Halton Catholic student trustees have big roles on provincial bodyLoyola studenthead of OSTACatholicBoard CouncilAll three of the HaltonCatholic District SchoolBoards new student trusteesfor 2011-12 have been electedto specific roles with theOntario Student TrusteesAssociation (OSTA).Clarisse Schneider, a Grade11 student at St. Ignatius of Loyola high school in Oakville,was elected president of Clarisse SchneiderEmily BradleyOSTAs Catholic Boardlargest student stakeholder inCouncil.education. As the representa-Emily Bradley, in Grade 11tives of more than 2.4 millionat Bishop Reding secondarystudents, it acts as a consul-in Milton, is the new vice-tant on policy to the Ministrypresident of the OSTA Catholicof Education, collaboratesBoard Council.with stakeholders in the edu-Emma Harper, in Gradecation community and works11 at Corpus Christito unite all student trusteesSecondary School inacross the province.Burlington, was elected aOSTA-AECO has an execu-Catholic Board Counciltive council and board coun-regional representative forcils. OSTA.The executive council isThe trio were voted to thechosen through a series of one-year term positions at theelections at its AGM andMay 13 OSTA-AECO annual3A4F 78;341A0=3 $:includes a president, chief general meeting (AGM) inEmma Harperexecutive officer, chief finan-laToronto.udrnnA F0;: C74F0;:cial officer and four officers3The three also will be full-There is also a Publicfor the areas of communica-time student trustees withRUN WALK SKATEBoard Council president andtion, policy, professionalthe Halton Catholic schoolvice-president within OSTA asdevelopment, and operations.Sundayboard for the 2011-12 school, June 5, 2011well as an overall president of Within the executive coun-year, with Schneider also aOSTA-AECO, which repre-Coronation Park, Oakvillecil, the voting power lies withcurrent student trustee.sents French-language stu-1426 Lakeshore Rd. W.the senior executive council,As the new president of dents interests, too.which consists of five mem-9:00 amRegistration OpensOSTAs Catholic BoardThe Ontario Studentbers: the president of OSTA-11:00 am5K Race, Walk, Skate StartCouncil, Schneider will rep-Trustees' Association-AECO, and the presidents andNoonBBQ, Auction, Awardsresent the interests of alll'Association des ves con-vice presidents of the publicCatholic high school students& Scholarship Presentations seillers et conseills deand Catholic board councils. in Ontario.l'Ontario (OSTA-AECO) is the1:00 pmLive Graffiti, Musicfest Competition & Voting6Tc 8]e^[eTS bd__^ac Pc aXbZ cTT]b thX] ^da R^\\d]XcXTb OPEN HOUSEJOIN US Sat., May 28Each Participant receives a Complimentary Tee & BBQ Lunch10 a.m. - 2 p.m.Raise $100 or more & get your registration fee refunded on race day!Hosted by Dr. Bloomberg & StaffRaise $300 or more & get entered in our draw for an Apple iPod. Clinic Tours Animal First Aid Demonstration Pet Care HandoutsREGISTER ONLINE AT WWW.DHTBF.COM Microchip ClinicRegister as a Participant, Family or School/Corporate Team2423 TRAFALGAR RD. UNIT 5 (JUST SOUTH OF DUNDAS)Sponsored by:905.257.5267 WWW.IROQUOISVET.COMwww.insideHALTON.com OAKVILLE BEAVER Friday, May 20, 2011 4