m Canada. Lu- Ei':'? componaabon plan, tram. W707 Magnificently restored Georgian circa .1840. 4-bedroom home overlooking 1000 ft. of safe, sandy beach. A once-in-a- lifetime dream property situated on Ill acres with 20 acres of bush. An extremely private estate with wild life, deer, barn with horse stalls and pastures. 30 minutes to Hamilton. $495,000. IS', bedroom "glv'l"'t'a'li ‘allablo immedia ly. Call moon 6 pm. and a pm. '2-70tm SALE OR LEASE EVII TRAFALGAR. 'JP, 3 bedroom, claim. II maintained building "f to Calm". Plano. G um. Sheridan College. rott Cal 338-2ZN Won‘t-1592 . LOANS q LINE OF CREDIT MtHELtttt APARTMENT 'Illablo downtown Oak- llo. Parking after 7 pm ily, All inclusive Includin? y, $636 monthly Aeat . " e W 54665 CENTURY FARM-LAKE ERIE . RENTAL FEE 118 MONTH! RENT NO "MIME"! 'No up from Kes "Op to 95% financing 'ln-home Consultation Ni Days, 9 am-9 pm ' bedroom apartment rum, 330-9345 or 634- '1st-2nd ' 3rd not: mesittentiaWomm, [almanamnmm c --------r-----'-----""-- " I'fl’VICSH H "I A,r/ f , li/ f 828-7544 844-51 82 .umt'Nuie"si.tiHtnasesigrts h .ugalAdvicFturest-CsmtretRmm .thntsePttutNraFUniinited Con-um "M-eMmtevtvMh-tLuu'rmsetviees mgage, bans ham mtw Phone 1-416-776- 1511 TOTAL (1513475 INWUDhS mmddtaloly To place an ad please call 845-2809 or FAX 845-3085 Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m GLEN ABBEY. 2 bedroom apartment, 5 applnancot limN- ' “ground park- mg. New bull mg. Inshly panbd. Juno 1r... Immo- dlbv 'teslar-r184 TWO bodmom apartment avaalablo Jun. 15. Har. bourviow Plaza, comm ot Lakoshoro and Bronte Hod. £54261. TWO BEDROOM, $900 monthly Ono bedroom uoo mommy In ttoautrtutiy mainmnnnd quot budding. downlown. walk to Ihopn. old Odor-Io, Lou ot ”morn in pull-1mg Call 644-6951 CLEAN , or 2 bodroom b-ttent cum Goa to ochoolo. Mommy. but Av-ilnblo mam. Illoly LARGE. new 2 bodroom baseman! autumn up.- nlo cannon, " In. mm. no pamng Noam”! Onl- ville Only $595 tor angle non-am. 645-0520 LORNE PARK: Largo 1 bodroom basement. apt ml. onlranco. yard, bnghl lwlngroom. upgllnncu. puking $545 " 4264 TWO bedroom basement manual. lmngtoom. laun- dry laulmu. Available Im- modmloly. Kort/Spun 536-6167 ONE bedroom apanmonl tor rant. Wmonthly, 254 Km Strut 862-4rti64, SMALL two bedroom downtown Available Im- medlatoly. 5700. no chad- ron, no pols. For mom in- lonnabon can 866-ass9, BRONTE, I block lako. om bedroom basement, eleva- tor, carpeted. 8680 July Ist 327-8225 or 8256937 FURNISHED bachelor baumont apartment. do“ to shopping and transpor- lauon $495., uulmu m- clututtt. Avaulablo Imme- dial-Dy 33tFAt38t) OLDE OAKVILLE- 1 bad- room bmmom apartment. Walk to Go, 8550. Includes utilities, washer/dryer, ca- but, private entrance Sun» able for age non smoking female. ' -2698. ONE MONTH Fro. Rom APARTMENTS Available One bedroom mth den, "To. Penthouse, 2 bed- room with don. S954, Ptrnt- houne three bedroom with den, $1032 'ttlet with Indoor pool an