Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 11 Aug 2011, p. 28

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To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 Email: classified@haltonsearch.com Fax 905-632-8165 OAKVILLE Beaverclassifieds AD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 7G5. DEADLINES: Monday 5 p.m. for Wednesday publication, Tuesday 5 p.m. for Thursday publication, Wednesday 5 p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We will accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS to ensure its accurate. The Oakville Beaver will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. If an error appears in your ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication. Friday publication errors must be reported before 5:30 p.m. on the following Monday. CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Classified Call Centre 8:30 am. - 5:30pm. For Circulation inquiries, please call 905-845-9742 w w w .o ak vi lle b ea ve r.c o m O A K V IL LE B E A V E R T h u rs d ay , A u g u st 1 1, 2 01 1 2 8 $000,000 - 4 slevel spide split in Headon Forest. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, finished rec woom with gas fireplace. New ceramics in kitchen. Hardwood floors in living room & din- ing room. Large professionally landscaped, pool-size lot. New roof in 03, windows replaced 04. Hi-efficiency gas furnace. Master bedroom with full ensuite. Neutral decor throughout. Open House this Sunday at 000 Main St., Burlington.. PRIVATE SALE. Call 000-000-0000 for more details. S A M P L E S I Z E Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the For details call 905-632-4440 and Sir Richard Towers-Bronte Marina BREATH TAKING LAKE VIEWS Large 1 bedroom avail. Sept 15th starting at $1225.00. 2 bedroom penthouse suite with a million dollar view avail. Oct 1st star ting at $1645.00. Ideal for Seniors and Sing le Professionals. Both units are upgraded with ceramic tile, parquet floor, newer appliances, walk-in closet. Enjoy prime location only steps to the beach. With outdoor pool, tennis court, playground area, sauna, underground parking, amenities within walking distance. Please call or email Rental Office at 905-827-9169 or info@sirrichardtowers.com. 110 Plains Road W. QUALITY OVERSIZED 1,2,3 SEDROOM B UITES Lake views available 5 appliances incl. Ensuite Laundry Indoor Pool, Sauna, Whirlpool, Gym Granite & Stainless Appliance Avail. 289-812-0103 drewloholdings.com Burlingtons First NON-SMOKING Rental Building HOME AWAY FROM HOME BURLINGTON TOWERS FURNISHED 1,2, BDRMS 905-639-8583 corporatesuites.ca $ Best Cash Paid $ We make housecalls Jewellery, Coins, Gold, Silver, Paintings, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Art, Antiques Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com Homes for Sale RENO'D BUNGALOW In Bronte! 1281 Pinegrove Rd. 3brdm, 2bth. Huge Lot. New: Hi-Eff Furnace, Tin Roof, Windows, Stucco; In-law suite! Open House Sat. Aug. 13th 2-4PM gallery.me.com/ c a r o l y n n g # 1 0 5 1 1 1 $639,000 Cal l Brandon 416-768-9498 Apartments for Rent 1 , 2 & 3 - B e d r o o m Oakv i l l e f rom $895. 