Oakville Harbours business plan approvedTown hosting workshops forAfter months of public and stakeholder ensure the reserve funding is never com-consultation the Town of Oakville has pletely used during the 10-year period,air quality bylaw reportingapproved a plan that will govern the direc-including:tion Oakvilles harbours take over the next ? Achieving market rate for mooring slipsThe Town of Oakville will be holding several other pollutants, which produce fine particulate 10 years.and ancillary service;workshops in the near future to help local indus-matter, to make a one-time report of emission The Oakville Harbours Financial Strategic ? Achieving market rent for land licence/try comply with the Towns Health Protection levels to the Town.Business Plan, approved last week, seeks to lease agreements;Air Quality Bylaw.Further reporting is only required if there ensure ongoing economic viability and sus-? Maintaining dredging fees plus a threeThe workshops, which will be held on are changes in those emission levels.tainability and focuses on such things as per cent annual increase starting in 2011Thursday, Feb. 24, March 31 and April 14, will Facilities classified as major emitters of air maintaining and enhancing partnerships until 2021 or until completion of thereview the emission-reporting process to ensure pollutants, based on standards determined by with boat clubs, dredging options and alter-Sediment Management Plan (subject to bud-compliance with Section 4 of the Towns bylaw.the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI), natives, lease renewals, transient moorings get approval);Under the bylaw, all facilities that fit under will need to go through a $25,000 town approval and parkland and harbour improvements.? Phasing-in internal support costs inSection 4, including all facilities with provincial process during which council will decide wheth-This is an adaptable business plan and a accordance with town policy;Certificates of Approval for air emissions and er to allow such a facility to continue to operate responsible financial model that allows us to ? Transferring dockwall and pier repairs,major emitters, are required to submit a report in Oakville.evolve as the economy evolves, said Oakville and maintenance to the tax levy subject toto the Town on their fine particulate matter and Existing facilities that agree to develop a five-Mayor Rob Burton.council approval;health-risk air pollution emissions by May 1, year plan leading to a 25 per cent reduction in Our harbours have operated on a self-The Town of Oakville operates both2011.emissions will be given approval to continue to sustaining business plan with minimal sup-Oakville and Bronte Harbours. These natu-Facilities that are not major emitters and do operate. Those that do not agree to a reduction port from the tax levy. The new business ral harbours accommodate several hundrednot have a Certificate of Approval for air emis-plan will need to convince Town council there is plan continues this model.sail and power boats, as well as recreationalsions have until September of 2012 to comply a public interest in allowing them to continue to The approved financial model is based on facilities. For more details, visit www.with the bylaws Section 4 reporting require-operate despite their emissions.several key principles intended to help oakvilleharbours.ca.ments.The bylaw also gives the Town the power to The compliance date for existing major emit-stop new major emitters from taking root in ter approvals under Section 6 of the bylaw has Oakville.been extended to September of 2012.Guidance documents for Section 4, back-The compliance date for proposed major ground information and presentations are avail-emitter approvals under Section 5 of the bylaw able at www.oakville.ca/healthprotectionairqual-remains unchanged as Feb. 1, 2010.ity.htm.One Year The Health Protection Air Quality Bylaw, Anyone with questions or concerns regard-which was passed Feb. 1, 2010, aims to make ing the bylaw can contact Jeffrey Lee at 905-845-to a Great Oakville an easier place to breathe by requiring 6601, ext. 3149 or by e-mail at healthprotec-all facilities that emit fine particulate matter, or tion@oakville.ca.Career Your degree or diploma is a greatfoundation n ow get the job-specific skills employers are looking for in aslittle as eight months.Sheridan offers 22 post-graduateprograms that will prepare you for a career in business, management, communications, or digital media.A variety of other diploma and degree progams are also available. Get the rewarding job you want& shine brighter.Post-gradOPEN HOUSE!FEB. 24, 2011 67:30 P.M.Register online today!postgrad.sheridaninstitute.ca9 Wednesday, February 23, 2011 OAKVILLE BEAVER www.insideHALTON.com