Spocbous 3100 sq. ft. - Goveous decor. Fab. upgrades. Metlcu)ous y maintained Safe. private court for children, . $274,5tm STUNNING GEORGIAN -BUILT $222,000 LOCATION MAKES A mam ot-3tx9m.-$1l2/X0 o5txxyeancos.FPJmmed.occwon o All the Ingredients tot for?†Nng. l . Exceptional family rm & /O to deck. l . Very pretty home near charming Bronte $319,900 HEGANCE PLUS COMFORT $269,900 MARVEOUS 2800 SQ. FT $2800/MONTH FAB MAWAMY OXFORD PILGRIM'S WAY VILLAGE GUN ABBEY EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY p deck $199,900 THE RIGHT sro FF! EILEEN GRAHAM EILEEN GRAHAM SHEEN GRAHAM $191,00o NEW LISTING EILEEN GRAHAM EILEEN GRAHAM EILEEN GRAHAM EILEEN GRAHAM EILEEN GRAHAM In $199,500 Convenient location. close to schools & parks. 3 bdrms.,0 new kitchen, finished lower level.. sunny Florida room, becufiful,. private garden. ALLAN MARTIN M2-7000. . landscaping 8d2-70oo. 5479.000. Fabulous executive. home located in the exclusive. golf course community ot Fairway Hills. Tastefully decorated with. many unique features & great. M2-7N0 S289,000. Located near the lake, In a quiet, mature neighbourhood. 4 bdrms., main floor fomlly room, 2 flrezploces, 11grpypcl A ppp), 1eqlf A?n sides. landscaped 842-7000. ALtAN MARTIN 842-7000 $369,900 Court setting. Mattam -di built executlve home, over 3,1g0 sq. ft. with main floor den, " bdrms., master bdrm., with. fabulous en sulfe, inground. heofed pool, protesslonally2 NEAR THE GOLF COURSE . MORE OUTIXDOR FUN!!! U PGRNES GALORE! TIME FOR A SWIM? IT'S POOL TIME!!! GREAT VALU E 3m Interlock driveway, d IvghtingI & sprinkler ALLAN MA IN M2-7000. 0 Hardwood floors on" rels. 3 fireplaces Incl not. in master bdrm. Lower. beautifully finished incl. nmenr area and 3-pce._ ALLAN MArtrmoe ALLAN MARTIN ALLAN MARTIN ED T1