Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 12 Jan 2012, p. 29

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29 · Thursday, January 12, 2012 OAKVILLE BEAVER · www.oakvillebeaver.com classifieds AD SUBMISSION: By mail or in person at Burlington Post, 5040 Mainway, Unit #1, Burlington ON L7L 7G5. DEADLINES: Monday at 5:00p.m. for Wednesday publication, Tues. at 5:00p.m. for Thursday publication, Wed. at 5:00p.m. for Friday publication. Special Feature deadlines may vary. PAYMENT: We will accept cash, cheque, Interac, Visa, MasterCard, American Express. Business accounts may be opened with an approved credit application available from your Sales Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT APPEARS to ensure it s accurate. The Oakville Beaver will not be responsible for any errors appearing after the first day of publication. If an error appears in your ad, contact your Sales Consultant within 24 hours of publication. Friday publication errors must be reported before 5:00 p.m. on the following Monday. To Place An Ad Call 905-632-4440 s Email: classified@haltonsearch.com s Fax 905-632-8165 CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 9:00 am. - 5:00 pm. Classified Call Centre 8:30 am. - 5:30pm. OAKVILLE Beaver For Circulation inquiries, please call 905-845-9742 Articles Under $100 Articles Under $100 Cats Cars .ca Rental Housing Open House W Wanted Rental Housing Open House W Wanted Apartments for Rent Apartments for Rent Houses for Rent LAKESHORE ROAD , Burlington house for lease. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, family home. Breathtaking lake view, renovated kitchen, with granite counter tops, spacious master ensuite, huge yard and desirable Southeast Burlington. $2950/mo. Available immediately. Call 905-467-1261. Lost & Found FOUND: CHRISTMAS card, Appleby/New area, "to Caitlyn" please call to identify. 905-875-7332 905-639-9606 FOUND: SHOP Keys at LaSalle Park. Call 905-318-7582. OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 1:00 - 4:00 73 Willowdale Cres., Port Dover Sir Richard Towers-Bronte Marina BREATH TAKING LAKE VIEWS Available Feb 1st: Large 2 Bedroom suite with brand new kitchen & Million Dollar Lake View. Ideal for Seniors and Single Professionals. Suites are upgraded with ceramic tile, parquet floor, newer appliances. Enjoy prime location only steps to the beach. With outdoor pool, tennis court, playground area, sauna, underground parking, amenities within walking distance. Please call or email Rental Office at 905-827-9169 or info@sirrichardtowers.com. 50' Ravine Lots in Port Dover From: $290,900.00 Bungalows, Two Storey's, Backsplit's. Double car Garages, Ceramics through-out, Large trim, Bull nose corners, Custom Kitchens. Burlington's First NON-SMOKING Rental Building 110 Plains Road W. Call Henry Frey (Builder) (519) 747-1572 Homes for Sale Homes for Sale QUALITY OVERSIZED 1,2,3 BEDROOM SUITES · Lake views available · 5 appliances incl. Ensuite Laundry · Indoor Pool, Sauna, Whirlpool, Gym · Granite & Stainless Appliance Avail. Selling your home privately? Advertise a photo & description of your home in the BURLINGTON TOWERS 1, 2, 3 bedrooms · INDOOR HEATED POOL · UNDERGROUND PARKING AVAIL. · FITNESS ROOM, ROOM, BBQ AREA · RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES · INCL. HEAT, HYDRO, A/C, WINDOW COVERINGS · ON-SITE MAINTENANCE & SECURITY · LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION 905-639-8583 burlingtontowers.com FOUND: BROWN tabby with orange tabby Dundas and Cedar Springs Rd. We R E N T- T O - O W N I f y o u c a l l S c o u t . P l e a s e c a l l have a small down pay- 905-637-7325. ment, I have a nice home for you. Less than perfect FOUND: GREY tabby cat credit OK. Call Hanna @ at Fairview & Guelph Line. We call Arnold. Please call 289-925-6775 905-637-7325. ROOM FOR rent in Burling- F O U N D : O R A N G E a n d ton. Close to go train, white kitten Walkers Line shopping. All amenities. a n d D u n d a s S t . W e Fully furnished. $600/mo. c a l l M o r r i s . P l e a s e c a l with utilities, internet, cable 905-637-7325. included. Call Dave 416-898-0297. LOST: CAT- short haired, black, with an ear tattoo, name is Einstein. Trevor Townhouses for T Drive/ Bridge/ Bronte Road Rent area. 905-465-2361. BURLINGTON- LARGE 3 bedrooms, February 1st. 5 Appliances, hardwood floors, garage, quiet park like setting. 905-681-0070. www.rentaltownhouses.ca Child Care A Available and For details call 905-632-4440 $000,000 - 4 slevel vel el spide split in Headon Heado Forest. 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, finished rec woom oom with gas fireplace. New ceramics ceram in kitchen. tchen. Hardwood floors in living living ving room roo & dining g room. Large professionally rofessionally landscaped, lan land pool-size ol-siz lot. t. . New roof in `03, windows w replaced `04. 4. Hi-efficiency gas furnace. f Master bedroom oom om with full ensuite. e Neutral decor throughout. out Open House this Sunday at 000 Main St., Burlington.. PRIVATE SALE. Call 000-000-0000 for more details. E L P SAMZE SI Apartments for Rent Apartments for Rent 1, 2 & 3-Bedroom O a k v i l l e f ro m $ 8 9 5 . 190 Kerr: 905-845-1777, 392 Pine: 905-337-0910, 1265 Sixth Line 905-842-8960. www.livehere.ca 1 BEDROOM renovated basement apartment, central Oakville, near lake/ shopping, includes laundry, parking, large yard, utilities $825/mo., suit single/ young couple, prefer no smokers or pets, March 1, 905-825-3568. BURLINGTON- 2 and 3 bedrooms, spacious, choice location, walk to Lake. Starting at $1050/mo. including utilities. 905-681-3564. 3055 GLENCREST Road, Burlington. Central location, quiet, well maintained, hydro and heat included. Spacious 2 bedrooms. Call 905-637-3921. BURLINGTON- GLENCREST Road 1 & 2 bdrms. $900- $1000 incl. utilities. Close to all amenities. Very quiet, clean building with mature tenant profile. References required. 905-637-9889 CENTRAL BURLINGTON 2-bdrm apt in mid size bldg. $1100/mo incl heat, hydro, laundry facilities, outdoor parking. Available immediately. 905-330-0309. GEORGIAN COURT Estate- 611 Surrey Lane. Large, bright 2 & 3 bed townhouses with gleaming hardwood, full basement, patio and utilities drewloholdings.com S PA C I O U S 1 & 2 b e d - private included. Park-like setting b o a s t i n g outdoor pool, ro o m a p a r t m e n t s i n C A N A D I A N A - Q U I E T, well-maintained lakefront c l e a n , q u i e t l o w r i s e splash pad, wading pool a n d t e nnis courts. buildings, with excellent building, pool, A/C. Very Spacious 2 & 3 bedrooms t e n a n t s . B u r l i n g t o n . 905-632-8547. www.realstar.ca. a v a i l a b l e i m m e d i a t e l y. Call 905-484-0990. 5220 Lakeshore, Burlington, 905-632-5486. (No T YA N D A G A T E R R A C E , IMMACULATE END Towndogs preferred) See us on Burlington. 