B4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday November 26, 2003 Volunteers needed for annual food drive V o lu n teers are n e e d e d to h e lp w ith S a tu rd a y 's a n n u a l C e n tu ry 2 1 /S a lv a tio n A rm y F ood D rive. T he g o al o f the Nov. 29 d riv e - now in its 21st y ear - is to co llec t food to assist m ore than 1,000 fam ilies in O ak v ille, people w ho, at a tim e o f crisis, need help to put food on the table. To that en d , v o lu n teers are need ed on S aturday from 9 :3 0 a.m . to ap p ro x im ately 2 p.m . D rivers and co llecto rs w ill m eet at the S alv a tio n A rm y L ig h th o u se S h elter, 170 C ou n try S quire L ane, then fan o ut o v er tow n to pick up food bags from 4 8 ,0 0 0 hom es. T he bags w ill be in clu d ed in to d a y 's issue o f V olunteers w ill be p laced in g roups o f four, o r you can sign up as a group. F am ilies are w elcom e. F o r m ore in fo rm atio n o r to reg ister p lease call M ary K ay M cC oy at 9 0 5 -8 4 5 -9 1 8 0 or em ail h er at m a ry k a y m cc o y @ ro g e rs.co m . River 0aks collects suPP|ies for children in Afghanistan The Oakville Beaver. What's playing? Movie listings updated weekly for Oakville, Burlington and Hamilton OAKVILLEBEAVER.COM f o i l IV I I I 1 C T I T I I I I u lit illr t a t r r r w 1 ill-:« I 4 i i r | |j|| ifio d ld n o m * " " 406 Speers RcL, Oakville ( # i I I I \ I T V F O R Gift T H 'V * E I lo lid a v J vvM r 1 / w I 4 sV(`s | I T 'K i ^ 4 4 fc * I ' r.1 % I ^ * m K S V * | S jK tfi *? / ! : » n jit\ ;i l u l l \ r ; i r < > l W osl o jlln 'i. lil\ i n ;iir;i/ii i< * <l(Ti\(`r»*rl lo u m i «l<*or lo ro n K 29 .95 To subscribe call 905-845-8536 or online @ www.westofthecity.ca (C o n tin u e d from p ag e B3) "His last m essage to me was that he is currently engaged in 44 projects that range from w ater well drilling, building, bridge, and road reconstruction, developm ent o f three m ater nity wards for m other care, creation o f three new schools for girls and m ore," wrote Veilleux in one o f his e-mails. "The story w hich hit hom e with m e w as that in the Kabul H ospital they have virtually nothing as far as basic supplies. M others w ipe their children's foreheads with w ater as a m eans o f relieving pain. There are few, if any, medicines. "M asonry & Fireplace Design Specialists " Even w orse, there are no supplies o f basic hospital band aids, bandage m ate Design & installation rial, neck braces, splints, sheets which o f gas, electric & we all expect and take for granted. conventional fireplaces: W hen M ajor W helan tours the hospital, · sto n e & b rick facings · b u ilt-in mothers put notes in his hand pleading · w ood s u r ro u n d s c a b in e try for him to help their suffering children," · c a s t sto n e m a n te ls wrote Veilleux. QUALITY BRAND NAMES GAS & ELECTRIC FIREPLACES AVAILABLE "All o f our offices replied with `How M A JESTIC . J can we help' e-m ails," said John. Major Steve Whelan G older offices are collecting school d l b (£ £ ) and m edical supplies, am ong other items. W helan provided Veilleux a list o f the m ost needed sup All types o f m asonry w ork & restoration: plies -- very sim ple item s -- including school, m edical, · chimneys · planters · patios clothing, recreation/sports, equipm ent and orphanage sup · walkways · stairs · tuck pointing plies. It was the school category that caught Fairs' attention. H ours: Mon.-Fri 10-6pm S a t 10-5pm Sun. Closed "W hat brought the w hole idea hom e was that they'd like (across from Rona Lansing) to build new schools and dedicate them to the Canadian sol diers w ho lost their lives, even as recently as one month ago," Q n r o o r r O f l d t i v is it t h e s p e c ia ij s t s m t /U 0 " 0 0 / * U O U SEE TIIE DIFFERENCE ____________________ said Fairs. A ctually a wing o f a new school and a wing o f a new hospital are to be named after each o f the soldiers, said cS/ . G tfn d r e w 7s G J2 u r c A Veilleux. Two o f three girls' schools already built have been bom bed by the O Taliban, said Veilleux. ^ " M ajo r W helan has his hands full," said Veilleux. r\ It w as also the school building that ^ caught F airs' imagination. "I use Ziplock bags every day r\ w ith my kindergarten students. It's an ideal w ay o f getting m essages back and forth to hom es," said Fairs. Tying the fundraising effort into Rem em brance D ay cerem onies. Fairs put her idea before River Oaks teach ers and then students. G rade 5 teacher Susan M acauley's class w rote letters and drew pictures to send to their peers in Afghanistan. " S tudents w ere enco u rag ed to w rite good luck m essag es," said Fairs, noting there was a lot o f discus sion about the situation in A fghanistan and world affairs that cam e out o f the fundraising effort, too. "The River O aks com m unity has c z /f- ^U o u i o fC oa±z±, ju st been wonderful. I've had nothing but p o sitiv e co m m en ts and real enthusiasm from the kids," said Fairs. < z£t. c z / f n d 'i z u j i d l i u i c l i £ r 'i P a 'iL ifi d z n i x s . The teacher now has thoughts o f doing a second Ziplock bag fundrais ^ z c o x a t s d j- o i t( s i . ^ L / u h t id s ing effort next spring for m edical sup plies. The networking is paying off. F airs' m other-in-law , M argaret Fairs o f London, Ont., got together 9 :3 0 am - 4 :0 0 jim w ith three friends and is donating hand-knit bears for distribution to the TICKETS: $ 2 5 AVAILABLE AT newborns. Fairs herself is friends with Abbey D owntow n O akville (East) O akville (West) .Lane Public School principal John Raymar Lighting Flippance & C arr (Bronte Village Mall) Pennyfather - where her six-year-old Upstairs Downstairs Tea Room son Jack is in G rade 1 -- so now that O akville (North) Bookers school, too, is on board with collect Upper Oakville Card Shop Finders Keepers (MapleGrove Village) ing items. (Upper Middle Shopping Centre) O thers w ho wish to help are w el G len Abbey Framing and Fine A rt com e to drop o ff supplies -- new Burlington -- (Dorval Town Centre I) items ranging from school supplies to O n e o f a Kind An English Garden (Pilgrims Way Plaza) to iletries, w inter clo th in g , sports balls, even firew ood -- to the G older F o r M o r e I n f o r m a t i o n C a l l (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 - 1 8 3 0 o r ( 9 0 5 )8 4 4 -4 3 5 8 M ississauga office at 2390 Argentia w w w .sta n d re w s h o u se to u rs.c a Rd., M ississauga. C o b b le S F O N E m b e rS 5 C h r ist m a s in O a k v i l l e SATURDAY, N O V E M B E R 29, 2 0 0 3 At Esso, keeping our home heat customers comfortable is priority number one. You can rely on us to always be at your service... any time, any day. For total peace of mind, we also offer worry-free automatic delivery. So you can relax knowing that when you need fuel for heating, it's there. 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