wwwwww.carstaroakville.com.brantfl orist.com/ob547 Trafalgar Rd.905-845-7579905.639.70012212 Wyecroft Rd.905-847-2595HALTONTRANSMISSIONwww.dentistoakville.com559 SPEERS ROAD, UNIT #3 (905)842-0725SNA NEWSPAPER OF THE YEAR 2010ONTARIOS TOP NEWSPAPER - 2005-2008TravelBeaver Trails905-842-6030ON TO40 Pages $1.00 (plus tax) BUILD BETTER COMMUNITIESA member ofTHURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2011 Metroland Media Group Ltd.USING COMMUNICATI Vol. 49 No. 17You get Yogathan what taxeshelps withpay forschizophreniaBy David LeaBy Angela BlackburnOAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFOAKVILLE BEAVER STAFFYou get what you pay for.Schizophrenia literally turns lifeThat was the message echoingupside down.through Town Hall last week as theOffering a calm in the storm 2011 Budget Committee learnedfor those with schizophrenia, theirhow much various Town depart-family and friends is the aim of aments expect to spend this year.Feb. 12 fundraising yogathon atThe committee is currently Oakvilles The Meeting House.deliberating whether there is any The fundraiser will help thefat to be trimmed from the Towns Schizophrenia Society of Ontario,multi-million dollar operating and (SSO) Halton/Peel do its job capital budgets and, if so, providing a reason to hope and awhere.means to cope for those affected byThe Towns base budget hasschizophrenia.been slightly pared from its fore-Schizophrenia is a brain diseasecast 7.6 per cent hike to a 7.1 per that is twice as prevalent ascent increase.Alzheimer Disease and six times asWith hikes to Halton Region's prevalent as insulin-dependant dia-(1.40 per cent) and local school betes. It affects one in 100 peopleboard (0 per cent) budgets fac- approximately 300,000 in Canadatored into the equation, it means and 120,000 in Ontario. Oakville residents would see a 3.14 It has historically been sweptper cent increase to the property under the carpet because of stig-tax bill should the Town budget be ma.approved.The SSO is also working to com-This would translate to Oakville bat that stignma.taxpayers coughing up an extra Yogathon participants will put$30.88 in property taxes per the disease front and centre as they$100,000 of assessment in 2011.haul out their yoga mats and attendIn his presentation to the bud-one class for $25 or stay all day toget committee, Infrastructure and experience a variety of yoga stylesTransportation Servicesfor $100. Commissioner Dave Bloomer said A host of local studios are par-his department would spendticipating including Kula, Some$42.88 million on Oakville Transit, Like It Hot, Prana Wellness, Flying$30.68 million on infrastructure Monkey and Sharma-Bhakti. maintenance, $31.16 million on Some of the yoga flows beinginfrastructure planningNIKKI WESLEY / OAKVILLE BEAVER andoffered are Kripalu, Vinyasa, power,improvements and $3.51 million MAKING THINGS RIGHT:Prana Yoga & Wellness Studios, Oakville owner Shannon Holmes, who operates heresprit, meditative and relaxation. on parking services this year.studio on Wyecroft Road, is leading a Hatha stretch session in a yogathon fundraiser involving nearly a dozen local yogaSee Woman page 12See Potential page 3studios in support of the Schizophrenia Society of Ontario, Halton/Peel at The Meeting House on Saturday, Feb. 12.