nau- nal. 844-1106 BRONTE/ LAKESHORE 6-plox 1 bedroom. $575 Available tmmedlalely Free parking Relevance: 277-0509 or 847-6727, LOVELY. bnght, hngh one bedroom basement, tire- place. yard, 4 appliances. $695. indulivo‘ 842-IS67 FAIR RENT GOOD APARTMENTS TERRIFIC LANDLORD Burlington luxury l, . and a odroom upon-1 mom homo Hugo in-) door swimmmg pool, air conditioning, two balconies, llk. view trom 50m. sumo Frurtlrttttrlt: SPEERS ROAD Luxury Apartments One and two bed, rooms available kn medIater. Aucon- ditioning, pool sauna. 338-3342 QEWIGO . Exceptionally we] mamlamed h hnse . Hydro i'gf,'Jd . Outdoor pool Bachelor. 1 ttttry!, ths), 5w mns Irom it)“ “my.“ 845-9502 639-8583 DRIVE " and comp-r0 Southeast Ollrvillo. 2000 Dunc-n Rd, 2 "rmy, I bod- room. mature undue-pod lo! 82895“) 866-4itrtt0 summon A hadrooma. 2 aloray. family room. tire. Irt " eortatiorting, eon- ml vacuum. "tr' lot thm't ruin (his Runny (Just We“? 4'll'fl,'12 Putter, Salon ap., Canada Trust My Me, 38tr-e201, an Baa-0‘55 GLEN Abbey, on Mont. gomory Drive a bodroom undonrwnd link. Goa to II ”is... DUI I) ao m- tion Prof-unruly MM buomom with bnlhroom Sky "gm, an condmonod. etc, Asking $170,000. 847MB GLEN ABBEY 3 bedroom 24/2 bathe, lawman. pm [NYE]?! A99!!!” put $106030. 047-07” USE Visa or pay for your Call 845-2809 ENNISCLARE ON THE LAKE ll MARLBOROUGH COURT APARTMENTS 1229 Marlborough Court 1 A ' am but”. ”an“. Close to Shendan College 8 Oakvulle Place Omar pam-hh? semngi tlf I319 can Looklry tor quiet Manon In downtown Oak- vulo? is" us to so. our lure comm two bedroom suites now an! ttble. Magrtlfkatrtt new at Harbour and East Och- ville. Indoor ge and sauna make this well cued tor bul ing the best value In town. Call to! .pttoltttntertt From $570/mo. Quiet. clean blag. Apply: Rental Cftlett 2386 New St. Mon. thru Sat. 11 am-1 pm. or tall: 639-5761, Anytime Bedroom APARTMENTS . 60'x200' seclodeddgarden property . 3 be.drooTi(i,nclu es loft bedroom) . fireplace. In lrvung room . glassed In front -po.rch . 'iirofessipnally desugned cedar deck . new roof . new 1 0 amp servrce . 2 three piece washrooms . new hig efficiency gas furnace Country like atmosphere right in town This home oozes with charm. Hurry. it won't last at $229,900. 5220 More Id. Burlington'u Prime Address! .1-Bdrm. moo sqft) From $838. . 2-Bdnn. (I425 sq.ft.) From $965. . Big 20'x26' lieJditLrttt 'AK? "Fridge, Stove Dishwasher 'Healed Outdoor Pool "Sauna *Recroom 'indoor/Outdoor Parking c'trmoutsesrmm hum mummy RIM “will. 2 bedroom & don - 1830 sq." 3 bedroom - 1575 “an. lush-unu- Stunning Lakefront Apartments For Rent Luxury, Newly Renovated LARGEt-2.3Bedroom%Mtea, I-Bdrln . Den Sulta- The Diplomat I ' EE 5166 & 5170 [More Road, Burllngton 333-9533 or 333-9522 OPEN DAILY 9 a.m. to 9 pm. Burlington Place 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms. From $750. + up 2160 Lakeshore Rd. E. Burlington, 333-9141 Call 827-6625 or 845-1482 BROKERS