nvmg inspiration meets practical trans D purtottitmirithe 1994CutlassSupreme distinctively-styled car with strong per mam:e,itaturesthepersorulityofadriving machine with the admirable attributes of family spatxamiamhxt. For 1994, Cutlass Sumeme offers an S-serie Cutlass Supreme he features that have made Cavalier I Canada's best-seller for the last three years begin with affordability, and go on to include style, comfort. plus a wide choice of models and engines. It all adds up to outstanding value, a virtue Cavalier e" Eg COMPUTER te WEEKLY PUBLICATION If A 635-0222 BU SupremeoNs isti)it)lis?i" 844-2320 IgE/tli/tttanimator-ir/sy News 8 1r v that continues into 1994 with numerous improvement performance and safety. Cavalier's model lineup for 1994 inc the popular VL Coupe and Sedan; the I; level RS in Coupe, Sedan, and Convert variants: the Cavalier Station Wagon: & sporting HE OAKVILLE BEAVER 100 upendSe tinsttttett n vaublc ll ite,ant mm Ill 1aote mts; the Cavalier Stati ting 224 Coupe and C vailable from Towne C for a monthly payment le N It te E E te-t lt xur HEVROLET OLDSMOBILE INC SI Mt Old S-10 Pickup fl ‘ RI' and ready to work, the 1994 5 turns trucking into down- shion. Without sacrificing a ity. it adds clean acrodynam td a car-like interior environ OMES To T Mi, C , 0 ‘9k atect"",t,, WA? BARBECUE FROM 11:30 TILL 3:30 P.M ment Wednesday, November 24, 1993 EXAS' , New and improved engines, new chasis packages, redesigned pickup boxes featuring two-tier loading, roomier interiors, and a host of comfort and convenience features give customers exactly what they've been seeking: durability. value for money, and a tough, handsome vehicle at the right price. Available in Base, LS and SS versions, S-Series lets the buyer tailor the vehicle to personal needs. mun the k""t