w w w .i n si d eH A LT O N .c o m O A K V IL LE B EA V ER Th ur sd ay , S ep te m be r 15 , 2 01 1 1 6 MICHAEL IVANIN / OAKVILLE BEAVER STREET PARTY ON MILLRUN: Ronan Cudjoe shows off a great costume during a recent pirate-themed street party treasure hunt on Millrun Drive. The party has been an annual event in the neighbourhood for half a dozen years. There is a visit by a fire truck, water games, food, costumes and a band. Ahoy neighbour ?+DOI 0DUDWKRQ? . %XGGV %0: 5XQ :DON? . :KROH )RRGV 0DUNHW )DPLO\ )XQ 5XQ :DON CCDEeCe EcCG e? ???G?????????????????G?? K ????? ???????????? ???? .,&. <285 )$// 5$&,1* ,172 +,*+ *($5