Volunteers welcome for Daffodil campaignFree quitthree hours in length and areer them to the venue, check inonly) high school studentsThe Canadian Cancer for the Halton Unit.worked in teams of two volun-on volunteers throughout theneeded to deliver donationSociety, Halton Unit is cur-We would like to chal-smokingteers. High school students,day and will return everythingenvelopes to neighbourhoodsrently looking for volun-lenge everyone in Oakville families, clubs, teams andat the end of the day. Site co-where there are no canvassers.teers for the annual to join the fight this spring. church groups suitable.ordinators must have a car.Students will receive one com-Daffodil Month campaign You only need to spare a support? Daffodil Days SiteSuitable for adults, clubs, teamsmunity service hour for eachthis April. few hours of your time and COntarians who want to quit smok-o-ordinators to work withand church groups.route they complete.Daffodil Month is one you are helping to make an ing can take advantage of the counsel-the local office to make sureCommunity CampaignFor information aboutof the Canadian Cancer enormous difference.ling support and nicotine replacementdaffodil sales locations areCanvassers to canvass theirthese volunteer opportunitiesSocietys largest fundrais-The Society is currently therapy (NRT), provided to them freelooked after during the cam-local neighbourhoods to col-or to sign up for a shift, contacting campaigns and it needs looking for volunteers for by the STOP (Smoking Treatment forpaign from Thursday, March 31lect donations for the SocietyDale at ldale@ontario.cancer.the support of hundreds of the following areas:Ontario Patients) program.to Sunday, April 3. Site co-ordi-throughout April (April 1-30).ca or 905-845-5231, ext. 3164.volunteers in Oakville. Daffodil Days - sellers nators will be assigned a spe-A route consists of 20-25The Canadian CancerThe Centre for Addiction andIt takes hundreds of to sell fresh daffodils Mental Health (CAMH) in partnershipcific location to look after forhomes. Society, Halton Unit is locatedhelping hands in order to and daffodil pins at various with the Ministry of Health Promotionthe day. They will pick up mate-? Community Campaign-at 760 Pacific Rd., Unit 7, ormake Daffodil Month a retail locations from and Halton Region Health Departmentrials from the local office, deliv-envelope drops (for studentsvisit www.fightback.ca.success, said Lisa Dale, Thursday, March 31 to is rolling out the STOP Program, thatfundraising co-ordinator Sunday, April 3. Shifts are aims to reduce tobacco smoking byincreasing the use of effective smokingSeniors Helpline needs helpCHIROPRACTICcessation medication and otherresources.Halton Seniors Helpline helpline, four hours monthly,niorshelpline.ca. Training pro-Sometimes people are reluctant toneeds volunteers aged 50 or contact 1-866457-8252 andvided, Helpline hours of opera-quit smoking because of the cost of more for Seniors And Law-leave a message with contacttion are Monday to Friday, 11 NRT, said Dr. Peter Selby, Clinicalenforcement Together (S.A.L.T.) details or visit www.haltonse-a.m.-2 p.m.Director of Addiction Programs, CAMHhealth and wellnessand Principal Investigator of the STOP& LASER THERAPYStudy. FOOT CLINICIn addition to providing NRT, STOPProviding Quality Chiropractic Services Hibbert & Associateswill offer educational material toTo The Oakville Community Since 1994Family Footcare and Orthoticsencourage the program participants tomake broader changes that canLaser Therapy Can Provide 331 Sheddon Ave., Oakville 905.815.0971 www.oakvilleclinic.caimprove their health even more,Painless Effective Relief for NO REFERRALS NECESSARY SATURDAY APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLEArthritis, Athletic Injuries, because often smoking does not occurTake A Step in the Right Direction. Visit a ChiropodistCarpal Tunnel Syndrome, Rotator Cuff in isolation, but rather accompanies& Shoulder Pain, Knee & Foot Pain other risk factors for disease, such as& many other painful concerns.poor nutrition and lack of physicalCall (905) 338-5558activity.FOR YOUR FREE CONSULTATIONDr. Richard Grolmus Those interested in participating inFamily ChiropractorDiscover How We Can Help You Today!the STOP program may do so bywww.OakvilleUptownChiropractor.caattending a STOP workshop, to be heldin Oakville on March 2, 2011.Convenient Oakville Uptown Core LocationCHIROPRACTIC HEALTH + LASER THERAPY, 2 - 2169 Sixth Line, OakvilleTo see if you are eligible to partici-MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: Our goal is to provide you and your family with the pate and to register for the workshop(s),BEST in Natural Health Care. Should you not be 100% satisfi ed with your experience dial 311 or 905-825-6000, toll freeat our offi ce, we will REFUND your entire initial visit fee paid!1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866),The contact lensTTY 905-827-9833 or e-mail Access.Halton@halton.ca. for your ear.THISTLECREEKHEALTH CARE LTD.Invisible. E ortless. 24/7.Caring for Lyric is the rst completely invisible, extended wear hearing aid.seniors at homeJoin us for yoga, It requires no handling at all and remains in the ear up to fouryogalates, pilates, months. The hearing care professional positions Lyric deep in thezumba, pre-natal,ear canal for outstanding sound quality. www.phonak-lyric.comHOMEMAKERS/COMPANIONSmom & baby, A boutique studio in the heart of classes, workshops PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKERSBurlington:Mississauga:Oakvilles Bronte Village. myPractice Find out whether Lyric is suitable for11-1960 Appleby Line325 Lakeshore Road Eastand more...creates an ideal environment for onesHEALTH CARE AIDESBurlington, ONMississauga, ONyou too and let us advise you.physical and mental renewal; an905-681-8977905-274-3032NURSING VISITSescape from the everyday.Waterdown:Oakville: my practice. your place. 9-245 Dundas St. East203-627 Lyons Lane Waterdown, ONOakville, ON905-582-95192444B Lakeshore Road West, Oakville905-690-1633905-339-1397www.thistlecreekhealthcare.ca905.465.9999 | www.mypracticeyoga.cawww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Thursday, March 3, 2011 14