WELCOME 1, 2&3 Call For Appointment to View 632-5486 Daily 9 am - 7 pm Picturesque Country Lifestyle Residence On-The-uke THE CANADIANA OAKVILLE COURT East Oakville Beautiful Old English Home & Garden Open Dally 9 aan. - 9 Inn. MasterCard to Classified Ad, Sorry no agents please Call 338-2219 844-7332 842-5518 um,msm W 8339.000 - 416-076-2550 tom, 2300 sq n on s acre and M. a ttttttut" mm ot Milton. won! ot Hwy " CM Ming. out" can- copl. r't'"t'/d and indoor and." lichen grun- ouu “mg I'll I x 12 -tqtt on law. 2 lovol 'l.1r"et,);"i,?pllr', TWO bedroom baumonl apartnurrtt, good locauon. ooparate onlranco, air, newly runovaled. Cable. utilities, parking Included Non-amour, no new Juno 15L Weil month. 845-2323 ONE bedroom Korr Street apartment, Available Im- modatoly. $575. month your own hydro. Jtr, 844-7843 OAKVILLE: 2222 Munn'o Avon-mo, 4 bodvoom mi, 2 may. tFBrMP, 2 balm. an. car-me foyor. window cov- 1'/2t m " and mom Wal to about lnd nevu- bon mm Go» to ma'tor “may. 3:39.900 no- AU00 3'3... "fulE by own" un . um s. " . 3pm 'r'l,',"l'lLi'l',',ltd Cedar cus- NORTH Oakwllo, a bed- rooms, l appliances, 2-1/2 baths, family room, 2 fire. platters, an conditioned. ga~ ONE bedroom mam tlttor condo 'alt",',,',',) m Bronte area. ' oo, month induce. all but phone, Call Bud at 845-9150 HERITAGE homo, Old. Olkviuo. I Moons, bun- tilul kitchen. largo lot, 3‘99,000 044-5350 (No Again) ara, 5' 'ctFstsitmstormrtt use. mommy ttis " is In. W 'iuirG on. Wall lo M0001, a bodmnu. lunch“ km Loqta.eAt u 5 "o I In. THREE bedroom. 3 bath, rooms. jacuzzi w/skyllghl‘ 5 appliances, deck, fire. platar,air, 51400 July lat 849-00t5 THREE bedroom, 3 baths, 5 appliances. $925. month. Available July Isl. First month required only, 845-9479. mono. Inna. 1',thl't m use ”we: DION“: “In. by an FOR SALE OR RENT, townhouw north Oakwllo. 3 bodroomn. 1-1/2 baths, 6 appliance; hardwood floors. $124,900. or $9751 month. Available June 15th M9-7645. BASEMENT 'lr',',',".',','" In Hopodnlo Mal an. In. cludos tutttkt, parking, Viro- pllco, laundry, avallablo In Juno. "so monthly, Non Imoklng lomulo only tM7-0698 LARGE 25007.11 Ion had- room homo con to GO. "who D OEW 'ttrrtethat. pun-Non Funk :30- 2001. 33-7” .UNGALOI . ' boo EXECUYIVE MODE lo: mt Fm TS'lff n In.- lun am dl,'el Mean: Lu! Home mu: urn? LAKESHORE/KERR. 2 bedroom 3675 plus yaw. On 2 loved. Blight an ape- ciouo Balcony. ennui" llundwrking Immun- dia- 1037 BACHELOR apartment, 4 Ippliancu, air. clone to Imam: 3520 fir-l and In“, 042-21“ luv. mu- COUNYIV t'"tttt '0"Tmtatttar an m mount "HIM In" tnat.tt 't.tt0turr"rntttty Hui and more who“ mun-an KERR/LAKESHORE are. 1 bedroom apartrnonl in du. glu, Separalo onlvanco 595 monthly 632-5690 Alb-n McDonagu Lu Runny LARGE 2 bedroom bau- mom apartment, “pawl. entrance, air. 8650 utilitie- lncludod. Available unmo- dlIIoly. 847-a371, or luv. mot-ago. JULY IST. Brig?" lpl- clou- 2 bedroom ”omen! spawn-m, lnuludu haul. hymn. parking. laundry ladl- ltu and cable. 