Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 27 Feb 2002, Classified, C 5

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The Oakville Beaver, W e d n e s d a y F e b ru a ry 27, 2 00 2 - C 5 T h e O akville B eaver LA-Z-BOYM Sofas. Chairs and Sectionals of Uncompromising Quality and Style. An Extraordinary Selection of the Finest Custom Fabrics, Imagine. Genuine La-ZBoy at prices that will Delight you! S o fa s fo r L ess! Starting From A a a a am \ f i n n QU y l f U U iWW Q a ir i V w W TO PLACE AN AD CALL C la ssified 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: PR IVAT E S A L E 201 T R E LA W N O A K V IL L E S P E E R S F O U R T H L in e shared accom m odation in h o u s e , fir s t a n d la s t r e q u ire d $ 5 0 0 /p e r m o n th . C a ll S te p h a n ie /a fte r 6pm (905)465-3345 2 b e d ro o m basem ent a p a rtm e n t, s e p a ra te e n tra n c e . im m a cu la te . G len A b b e y , n o n s m o k e r, no pets $850* (905)827-0586 CENTRAL O akville 2 bed room basement apartment Separate entrance. A v a il able May 1st $825/month. C a ll (9 0 5 ) 8 4 2 - 6 5 2 6 or (905)827-2764___________ THIRD BR ID G E Rd Large o n e -b e d ro o m b a s e m e n t apartm ent in quiet house. S to ra g e , p a rk in g , priv a te entrance, bus at door, nons m o k e r. re fe re n c e s re quired. First and Last $750 in c lu s iv e . A v a ila b le im mediately (905)847-7208 SPEN CER Sm ith. 1-bed room . new ly deco rated. Quiet six-plex. parking. No pets/ smoking. $798/mo.+ Mar./ Apr. 905-639-1466 B u rlin g to n P o w er C en tre · Q E W & B rant St. · 90 5 -3 3 1 -7 6 0 0 905-632-8165 SO UTH BU RLING TO N S p o tle s s 3 -bedroom , 2.5 bath semi in lovely neutral decor. 5 app lia nces, C/A, main floor familyroom, recroom , p riv a to & fenced yard. in gro u n d pool. A p r.1st. $ l6 5 0 /m o . L.D aviee R.E.. 906-333-4347 FURNISHED TOWNHOUSE. S outh c e n tra l B u rlington. Lovely 2-bedroom. 2.5 baths, b e a u tifu lly fu rn is h e d . 5 a pp lia nces. C /A , priv a te p atio , w ood fire p la c e . $ 1650/m o. May 1st. C all L.Davies R E .. 905-333-4347 O AKV ILLE - 3-* 1 bedroom B u ngalow , fin ish e d b a s e m ent. C/A. garage, all ap pliances. Large private lot in q u ie t n e ig h b o u rh o o d , c lo s e to a ll a m e n itie s Lake shore & D o rval area $ 1650.00/month utilities. A v a ila b le A p ril 1st · no pets Call (905)847-7100. R E N T E R S s to p p a y in g y o u r la n d lo rd s m ortgage. F re e re p o rt re v e a ls how easy it is to own your own home. Free recorded mes sage 1 -8 0 0 -6 9 5 -8 3 0 6 ID # 1001. S u tto n G ro u p Summit Realty Inc. O A K V IL L E East P ro fe s sio nally decorated 4 -b e d room bungalow, quiet treed area. Fully furnished, turn key. long/ short-term. Avail able Feb. 1st. $3200/m o. 905-842-6968 MON. FRI. 9:00am - 5:00diti Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 · Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300-385 · Auto 4 00 4 7 0 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700-795 CDMEWMEW., C U M B E R L A N D V IL L A G E 3270 Prospect St. · 905-632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliances* · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited B R A N T St.. B u rlington. Large 243 bedroom townhouses. Hardwood, fenced pa tio , la u n d ry. No dogs. April 1st. $895./m o.