www.oakvillebeaver.com · OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, January 22, 2010 · 26 Oakville Chamber Ensemble Stéphane Potvin, Artistic Director Community Update Forward announcements of non-profit local events for Community Update to the Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4; e-mail ablackburn@oakvillebeaver.com or call 905-337-5560. Free. BULLETIN Oakville Parent-Child Centre's Spring Program Guide and Discovery Station Nursery School Package is now available at www.opcc.ca or can be picked up at any of the centre's sites. Feb. 2 is registration deadline. Contact 905-849-6366. Halton K9 Lions Club charter celebration Friday, Jan. 29, Lions Foundation of Canada, 152 Wilson St., 6-7 p.m. -- hors d'oeuvres, raffles and dog guide demonstrations, 7 p.m., speeches. Tickets $25 at the door. Business attire required, contact Alex Ivic at 905-842-2891, ext. 222 or aivic@dogguides.com. Tickets available to Brahms' Songs of Love with the Oakville Chamber Ensemble, Saturday, Feb. 6, 7:30 p.m., St. Simon's Anglican Church, 1450 Litchfield Rd., $25 regular admission, order online at www.oakville-ensemble.ca, call 905-825 -9740 or e-mail info@oakville-ensemble.ca. Brighten a senior's life with a weekly or bi-weekly visit of one to two hours for companionship or outing to reduce loneliness. Volunteers are urgently needed. Call Linda at Acclaim Health at 905-827-8800, ext. 2317 or 1-800-387-7127. Chronic disease self-management six-week workshop, register at 905-845-2571, ext. 5900 or maximizeyourhealth@haltonhealthcare.o n.ca. Canadian Central American Relief Effort (CCARE) Grand Latin Evening gala Feb. 5, 7 p.m., Le Treport Banquet Hall, Mississauga, buffet, silent auction and Latin entertainment, $50, contact 905-849-8350 or hrossi@cogeco.ca. Advance tickets only to the second annual Valentine Dinner and Dance hosted by the Knights of Columbus, Mary Mother of God Council, Saturday, Feb. 13, Le Dome Banquet Hall, North Service Road, prime rib dinner, dancing, $50, contact Henry Thissen at 905-580-0045 or hthissen@oakville.ca. Ten Things They Never Told Me About Jesus Six-week study of John Bell's new book begins Wednesday, Feb. 24, 7:30 p.m., RSVP St Cuthbert's, 905844-6200 or stcuthbert@bellnet.ca. Trafalgar Toastmasters 30th anniversary Charter Party, Saturday, Feb. 27, speeches, entertainment, contact Jim at 905-338-6909. THURSDAY JANUARY 21 Nadine Hughes speaks to the Canadian Club of Halton Peel, Oakville Conference Centre, 2515 Wyecroft Rd., registration at 6 p.m., dinner at 7 p.m. Cost is $30 for members, $40 for guests and $15 for students. Contact Barry Wylie at 905827-6302 or bwylie@globalserve.net. Annual memberships cost $30/person, $55/family or $75/corporate. Valentine's High Tea, Sunday, Feb. 14, Munn's United Church, corner of Dundas Street and Sixth Line, starting at 2 p.m., tickets $10, call the church office at 905-257-8434, proceeds to the food banks in Oakville. Trafalgar Toastmasters 30th anniversary Charter Party, Saturday, Feb. 27, speeches, entertainment, contact Jim at 905-338-6909. FRIDAY JANUARY 22 Public astronomy night (Cloud date Saturday, Jan. 23), dress warmly, 7:30-11 p.m., free, Nelson Recreation Centre, 4235 New St., Burlington, contact http://amateurastronomy.org/. SATURDAY JANUARY 23 Rally for Democracy, 1 p.m., Heritage Park, 337 Kerr St., contact 905-849-8585 or noprorogueoak@gmail.com. Oakville resident and author Eileen Stewart-Rhude hosts a meet, reading and book signing of her latest book The Leadership Edge: Seven Keys to Dynamic Christian Leadership for Women at Good Books Christian Bookstore, 588 Kerr St., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. SUNDAY JANUARY 24 Ontario Genealogical Society, Halton-Peel Branch meets, family history speaker is author Fawne Stratford-Devai on Leaving Ontario Sources for Tracing Ontario Migrants, 2 p.m., Four Corners Public Library, Auditorium, 65 Queen St. E., Brampton, all welcome, contact Bob Crawford at 905-877-1183 or Mike Payne at 905-877-7627. Oakville Museum at Erchless Estate A Wee Celebration Sunday, Jan. 24, 1-4 p.m., piping in and Address to the Haggis, readings of Robbie Burns's works by Ian McNicol and Doug Orr. Entertainment, Scottish fare, children's activities, $7/person in advance, 905-338-4400, 8 Navy St. or visit www.oakvillemuseum.ca. MONDAY JANUARY 25 Taoist Tai Chi Society Open House, 7:30-9 p.m., 2464 Lakeshore Rd. W., call 905-825-0514 or write oakville@taoist.org. Robbie Burns Night Single Malt & Cheese Tasting, 7 p.m., $25, Whole Foods Market, Oakville, 301 Cornwall Rd., call 905-849-8400, ext. 107. Monday Night at the Movies, 7:30 p.m., AMC 24 Winston Churchill at QEW, $8, Departures (2008/Japan, English subtitles), 130 minutes, 14A. Belonging Adoption Support Group meets at 7 p.m., Compass Point Bible Church, 2501 Eaglesfield Dr., Burlington, guest speaker is Janet Ralph of Hamilton Children's Aid Society, video about adoption, contact Janice McDonald at the.mcdonalds@sympatico.ca. Tots and Us for moms, dads and grandparents caring for a preschooler, meet others, participate with child in playtime, music, stories, snack, free, 10 -11 a.m., St. Paul's United Church, 454 Rebecca St., contact 905-845-3427. TUESDAY JANUARY 26 Take Off Pounds Sensibly -- TOPS meets at Walton Memorial Church, 2489 Lakeshore Rd., Bronte, 6:30 p.m., contact 905-827-3380. Secondary Infertility Group Meeting, 6:15-8:15 p.m., $5, dealing with infertility when you have one or more children, #200- 1158 Winston Churchhill Blvd., visit www.yourhealthwellnesscentre.com or call 905-829-0724. Acupuncture and cosmetic facial acupuncture, 10 a.m., free, Whole Foods Market, Oakville, 301 Cornwall Rd., call 905-849-8400, ext. 107. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 27 The Alpha Course, Introduction to the Christian Faith, St. Hilda's Church, 1258 Rebecca St. Introduction tonight, 7-9 p.m., course commences Feb. 3 for 10 weeks, call 416-991-8499. Infertility Support Group meets 6:15-8:15 p.m., casual meeting talking about experiences with infertility, topics also may include grief and loss, marriage renewal, coping strategies, $5, #200, 1158 Winston Churchhill Blvd., visit www.yourhealthwellnesscentre.com or call 905-829-0724. The Lighthouse Program for Grieving Children, grief support group for teens meets from 7-8:30 p.m., call 905-337-2333 or e-mail lighthouseprogram@bellnet.ca to register. Visit our website at www.grievingchildrenlighthouse.org. Polar Bears Mood Disorder Support Group, 7 p.m., St. Aidan's Anglican Church, 318 Queen Mary Dr., Anthony Room (downstairs), support for those affected by depression, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, family and friends. Contact Rob at 905842-9160. HAPPEN Linking People and Opportunities Networking support group for business professionals in career transition, meets 8 a.m., 1333 Lakeshore Rd., Burlington, networking to success, $10/members, $30/non-members, contact 905-3390268 or www.happen.ca. Winter Sale FURS · LEATHERS · SHEARLINGS CLOTH COATS · ACCESSORIES 30-50 % OFF Entire Winter Inventory No price adjustments on previous purchases. 209 L AKESHORE ROAD EAST Downtown Oakville (905)845-2031 www.barringtons.ca Monday-Friday 9-6 · Saturday 9-5 · Sunday 12-5