(NC)The beloved tradition of dedicating ato ensure rest and relaxation. You might includeMargos Flowers & Gift Shoppeday to officially honour mothers and grandmoth-magazines, slippers, a scented candle or even aners started back in May of 1908 and the yearlyiPod already programmed with selections shetradition has gained momentum every since.likes.We know people are eager to find meaning-5. Make a mosaic using some of old dishesful ways to express their love, as well as com-that are chipped or cracked. It's a great way tomemorate special memories together, saidkeep a pattern or the colour of china she lovesHappy Mothers DayAmber Bonnell, marketing manager for Pandorawithin the house.Canada, a jewellery icon around the world. 6. Give flowers that last. Potted blooms canPandora offers 10 little tips to celebratebe replanted in her garden and will lastOrder your Mothers Day them in the most meaningful way:through the summer. 1. Make a photo collage of her favourite7. Prepare a homecooked meal with an oldarrangements today!memories with you and your family.family recipe. Scan or type up her favourite2. If she's an avid reader, start a personalrecipe cards and bind them together to make atradition. At the beginning of every month sendfamily cookbook.each other books you've just finished. Or take it8. Plan a DIY spa day for two. Plan some doYoung new ownership a step further and start a virtual book club: buyit yourself' pampering with natural ingredientstwo copies of any book and schedule a time onfrom her kitchen. Think about inviting friendsand staff Skype to talk about each one.and family to join in the fun.fresh new look!3. If buying a gift, show some thought for9. If you live close to Mom, make a standingher individuality. Whether it's selecting a favou-date with her to catch up. Mark the time forrite game, or TV show on DVD, or finding justdinners or movies right on her calendar.the right charm to symbolize a special moment,10. If you live far away, use Skype to connectOPEN MOTHERS DAY SUNDAY 10-3give something to honour her interests.distances in a more personal way. You can share4. Assemble a basket of her favourite thingsafternoon tea or chat together over lunch.Quality Service. Guaranteed2he RegionalSame day delivery in Oakville, delivery available in Milton, +SniAipalitW of HaltonMississauga, Burlington and surrounding areas.www halton Aa2317 Lakeshore Road West, OakvillePUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE905.827.5878Installation of a new Watermain on Neyagawa Boulevard (Regional Road 4) from Dundas Street (Regional Road 5) toBurnhamthorpe Road (Regional Road 27) and onBurnhamthorpe Road from Neyagawa Boulevard toTrafalgar Road (Regional Road 3) Town of Oakville, PR-2462, PR-2630 and PR-2631Halton Region is proposing to install a new watermain along the following roads:k,eWagawa oSleTard from "Sndas 1treet to Srnhamthorpe Roadk Srnhamthorpe Road from ,eWagawa oSleTard to2rafalgar Road .S@liA'nformation!entre will @e held to proTide residents with an opportSnitW to reTiew the proHeAt drawings and to disASss anW potentialAonstrSAtion disrSptions that maWresSlt from the proposed worIs RepresentatiTes from Halton Regionwill@e in attendanAe to answer anWOSestions 2he.S@liA'nformation!entre is sAhedSled for: Date: Thursday, May 5, 2011Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Place: Sixteen Mile Sports Complex at North Park, 3070Neyagawa Boulevard, Oakville Community Room #2'f WoSareSna@le to attend this.S@liA'nformation !entre and wish to o@tain more information or proTide writtenAomments please addressWoSrAonAerns to: renda )ingsmill.roHeAt+anager 5astewater1erTiAesHalton Region+aIing Halton a @etter plaAe 2elephone: #Vt to liTe worI and retire$aAsimile: %arW!arr Regional !hair#ail: renda )ingsmill halton Aa.lease let Ss Inow as soon as possi@le if WoS will haTe an aAAessi@ilitW or aAAommodation need at a Halton Region hosted eTent or meeting ronte Road -aITille -ntario * + * "ial or k 2oll $ree k 227 k www halton Aawww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, May 4, 2011 2204/050511