2 storey low house, Burlington. 3 bedrise building situated r o o m s , 2 f u l l b a t h s , www.viewit.ca on park-like grounds. f i n i s h e d b a c k ro o m , a t F r e s h l y p a i n t e d . A l l tached garage, next to rooms with individual parks. $1695/mo. Deposit thermostat controlled and references required. DEN FARMHOUSE apart- heating. 2 bedrooms. 905-319-7701. ment, Steeles/ Trafalgar. 1 4 6 0 Ty a n d a g a P a r k A v a i l a b l e a n y t i m e a f t e r Drive. 905-336-0015, NEWER TOWNHOME 3bedroom, 2.5 bath, hardFebruary 1st. $1700/mo. 905-336-0016. wood, granite, stainless, including utilities. First/ L a s t r e q u i r e d . C a l l WATERDOWN CENTRAL Nearly finished basement 4 1 6 - 9 8 5 - 1 5 7 1 o r location, walk everywhere $1790/mo. plus utilities. 1&2 bedrooms $825/mo; D u n d a s / T h i r d L i n e . 416-565-8439. 75 John 905-690-4454; 908-827-8682 50 John 905-689-1647; FA C I N G B U R L I N G T O N www.livehere.ca Rooms for Rent and Mall. Lovely 1&2 bedroom suites. Brand new kitchens. W Wanted Seniors disc. Hydro incl. Furnished Call Dan 905-639-8009 or FURNISHED BEDROOM, Apartments Don 905-681-8115 East Oakville includes utilities, hi-speed internet, pool. Laundry available. GUELPH LINE/ UppermidNon-smoking Gentledle bright, clean, neutral, men preferred, $575/mo. WWW.TRAVELSUITES.CA 1-bedroom basement g r o u n d l e v e l o n q u i e t Palace Condominiums First/ Last. 416-262-7394. street, Suitable for single Special from $1150.+* New person. private entrance, U n f u r n i s h e d . Office/ Business Space yard, Non-smoker, no pets Large Renovated 1-bedfor Rent/ W Wanted ro o m , 6 a p p l i a n ces, preferred. $750/mo inclusive, parking. Available im- heated pool, 24/7 gym. SPACE FOR rent in wellWon't last!!! ---Furnished mediately. First/last credit Corporate-- Rentals! n e s s c l i n i c . P T / F T check 905-319-4681 availability. Busy Milton Daily, Weekly, Monthly! 905-464-2234. Business, Family, Travel l o c a t i o n . E n q u i r e Visits! Full Kitchen, Free 647-686-5362 or G U E L P H L I N E / Wo o d - L a u n d r y, P e t s O . K . ; serenitymassage@bellnet.ca w a r d . 2 b e d r o o m s , From.... $49.95*/night! available March, $999/ 905-681-7355 Mortgages/ Loans mo. utilities included. Clean, quiet building. Burlington. 905-632-4265. $$MONEY$$ CONSOLIDATE Debts Mortgages to 90% No income, Bad credit OAKVILLE~ AFFORDABLE OK! Better Option Mor tRent! Large 1 & 2 bedAWAY FROM g a g e # 1 0 9 6 9 rooms, hardwood, suites 1-800-282-1169 with balcony. Appliances, www.mortgageontario.com laundry, quiet, clean, near transit/ schools/ shops. 905-339-3245. 289-812-0103 BRANT HILLS home childcare spots available, ECE, 10+ years experience, main floor play space, CPR first-aid, meals, wipes, milk included. Contact Charlene char-g-b@hotmail.com or 289-337-6099. CARED BY ongoing ECE on 8th Line/ Dundas. Spots available immediately. 905-257-7237. EXPERIENCED CAREGIVER. Infant/ preschooler, fulltime. Hot breakfast/ lunches. Lots of backyard fun. References. Receipts. 905-825-9689. EXPERIENCED LOVING Mom with ECE training has 1 spot available in her home daycare. Belvenia/ L o n g m o o r, B u r l i n g t o n . 905-681-7028. 2 TIER plant stand with W O M A N ' S C C M f i g u re RESCUE KITTENS- I have wheels, 56"x26"x23", 2 skates, size 5, new in box, 7 a d o r a b l e 6 m o n t h s trays, 4 florecent bulbs. $25, 905-637-8523 old kittens looking for $80. 