8700. 82bAM38 NEAR Shuldnn Coll... largo 2 bodroom baumonl apartment. paw. laundry. $000. plus. 82 Mr OAKVILLE. largo two bod- rooms, carp-tad. $650 In- clusive. June or duly, non. unokov, 233-7441. Luxury 2 I ' bedroom and" Horn.- in tue. vlo'vom I‘Sponnonh 6W *1” +toatNoett Nahum Wanda -augmnn -Sol:v m Min-wt Wm +ar%rmhrhaMtt . In. about our - allot 2 harms. 2 hail bthrarts,i449 an" hall n- creatioual (admin. pool. b.trai, "on. m- be” cent". guest who mum]. like m.5nwL.nanyumAu-flblt?e¢- titular on. “Frown. builders In to. Avail. Sept. In. or new into all: G ttet#ttttttt6.-trve. mum-noun» on, tamly mom, m yud. and an. up- mum “We! Norttt-_,02Stmo - 2 I3 bdrm TlH, 5 appl. Bronte 1fllt-8Mmtmr3 bdrm T/H m qurel comptex Available July 1st Bronte-$1,0501mo Incl mu -2 level, 2 bdrm Queen'n Point- $1.4001mo, exec 3 bdrm T/H, arr F/P, 5 applartots, tam rm apts., all cond., as) phances Included. lake View River Oaks - $1,700/mo - Exec 4 bdrm 2 st., 5 applrances. Loan term lease avail East-Aspen ores! '2300/mo.-spactous 4 bdrm, 2 storey Pres!) e area TENANTS-VIE GEN FIND You A HOME! REGISTER NOW-NO FEE FOR OUR RENTAL MATCH SERVICE OTHER UNITS AVAILABLE " has. It In! V Rentals & " Property Management an»; 4 W Mum ‘Whocdy omrqomrm GLEN ABBEY u apls. , flats lor rent LUXURY CONDOMINIUM GLEN ABBEY 847-6048 ”III brunt Wu _ TRAFALGAR 338-1 1 ao momm WET sauna: In 827-3027 ”no IRON?! by "1. Into. t ttmMtrtmuP_rtetit_t?ttey, PP?“ LOVELY FALOAIWOOD CONDO mum Ju? n: 3 Maroon. 81100 nclu- OAKVILLII Iron" Mar. bow "who , bedroom '0 s m. nation! VIC. o! harbour Audible any " "was nod: imam-Ohio! qqte#rwmee It3/'lS'h"ltplGtp,t OAKVILLE 3 bedroom lownhouso cul-da-uc, close to Go 31150. July m. 0;]: 206-3080 evening- a At115. Mum UM?“ KAMoiMt Lights. ‘200 can . 2 put- Mtl. 5 m. mu. t BqttttMtrrtfttett. Nico», Jutr "' ”9513mm". MAIN LEVIL cl noun. In wen-mam Ln. ' minor”. “mo “3. m. to "rt I " Juno In: “not. Lu! um “unsung Conun- MY RETREAT! Ex- ocmnm 3 beacon out " bodnom ml.- ouno. tum. tyroom unlock“. formal Ewan“: room. ”I. m, tt shod roam. kn paid. w. mtma" to My Many my“. $1000 00 333-5506, Ac- M W TOWNHOUSE. 415 Rivor Oaks Blvd. 3 bedrooms. Availabla immediately. 5 appliances, air conditioning gas heating, 1 1/2 bath. rooms. s1100/monlh. Call Lisa 845%24. K.C. McCall, “All -.rte-Brsqe. " m Audi-Mom “Iii-ml OXFOIDIICCIAIEV man. dead Pg'2"gt,'g'ht,'/gP= bum” mum-nu a9gtMrse any bia_tr)omeotuhnh THREE bedrooms, 5 ap- pliances, central an, doaq lo GO and Oakville Mace. Im- mediate possesslon, $1250 Frank nae-200‘, 33tb-7059 ”mu-ml WHO BRONTE Harbour, luxu one bedroom, July m. 1 ly/het,,'; jacuzzi, all. an- au to hum-17. undrtrgrourtd parking. 2 .hour ucurily use/month. 