Plans could be funded 13 · Friday, January 18, 2013 OAKVILLE BEAVER · Continued from page 9 under the theme of creative aging. Winners will competition. be highlighted at the President's Creative "If nothing else, creative aging as a theme for Challenge Expo later on in the year -- winning this year's challenge is extremely timely and rele- projects have the chance to receive funding. vant," Lia Tsotsos, planning committee member "The projects that come out of the Sheridan and principal researcher at SERC, said at a chal- community in this challenge will have the lenge kickoff Monday at Sheridan's Skills Training chance to become a reality and in turn benefit Centre campus on Iroquois Shore Road. the community at large," Tsotsos said. Students, faculty and staff were encouraged to Faculty, staff and administrators can mentor write down an anecdote or story of an older adult a student team in the challenge, while the who inspires them and share it on the inspiration broader community can apply to join the advitree as a way to help get challenge participants sory committee to provide feedback to teams. thinking about the theme of creative aging. "The creative challenge is a great way for "Regardless of what program you're studying, students to get involved in their school comwhat field you're in or what work you do, the munity and to really put into practice the lessons world in which you'll be doing that work will be they're learning in the classroom. It's also a great primarily populated by older adults in the very networking opportunity and a chance to really near future," she said. "So, the exercise of thinking showcase what they're learning and do somecreatively and innovatively about what this demo- thing meaningful," Tsotsos said. graphic shift means for society and how we can all For more, visit www.creativeaging. contribute to and enhance it, I think is really or follow the competition on important at this time." w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / Started last school year, the President's Creative PresidentsCreativeChallenge or Twitter Challenge is an exercise for teams of students #creativeaging. from every faculty to generate projects that will help create more inclusive communities. Proposals from this semester and last will be judged by an independent board. The challenge originally came out of a creative campus task force that was charged with developing a way to unify students, faculty and staff at all of European Engineering Combined Sheridan's campuses to work towards With Traditional Workmanship a common goal, Tsotsos said. "The idea behind the challenge is a bit about bringing people from different faculty backgrounds together," she said. "It's a uniting force and creative exercise for everyone at the college." "Building on the There are three ways to participate, all available online at www. Brightest Ideas Around Glass" Sheridan students from any faculty and campus can submit a proposal for designing a community for all ages, HERITAGE Lifestyle Home Furnishings SINCE 1977 L A E S S Y E R V A ENT U N A J 905.849.0266 VISIT OUR WEDNESDAY, Open House on February 6 THE FUTURE IS NOW. We have created a studentcentred learning environment to unleash the academic potential of all students in the College and to maximize the accomplishments and potential of our graduates. - Marc Ayotte, Head of College Incredible Savings, Stock Buyouts and Factory Authorized Savings. DON'T MISS OUT! 4205 Fairview Street, Burlington We are accessible and affordable. Call Scott Barton 905-389-1367 Hillfield Strathallan College is an independent day school for students from M2 and PK to Grade 12. Visit us at 905-634-5298