OAKVILLE BEAVER, Friday, July25, 2008 41 Our Community Needs More School Bus Drivers For Information, call toll-free: To Place an Ad Call 905-632-4440 Fax: 905-632-8165 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Index: Real Estate 100-135 · Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure 200-239 · Community 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 400-470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION Call: 905-632-0588 Mon. to Fri. 8:30am-5:30pm BONUS! All classified ads also appear on www.burlingtonpost.com 1-877-914-KIDS canadajobs@firstgroup.com To Place Your ad Here Contact your Classified Sales Representative 905.632.4440 Ad submission by mail or in person: Burlington Post & Flamborough Review, 5040 Mainway, #1, Burlington, ON L7L 7G5 Deadlines: Mon., 5 p.m., for Wed. publication, Wed., 5 p.m., for Fri. publication, Thurs., 5 p.m., for Sun. publication, Special Feature deadlines may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts can be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS to ensure the information is correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours if an error appears. An error in a Fri. publication must be reported no later than Mon., 5:30 p.m. & flats for & flats for & flats for & flats for 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent 170 apartmentsrent Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the OPEN HOUSE Sunday July 27 - 2pm - 4pm 11C James St, Georgetown Available Now BURLINGTON LOCATIONS · 1440, 1450, 1460 Tyandaga Terrace 1,2 &3 bdrm Low-rise It's better in Burlington Rent from $910.00/month · Minutes to GO & QEW · Magnificent view of the lake & mountain · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites · Rent includes all utilities & cable · Individual Climate Control (Heating & A/C) Exceptional Value!!! OAKVILLE- 1-BDRM, basement walk-out, private entrance, laundry/ cable/ internet/ parking. $825/mo. Suit single quiet non-smoker. Avail. immediately 905-469-6058 OAKVILLE- Upper Middle/ 8th Line. Large, 2 bedroom in townhouse with private entrance. Kitchen, dining room, fridge/ stove/ dishwasher/ shared laundry. No pets/ smoking. $1025/mo. utilities/ air included. Available September 1. 905-827-1546. OAKVILLE/ Mississauga. Huge 2-bedroom basement apartment. Separate entrance, parking. Available August 1st. 905-829-9863. OAKVILLE~ Affordable Rent! Large 1&2 bedroom hardwood, suites w/balcony. Appliances, laund r y, q u i e t , c l e a n , n e a r transit/ schools/ shops. 905-339-3245 WAT E R D O W N . 2 - b e d room lower level upscale apartment w/gas fireplace, fridge, stove, microwave, dishwasher, can be partly furnished. Very bright. Ideal for single non-smoker. Prefer no pets. Sept.1st. $895/mo. 905-690-6308 WAT E R D O W N ~ C e n t r a l location, walk everywhere 1&2 bedrooms $785/mo.; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; waterdownrenters.com and Burl.: (905) 592-1171 Oak.: (905) 901-1888 situated on private/ park-like grounds. Freshly painted with private walkout to cedar hedge patio Some with new kitchen cabinetry Truly unique 2061sq.ft. Executive Townhome is 2.5 years new. 2 bedrooms with full ensuites & walk-in closets. Huge 3rd floor loft. 3 balconies. Gas fireplace. Downtown location near GO Train. $369,900. www.homesellerpak.com id# 3710 Call 416-500-9898 760 Brant St. at Ghent Ave. · 905-639-4677 w w w. m c a r t h u r p r o p e r t i e s . c o m Burlington Square 905-336-0015 905-336-0016 · 1275 Elgin St., D/T spacious, freshly painted, quiet, wellmain.'d 2 bdrm (some with new kitchen cabinetry) 905-637-0321 · 3055 Glencrest Rd. Centrally located, well- maintained spacious 1, 2, 3 bdrm 905-637-3921 905-317-7062 Control Your Own Heat & AC!! Spacious 1&2 bdrm +den, sunken living ro o m . U t i l / AC i n cl . Close to Oak. Place, Sheridan College, QEW &GO. 1297 Marlborough & Trafalgar Rd. 905-815-1628 For details call 905-632-4440 OPEN HOUSE Sunday, July 27 52 Kingspoint Circle, Winona www.caprent.com $000,000 - 4 slevel spide split in Headon Forest. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, finished rec woom with gas fireplace. New ceramics in kitchen. Hardwood floors in living room & dining room. Large professionally landscaped, pool-size lot. New roof in `03, windows replaced `04. Hi-efficiency gas furnace. Master bedroom with full ensuite. Neutral decor throughout. Open House this Sunday at 000 Main St., Burlington.. PRIVATE SALE. Call 000-000-0000 for more details. PLE SAMZE SI OPEN HOUSE 1 2 m i n u t e s t o B u r l i n g t o n S k y w a y. New Executive Home, 5 Bedrooms Upstairs, 3 Full Bathrooms, 3000 + sq.ft., gorgeous lot, 2 upstairs laundry rooms, loft area, upstairs balcony, lakeside community. $485,000 - Call 905-643-0837 $399,900. Open House Sun. 2-4pm. 530 Sandcherry Drive, Burlington. Spacious 3-bedroom semi, 2.5 baths, approx. 2200sq.ft., hardwood, ceramics, landscaped, stone patio. Walk to RBG/ Parks. A must see! 905528-7991. EXECUTIVE home, Oakville, 3500sq.ft. on quiet circle in ravine commun i t y, 5 - b e d r o o m s ( 4 +common room), 4 baths, open concept kitchen and family room, landscaped prof. Asking $695,000. Call 416-573-7446 Sunday July 27th, 2pm - 4pm 398 Park Rd N., Grimsby 905-945-9385 OPEN House Sat. July 26th 2-4pm. 1488 Pilg r i m s W a y U n i t 1 3 11 Oakville (Glen Abbey). 2bedroom condo. Newly renovated, ground level, ensuite laundry, fireplace, underground parking. Near all amenities. $192,000. 905-339-3888 P r e - e m i n e n t l a k e v i e w. C e d a r h o m e . Three bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, open plan, cathedral ceilings, floor to ceiling fire place, ceramics, hardwood etc. finished basement. Cor ner lot overlooking lake, with access to beach. $419,995 See more: www.PrivateRealEstate.ca Ask Us About... Book your Recruitment ad today & receive 2 weeks on Workopolis for only $125.00 OPEN House Sunday July 27th 2-4:30 1480 Bishops Gate, Unit 116 Large ground floor 2 Bed/2 Bath with patio, parking and storage. $249,500. Call Jacquie FABULOUS 1400sq ft. 3- 416-731-7008 Signature Bedroom plus 2 full Bath. Service GMAC Real EsC l o s e t o Q E W & tate amenities. Open house every Sunday 2-4. Call 905-563-1232 or visit www.privaterealestate.ca /Details.php? ID=4544 C O M M E R C I A L O P E N H o u s e J u l y 2 7 t h Space..... Downtown Wa2 - 4 p m . 2 4 7 7 F a l k l a n d terdown, prime location. Cres. Oakville. Deep ra- unit designed and zoned vine lot, mature forest. for ladies/men's apparel S t u n n i n g 4 - b e d r o o m retail shop. 1600 square home 1 8 3 6 s q . f t . feet available. For further information, call 905-320$469,000. 416-837-5082. 0915 PRIME Southeast light industrial building for lease. Tr a f a l g a r / Q E W. 2 0 5 0 10,250sq.ft. available immediately. Richard 905465-0970 ext.225 B U R L I N G TO N - P l a i n s / Brant, near Court House, excellent location. 3 off i c e s , 8 0 0 s q . f t . C / a i r, parking. Suit professional business. 905-635-8127. PRIME downtown Oakville, 1100sqft. (Approx.). Call 416-573-7446 ANYMortgages 1 ,2 &3 st nd rd CREDIT!!! INCOME!!! * Below Bank Rates * Refinance to 100% * Purchase 0% Down POWER OF SALE STOPPED!!! 