190 Kerr: 905-845-1777, 392 Pine: 905-337-0910, 1 2 6 5 S i x t h L i n e 905-842-8960. www.livehere.ca 1-BEDROOM wa l k - ou t basement apartment, Oak- ville, $800/mo. inclusive. Non-smoker. Immediate p o s s e s s i o n . C a l l 416-540-1219. BURLINGTON- GLEN- CREST Road- 2 bedroom $ 1 0 0 0 / m o . I n c l u d e s U t i l i t i e s . C l o se t o a l l amenities. Very quiet, clean building with mature tenant pro f i l e . References re - quired. Call 905-637-9889. Homes for Sale Apartments for Rent BURLINGTON: 1&2 Bed- room spac ious apar t - ments in qu iet lowr ise bui ld ings. P lease cal l 905-484-0990. FACING BURLINGTON Mal l . Lovely 2 bedroom suites. Brand new kitchens. Seniors disc. Hydro incl. Call Don 905-681-8115 GUELPH L INE/ Wood - w a r d . 2 b e d r o o m s available October, $999/ mo . u t i l i t i e s i nc l uded . C lean , qu ie t bu i ld ing . Burlington. 905-632-4265. PRIME DOWNTOWN Bur- lington. Upgraded suites 1,2&3 bedrooms. New windows. Modernized ele- vators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl, 905-632-1643 477 Elizabeth; 905-634-9374, OAKVILLE~ AFFORDABLE Rent ! Large 1 & 2 bed- rooms, hardwood, suites with balcony. Appliances, laundry, quiet, clean, near transit/ schools/ shops. 905-339-3245. Apartments for Rent TRAFALGAR HEIGHTS 350 Lynnwood Road and 1230 White Oaks Boulevard) 2 Bedroom from $1150. 30 min. from Toronto. Easy ac- cess to Trafalgar Road, Q E W a n d 4 0 3 , G O TRANSIT stat ion. For 3 5 0 L y n n w o o d 905-220-8964 and 1 2 3 0 W h i t e o a k s 905-220-8964. WATERDOWN- 1-BDRM walk-up. Bright, clean, safe, quiet, non-smoking. In-suite laundry, mature tenants. $875/month, The Old Fire- hall 905-689-9111. WATERDOWN CENTRAL location, walk everywhere 1&2 bedrooms $825/mo; 75 John 905-690-4454; 50 John 905-689-1647; www.livehere.ca Apartments for Rent Furnished Apartments WWW.TRAVELSUITES.CA Char les Dr i ve Semi , New Mi l lcreek town- home, Unfurnished, 2-3 bedrooms, 2 bath, 6 appliances, C/A, fenced yard, Great Location! F r o m * $ 1 3 5 0 + -----Furnished Corporate R e s i d e n c e s ! D a i l y , Weekly, Monthly! Busi- ness , Fami ly, Trave l Visits! Full Kitchen, Free Laundry, Pe t s O .K . ; From.... $49.95*/night! 905-681-7355 Short Term Rentals OAKVILLE- FULLY fur - nished townhouse available short term or long term. Dundas/ Bronte , c lose QEW and 403. 4 bed - rooms , 3 .5 ba ths . A l l ut i l i t ies included. Local phone, TV and internet a l s o i n c l u d e d . C a l l 905-510-2380. Houses for Rent BURLINGTON, EXECU- T I V E n e i g h b o u r h o o d / 2+bedroom. Renovated ground f loor, C/A, Fire- place, 6 appliances, private yard/ parking. Near hwys, G O . $ 1 2 5 0 / m o . 905-634-4871. BURLINGTON SOUTH, ex- e c u t i v e 2 s t o r e y , 3400sq.ft. 4 bedrooms, 5 baths, inground pool, f i n i s h e d b a s e m e n t . 905-637-0880. Houses for Rent OAKVILLE, UPPER Mid- dle/ 6th Line. 3 plus 1 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Semi in court, back to creek, wraparound 2 level deck/ porch, with d o u b l e d r i v e w a y, 4 car parking. $1600/mo. plus utilities, no smok- ing/ no pets preferred. Ken 416-677-0514. Townhouses for Rent 895 MAPLE, 2 bedrooms, 5 app l i ances , ga rage , $1295/mo. plus utilities. Available immediately. Call 905-333-5506 ext.52 BURLINGTON- LARGE 3 & 4 bedrooms, Septem- ber/ October 1. Large 2 bedrooms, September 1. App l i a nces , h a rdwood f loors, qu iet park l ike sett ing. 905-681-0070. rentaltownhouses@ gmail.com GEORGIAN COURT Es- tates- 611 Surrey Lane. Large bright 2 & 3 bed townhouses with full base- ment and utilities included. 905-632-8547. www.realstar.ca Rooms for Rent and Wanted C L E A N , F U R N I S H E D room near Oakville Place, Sheridan College on bus route. Laundry, k i tchen and pa rk i ng f ac i l i t i es . F r o m $ 3 5 0 / m o . Ken 905-842-0789. OAKVILLE: LARGE Room, laundry, bathroom, kitchen, c a b l e , p a r k i n g , A / C , $480/mo. Inclusive. Dun- d a s / 6 t h L i n e . 