Keisha Bell-Kovacs 905.825.4168 Alison Moodie 905.338.8240.82 River Oaks North East Oakville Ana Sipsis 905.469.1999 South Oakville Pam Pender 905.845.9409 West Oak Trails Music For Young Children is the only child-centered music-learning system that integrates keyboard, creative movement, , rhythm, singing, ear training, sight reading, , music theory, and composition. Discover theover th JOY of MYCof MY by contacting:ntac Empowering Children, Enriching Families! w w w . o a kv ill eb ea ve r.c o m O A KV IL LE B EA V ER Th ur sd ay , Se pt em be r 2 , 2 01 0 2 2 Popsicle Prize Pack winner Cassidy Wa lker correctly answered our question: Who won the 2006 World Cup in this summers soccer contest . Here she is presented with her Popsicle Prize Pack full of soccer gear. Congratulations Cassidy! Contest Winner