545-0600 TRAFALGAR/OEW Largo 2 and 3 bedroom apart- manla 1 1/2 balm In 'rurtdly lamlly building with lake- vlaw Including pool, lannla, axavclaa room, playground. pat%ng,utilltloe, 330-6622 ME Moon, 2 you balmoon. punt-g. In pliant-am -astatrlq nun-o PRIVATE onlrnnco, 1 bed. room ctou to downtown. Parking utllitum, appliance- lncludod. Non Imokov, $550. monthlz Available June let, Call 42-6187 uh 1070mm at: OAKVILLE GLEN ABBEY Condo Apts. 2 & 3 bedrooms from $875 per month. . 5 Sger's . timp ace . air conditioning . vertical blinds - broadloom ' storage rooms ' recreational area . parking Included . security entrance Please call bet- ween 9 a.m.- tip.m. :ijhul ml. ' ”to 825-3327 Mm for ram apls. 5 flats tor rent HE Lil [mum to: DINO. ' " I.“ w No tieu may REAL mm: 100-165 '1‘: AljT0MAfiT 400-455 mm RENT/115 170-196 HELP WANTED 500-570 my; LEISURE LIVING 200-265 'ar-r-rio/vicar/UN/Bi, ma MERCHANDISE 300-385 has- SERVICES MOM DEADLINES & CANCELLATIONS: Mon. 4 pm for Wr’rlrrt'sdau issm Wed. 4 p.m. for Friday Issue. Thurs. 4 pm. for Sunday issue _ ADVERTISING ERRORS AND OMISSIONS: The Oakvrlle Beaver assumes no Imancral liabhly for typographical errors or copy omissions by the newspaper other than the cost or space occupied by the error. Claims for errors must be made prior to next publication date. - DnfORCE SALE. "2 'd',',',? on m dun outdo. m- bury, Ontario Fm. du- mg. IIOOPI a, tully wimpy“! Only 89.500. ORLANDO vdta tor mm, 30 mule: trom Disney mclmnP pool, lonma. mm gall avm - atm ttom $300 U a min Call Bill 576-1175, oq'ulp d 'Only $9.560 PAl'Wsd 338-6tm' room, I new» 'holiday hide-hey File lace & ee- cumy slalom 05.. b Nor- lend a T homage on Lake Telbol - tremendous m- vostment Please can Anon Frencu. Broker, Coldwell Banker - Anal Francue Real Estate 849-9800 or 845- 3344 DISIEVWORLD . Rent. St',,',',',,' Good ml“. 2 com/2 bathroom loun- houu Pool. an, tennis. Bil-4&0 CLEAN tum ma Show 0“ "to, on. " 1200 Non we“! OAKVILLE. proloumnu Ion-u 'tra urn. to can my". MM gum-um. Non-amen! KNIGHYI or Columbua Hall - lot Teat gnmvpmnoa. DWI a Call [or more fnlomauon 021454 “San LAKEFRONT Cottage $109,500 Fumnahod I bod 800. and board mu *sqett1Br, Colop‘ Chm-m hm. "'""'e,eatrgt able mun. In”, "othhttmet M” S3F0001? JULY m. upsclouo a bod. room, I 1/2 baths, prlvalo Lard, clan to Oakvlllo laco, Argument No tau'. _ Call "6- ' .844-7235. 044- 6490 after 5 pm NEWPORT Yacht Club, Slam Crook harbour Dido. Duignor decor. 3 bad- roomn '"othrttortthty, available immediately, Call Hum-2m. human-d Maxim's. pull- Ing. non-uncut, adult homo. 3:40. ultimo. 6m QUIET room, human. "teat lot "tdqttt or am not“! Available "amt duly Nut - PM and Shaman College Laundry locum... pmllo Mum. ”so month REDUCED! Fummhod 83.-4MS6 "" sum Linn. lug. 3 “dream lurury lomhouu condo. 2-1/2 but”. jacuzzi. ' annual Viroplaco. ban-monk, gar-1t buck- onto re. nil. imam dolor 31200 044-4860 or 1519-0600073 ---------. IURLINGTON, a bod- room. 1-1/2 baths. 1',tlt room, 2 car 9mm .bcc . yum. loam, 1','ll'ad my tat 416-854-2357 GLEN up“, Dagny: room mm qttsume bath room. hichon pvmlogoo non-amour. menu. wort. mg Ion-Io Annual. mu: m was. 