905-257-1437 Canada 20 ACRE Land Foreclo- sures $0 Down, take over $ 9 9 / m o . ( u s d ) . W a s $ 1 6 , 9 0 0 ( u s d ) . N o w $12,900 (usd) ! Near El Paso Texas . Beau t i f u l v iews, owner f inancing. Money Back Guarantee. F ree co l ou r b rochu re ! 1-800-843-7537 Industrial/Commercial for Rent/ Wanted UNIT- 750SQ.FT., central Burlington. Clean, good for storage or small business. No cars. 905-849-6770 Mortgages/ Loans $$MONEY$$ CONSOLI- DATE Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit O K ! B e t t e r O p t i o n M o r t g a g e # 1 0 9 6 9 1-800-282-1169 www.mortgageontario.com Shared Accommodations BURLINGTON, EXECU- TIVE, immaculate home, non-smoking, professional preferred, kitchen facilities, private bath, large family room, 905-335-1648. Shared Accommodations CARLISLE- 1 person to share house wi th large treed lot. Living with senior who i s non - smoke r o r d r i nker. Fu rn i shed , A l l utilities including cable. 905-481-1288. FULLY FURNISHED, quiet 2-bedroom apartment to share, Downtown Oakville, outdoor pool. Must l ike c a t s . S m o k i n g o k a y . $625/mo. fi rm. September 1 s t o r 1 6 t h . 905-849-6316; 416-801-4032. Lost & Found FOUND: PARROT. Cal l Oakville and Milton Humane Society 905-845-1551. F O U N D : R A B B I T , A l d e r s h o t a r e a . C a l l 905-681-6915. FOUND: SHORT haired dec lawed e lder ly b lack n e u t e r e d m a l e c a t . Under weight, may have be lost for some t ime. 905-845-1551. Personals/ Companions ARE YOU tired of being a l o n e ? M i s t y R i v e r Introductions can change t h a t ! N o c o m p u t e r required. 519-658-4204 or 416-777-6302 www.misty riverintros.com Nannies/ Live In/ Out LOOKING FOR live-in nan- ny/ housekeeping position in the area of Milton, Mis- sissauga, Brampton, Oak- ville. 416-897-2117 Child Care Available AFFORDABLE, QUALITY Daycare, Before/ a f ter school care. $3.50/hr. Nu- tritious food, educational play, retired teacher. Wa- terdown. 905-689-0752 E X P E R I E N C E D D AY- CARE available, all ages welcome, full/ part-time. Walkers/ Upper Middle. Fresh air, fun, learning & l a u g h t e r . S u e 905-319-9846 EXPERIENCED QUALITY Caregiver. Full/ Part-time. R e a s o n a b l e R a t e s M y home, near St. Patrick's/ M o h a w k S c h o o l . 905-637-5336. Q U A L I T Y D AY C A R E ~ G u e l p h L i n e / H w y 5 . 15 y ea r s e xpe r i e nce , CPR , l a rge p l a y a rea , nutr i t ious meals. Terr i , 905-332-8510. QUALITY LOVING Child care, 2 years and older. Fun ac t i v i t i e s . Mea l s / snacks. First Aid/ CPR. Po l ice check. Westoak Tr a i l s / Uppe r M i dd l e . 905-847-8407. Q U A L I T Y, R E L I A B L E childcare available in my home (Upper Middle/ Tra- falgar). Children over 2. Full/ part-time, before/ af- ter schoolcare. Smoke- free, indoor/ outdoor ac- tivities. Nutritious meals/ snacks. CPR/ First Aid. Se- curity Clearance. Receipts. References.905-338-6226. Child Care Available WARM LOVING fun day- care. ABC's, 123's, songs, stories, crafts & more. Ref- erences avai lable. River Oaks 905-825-1122. Music & Dance Instruction ENJOY PIANO/ Theory lessons in your home. Pleasure/ RCM curriculum. Adults welcome! Burlington, Janice 905-319-2644. Health & Home Care SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Care- givers will provide up to 24 hour In -home care . 