+ 905336-7207 Live - in Nanny Looking for the perfect right arm Mom returning to work is seeking a replacement. This person must love active kids and love sports. They would need a drivers license and know where all the arenas in Oakville are as well as all the soccer fields. Must enjoy spending the summer at pool side. The ages of the four great kids are 6.8.10 and 12. They are all pretty independent but too young to be unsupervised. This is preferably a live-in position for a non smoker with a great attitude towards life! Posi tion starts end ol Feb/2002. Call 905-827-5136 or fax resume to 905-827-6266 Emails may be received at dabairdhouse@aol.com Move to the m uch-desired location... B urlin gton T ow ers Kxtra-I.arge 1, 2 & 3 Bdrni Suites $685,000 Outstanding quality home in prestigious East Oakville on over 1/3 acre bi-level pie-shaped lot. 2 walk-outs from lower level. Hardwood, granite, mar ble. ceramic, gas fireplaces, stunning main bath, super kitchen. 3 plus bed rooms, Walk-out to 30 foot deck and so much more, superb for any addition you might wish or just "as is". A must to see. By appointment only. Buyers agents wel come. Call Peter (905)257-0999 EX EC U TIVE hom o. North Oakville, new. 5-bedrooms. 3.5 b aths. upg rad es throughout!! Security sys tem. Central air/Vac. Hard w ood & c e ra m ics m ain floor. $385,000. Flexible doeing. 906-257-9949 APPLEBY/ New $209,000. Great 1-storey. 3-bedroom fin is h e d basem ent. S uit small business 52*x163' lo t Walk to G O Lake/ shopping 905-639-7968.905-334-3535. S E L L y o u r hom e q u ic k ly w ith o u t any com m ission fee. Put our home market in g plan to w o rk for you w w w .b u rlo a k -h o m e s .c o m Of c a l 905-630-0689 B U R LIN G TO N Core. $309,500. 1-1/2 storey. 3bdrm , va rio u s updates. Fenced yard w/mature per* e nn ial garden. Pool. 905639-1481 E [ | k l Private Sales B R AM PTO N . S a tu rd a y/ Sunday 1pm-5pm. 17 Abe la rd . detached 4+1 b e d room , 3+1 bathroom , fin ished base m en t/ side e n trance. 2 kitch e n s/ la u n d ries. $284,900. C all w eek day appointm ent 905-4561232. em ail: breeseO glob alserve.net (for pictures & info) W ith 2 balconies! Easy Q E W access, nee. centre w ith large indoor pool, underground parking.+ ++++ Call 905-639-8583 tor Rental SSSs v v w w .o n tim .co m e m a i l : b t o u v r s @ la r a . u n . c a T y c o u rt A p a rtm e n ts 1360 to 1422 Tyandaga Park Dr., Burlington Tw o Bedroom s from S964./mo 2&3 Bedroom TO W NHOM ES from S1030./mo. Ind.: 4 or 5 appliances & underground parking. Near parkland and golf course. Call to d a y to v ie w : B E A U T IF U L fu rn ish e d room , kitch e n fa c ilitie s , share bath ro o m / laundry. Non-smokers. Guelph Line/ Palm er. F irs t/ la st. 905316-7062._______________ BU R LIN G TO N la rge . fu rn is h e d room , cable, qu ie t, d ow ntow n/ YM CA. male preferred, private en tra n ce . $385/m o. Vacant. 905-632-1333. OAKVILLE: $ 4 0 0 /m o . all in clu sive . F u ll use of house. No pets. Available im m ediately. Female pre fe r r e d C a ll Edna 905849-4233 NICE room . G uelph Line/ New St. C /a ir. parkin g . M ale p re fe rre d . Nonsm oker. $40 0/m o. A v a il a ble im m e d ia te ly. 905* 637-6508. ROOM availab le for w o rk ing non -sm okin g g e n tle man. Cooking and laundry. $95 /w eek. O a kville 905844-7977 ROOM a va ila b le , p rivate, clean home. Upper Middle/ E ighth Line S haro all amenities. Suit responsible non -sm okin g w o rkin g fe m ale w ith refe ren ces. Mar 1st 905-338 3548 A P P L E B Y / N ew St. N ear GO s ta tio n on bus route Kitchen/ laundry