OPINION & LETTERSTHE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR:The Oakville BeaverTHE OAKVILLE BEAVER IS PROUD OFFICIAL MEDIA SPONSOR FOR:Canadian Circulation467 Speers Rd.,Audit Board Member Oakville Ont. L6K 3S4 Recognized for Excellence by(905) 845-3824 Fax: 337-5571ClassiOntario CommunityCanadian Communityfied Advertising: 632-4440 Newspapers AssociationNewspapers AssociationCirculation: 845-9742 Open 9-5 weekdays,ATHENASuburban NewspapersAward5-7 for calls only Wed. to Friday, Closed weekendsof AmericaEditorial and advertising content of the Oakville Beaver is protected by copyright. NEIL OLIVERVice President and Group ROD JERREDManaging EditorMARK DILLSDirector of ProductionUnauthorized use is prohibited.Publisher of Metroland WestDANIEL BAIRDAdvertising DirectorMANUEL GARCIAProduction ManagerThe Oakville Beaver is a division ofDAVID HARVEYRegional General ManagerRIZIERO VERTOLLIPhotography DirectorCHARLENE HALLDirector of DistributionJILL DAVISEditor in ChiefSANDY PAREBusiness ManagerSARAH MCSWEENEYCirc. ManagerLetter to the editorOops againAre you kidding?Max Khan, youve got to be kid-After yet another example of a senior official not think-ding me Our biggest need is aing before he spoke, we wonder if its time for some government we can trust. (Oakvilleremedial sensitivity training at the Halton Catholic Beaver, April 6)District School Board.Do you think voters have forgot-On Tuesday night, the boards superintendent of busi-ten about the legacy of formerness services and treasurer Paul McMahon used the term Prime Minister Jean Chren and'Indian giver to describe the give-and-take funding prac-the scandals of his Liberal govern-tices of the Ministry of Education.McMahons turn oment. The human resources scan-f phrase is especially offensive in light of the boards current involvement in developing a dal, the gun registry, the sponsor-voluntary aboriginal self-identification policy intended to ship scandal, Shawinigate, the GSTsupport aboriginal student achievement in Ontario.promise and for sure Im missingThe board is also about to finalize details of a new something. equity and inclusivity policy.Let's not leave Brian MulroneyIts hard to take either of these efforts seriously when and Airbus out of this. How muchboard officials arent practicing what they preach.did Canadians have to pay to settleSadly, no one spoke up Tuesday night to challenge with the former Prime Minister. McMahons inappropriate word choice, to demand a How about spending Max?retraction or to offer an immediate apology.Liberals cancel a helicopter con-Then again, given the boards recent track record, tract, pay penalties worth about theperhaps we shouldnt be surprised trustees and board same as a hospital then turnstaff sat in stunned silence.around, buy some anyway and aThree months ago Halton Catholic board chair Alice different one that the companyAnne LeMay compared the boards ban on gay-straight can't deliver. Fighter jets, here wealliance groups (GSAs) to banning Nazi groups at Halton go again. Conservatives facing jailschools.time, no doubt, but that legacyThe remark sparked widespread outrage, leaving isnt new either. How many Liberalsboard officials scrambling with excuses that the words were quotedfaced jail time in the sponsorship out of context.LeMay oThe Oakville Beaverwelcomes letters from its readers. Letters will be edited for clarity, length, legal considerations ffered an apology only after the story had scandal? Letters toand grammar. In order to be published all letters must contain the name, address and phone number of the author.already made headlines and steadfastly refused to step Ejecting young ladies from aLetters should be addressed to The Editor, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, ON, L6K 3S4,or viadown from her role as leader of the board of elected trust-e-mail to editor@oakvillebeaver.com. The Beaverreserves the right to refuse to publish a letter.the editorConservative rally, how about pep-ees, a decision unanimously supported by her col-per spray at an Apex summit. leagues.Hats off to James Ede, the onlyHad McMahon addressed his verbal faux pas by apolo-Challenge for most democratic towncandidate who answered the ques-gizing while the words were still hanging uncomfortably tion.Why not organize a competition for ing is compulsory. But there is no time to in the air, it probably wouldnt have garnered mention in Dan Pearson, OakvilleOakville to be the most democratic town debate this topic at this time no doubt the paper. In the end, we couldnt let such a comment in Canada i.e. turning out the largest it would take years of debate. slide by without demanding an explanation.percentage of voters? However, I would love to see a news-The unwillingness of anyone at the board to stand up ElectionThere were competitions for the pret-paper challenge to get the voters out - Tuesday night and state categorically that statements like tiest town (I think by CBC), the wealthi-whoever they vote for and even if they these simply arent acceptable in 2011 is disturbing.is necessaryest towns (from Stats. Canada), etc. choose to spoil their ballots.It concerns us that McMahons and LeMays poor I really agree with Australia where vot-Rosina Laughlin, Oakvillechoice of words could happen in such a short period of Re:Election looming, Oakvilletime.Beaver, March 24Shouldnt a board-wide memo have been circulated I am writing in response to Mr.after the first incident?Young's comment "UnfortunatelyPud BY STEVE NEASEneasecartoons@gmail.comIn an ironic twist, the school board issued a release on yes, I believe we are heading intoWednesday congratulating student winners of regional an unnecessary election."public speaking contests.I respectfully disagree. ThePerhaps these children could teach the grown-ups Harper government, which Mr.that timeless lesson that goes if you cant say some-Young's represents in Oakville, hasthing nice, dont say anything at all.been found in contempt of Parliament. This is unprecedentedThe Oakville Beaver is a member of the Ontario Press Council. The council is located at 80 Gould St., Suite 206, Toronto, Ont., M5B 2M7. Phone 416-340-1981. Advertising is accepted on the condition that, in the in our history. It is as shocking asevent of a typographical error, that portion of advertising space occupied by the erroneous item, together it is deplorable and Mr. Young andwith a reasonable allowance for signature, will not be charged for, but the balance of the advertisement will See Get page 7be paid for at the applicable rate. The publisher reserves the right to categorize advertisements or decline.www.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, April 8, 2011 6