The Gold / Franks families Sign your Donor Card! This C hristmas i s tr lu y a special one to us, and w e will f orever b e thankful f or all the f amily and friends we have to share i t with. We would like to send out an extra thank you to all the friends, family and strangers near and far that went out of their way to help us in one way or another during Alexandrias liver transplant journey. Each kind word, prayer and thought, every gift of groceries and toys we received were accepted with gratitude that we have a lot of love around us and a lot of people we can depend on when needed. We especially extend a special Thank You to the family who had the courage and generosity to donate so others would live. Thank you to all, and we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas Alexandria Rose Gold YOU THINK Were Closer Than J U N I O R K I N D E R G A R T E N A N D M O N T E S S O R I T O G R A D E 1 2 w w w . o a kv ill eb ea ve r.c o m O A KV IL LE B EA V ER Fr id ay , D ec em be r 1 7, 2 01 0 1 2 I have been in constant communication with Elections Ontario. They have told us in no uncertain terms that there was nothing illegal with regard to these donations and that all the rules were adhered to. This includes the donation at the centre of this issue, as well as those made during the time of the previous mayor, Ann Mulvale. The way in which this matter was pre- sented is troublesome to me as it does look to be a case of political opportunism at its worst. In my opinion, Councillor Jeff Knolls decision to raise the issue through the media, rather than through the normal Council meeting proceedings, is question- able, however that aside I believe that the issue is serious and that action does need to be taken. I believe that this is a matter of corporate policy for Oakville Hydros Board of Directors to attend to. Its members includ- ing those such as Larry Scott who have been among the most vocal on this issue, should be taken to task. According to the Beaver article, Mr. Scott himself was a sitting board member during the time when this dona- tion was made, which begs the question as to whether someone was asleep at the switch? I suggest that the Board of Oakville Hydro should turn its attention to the obvi- ous internal problems that clearly exist in the utility when it comes to this sort of pol- icy issue. The Board puts their good faith in the CEO of the utility who is on record as saying that he believes the utility received good value for the money spent. I believe there is a clear disconnect between the Board of Directors of Oakville Hydro and their CEO and I believe they should be taken to task on this. This is a matter for them to clear up so that Oakville residents can be assured that good business practices are being conducted at the utility. As we go forward, I will be considering provincial legislation that would ban public utilities from donating to any political party. Again, I would like to thank you for tak- ing the time to write to me on this impor- tant issue. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesi- tate to contact me at my office. Kevin Flynn, MPP Oakville Hydro donation not illegal says Flynn Continued from page 6