Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 10 Apr 2002, Homes, D6

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HOME & HARDEN An Oakville Beaver Feature · To advertise in this section call 905-845-3824 or Fax 905-337-5568 \ \ ' 1 - 1 > N K S I ) A Y A P R I L 1<>. J ( X ) J · I I )<j Local decorator being featured on HGTV L ocal in te rio r d eco rato r, Jo an n e W atso n of D e c o ra tin g D en In terio rs ju s t c o m p le te d w o rk in g w ith the p o p u la r H G T V p ro g ra m "This S m a ll S p a c e " . D ue to h er d e sig n cre a tiv ity , a local p ro je c t d e sig n ed by W atson w as film e d an d w ill ap p ea r in the p r o g r a m 's 2 0 0 2 s e a so n , w h ic h b e g in s a irin g the w eek o f A p ril 22, 2002 . T he fe a tu re d m ak eo v er co n sist- AFTER: With one very small end angling out to meet the balance of the space it took careful planning and selection of design elements to create this fresh, yet traditional family space reminiscent of the client's family farmhouse ed o f c re atin g a w arm , c asu al e n v i space and the c lie n t's artw o rk adds ro n m e n t to suit an activ e young to the m ood. T his p ro je c t is one o f fam ily. fo u r D eco ratin g D en In te rio rs p ro j T he d esig n c h a llen g e w as in c o r e c ts film e d in a n d a ro u n d the p o ra tin g an a w k w a rd , o d d ly T oronto a rea and w ill a ir the w eek sh ap ed room into a fully u tiliz ed o f M ay 27th, 2002. F u tu re tap in g s liv in g room . W ith one v ery sm all are ex p ected . end an g lin g o u t to m eet the b a l S ue P e lle y , D e c o ra tin g D en ance o f the space (as seen in the In terio rs in te rn atio n a l sp o k e sp e r afte r p h o to g rap h ) it to o k carefu l son flew to T oronto fo r the tap in g s plan n in g and se lectio n o f desig n to re p resen t the com pany. W atson ele m en ts to c re ate this b rie fe d P elley fo r her fre sh , y e t tra d itio n a l a p p e a ra n c e . "It is fa m ily sp a ce re m in is a lw a y s a p le a s u re to This project is one ce n t o f the c lie n t's fam re p re s e n t D e c o ra tin g of four Decorating D en In terio rs and the ily farm house. B re a k in g ru le s can ex tre m ely ta le n te d in d i Den Interiors so m e tim e s be th e v id u al d ec o ra to rs w hen projects filmed in a n sw e r! H e re W atso n co n d u ctin g m y a p p e a r and around the u se d b o ld c o lo u r and an ces. We are th rille d larg er scaled p ieces to Toronto area and to have e sta b lish e d this fram e the space. "W hy will air the week of new re la tio n sh ip w ith fig h t th e sp a ce w h en "T his S m a ll Space" and May 27th, 2002. you can em b race it and look fo rw a rd to m any b rin g o u t it's full p o te n a d d itio n a l ta p in g s," tial" w as how Jo an n e P elley stated. d e sc rib e d h er d esig n ph ilo so p h y D e c o ra tin g D en In te rio rs h as fo r this p ro ject. b een w o rk in g w ith H G T V since T h e fu rn itu re p ie c e s se le c te d the netw o rk in c ep tio n in 1994 w ith and the p lac em e n t o f th ese p ieces r e g u la r a p p e a ra n c e s by th e ir now en h a n ce s the ro o m 's shape sp o k esp erso n , Sue Pelley. and su it the h o m e o w n e rs needs D eco ratin g D en In terio rs is also perfectly. fea tu re d in nu m ero u s m ag azin es T he d u a l-p u rp o se o tto m an and annually. F ea tu re s have been p u b se t o f n e s tin g ta b le s g iv e th e lis h e d in S o u th e rn L iv in g , c lie n ts flex ib ility in this co m p act C a nadian H o u se & H om e, B e tte r room . L ay erin g fab rics also adds H o m e s a n d G a rd e n s, R o m a n tic d im en sio n h elp in g to keep the eye H o m es and G o o d H o u sek eep in g , as m oving. T he area rug gro u n d s the w ell as a variety o f special in te re st Joanne Watson of Decorating Den Interiors will soon be featured on the HGTV program "This Small Space". She had the design challenge of incor porating an awkward, oddly shaped room into a fully utilized living room. p u b lic a tio n s fo c u s in g on h o m e in te rio r deco ratin g . E sta b lish ed in 1969, D eco ratin g D en Interio rs is an in te rio r d e c o ratin g serv ice w ith m ore than 500 fra n c h ise s in the U n ite d S tate s, C an ad a and the U n ite d K ingdom . F u rth er in fo rm a tio n about the o rg a n iz a tio n c a n b e a c q u ire d th ro u g h th e c o m p a n y w e b site w w w .d e c o ra tin g d e n .c o m o r by c o n ta ctin g y o u r local D eco ratin g D en In terio rs d e c o ra to r at 1-800263-0242. CLARGREEN Live longer with Mother Nature CUSTOMERS SPECIAL OFFER TO FORMER CLARGREEN CUSTOMERS! S h erid an N urseries is p le a se d to o ffer C larg reen retail customers a hardy nursery stock warranty on plants purchased from Clargreen in 2001. Simply return your dead plant with your Clargreen receipt, and we will replace your purchase with a new plant (of equal or lesser value) at 50% off the Sheridan regular retail price. O ffer ava ila b le u n til J u n e 30, 2002. Last week, my doctor gave me a handout list o f 100 ways to live 100 years. He wants his patients to stay around. Twenty o f the ways relate to the garden and its animal and vegetable inhabitants and visitors. The window above our kitchen sink looks over the front garden. O ur next door neighbour has a large wild vine clim bing up the wire and along the line to the house. Last spring, a little red squirrel gave birth in a nest she built in the vine. The crows found it but before they could take the babies, the m other carried them one by one from the vine, through several trees to a bird house in our corkscrew hazel tree in the back garden, a distance o f about 90 ft. She raised them there