Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 17 Jul 2002, D04

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D 4 - The Oakville Beaver, W edn esd ay July 17, 2002 ACCOUNTANT / OFFICE MANAGER GET YOUR MOTOR RUNNING JOB FAIR RN's & RPN's Northridge Long Term Care Centre T h u r s ., J u ly 1 8 th , 2 0 0 2 - 2 :0 0 p m - 6 :0 0 p m 4 9 6 P O S T R ID G E D R IV E , O A K V IL L E HCR has th e inside tra c k on g reat op portunities w ith a m ajor A UTO M O TIVE parts m a n u fa c tu re r in M ilto n . Available positions include M achine Operators and Production Technicians. $11-12/hour · All shifts are available (Dundas & Postridge Dr.) Call for Directions 905-257-9882 B ring Y o u r R esum e & R eferences! O n S ite Interview s! If unable to attend you can fax your resume to 905-257-9883 NOT M ultilevel M arketing. Business for individual who w o u ld lik e to w o rk from hom e. W ould you like to generate a comfortable re sidual income? NO parties, NO inventory, NO deliveries o r c o lle c tio n s . C a talogue company wants you. Phone (905)849-1741 CCS Inc.. one of Canada's newest automation integration firms, is looking for a talented individual to help us create the position of Accountant/Office Manager in our unique and creative environment. About You:The successful candidate will combine their broad knowledge of Accounting with Administration skill and a desire to help build the business from the ground up. The right person JS a motivated independent thinker, whose natural instinct is to take initiative and has a demonstrated ability to anticipate and solve problems. Reporting directly to the President your duties will include: · Accounts payable/receivable/invoicing; · Purchasing; · Monthly financial statement preparation; · Payroll; · Creating basic office systems including · Office management; time reporting, answering telephones, ordering office supplies, other procedures. I /I O l OPEN ® HOUSE ® Essential Requirements: · Minimum three years of related accounting and reporting experience; · In-depth knowledge of QuickBooks or ACCPac Simply and MS Office. · Extremely organized, detail oriented, ability to work with little direction. Salary will be determined based upon experience. Please forward resumes or inquiries to: info@customconceptsolutions.com We thank all applicants, hom er, only those selected lor interview w ill be contacted. < 5 901 S te e le s A v e ., M ilto n general help wanted general help wanted Tues., July 23 & W ed., July 24 (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) a i Growing landscape company requires the following professionally minded people: · C O N S T R U C T IO N F O R E P E R S O N & LA B O U R E R S · M A IN T E N A N C E W O R K E R S Please bring your SIN and photo ID. If you are interested but unable to attend, or would like to receive more information, please contact HCR today. 1-888-411-1660 * Fax: (416) 622-7258 · w w w .hcrpsi.com C u s to m C o n c e p t S o lu tio n s "We Only Do The Hard Stuff"" inc. i / i PR ODUCTIO N M achine O perators- required by Burlington manufacturer. 2s h ifts - T ra in in g provid ed. Send resum e to: Nixon Inte g ra te d M achin ing Designs Ltd., 3291 Mainway, Units 5 & 6, Burington, L7M1A6 D E LIVER Y person, e x perie nced, req u ire d parttim e fo r W est B u rlington Pharmacy. Must be bondable, neat with friendly per sonality. Knowledge of city an asset. Reply to: Box 1916, B u rlington Post, 2321 Fairview, Burlington, L7R2E3_________________ ASSISTANT S uperintend ent, live-in, required part-time fo r dow ntow n B u rlington hig h rise . Please bring resume to 505 Locust Street. RESIDENTIAL Care Facility requires fu ll-tim e night position. Training/ benefits. Fax resume: 905-335-1202. PACKERS Light p lastics plant, West Oakville, Full time night shift or afternoon shift. Applicants must have good eye/ hand coordina tion and be fluen t in Eng lis h . C all 9 0 5 -8 4 7 -3 1 2 1 , Fax resume: 905-847-3126. C O S M E T IC IA N -re q u ire d p a rt-tim e , even ings and w e ekends. C osm etic e x perience preferred. Apply or fax: Shoppers Drug Mart, 520 Kerr S treet, O akville. 