facilities. $425/mo. Non-smoker. (No parking) 905-637-7485 RO O M S fo r rent clo se to Trafalgar and Q.E.W.. utili ties included, first and last, references required. $290$ 3 5 0 /p e r m o n th . C a ll (905)257-1522 EX PER IE N C ED daycare p ro vid e r has o p e nings starting M ar/I8th 7-5:30pm. Mon-fri. Guelph line/Uppermiddle area. Call Mary 905319-7091 PR IVATE hom e childcare; e s ta b lis h e d 17 years. Q ualified expe rt care. We love children. Full days, a f ter hours, evenings, night time care, overnights, wee kends availab le. 905-6325735 Q UALITY daycare, mother w ith 2 -1 /2 -yr old boy. A ll ages. C P R / F irst-A id . Smoke-free Full/ Part-time/ Evenings/ W eekends Re ceipts/ References W alk er's/ Upper Middle Lots of fun. 906-336-6887________ LO VING fa m ily e n v iro n m ent in M ohaw k G arden S ch ool a rea, sp e cia l o u t ings. educational play, bal anced nu tritio n . 9 0 5 -3 3 3 3937 310 .ifc articles for sale 310 articles for sate , GREAT DEALS US SATELITE SALE * * * * * PR IM E D ow ntow n B u r lin g to n . U pgraded 1.2&3 Bedroom A p artm ents. S ce nic v ie w s B e a u tifu l ground s. 478 P earl. 477 Elizabeth. 905-634-9374 PILGRAMSWAY VILLAGE 2 & 3 betam aateB a v a & te T L b w rs 905- 3 3 5 -3 0 0 1 txrdbrarmmin CSariUe. 5 ^ jiia x B S , w .il B w .il czr ;.H. v a r t r z ib liife , Resident Manager Resides in Unit #1350 hakm ifiBcr pticB .Qi aiC e iiattpm t. Tbviewall (905)847-5043 Come See the Difference! 511 G u e lp h Line, B u rlin g to n C o m fo rta b le 1-B e d ro o m S uites fro m o n ly S849./mo. Sunken livingrooms, windows in kitchens, breakfast nooks, 2 outdoor pools....Call 905-637-9725 Largest Apt. in the Neighbourhood! 2333 Troscott Or. (at Southdown Rd.) MISSISSAUGA Offering 1-2-3 Bdrm Suites as low as $839/mo.! Over 30 styles to choose from... Some with sunken livingroom or split level! Call 905-823-1300 MARCH' A p ril. 1-bedroom , $750/m o.+ u tilitie s . A p p lia n ce s . R e ference s. A ctive M anagem ent. 905333-5506. E x t71__________ APRIL/ May Bronte Mar ine. 2-b e d ro o m , balcony. Large cle an secure, w ellm aintained q uiet building. $980/mo. includes utilities. No p ets. 905 -46 9-13 57: 905-337-2722. S .E. O a k v ille - w a lk lake. BBQ deck; mature trees: 2bedroom, appliances. April 1st. $ 1 1 10/mo. Profession1a. 905-829-6754.________ BRONTE H arbour. 2 -b e d room ava ila b le M ar./ Apr H e at/ hydro in clude d. $ 12 25/m o C a ll Sherry. 416-835-2220.8am-7pm M AR LB O R O U G H C ourt1229 M arlborough C ourt, Oakville. 1 & 2 bedrooms. C O M P LE TE LY renovated Park-like setting. Close to 2-bedroom . 2 bathroom s, all am enities and schools. large kitchen, garage, large Wood flooring with ceramic . lot 58'x158\ 1025 Glendor. tiles 905-844-7332 cen tra l B u rlington. Im m e dia te . $12 00/m o.+. or for 205 Q ueen M ary D rive. sale $164,900. 9 0 5 -6 3 7 O a k v ille . N ear all a m e n i 1651____ ties. Available immediately: 2-bedroom , from $ 1 0 5 0 ./ DOW NTOW N O a k v ille m o.; 3-bedroom , from b e a u tifu l new C hurch $ 1275/m o (^p a rk in g ). Street 3-bedrooms. Profes 905-844-9670 s io n a lly deco ra te d , fu lly ·*H O U SE-LIKE" L iv in g in Low-rise Townhom e/ Apts! 2-Bdrm s 1-floor & 2-storey designs. Ground floor units w /w a lk -o u t to la ndscape patio! Freshly painted, re fin ish e d hardw ood, brand new appliances- All for you! Tyandaga T errace. 