and we w atched them grow for a few weeks before they were able to go out on their own. Now I look out the window to see if she or another squirrel will be back this John Simkins spring. Little incidents like this attach us to the outdoors and lengthen our lives. We need to be in touch with M other Nature both phys ically and m entally as often as we can. We have to provide interest activities to entice us from TV or other indoor attractions. O ur oft repeated question is: 'W hat's in it for me?' Now that we know gardening is the answ er for a longer and healthier life, we may work out ways to encourage the fam ily make the changes. Take an interest in the anim als around. W hite Cap Books have ju st re-issued a revised version o f 'Living Things We Love to Hate,' by Des Kennedy. This covers bats, flies, slugs, ravens and the crow family, raccoons, starlings, toads and fungus plus some weeds. A 10-page story o f each may replace the children's bedtim e story and inform them of things they know or can find in their gar den. Herb Gardens If the ordinary garden is good for our health, how much better would a herb garden be? It would allow meals to be perked up with fresh flavours while providing colour and fragrance in the garden. Trevor Cole, in his book, The New Etobicoke 700 Evans Avenue Tel: 416-621-9100 Fax: 416-621-9962 e-mail: etobicoke@sheridannurseries.com Mississauga-Oakville Sheridan Nurseries 606 Southdown Road Tel: 905-822-0251 Fax: 905-822-8024 e-mail: mississauga@sheridannurseries.com www.sheridannurseries.com ONE DAY BATHROOM MAKEOVER NO DEMOLITION! · No M ore Regrouting · No M ore M old & M ildew · No M ore Leaks WE GUARANTEE IT Seamless Acrylic Wall Acrylic tubs have a life expectancy of 25-30 years. More Economical than Replacing BATH FITTER S in ce 1984 Holland Park AS SEEN ON TV & AT YOUR LOCAL M A L L ! OVER 1 MILLION SATISFIED CUSTOMERS! VIEW US AT: · Centennial Mall, Brampton · Westdale Mall, Mississauga · Georgetown Marketplace · Bronte Mall, Oakville · Meadowvale Town Centre, Mississauga Hopedale Mall, Oakville · Central Pkwy. Mall, Mississauga · M ilton Mall, Milton 4 Step Fertilizer Programs S ta r tin g as lo w as i99 Spring Perennials For more Information or a FREE in home estimate 149 # C A L L < *> 2 0 6 -9 9 4 9 www. bathf ittermiss@hotmail. com Ontario Garden, lists 10 useful herbs. They are basil, chives, cilantro, dill, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, sum m er savoury, tarragon and thyme. This book was w ritten for beginning gardeners in the city and suburbs. It is a prim er containing basic gardening inform ation. M aking a plan, im proving the soil, lawn, trees, shrubs, roses, perennials, annuals, bulbs, rock gardens, container gardens and pests. This 240-page book is practical and will help to avoid tim e-consum ing errors along the way to making fine gardens with low m aintenance requirem ents. For those with established gardens, it will provide sug gestions on to how to make changes within the original concept, or to rebuild it to fit your fam ily's needs. It is an inexpensive W hite Cap Book available at most book stores. If you wish to look into herbs as a separate collection or in-fill plants for the present garden, obtain a catalogue from Richters: w w w .richters.com . They have a large col lection o f herbs and their catalogue is a delight. The nurs ery is at Goodwood, O ntario L0C 1A0, ju st northeast of Toronto, about an hour-and-a-half from Oakville and well w orth a visit. Fragrant Gardens A nother garden collection to try is a fragrant garden. This is often near a patio or around a gazebo or sunroom where people congregate. The two m ost im portant herbs are lavender and rosem ary and with their many species may be the basis for the fragrant garden. Some fragrant shrubs are February D aphne, (d.mezereum ), 4 ft. tall, very early bloom ing, (not quite February) in our area, with fragrant flowers. It is useful for early indoor forcing. Rose Daphne, (d.ceneorum ), is a 6 ins. high evergreen shrub to edge a patio or path. M asses o f rose-pink flowers cover the plant in the spring. It is hardy so will grow in a container on a balcony and is per fect for a rock garden. Star M agnolia has a delicate fra grant in May. O riental lilies, the most exotic o f the hybrids, bloom in m id-sum m er with big fragrant flowers, w hite and pink, often spotted with gold and shaded or banded red. A few are dw arf and are suitable for containers. M ignonette 'Reseda O dorata,' is an annual grown from seed which flowers prolifically all summer. It is used throughout Europe in containers and window boxes to perfum e whole towns. The seeds are available from Richters. Fam ily Gardens This may be for a single fam ily or may be enlarged for an extended fam ily, including aunts, uncles and cousins. The latter is especially suit able for family groups that have com bined picnics or gatherings. These are planted in the garden with a tag on each with the person's nam e who chose it. For a sm aller group or single family, flat cut stone may be engraved with the name. Visit Henry Lind at w w w .lindrock.com or R ock Solid C reations at w w w .rocksolidcreations.ca for rock or engraving infor mation. W ater G ardens These may be as simple as a half barrel, half filled with water. Set pot ted w ater plants at various levels. Use oxygenating plants like w ater violet and w ater hyacinth to control algae. Add a few arrow heads and hom w ort for subm erged foliage and a water lily. There are m any self-contained kits sold to build fountains and ponds. The Bloom ing Great Gardening Book, by Steve W hysall, published by W hite C ap B ooks, has a section called 'Your guide to W ater G ardening.'

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