905-845-3407 Com petitive wages com m ensurate w ith ex perience. Reply by email, fax or in person: E -m ail: letsburlington@on.aibn.com Fax: 905-6 39-7 41 2 32 35 F a irvie w St., #5, B urlingto n HGR SHIFTING AUTOMOTIVE JOBS INTO HIGH GEAR OAKW OO D RETIREM ENT CO M M UN ITIES The Village of Tansley Woods A new 144-bed Long-Term Care (LTC) facility now open on Upper Middle Road, Burlington. Future phases to include a 175-bed Retirement Home and Senior's Apartments. Oakwood is seeking dynamic.individuals for the following positions: Canadian Tire SERVICE CA SH IERS Busy General Motors Dealer requires I retail sales FU LLTIM E/ Part-tim e re ta il sales. New store on Lakeshore Rd. ' Custom c h ild re n 's room s and nurseries" 905-975-5194 Requires Automotive Parts Counter Person Full-time and Part-Time TWO P/T SERVICE CASHIERS Must be dedicated, hardworking team players who enjoy customer service and able to multi-task. Computer literate and mathematically inclined. Contact D ale C ogsw ell (905) 845-1681, ext. 228 o r fax (905) 845-4394 Automotive Service Advisor 15 to 30 hours per week, longer during summer and vacation periods. F U L L T IM E R N 's / N IG H T S H IF T F U L L T IM E R N 's / D A Y S , E V E N IN G S P A R T T IM E R N 's / N IG H T S H IF T C A S U A L R P N 's A P P L Y B Y M A IL O R F A X 9 0 5 -3 3 6 -7 1 4 3 T O D o n P a ra d in e , G e n e ra l M a n a g e r T h e V illa g e o f T a n s le y W o o d s 1 4 0 0 U p p e r M id d le R o a d , B u rlin g to n , O n ta rio L 7 M 4 W 8 Automotive Parts Installer Full-time and Part-time Please apply with resume to: Canadian Tire Associate Store 777 Guelph Line Burlington RN/RPN (F/T &P/T positions) for 6-bed inresidence cancer hospice. Communication, organi zational skills required. Palliative care experience desired. E-mail resume to: iah@idirect.com or fax: 905-844-3074 RN, p art-tim e, (p ossib ly leading to fulltime) for busy O ak v ille D e rm atology o f fice. W illin g to tra in new grads. Please apply if you are a team player, flexible, persona ble and ready to take initiative. Please state salary exp e cta tio n s. Fax resum e a fte r 7pm : 905842-3625 _ _ ____________ FU LL-TIM E or P a rt-tim e D ental A ssista nt required for modern Dental Office in Burlington. Please send re sume`to box 1915 C/O The Post 2321 Fairview St Bur lington ON L7R-2E3 or fax to 905-637-0868_________ C D A/PD A required fu ll time for team-oriented Oak v ille pra ctice . C om puter knowlege an asset. HARP C e rtifie d . C all 9 0 5 -2 5 7 4910. No telephone inquiries or personal deliveries please. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. A m id -s ize C h e m ica l c o m p a n y lo c a te d in M ississauga is looking fo r a FULL-TIME 2 P o s it i o n s R e q u ir e d CHEMICAL LABOURER Must be able to work shifts. Some heavy lifting and tow motor experience required. Starting salary $15.59/hr + benefits and profit sharing. Please submit resume to: Production Supervisor, Powder Department H .L . B L A C H F O R D L T D . 23 23 R oyal W in d s o r Dr. M ississau g a, O N L5J 1 K5 F A X : 9 0 5 -8 2 3 -4 7 6 5 G eneral M achinist and a C M C Program m er/ O perator 10 yrs. experience · Small Company · Team Player · Independant Worker · Benefits C M M O R R IS D E S IG N L T D . 