905-639-5215. their forever homes. 905-335-5435 4 2 " S O N Y Plasma TV, WOMAN'S SKI and boot (28.5), very good condi$50, 905-331-1890 Dogs tion. $100, 905-637-8523 4-205/60R15 SNOW tires on rims, 60% tread, BORDER COLLIES, ChiArticles for Sale good cond, $100, huahua, lab cross, old Eng905-681-2106 l i s h b u l l d o g , a n d m o re 6 K I T C H E N c h a i r s , **A1 MATTRESS Facto- ready for adoption. Call chrome legs, vinyl covered r y d i r e c t , d e l i v e r y B r i a n 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; beige/brown color, $50, available. All sizes in- 905-681-9496 cluding custom Split 905-637-3386 boxsprings, Orthopedic ANTIQUE BABY'S wicker 2 0 y r s e t s s t a r t i n g pram white good condition $ 2 4 0 . 3 0 y r t i g h t - t o p $100, 905-618-0026 sets starting $340. DeVehicles Wanted/ V luxe no-flip Pillowtop Wrecking AQUARIUM WATER Filter, &'Crown' series, EuroExternal canister, Rena t o p s e t s f ro m $ 3 9 0 . XP-1, new condition in box New Waterbeds, Futons, with warranty $ 7 0 , End-of-line/ discontin905-399-1289 u e d i t e m s a v a i l a b l e . $350.00+ CASH Paid for 9 0 5 - 8 4 7 - 2 0 2 0 ; any Complete vehicles B A R S T O O L S M a p l e , 905-681-9496 driven in/ $300++ for swivelling seats 29", back vehicles picked up. h e i g h t 4 6 " , $ 5 0 p a i r. CARPETSI have several Good used cars & trucks 905-631-6851 1000 yds. Of new Stain- w a n t e d $ 0 - $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 . BEDROOM SUITE, 4 pc, master & 100% nylon car- Oakville's Only Licensed wardrobe dresser, night pet. Will do living-room & A u t o R e c y c l e r 7 0 2 stand, desk/hutch, good hall for $389. Includes Bronte Rd, Oakville (just carpet, pad & installation South of QEW). MOT lebuy, $100, 905-336-8778 (25 yards) Steve, g a l transfers. BREAD BOX, pine with roll 905-633-8192 www.car- 905-827-8015. t o p c o v e r , h o l d s 2 - 3 petdeals.ca C A S H PA I D f o r S c r a p l o a v e s , $ 1 5 , FOR SALE: Washer, Dryer, Cars and Trucks. Same 905-842-5834 P i c k U p . stove, small bar fridge D a y CANDLE RADIO, separate also almond stove ($100), 905-693-5355 speakers, $ 2 5 , excellent condition, will 905-844-4741 s e p a r a t e . WANTED CASH Paid 289-337-1328. (Avg. $300. includes COKE COLA standing ice box 3ft high 2ft wide HOT TUB (SPA) Covers pickup) for usable and scrap vehicles. Same $60, 905-618-0026 Best Price, Best Quality. D a y S e r v i c e . F r e e All shapes & Colours b a t t e r y p i c k - u p . CUISINART RACLETTE, Available. C a l l 905-320-3287 CR-8NC, Reversible 14x9" 1-866-652-6837 non-stick griddle-plate, new w w w. t h e c o v e rg u y. c o m / Tax/ Financial T condition $40, newspaper 905-399-1289 2006 HYUNDAI Accent Hatchback- Automatic, A/C, power windows, certified, 119,000km, asking $4000. Call 905-659-1505 Vehicles Wanted/ V Wrecking yourclassifieds.ca CA$H IN 1 HOUR WE BUY ALL CARS & TRUCKS ($5 - $5000) paid 7 days, 24 hrs Scrap autos FREE removal 1 Hour Service 905-971-0861 905-574-4589 $100-$1000 Cash 4 Cars Dead or alive Same day Fast Free Towing 416-312-1269 416-490-9199 1-888-989-5865 Tax/ Financial T DOGGIE PLAYPEN, 24" MOVING SALE- 2 houses, highs, folds flat, new, $25, furniture, appliances. Call 416-722-0977. 