'IWAY! mutation! womb 0mm. lama “moon. in"; humane no parking I MI month was: I'm CLOOE lo 0»:th Pint on. noon, than cl - vu Padang HOG/Imam incluuvo Immodllto 507W. yEN1te?Atttrrtr6.tr' www.mm: was an» a no“. -tt. loom rd m. up.“ only-Mt 'fAl",,',t loin. =t't tttttMt " V W "no meihondin 630 'ttt and but stop Kn m CLEAN, hum-Md room Own Imago, cable. our Shawna On but mule, lhl'. men-n, bath and laundry "" month “479 WELL MAINTAINED 3 bod- room, 1-1/2 balm, 4 Ip- plluncu. Ilnllhod buo- monl. gar-go. all wlndow ettv.rlnqtr. “new yard. $1025.00. 333-MM, Att. thm Management CENTRAL location. dot. to bum- ' GO 375 ttor Beautiful 100yr. old cot- tage, porches all an ound. 4 bdrms, 2 bthrms, large liv, ing/dining rm, lull?! equip. kitchen with all conveniences. Private beach on protected ' goon, photos avail. Avail Aug, 3-Oct 17., $1800.U. . per week. $1450.U.S. after Sept. 7th, min, 2 wks. Call; Toby Condlma 7-11pm ', 3:0]pr onosite management, some fireplaces. Net; shopping & transportation, Starting at $1,000.& up o utilities. Westminster Place Brant St. & Ghent Ave. Burlington By Appointment, 639-0950 Kahlil-lbw- Enjo comfortable living in our spacious i. & 4 Lr/ll',',',', townhouses. available imme, diately. Our features include 4 appliances, t 1/2 bathrooms, indoor swimming pool sauna & shower facilities, indoor parking “manhunt Martha's Vineyard 6 WEEKS RENT FREE 486-6222 mm outl'do canal townhouses for ram Non-omen! " t -243I or on“ room cannot and an. m- pg! month. Call Ron BEST CASH pad tor tridg- u, stoves. washers, dryers and an condillonars. Call (us) 629-7377 COMPUTERS. Printers, Sollware Everything Must Go' Call Computers R Us, 84iF-1919. REPAIRS to all makes of lelowsions, VCRs. On-slle reps-r. one year warranty. Fro. delivery Discounts for Seniors 566-2119 BEARS Crattaman electric mulchan lawnmower. Used 2 summon Like new. 33FA9634 RIDING lawnmowo the start 7 ft, with tll mowers) complete" hauled 51700 344-5959 am 6 pm OFFICE FURNITURE Duh $10; Chain :10 Table tlo: Files 'tity, Indus- tnal Shelving. Buy/Sam 416- W. PIANOS- Sonia! uaqd arm-n! size plus rebuilt p yer palm at Lance's Pia. no. 6444927 FLYING SCOT mtboal. ti? tr, on trailer. Fun, arable ouillngsdingy. 81500. bu! oil-r, 7-1936 NEEDED. Lou up to 30 lbs. II 30 than. Try our now 1tyPer1utn ional program. IGLESIAS. 2 uckou. June M, 1993. 649-3799 IAVTAG: top ot “no, my MI and dry- mud 3 yum Excolont m. 336-0634 336-6650 GOLF clan. and. mum TAN!!! , s M uilbonl. complain with a h r on!- boud. mama", lb and gone. Good condition t2.000 947-0002 ML! Moon nub. Mn bod 905. um! labia $39. 6 an“! “dunner. use. 3pe. do“. 8145 or whole “I. “10.00. Call SaF-2360 a?!“ W. Mizuno "on; ' '0.82S9904att.r6tvrt. bony. triG/" "£32385 oquippod' two mainuvll. 