905-878-0578, fa x 905-878-0451 e -m a il: a m o rris @ c m in o rris .c o m 540 hotel restaurant 540 hotel restaurant 540 I hotel restaurant a i Looking for a fast paced, fun. friendly environment then we want you to be part of our teaml F/T & P/T Permanent Positions also hiring AUTOMOTIVE PAINTER Full-time experienced. BC/CC knowledge & 5-years minimum exp. mandatory. Great wag es. Full benefits. Fully equipped busy collision centre. "Excellent Working Conditions' E L RECEPTIONIST office-clerical EXPLOSIVE GROWTH A sk about our Student Scholarship Program. Motivated communicators required. Paid by piecework. Compensation enumeration type work. No experience necessary. We train accepted applicants. Call Human Resources for interview 905-689-9812 9 0 5 -5 2 5 -5 9 4 8 PART-TIME SALES POSITION for ladies' wear store, downtown Oakville. Suit mature, enthusiastic fashion minded person. Call Paul days, 905-845-2031 P/T Junior Credit Clerk re quired. Responsible for ac coun t se t-u p / entry. M ust possess solid computer/ or g a n iz a tio n a l s k ills . JDE know ledge an asset, in cludes gen era l o ffic e d u ties/ phone relief. Send re sume: Burlington Post, P.O. Box 1914, 2321 Fairview St., Burlington, On L7R2E3 MARKETING Rep requiredThe Bay Mapleview Mall, In store photo prom o. G reat $$$. Call 1-800-747-4903 CL EAN ER S (lig h t /heavy duty) as w e ll as la undry staff required for new Long Term Care Facility in Oak v ille . W ages (lig h t duty/ la undry $ 9 .2 2 h r) (heavy duty $11.36/hr) after proba tion period. Fax resume to file #222 fo r O akville . A t tention Mark Bernhard 905669-6724 Permanent Part-time Required for busy real estate company evenings and alternate weekends. Must be computer literate. Real estate experience an asset, but will train suitable can didates. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted Apply to: Leigh Anne Murdy Fax: 905-338-3411 . Aboutowne Realty Corp. S f , 67 Lakeshore Rd. W,, Oakville, L6K1C9 Supervisors & Donut Bakers (Exp. required). We offer: Flexible schedules R egular p erform ance reviews A bove average w ages Paid breaks Paid train ing Free uniform s B enefit P rogram available S taff incentive program s c o 0 9 E£Ti1 II sales help & agents Requires an Adult Carreirs (Students welcome) to deliver door to door Tuesdays & Fridays. Must have a reliable vehicle with a valid drivers license. P lease C o n tac t Peter in th e C ircu latio n D ep artm en t at 9 0 5 - 8 7 8 -5 9 4 7 H Y U N D A I O F O A K V IL L E Here we grow again! 2 EXPERIENCED USED CAR SALES PEOPLE Over 100 used cars, all makes & models, excellent commission plan, bonus package, company car, full benefits package. VETER IN AR Y R eception & A n im al A tte n d a n t re quired long-term. Profes sional, motivated, dedicat ed a p p lic a n ts fo r kennel c le anin g, surgery, tre a t ment assistance, lab-work, reception, providing clients with pet care advise. Days/ evenings, weekends. Bring resume in person: Burloak Anim al C lin ic , 3060 Lakeshore RD W Oakville L6L-1J2 I veterinary help OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT A pply in person to: 5051 H arvester R d.,B urlington Located at the corner ot Appleby Line & Harvester Rd., ph # 9 0 5 - 6 8 1 - 1 8 4 1 T fu th k rtto H A . JOIN A WINNING TEAM! r r r i hotel restaurant S L Y E T o x Public House. W e're lo oking fo r kitchen s ta ff fo r our e n th u s ia s tic team ! Show us you have the personality and experi ence and w e 'll provide c o m p e titiv e wages and winning atmosphere. Come see John at Eastway Plaza (New / W alkers), fax: 905639-3029 CARRIERS WANTED · Grahams Lane · Hammond St · Stephenson Dr · Burlington Ave. · Hurd Ave · Caroline St Contact Michelle for an appointment: 905-845-7791, or fax resume: 905-845-7211 Call Lesley 632-0588 Ext 263 Burlington Post I salon & spa help The BILINGUAL HEALTH AND SAFETY SALES EXECUTIVE Are you fluent in English and French? Do you enjoy a challenge? If you do, than this may be the position for you. SafetyCare Inc. is an international company which produces and distributes its own range of Safety Training