905-639-7039 DOUBLE SINK stainless steel with faucets $30, 905-618-0026 MOVING SALE - All must go! Sofas, desks, bed, and lots more. For information call: 416-998-7649. FAUX FUR coverlet & pillow, black, like new, $30, 905-639-7039 SNOW TIRES (4) on new rims, used 1 season ChamFREE: PACKING Boxes. piro WT-AX 205/55R16 GT 25-30. Clean and flattened. Radial. $400.obo.; SwimCall 905-689-5246. ming Pool, above ground Intex 18'x42" Deep. LadHP INK cartridges, #94 der, filter, cover, excellent blk, #95 tri-color, new, not condition $150.; Telephone o p e n e d , $ 3 0 , system, Panasonic digital 905-634-9642 multi-line for med-large business $800. HOME BASED Montessori PLAY STATION 2, guitar 905-633-9649 School in Oakville. 3rd hero, rock band, sing star L i n e / D u n d a s . F u l l d a y DJ hero DDR, all for $100, p r o g r a m s a v a i l a b l e . 905-469-6447 TV 27" colour (AKAI). Sol6 4 7 - 4 0 1 - 3 3 2 9 , id state, 5 years old. Dolby PUB STYLE table and 6 digital, DTS digital out, 905-469-0692. chairs $75,905- 659 4921 compact disc video,built in Registration & Q U E E N H E A D B O A R D , DVD, VHS player with reLessons FOOTBOARD, green alu- mote. Perfect working orm i n u m , $ 5 0 , der.. . Gauranteed. $225. 289-895-7752. (Carlisle). SPANISH CLASSES a t 905-331-1890 T h e C e n t r a l L i b r a r y. Small Groups- All Levels. ROLL DOWN shade, 84" x Articles W Wanted Spanish is Easy to Learn! 62"H, $50, 905-331-1890 Limited Space Available. For Registration Please SEWING MACHINE OmeCall Now: 905-577-1585 ga Ultra 4000 model, old, $ Best Cash Paid $ Email: spanish@bellnet.ca heavy, decorative stitches, works great. $40. We make housecalls Website: abcspanish.ca 905-631-6851 Jewellery, Coins, Tax time will be here before you know it! Burlington Post & Oakville Beaver "Tax Time Services" Feature will appear: Eleven consecutive Wednesdays beginning February 8th, 2012 Flamborough REVIEW "Tax Time Services" Feature will appear: Eleven consecutive Thursdays beginning February 9th, 2012 For options and rates regarding these Feature Pages please call 905.632.4440, to talk to a Classified Sales Rep or fax: 905.632.8165 E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com HOME HOME Care SENIOR HOMECARE By Angels. Experienced Caregivers will provide up to 2 4 h o u r I n - h o m e c a re . 905-634-2400. SINGLE BED, clean, $40, 905-635-6190 WASHROOM CABINET for "Euro-style" sink, dark wood, 24"W, $25, 905-842-5834 W AT E R C O O L E R , 2 spouts, good cond, $25, 905-637-7261 WEDDING DRESS, modern 3/4 length, figure-flattering size 18-20, photo available by email, $99,. 905-399-1289 Gold, Silver, Diamonds, China, Crystal, Silver, Figurines, Royal Doulton, Swarovski, Art, Antiques Collectibles, etc. Estate Specialists, Top Cash. Paintings, BURLINGTON TOWERS Furnished 1, 2, Bedrooms Business Opportunities Articles W Wanted WE BUY appliances if you are moving, upgrading or renovating. We pick-up. Call 905-339-8017. OAKVILLE- DORVAL/ Rebecca. 1 bedroom, $ 8 7 5 / m o . p l u s h y d ro . Quiet small building. Available Immediately. Call 905-338-6504. LocalWork.ca puts the power to manage your job search into your hands ­ After all, the most important `Free Agent' on the market is you! Take back your life. 905-639-8583 corporatesuites.ca LOOKING FOR A Fun Business? Full Training & Support Halton Based Team 24h Recorded Message 1-800-610-0589 Call John/ Patti 905-331-2477 www.tjtraders.com YOUR `DREAM JOB' is closer than you think!

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