905-634-2400. Articles Wanted CANOE WANTED, excellent condition, fi bre or better. byoungblud@on.aibn.com Articles Under $100 2 TABLE l amps, $20, 905-580-1445 3 MIRRORS and table, $30, 905-580-1445 4 SLICE toaster, white, $10, 905-827-0032 ABOVE GROUND pool lad- der, $100, 905-842-5834 ADULT SIZE Drum Set, complete, excellent condi- t i o n , $ 8 0 - o b o . 905-635-2394 ANTIQUE WICKER Fern Stand - Red w black Dia- mond Pattern 31 x 11 x 29, $100, 905 689 4533 BOOKSHELF, 5-6 tiers, sturdy, dark brown, $20, 905-637-6044 BREVILLE JUICER USED ONLY ONE T IME $95, 905-336-2132 COFFEE MAKER, white, $10, 905-827-0032 DECK AND office chair, $20, 905-580-1445 DISPLAY CASE, old white table top, 35 x 19, exc cond, $80, 905-315-0065 DOUBLE COMFORTER with skirt, sham, pil low, g o l d / s i l v e r , $ 2 0 , 905-827-0032 D O U B L E S TA I N L E S S s tee l s ink wi th faucets good condition $60.00 905 3330 4826 Articles Under $100 DRAPERY TRACK 10 FEET LONG FOR LIVING R O O M $ 1 5 , 905-336-2132 FISH TANK 20 gal lon r e c t a n g l e w i t h c o v - er/light/air pump/filter+ex- t r a s , $ 5 0 905 845 5603 FISH TANK 5 gallon Bow- Front hexagon with cov- er/light/air pump/filter + extras $50, 905-845-5603 FORD WINSTAR bench seat, grey, exc cond, $90, 905-335-9606 GOLF CLUBS RH - com- p le te se t - woods and irons. $50.00 including bag. 905 315 9636 GRACO QUATRO Tour Stroller Travel System In- cluding 2 Car Seat Bas- es ,exc Cond $75 obo. 905-815-7333 KEYBOARD, LOWREY Lt 7 5 0 , e x c c o n d , $ 4 0 , 905-315-0065 LADDER, FOLDING alu- minum, heavy duty, as n e w , $ 1 0 0 , 905-634-3683. LADIES 10 SPEED BICY- CLE $55 905 336 2132 LADIES DRESS, size 12, dark royal blue, formal, sleeveless, dry cleaned, excellent condition, $75- obo. 905-635-2394 LITTLE TYKES WAGON $30, 905-582-6624 MEDICINE CABINET, oak trimmed mirror, 17 x 25", e x c c o n d , $ 2 5 , 905-510-6361 MIG WELDER (gasless) excel lent cond., extras. $100, 905-634-3683 NAVY BLUE Futon, ideal for the cottage or an extra bed in the basement, good c o n d i t i o n , $ 2 5 - o b o 905-635-2394 OLD PIANO accord ion from England 18ins high $50.00 905 618 0026 PADDED SADDLE stools, 24"H, brown faux leather, walnut wood finish, set of 2, $50, 905-257-5456 PHILIPS SURROUND sys- t e m E C T $ 4 0 . 0 0 905 330 4826 POOL VACUUM system, Kreepy Krauly, complete. e x c c o n d , $ 6 0 , 905-639-2227 SCANNER - "Visioneer" Pa- perport 3100 Flatbed for Windows Model #FB31BD As new - $100, 905 689 4533 S E T O F P o k e r Chips/Cards/Dice in Alumi- num Case, Brand New - $30, 905-689-4533 SINGER SEWING machine i n a d e s k $ 7 5 O B O 905-335-2737 SKATEBOARD (LONG- BOARD) NEW $90 ( p a i d $ 1 5 0 ) , 905-582-6624 TOOLS, ANTIQUE, small accumulation. $100.00, 905-634-3683 VINTAGE FRAME w i th bubble glass, brown oval t o p , 1 2 " x 1 7 " , $ 6 5 , 905-335-0211 Articles Under $100 WASHROOM CABINET for "Euro-style" sink, dark wood , 24 " w ide , $25 , 905-510-6361 YOUTH GOLF CLUBS n e v e r u s e d $ 9 0 , 905-582-6624 Articles for Sale **A1 MATTRESS Facto- r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y available. All sizes in- c lud ing custom Spl i t boxsprings, Orthopedic 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g $240. 30yr t ight - top sets starting $340. De- luxe no-f l ip Pi l lowtop &'Crown' series, Euro- top sets f rom $390. New Waterbeds, Futons, End-of-line/ discontin- ued i tems ava i lab le . 