991105 gwq inpinnllurl. FAKE! COMB“. com um. Gr' ham. or am“. = 1'l"atrglrd Buy a! I... “2&9 FRIDOEI, now”. run on. dryers. Eta-lion! con: tttttOtt, Donny available “(416) 029- 377 HARDTOP Trailer, 1974 Travolux, gloom e, Icebox sink. . propano nova-hul- or, approximaloly 450 lba. oleclricul outlet including " " Cold. $1.000, BIS-6950. BAIL! BEACH, 1 bodroom cannon. modern ' com- lonlblo, fully oqulppod. clou to beach. ldnl cou- plot place. Bach-519422- 1462 or 416-639-4012 QALLIOQIZ " n. Wyn!" on. ID. No ll 32903 649-4054 CWO“? A". 3 Ion con- uu w conditional Uud on. am Good a. nu. COCKYAIL TABLE, Fruit toad. 1t,',t"g'a','"e,2 um I t can Imu no tlltNitt pm. ANTIQUE banal. 0080.“ Settotprtom not. mm 4 m- uquo chant. very good an. WWW GI. 10' lop "no all 'ltr"2J'r', Mod-Illa" no no sqrt.trq ole- m. LII-now. 33.-0630 Um: . you "em, .'y1't,,ld,'eit.t',S not 3424mm was lmn In. IGA Plan. (41‘) M Call um luv out lulu-a Moon. " te, "do. muse YOUNG CHANG Band: I Union: Lam ulcdlon. Vinson! Home ttt Flam. . lownhoum q Iononl Scanners, CN New & Used . PURCHASE . RENT . LEASE hull: Communications so Shepherd an. Odvllk 844-4505 [31m TWO-WAY RADIOS "mu-Io Vittorio“ ' articl- wanton! comtxmr&vt'dso lawnmower, cloc- 7 ft. m cm (In! I completely over- 51700 firm. cannon. “In. Ilia bod-lump“. WEDDING Photography - loo-115 prints In album plus negatives. 15 yeats ex- penance Reliable and rea- sonable. Picture Perfect Wedding Photography 639-6710 GOLDEN RETREWER, lemalo a months old for sale to good home. 5300. 257-1652 1990 BMW 325r, 2-dot automatic,blaok, 849-5936 ESTATE AUCTION SALE ' PLUS ADDITIONS ' WED. JUNE 9TH AT 6:30 PM. SHARP t LOCATION: In the Agrleulturat Hall on Robert St., Mlllon "Irgrounde, Damon, Ont. SALE CONSISTING OF: Fumltum, glut, chm, all lam, old ton, collocnblu, will wllancoo, home ' garden tools I houuhold lum- . Exal- lonl 0-1880 Mr. & Mn. Vlclorlln Chain. largo double walnut book can, mull Ponl‘n corp“, Thom Jefumon table Imp, N.E. oak "ll telephone, old Mallory. quilt ' llnom, 5 gal. rod wlng bum chum. good blrdn oyo ml. W bowl, old toy: lncbdlng "Schuco" MON (Mil Gummy), Ru. Car, Ltd. Edit. Prints, bddgo In” ole. ole . 2 USUAL TERMS . PREVIEW: 4.30 PM. : Auctloneer: Don Colllng Phone: 878-3185 Hm] cc: to! sale To consist of a large selection of 'ltlt'2t furniture, including pine flat back cupboar pine kitchen hutch unit (antique), dining room suite, bedroom furniture, walnut book- case, appliances, etc. New fishing tackle, rods, reels and lures. Also a selection (11 Antique farm related pieces. To be held at "Humes Auction Farm" located at 9313 4th Line, 3 miles northeast ot Milton, ont. Usual terms & conditions etc. . es, pine washstand. ash washsland, pine jam cupboard, pine writing desk, ii' pine harvest table, Captains chair. iron day bed, Queen SIN brass bed, dbl. brass/Iron bed, Butternut dropleal table, baking table, wicker plant stand, misc. wooden kitchen chairs, washboards. collection oi milk 8 pop bottles, cast iron kettles, pine book shell, oak library table, ii' t 14' pine benches, cook & bar stoves, M Deco hutch, oak bedside table. 