Videotapes and manuals. Working out of our Burlington Ontario office, we provide companies throughout Canada with quality aids to help train their staff in health and safety. This is a new position. The successful applicants re sponsibility will be to develop new business, exclu sively in the Quebec market. All the sales activity is done over the phone. The person we are looking for does not need specific qualifications but should be able to demonstrate a stable history with a personal or business background that indicates persistence and determination. We offer a basic salary, plus commissions and health benefits, with potential firs t year earnings of $30,000-$40,000. If this position interests you please call Ed Aasman at SAFETYCAREINC. 905-631-6070 E H salon & spa help METER INSTALLER Required fulltime. Mechanical aptitude, good appearance and communication skills. Min. Gr. 12. Will train. Plumbing exp. an asset. Fax resume to: 905-743-9057 M AN UFA CTU RING com pany lo oking fo r daytim e production worker. Heavy manual labour is involved. Please apply in person, with resume to: 359 Wheelabrator Way. Milton The World's Largest Hairstyling Chain Requires Full-time & Part-time EUROPEAN cle anin g lady a v a ila b le . E x p e ri enced, reliable, good refer ences provid ed, re ason able rates. Call Vinka, 905567-3903. CommunityNotices Deaths InMemoriains H E R O U X , M A R JO R IE BELLE JU LY 16, 2001 Devoted wife, supportive mother, loving grandmother, special friend ADAMSON, Earlaine Linda- Peacefully, after a long and courageous battle, Earlaine passed on surrounded by her loving family on Sunday, July 14, 2002. Predeceased by her parents Gladys and Earl Hilts, Earlaine was the beloved wife of Scott, loving mother of Kellan and Heather and cherished sister of Barbara Camilleri and Ruth Hambleton. Earlaine will be lovingly remembered by her many friends for her unfailing kindness and generosity to all she touched. A CELEBRATION OF HER LIFE w ill be held at 185 Mayla Drive in Oakville, Friday, July 19, 2002 at 2:00 p.m. Call 905-337-8278 for directions. In lieu of flow ers, donations to the Ian Anderson House Foundation, P.O. Box 61034,511 Maple Grove Drive, O akville, O ntario L6J 7P5 w ould be greatly appreciated. Always loved, never forgotten by the Heroux family Experienced H a irs ty lis ts x O akv ille , Burlington & Waterdown ^ WE OFFER MORE: Great commissions; Career advancement; Flex, work hours; Solid benefit program TO ARRANGE AN INTERVIEW, please call Kym , 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -8 8 0 8 , X221 FU LL-TIM E H air s tylin g A ssista nt required for Sa lon. Please apply 905-8497822____________________ H A IR S TY LIS T F ull-tim e for busy unisex shop, male or female. Ask for Nick or Uly 905-844-5113 ROOF-TECH your flat roof and shingle specialist. Free estimates. 905-821-0824 ALL p ainting jo bs. Free estimates. I provide reliable service and best price. Best o ffe r, you can tru s t. C a ll 905-466-5850 I painting & decorating Dance Instructor Experienced dance instructor/choreogra pher for established dance studio. Recrea tional/ competition.Send resume to: Box 1247, Waterdown, ON L0R2H0 or e-mail: risingstar_@ hotmail.com VILLAGE M a n o r- re tire m ent hom e (W aterdow n> looking for Night-staff; 11-7, la undry & hou sekeeping. Fax resum e to: 905-6898210____________________ CA REG IVER fo r e lderly Italian speaking wom an. Live-in M on.