Pictured here (left to right) are Unique Motors Jeep Eng MacDougald (sales manager), Jim Thrower. Stephen Wieczon Eagle Vision. Automatic, aIr cond., ti-cyl., stereo, cassette, styled wheels, tilt, AT tires, deep. tint glass. "SHIFT-ON-THE" FLY" 4X4. Stk. #8355. Alt cond. stereo, deep tint glass roof rack, tllt wheel leather wrap wheel. sex. #0245. Air cond., cassette, rear wiper, cruise, console. su. #7824. Auto., alr canon cassette, pause, console & more. Sth. #8353. Auto., alr cond. roof rack, tilt wheel console, stereo radio styled wheels. SALE PRICES on OVER 100 JEEPS & EAGLES i, Lh,EARLY MARKED '93 SPORT 4-DR. '93 SPORT 2-DR. '93 SPORT 2-DR. '92 - 2000 GTX 4X4 s296 $481115 9315:0353“ 3, concsaosléétti 15,430 '93 TALON Dn. 'masters/ttyi/tsb., “FIVE STHR PLEDGE" te,"; E .515 670 FOURTH UNI 842-6854 _ UNIQUE MOI W MW 5327 48 MTHS. T 2-DR. $ 7 35%: .3321; 17,80 9%â€375 'll, ',' s14,648 s3 1 o #THS Us†$18,628 £19,993 'ttt'gk1'sd4 iiiillilP33a 48 was '322 48 MTHS 'jdtti'i'i'tt2 jilitii W Stk. 83327. Auto., alr cond., alloy wheels, cruise. tut, cassette, {Emmi mirrors. 2.0 litre Sth. #6882 Alt Cond., 2.0 lltre EFL, cruise, cassette. tilt, OWE mirrors t more. I '93 TALON ES '93 TALON ES '92 JEEP YJ 4X4 2.0 utre' 334's ttms, Tons JEEP iii"i' up Eagle sales team members Date Wieczorek and Mike Jones with tt I993 ( 'l gag Â¥34 ‘17.45 IjEIlrT] Jin wif JEEP CHEROKEE ' (li 5. '93 EAGLE SUMMIT ES 5 AM/FM cass . dual Intermittent Wipers, ti) 624 I more , 48 s2 " mm. Calder. who employs a total of 20 people in his sales, 34 vice. parts and leasing departments. "the last two years have been rough going where we've seen a decline in sales. But the last six months have been far better," he said. The dealership's philosophy is a simple one which h termined unchanged throughout its years of operations ur qmppe with z Speer work: By SAL BOMMARITO Special to the Beaver tr ur Unique Motors succeeds with unique product and service Intry Thr n rtanty troughout, however, Calder has been able to main I positive philosophy. one that he communicates gly to each and every person he meets. Business) has come back since January." said mque J J what it way to Alder, who , nique Jeep Eagle owner Sandy Calder, 44, knows I what it's like to start at the bottom and work your way to the top. Ider, who graduated from the University of Guelph I degree in politics in 1970, started working at the s Road dealership as a service writer in 1974. He d his way through the sales department and then ased the dealership when his _. . .in-law retired six years ago. 'Ottkvim ttt o one wanted to hire me to run the a small y, so I decided to sell cars," town. If :d Calder with a boyish expres- mu m, ll Ke F‘NANDI u 190 , t) gamma (mum - , quROKEES & SALE. |NCLUDES SPECIAL - -- HATBQ ntl ALL WAFER? NEW CHEROKEES a. SAL: “nay..." -- EAGLES m- IN LEASE RATES on ALL _H- - - ----- TALONS, Us, iiiio0tt1Ei: ZOOOGTXS, sumns, Gmn__M :e January," said people in his sales, set 'Oakville is a small town. If you treat one person badly, frve more will know about it.' Stk. M147. ABS, leather, a/c os., p. w/i/tttlr. pwr. antenna premlum Ehk SYS., alum wheels, "Selec-Ttac," loaded New '92 blqygput Magi. A " Sth, #2640. Auto., aIr pwr. windows/locks, tilt, AM/FM cassette tint, "Selec-Trac," full pwr. mirrors. '93 "COUNTRY" 4-DR. Stk. #1423. Auto., alr cond., cassette, 'Selec-Trac“, deep tint glass, fog Ilgnts, conv. spare. 92 BRIARWOOD "LUXURY"$ Stk, #1147. ABS, leather, a/c, 25 983 " 0, w/I/mlr owr antenna 0 '93 "COUNTRY" 4-DR. as l more emphasis on service. "ln Oakville, dealers have always had to do that. But even more so in this economy. Oakville is a small town. If you treat one person badly, five more will know about it," Calder said. "We take the attitude we're here to help people buy a vehicle not sell them one," said David MacDougald, the dealership's senior salesman. "We look at it as much as a service to the community as anything else." MacDougald said the silver lining to the dark econom- ic cloud has been that car manufacturers and dealers have become much more in tune with what the customer wants, and at the same time the customer has become Calder said his dealership, ership throughout the country every other dealership is having to do in these economh times," he said.' "lt's service, service, service and more service. You can't make enough money just selling one car. Our best customer is a repeat customer," Calder added. within the community, Calder said. "Everything is straightforward and above board. There's no high pressure. We're doing everything that every other dealership is having to do in these economic times," he said. . NEW '93 T'ALONut't,%ta's ti QNLY Equlo. with: 5-spd., alr cona., prem. audlo, power wlndows & locks, cruise, tilt ' alum, wheels, Mus more. f fl 11889f4l tith, SPECIAI PURCHASE cond., cruise, deep spare. LAREDO Jaguar Ford Aerostar is a 'gentle giant Vintage cars on display at Appleby College Saturday Ih Suzuki JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE PRICED FROM Calder said the dealership has adhered to that same philosophy since Day One, however, the tough economy has resulted in all dealerships placing dealership, as well as every other deal- the country, has had to adapt to the changing economic climate, which has bred a more sophisticated and demand- ing consumer. "A couple of years ago there were enough buyers to go around. Now we operate by the buyer's rules. It's all in how you take care of the customer. You have to earn their business," Calder said. a/tttt s21,927 '21,878 ea from Stk t \uto,alrcond, 24 VS/IOCKS, ABS, , AM/FM cass. _ - -.. Mi79 48 MTHS. '375 48 MTHS. '365 48 MTHS. quc red glass age 475 flu;