1-877-568-9255 JOB at home. $487.68 Weekly. Assemble Prod416-578-0897 ucts, Mail or Computer W o r k . F r e e D e t a i l s www.butlermortgage.ca www.TopJobReview.com ASK FOR write CHRJobs: 372 Rideau St, #916-A15 WILL BUTLER, AMP Ottawa ON, K1N 1G7 1$$$100 million$$$ Private 807-625-5576 funds available 1st and OAKVILLE based Couri- 2nd mortgages purchase, er business for sale. Ex- refinance, consolidate, cellent Growth opportu- call angela lattuca 905n i t i e s . C a l l J a m i e 9 0 5 - 391-8674 for quick approval 331-5000 OPEN House Sat./ Sun. 1-4pm., 1254 Kings College, Oakville. 5-bedrooms, 3,600sq.ft. w/basement apartment. Ravine. Hussein Nassar, Sales rep., Right At Home, 647-271-8430. PRIVATE sale. Aldershot bungalow 977 Sanford Dr. Burlington. $339,000 Open house. Sun.July 27, 2-4:30 See PrivateRealEstate.ca call 905-632-4440 MORTGAGE Broker- We serve people in situations $$MONEY$$ Consolidate that range from perfect 2-ROOMS for rent in Sa- D e b t s M o r t g a g e s t o to challenging. 905-336lon. Perfect for Massage 1 0 0 % N o i n c o m e , B a d 5997 or 1-866-824-8057 therapy/ esthetics. Call credit OK! The Mortgage www.designermortgages Centre 1-800-282-1169 905-634-6651. .ca OAKVILLE Downtown 1bedroom loft, heritage building $1500/mo. includes parking/ utilities. BURLINGTON SouthLaundry on site. No east. Adult bachelor smokers/ No pets preapartment. Near lake, ferred. July 1st. LeeAnn, parking, newly renovated. 1-bdrm August/ Septem- P r e f e r n o p e t s / n o n - 905-844-8581 9am-5pm ber; 3-bdrm August. Call s m o k i n g . $ 7 5 0 / m o . I n Now! Burlington Towers c l u d e s u t i l i t i e s , c / a i r, O A K V I L L E D o w n t o w n . Renovated large bright 1905-639-8583 cable, internet. Sept.1st. bedroom, low rise quiet 905-639-9218. building. $740/mo. BASEMENT apartment, furnished/ unfurnished. B U R L I N G T O N - B r a n t / Available Aug.1st. (parkOwn bathroom, kitchen, F a i r v i e w, l a r g e , 2 b e d - ing included). 416-948f i r e p l a c e , p a r k i n g . N o rooms, renovated, park- 8321 s m o k i n g . S e p a r a t e e n - ing, immediate. $895/mo. OAKVILLE luxurious, t r a n c e . O a k v i l l e . 9 0 5 - + hydro. 905-635-8277. 1400 sqft., bright, large 827-5075. 2-bedroom basement B U R L I N G T O N - D r u r y / apartment, a/c, separate BEAUTIFUL 3 bedroom New- Renovated 1-bed- entrance, parking, launP e n t h o u s e i n B r o n t e . room. Quiet, clean, low d r y i n a p a r t m e n t . s u i t s $ 1 6 0 0 / m o . i n c l u s i v e . r i s e , p a r k i n g / h e a t i n g . single professional or maAvailable September 15. $ 8 7 5 / m o . p l u s h y d r o . ture couple, non-smoker, 905-465-3428. September.1. 416-453- n o p e t s p r e f e r r e d . 5954. available sept/1 2008. BEAUTIFUL building~ $1,200/mo utilities inDowntown Old Oakville, BURLINGTON- Two, 2- cluded.call 905-465-0084 s h o p s a t y o u r d o o r b d r m a p a r t m e n t s w i t h or leave message. step, 2-bdrm from parking avail. immed. $1475/mo. No lease, no One in core at $995/mo. OAKVILLE North. 2 bedlast month deposit. 905- & O n e a t B r a n t / P l a i n s rooms, private entrance, 339-4645. $ 11 9 0 / m o . C a l l F r a n k A/C, central vacuum, 5 Loncaric at Royal LePage appliances. No pets preBEST Location! Down- 905-634-7755. ferred, non-smoker. 905town Oakville. Large 257-0856. n e w l y r e n o v a t e d 1 & 2 B U R L I N G TO N ~ 2 - b e d bedrooms, unique 2 bdrm r o o m a p a r t m e n t , OAKVILLE Place area. p e n t h o u s e w / 2 b a t h s , $950/mo. includes stove, 2 - b e d r o o m a p a r t m e n t . $1500/mo. Great move- fridge, parking, utilities, C l e a n , q u i e t b u i l d i n g , in incentive. Spectacular laundry. Don 905-645- Aug.1st. $899/mo. plus hydro. Call 416-779l a k e v i e w s . 