905-847-2020; 905-681-9496 CARPETS- I have several 1000 yds. Of new Stain- master & 100% nylon car- pet. Will do living-room & hall for $389. Includes carpet, pad & installation ( 2 5 y a r d s ) S t e v e , 905-633-8192 www.car- petdeals.ca HOT TUB (SPA) Covers Best Price, Best Quality. A l l s h apes & Co l o u r s A v a i l a b l e . C a l l 1 - 8 6 6 - 6 5 2 - 6 8 3 7 www.thecoverguy.com/ newspaper K I T C H E N C A B I N E T doors. Complete face-lift for the older kitchen or bathroom. JF Restorations. Call 289-837-2285 LOST: CAT, male, solid gray, timid, named "Louie," August 5 , Nor thshore/ Be l l v i ew. Reward . Ca l l 905-336-2184. MOVING: MUST Sell! Oak d in ingroom set , $250; Girls bed w/dresser $50; kitchen table w/4 chairs $30.; 905-335-2737 MOVING CUSTOM made solid oak bookcases, 9' ta l l , 4 un i ts , 30" w ide $2000. Ethan Allan sofa b lue, $1500. Complete 9 p c d i n i n g r o o m s e t $ 6 0 0 . C u s t o m m a d e b re a k f a s t b a r s t o o l s , w ro u g h t i ro n , s w i v e l , $375/both. Cherry col- oured 2pc entertainment c e n t e r $ 1 6 0 0 905-332-5873 XBOX 360 Game Arcade with 2 controllers and 5 g a m e s , $ 1 5 0 . C a l l 905-829-4433. Firewood FIREWOOD. MIXED hard- wood, 5 cords minimum $90/cord delivered. Call 519-582-4628. Musical Instruments WWW.PIANOS.CA BIGGEST Piano Sale Ever. Save up to $3500 on pia- nos! 5205 Harvester Rd Burlington Cats HUGE K I TTEN & Ca t Adoption Event! All Colours & Ages! Date: Saturday, August 13th, 11 am - 3 pm Pet Valu 2501 Third Line R d . ( X D u n d a s ) 289-837-0794 Dogs BEAUTIFUL PUREBRED Golden Retr iever pups. Ready to go! Vet checked, shot/ dewormed. Farm raised. 905-628-5280. PA P I L L O N P U P P I E S Adorable, 9Wks old, Regis- tered, Paper trained, Home bred, Micro chipped, Pure- b red . Pap i l l o ndogs . ca $1,199. 905-319-2198 Cars 1995 HONDA Civic LX- 169,564km, Automatic, A/C, well maintained, certi- fi ed, e-tested. $3850 obo. Call 905-466-2702 after 5pm. 2 0 0 2 A C U R A R S X , 150,000km, great condi- tion, leather interior, new brakes, $4,700. obo. Call 905-637-3535 2003 SUNFIRE- Grey, 5 speed, 4 door, 160kms, e-tested, certified, $4000 obo. Call 905-331-0504. 2005 TOYOTA Corol la CE- 90,400km, extended warranty, undercoated, Toyota alloy wheels with al l seasons, 4 mounted snows, auto, A/C, cruise, remote keyless, recent ser- v ice, b lue, very c lean. $9000. 905-465-2655. 2010 VW Golf Trendline- 2.5L, 5 doors, 14,720km, AUX/ MP3 jack, A/C, pow- er windows, cruise control, AM/ FM/ CD, 8 speakers. $19,500. Ca l l Thomas 905-825-3516. Motorcycles/ Offroad 2006 "PIAGGIO" (Vespa) 1st year made in I ta ly. 150cc. Custom paint, Roy- al Blue. Excellent condition. New tires/ battery/ cover/ Zox helmet. Certified and t u n e d u p M a r. 2 0 1 1 . 11,800km. Must see. M.C. License required. $1,950. 905-975-0535. Vehicles Wanted/ Wrecking *CASH PAID- Special $250. for any Com- plete vehicles driven in/ $200++ for vehicles picked up. Good used cars & trucks wanted $0-$20,000. Oakville's Only Licensed Auto Re- cycler 702 Bronte Rd, Oakville (just South of QEW). MOT legal trans- fers. 905-827-8015. Condos for Rent PRIME BEACH Blvd 1-year new condo minu tes to downtown Burlington. 2- bdrm, 1.5 bath, A/C, gran- ite, hardwood, Stainless Steel App. Non-smokers on ly. $1395/ month + utilities. Available Sept 1st. 905.315.8193 Rental Housing Wanted Open Ho e yourclassifi eds.ca | yourclassifi eds.ca | yourclassifi eds.ca | yourclassifi eds.ca | yourclassifi eds.ca | yourclassifi eds.ca .ca .ca

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