- Fri. H o use keeping, admin, meds, hyienic care. Contact Kathy, 05-921-5619, leave m es sage; Fax resum e: 905333-6374 ____________ C o n trac t In stru c to r For Burlington computer training, MS Office & other end user apps. 2 to 5 Days/wk. at our location, some client site work Rates negotiable thanlon@bserv.com' Fax: 905-632-3536 Ph: 905-632-1915 W EB D E S IG N /ln te rn e t S a le s - P /T M u s t ha ve knowledge of web design; scanning pictures; em ails; producing links, custom er service; etc. Call 905-8498982 I office-clerical G RO W ING , fast-p a ce d O akville company requires P/T A d m in is tra tiv e A s s is tant. 2 -3days/w e ek. C a n didate must be proficient in MS Word, well organized/ e x c e lle n t com m u nicatio n skills. Attention to detail is very important. Health Sci ences background would be an asset. Fax resume 905 -33 8-00 54 or em ail: dlittle@on.aibn.com S H E P P A R D , D A N - J u ly 18, 2001 In loving m em ory of beloved son, loving husband and father. You are in our Lords loving em brace. Mom Colleen, wife Fiona and daughter Claire. A TTEN TIO N : P E T LO V ERS Unleash your potential with PET VALU. a specialty retailer of quality pet products with over 340 locations internationally! If you're a pet lover or would just love to have a great job in retail, PET VALU has a tremendous opportunity available at its Oakville store, located at 2427 Trafalgar Road. We are expanding at `Essence O f Oiature Spa & Salon CUSTO M -M ADE d ra p e r ies valances, sheers, bed/ ta b le / ch a ir co-o rd in a te s , fabrics, in stallatio n. 10yrs exp. Sherry- 905-634-6706 Now Hiring F/T & P/T Exp. Hairstylists & Estheticians Please call Nancee. at 905-681-1772 1035 Brant St. Burl. PART-TIME SALES ASSOCIATE This year-round position enjoys flexible scheduling (21-35 hrs/wk.), no late nights, and on the job training. Candidates must: · be capable of moderately heavy lifting, and · have previous cash/customer service experience. To apply please fax resumes to 1-800-220-1339 or email to hr@peNalu.com. Please indicate your availability and quote file #228. Resumes will also be accepted at the store. BERNIE O liv e r, Estate Landscaping. No jo b too big or too small. Free esti mates. 905-320-3305 LANDSCAPE s p e c ia liz ing in Flagstone, interlock, planting. High quality work. R eferences. Fam ily run business. 905-823-0794 PICK your own rocks 250 ft s to n e fe n c e , a p p ro x im a te ly 100 - 150 y e a rs o ld , re a s o n a b le p ric e s , easy to access. Call (905) 854-3555 or (905)854-1852 Card of Thanks KELLY, Eric - P eacefully, passed away on Thursday, July 11th, 2002 at the Oakville T rafalgar H ospital. In his 74th year. Eric, beloved husband to Barbara fo r 51 years. Loving father to Linda and her husband Hill Martin and Philip and his wife Beverly Myers. Granddad w ill be fondly remembered by his loving grandchildren; Kevin, Jane, Michelle and D avid. S urvived by his b ro th e r W arren. A private family sen/ice will be held at a later date. As an expression of sympathy donations may be made to the Heart and Stroke foundation. Funeral arrangements entrusted to the Ward Funeral Home. B R O W N - We wish to express our sincere thanks to everyone who supported us after the sudden and tragic loss of our be loved son and brother David. The out pouring of love and sym pathy received through cards, flowers, emails and dona tions as well as through attendance at the visitations and funeral service was truly overwhelming. We are amazed to see how many lives he touched. His love and his joy of life will be with us always and live in our hearts forever. E C O O D ^YE A R · CLASS "A" TECHNICIANS ·3 R D YEAR APPRENTICE for Oakville 303 Upper Middle Rd e . Call Renato or Brandy 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -0 0 1 1 STORE cle rk required for busy pet store- permanent fu ll-tim e (not s u ita b le for students). Must be able to w ork w /others in a fastpaced environment, above average pay w /b e n e fits. Applicant must be able to work weekends/ have own transportation. Fax resume (905)257-4614___________ GRO W ING com pany re quires F/T Carpet Cleaning Technicians. Must be hard w o rking, am bitio u s and bondable. Some e x p e ri ence beneficial but willing to train, call 905-825-4256 W ANTED! 