1 0 5 A l l a n 4128. 4899. Street. 905-599-2059; 121 Allan Street. 905- G L E N A b b e y - 2 l a r g e 842-3076 bedrooms, ground floor, OAKVILLE, Kerr/ Speers all appliances included. R d . N e w l y r e n o v a t e d B R A N T / P l a i n s R d . 1 - C l o s e t o a l l a m e n i t i e s . 1&2 bedrooms. 905-339b e d r o o m & B a c h e l o r $1200/mo. Call 905-465- 1154 a p a r t m e n t s , h a r d w o o d 1660. OAKVILLE, near Sherifloors, parking, laundry. $ 6 0 0 / m o . , $ 7 2 5 / m o . GUELPH Line/ Prospect, d a n C o l l e g e . L a r g e 1 bedroom basement apartSept.1st. 905-336-7207 across from Burlington ment from $750/mo. inMall. 1&2 bedroom, from clusive. Immediate. First/ B U R L I N G T O N 1 - b e d - $848/mo. Very quiet and last. 905-844-0233. room apartment, freshly clean building. 905-333r e n o v a t e d , n e w a p p l i - 1525 OAKVILLE, prime locaances Immediate, Guelph tion. Mint condition, 2/New, parking, laundry fa- G U E L P H L i n e / W o o d - bedroom, 2-bathroom, 5 cilities. $745/mo inclu- w a r d . 2 b e d r o o m appliances, c/air, undersive. 647-333-2665 available immediately. ground parking & storage. $890/mo. Utilities in- Wa l k t o a l l a m e n i t i e s . BURLINGTON down- cluded. Clean, quiet $1280/mo. Sept.15th. t o w n . S p a c i o u s 2 - b e d - building. Burlington. 905- Long-term only. 905-693room apartment. Clean, 632-4265 2991; 905-849-5597. quiet building. Available Sept.1st $916/mo. Call LAKESHORE & Bronte. OAKVILLE- 1-bedroom 905-630-0398. 1&2 bedroom utilities in- b a s e m e n t a p a r t m e n t . cluded, +parking. Close S e p a r a t e e n t r a n c e , i n BURLINGTON Mall area. to Bronte Harbour and all cludes parking. $780/mo. Spacious bachelor base- amenities. Available Oc- O n e p e r s o n . P r e f e r n o ment apartment. Fridge, t o b e r / N o v e m b e r 1 s t . pets. 905-847-5230. s t o v e , w a s h e r, d r y e r, 905-825-0816 OAKVILLE- $875/Mo, 1 microwave. Separate ent r a n c e , h y d r o , g a s i n - N.BURLINGTON 1 room b d r m b a s e m e n t a p a r t c l u d e d . N o p e t s p r e - furnished apartment c/a, ment, 4th & Rebecca, 2 f e r r e d / n o - s m o k i n g . c a b l e , s e p a r a t e e n - parking spaces, utilities/ $ 7 5 0 / m o . F i r s t / l a s t . trance. On bus route 905- cable/ internet included. (905) 844-4910 Mid.Aug. 905-681-6958. 319-3002 No Parking! S H O R T- T E R M C l e a n , spacious 1&2 bedroom furnished suites at much desired location... Burlington Towers. 905-639-8583 www.corporatesuites.ca WWW.Travelsuites.net Log on!!.... Fully furnished Corporate Residences! Daily, Weekly, Monthly! Business, Family, Travel Visits! Unbelievable From.... $59.95*/ night! M/Card- Visa- Diner's Page Us 905-681-7355 BRONTE- Large 1 bedroom, full amenities. Freshly renovated. Parking, utilities and cable i n c l u d e d . $ 11 5 0 / m o . Available September 1. 905-467-8302. B U R L I N G TO N - L u x u r i ous Condo, 2 large bedrooms, 2 full baths, eat-in kitchen, parkings, 5 stars amenities, concierge. 905-977-0736; 905-6480027. I M M A C U L AT E 1 - b e d room + den, A/C, storage, in-suite laundry, parking. Near all amenities/ GO. $950/mo. + utilities. No smoking, no pets preferred. Chris 905-5921847. LAKEFRONT, Burlington East, "Royal Vista" 1,300 sq ft Penthouse, 2-bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, in-suite laundry, solarium, parking $1545/mo 905.464.4274