12'x14' ' 5'x7' 100% wool rugs (navy/beige). cast iron tobacco cutter, misc. cast iron pieces, tootsiools. parlour table. Slencil back pine rocker, selection at glass 6 china pieces, old tins. leather burgundy ches- tertield, loveseat ' matching wing chair-this set (as new) to be altered separately. Ariens rear engine rid- ing mower i? yrs. old). Honda S.P. push mower (3 yrs. old), misc. patio turn. gas 880 (2 yrs. old), wheel bar- rells. selection oi hand t power tools. misc. lumber, teat blower. lawn tools. household plants, alum. step ladder. ALSO being Meat 10' Tee-Com satellite dish tr/rent ate a box. Many more household and antique items to choose from. A good, clean otlering. Lunch booths " grounds. I To consist at very trd dining room Walnut suite. by Knechtie rnlture, chairs, tablet sideboard, hutch, china cabinet 8 aid: board, bedroom suite. Lots of iumltur large quantity ot glass & china, many emq appliances, towels, linens, etc.. camera and camera equipment. lawn & garden equipment 'glt2g a like new snow wet antiques & collecti lee, new fishing. tackle, rods, reels & lures and much, muc ' mom, A very large sale. To be held at 'Humec Auction Farm" located at 9313 - 4th Line, t miles northeast ot Milton, Ont. , For: Bob & Beth Bye (Properly sold) LOCATION: 2095 Kllhrlde St., KILBRIDE (North Bttrllngton, approx. 6 ml. Norm of Hwy. Mi vle Cedar Sprlnos Rd.) Content: or older country home condom. el I good uloctloe or household ' antique Ito's plus garden tools. rldlng lawn mower, etc. PARTIAL LIST ONLY Oak Moser, 3 pine blanket box- WE HAVE rm ' To LIQUIDATE A - RELEASE I 0F SOLD OAK .tmrltmmE : SEMI) OAK: ' Dlnlno Room Suites. Podcstal Tables with f or 2 leaves: Round Tables. Harvest Tablos‘ Drop Loans. Solld Oak Collu and End Tables, Oak Bullet: and Hutches, Oak Wall Slands. Dry Sinks. on TV & VCR Stands, Iolophono Tables. Comer Cabinets. Hundrodg at Oak Chairs: WIndsor, Arrow Backs, Spindles, Bar Stools, Press Backs, Oat Bedroom Sulm, Cedar Chests, Dal: Lamps, ETC. A AUCTION SALE THURSDAY. JUNE 3 RD AT 6:30 AM. n pets, undies BSST FAIRVIEW STREET BURLINGTON (cousin 0: FAIRVEW . “mums unis) OPEN s DAYS A WEEK ' (dosed Tuesdays) . AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, JUNE 8TH AT 6:30 PM. 416873-4878 Sherwood Hume, Auctioneer Jlm McCartney Auction Service Ltd. 1416- mom. Waterin- 41b07b48N Sherwood Hume. Auction“! AUCTIONS photography §al. June 5th,11:00 A.M. I!" BONNEVILLE S E, combed. loaded. excel on! condition, $11, o. 338-6915 A 1909 PONTIAC 6 00 wagon 92,000 kms. condltlon Cam! " 510003384165 " an. tinted Windows. will") cassette. running board. Clean lamity car. Asking 35800. Call 849-8753. ' --------_ 1986 CHRYSLER “Le- Baron GTS, hatchback. turbo 5 speed. fully loaded, (eleghone optional, Irallor hue , moi-racks Ashng $33200 827-3355, Q27- 461 no? popcgcmavmi Elm] cars for sale 'lb0ll,tll: ssified ads be prepaid h

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