39 peo ple to lose w e ight w h ile earning m oney. S afe- N a turalG uaranteed. w w w.energyweight-loss.com___________ DOG W alke r req u ire d by Oakville pet care company. Perm anent part-tim e, m id day M on.-Fri. Must be en e rg e tic dog lo ver! Fax: 905-469-6044_____________ BU RLIN GTO N Tanning Spa needs permanent full time staff. Salary +commission. Fun environment. Fax resume: 905-319-5955. FLOW ERS by the dozen requires F/T C ustom er S ales C lerk w ith min 5yr. retail experience. P/T also available. Apply or fax re sum e to:901 Brant St. at Fairview, 905-681-0591 Your N eighbourhood Store With Superstore Prices'" PET VALU Lie. Plumber & 2nd to 4th Apprentice required. Commercial, Industrial & residential work. Installations and maintenance. Gas litter License an asset. Competitive wages, benefits package. Phone 905-335-2945 or lax resume 905-335-3077 attn: Rod Richardson G ROW w ith us! License A uto T ech n ic ia n w anted. D ia g n o stic, air, G eneral repairs, clean bright shop. 905-827-7477_____________ E-mail - dassified@haltonsearch.com Internet: www.burlingtonpost.com www.oakvillebeaver.com RECEPTIONIST P/T-Mon.-Thurs., 5-9pm & Sat. 8-6pm Automotive Dealership seeking a mature individual to fill this position. Experience in computer data entry essential. Fax resume to: Ms. B. Smith 905-631-8271 or info@unique chrysler.com B O O K K E E P E R /A D M IN ASST. P/T inputting inven tory; knowledge of Simply Accounting; G eneral office duties for Hat store, down to w n O a k v ille C a ll (905)849-8982 ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE We are an established Publishing Company with an opportunity fo r aggressive dedicated salespeople. If you have a proven track record of success in sales this could be the position for you. We have opportunities in both junior and senior roles. We offer salary plus commission, car allowance and benefits. We also offer a great opportunity for advancement. Please send your resume to: Box # 2116, c/o The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ontario L6K 3S4 LOST & FOUND Reid, D ianne a n d K ristyne B row n SMITH, Kenneth - Regretfully passed away on 532 | retail sales 532 retail sales AUDIOTRONIC Electronics chain requires 2 FULLTIME Found Something? Place your "Found"ad FREE of charge. Burl. & Flamb. 905- 632-4440 Oakville 905- 845-3824 Fax: 905-632-8165 Sunday, July 14, 2002 at the Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital at the age of 72. Beloved husband of Mary. Cherished father of Kenneth, Rose and Bill. W ill be fondly remembered by his g ra n d ch ild re n Joshua, B enjam in and Tobias. A private fam ily service to take place at a later date. If desired, please consider a donation in Ken's name to the Canadian Cancer Society. Family Services A lcoholics Anonym ous If y o u d rin k , th a t's y o u r b u s in e s s If yo u w a n t to q u it, T h a t's O u rs ! (4 1 6 ) 4 87 -5 5 9 1 (9 0 5 ) 6 3 1 -8 7 8 4 AUDIO/VIDEO SALESPERSONS Sales experience preferred but not essential. Deliver resumes to the attention of Steve of Jim: M illcroft Shopping Centre location at Appleby Line & Upper Middle Fax: 905- 336-6593 Email: burlington@dumoulin.ca WENDELER, Katharina - Peacefully in her 92nd year at Hillcrest Village, Midland. Predeceased by her husband Christian. Loving mother to Gert, Marlene, Willy and Heinz. Grandmother to Petra, Karen, Uwe, Mark, Josh, John, Eric and Sarah. Sadly missed by 8 great grandchildren. Arrangements entrusted to Nicholls Funeral Home, 330 M idland A venue, M id la n d . Cremation has taken place. Friends are invited to a Memorial Service at Glen Oaks Memorial Gardens, 3164 9th Line, Oakville on Monday, July 22, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. Community Notices t

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