1440 Tyandaga Pk Dr.. 905-3360015; 1460 T yandaga Pk Dr 905-336-0016 DOW NTO W N B u rlington. C entury building. Recently renovated 1-bedroom apt., a v a ila b le im m edia tely. P lease c a ll D erek. 905257-6529 DOW NTOW N O ak v ille , la rge 2 -bedroom . A/C. $ 1 100/mo. Apr.lst. Call 416420-3952 or 905-842-9275 2-BE D R O O M apa rtm e nts a v a ila b le . M ar./A pr. 2077 P rospect S t.. B u rlington. Clean, quiet buildings Close to GO & Malls 905-639-7805 furnished, turnkey. W alk to shop s/ re s ta u ra n ts , lo ng/ s h o rt-te rm . ava ila b le J a n .31 st. $3200/m o. (905)842-6968.__________ TR AFALG AR/ QEW. (near GO) Immaculate 3-bedroom bungalow, newly renovated. A/C. large yard. $ 1450/mo. hydro/ gas/ cable included. AvaitTmmed. 905-274-7770 \ All new with warranty. Direct TV, Single LNB v system with HU card program S349. Free install kit with every unit. Other systems & products available. Open Mon-Thurs., 9-6; Fri.,9-7 and Sat. & Sun., 9-5 4943 Union Rd.. Beamsville, ON 905-563-9285 or visl www.HUWORKs.TV MODERN wall unit, cream colored with brass trim. 4se ctio n s, $500 obo. 905827-8974 after 5:30 p.m. M O V IN G : w h ite ju v e n ile solid wood bedroom sets; crib; Q ueen-size waterbed set; sofas, c o ffe e table s. W AN TED G ood cars for $. Removal for dead cars. 7 days. 24 hrs. 905-467-9464 Oak. 905-876-4594 Milton ATTENTIO N babysitters... p a rt-tim e he lp e r fo r a fte r school approx 10+hrs/ wk. Must drive, gas allowance. 905-637-6872 LOVING N anny re q u ire d . Live-in. Burlington. Three c h ild re n ages 6. 2 and n ew born. C a ll Daniela 905-639-3216 PA R T-TIM E c h ild ca re provider needed M on.-Fri. 8am -N oon, in o u r hom e. 10-mos. happy baby. Coro nation Park area. 905-3307325. 906-332-4110. N INTEND O gam e cube $450.. 2 games. 2 pads. 1 card. N ever used hom e th e a te r su rro u n d soun d speakers $400. m ike 905338-3923 m w so lve sO h o tmaii com PO O L T ab le 54*x 98* leather pockets, slate, dark cherry wood, cover. 2 sets o f b a lls 8 b a ll/s n o o k e r, spindle legs. $ 2900 905335-2791 Q U A L IT Y m atch ing c h e s terfield. chair and ottom an nice condition floral pattern $475 call 905-637-0993 Q UEEN s o fa b e d $300; Kenm ore b u ilt-in d is h washer $75; patio set with ch a irs $50; s tro lle r $60. 905-681-6652 SHOP Tools... Lathe, jo in er, radial arm saw. routers, a ir nailer, v a rie ty of hand tooJs John. 905-331-6220 LO VESEAT r ! h , r, Q ueen Anne. new . w h ite, custom design. $1550. 905467-4174 SO FA h u n te r g reen, b u r gundy $30 0., c o ffe e ta b le green le gs, m aple top $200.. Lazyboy chair, plum $100.. Futon, double, green cover. India n rug 8x10, mainly cream, pink border $225 906-632 1862_______ S O FA B E D , good co n d i tion. blue. $100: 9 cu. ft. freezer, excellen t w orking co n d itio n $150; kitchen table, white. 4 chairs, extra leaf $100.905-681-2S53 SO LID oak harvest table w/6 W indsor chairs. Good co n d itio n . N a tu ra l fin is h / w hite. T able top 1 1/4* thick/ thick strips ol oak run le ngth of tab le . $999.99. Call 905-842-3191 S T R AU SS P iano $500. obo.; Couch like new $250.; Oak d ra w -le a f ta b le , 3 chairs. $150. 905-331-2909 TE AK w all unit. Teak ce ramic tile coffee table, side ta b le , sofa, ch a ir .lam p. S1200. 905-637-6541 W A LL unit $ 2 5 0 . Lshaped com puter desk $225.. table w ith 4 chairs $200 . O B O excellent con dition 905-337-7027 W ASHER & Dryer. K e n more HD units, very good co n d itio n . $ 35 0/pr. 905829-5081________________ W EDDING gow n ra d ia n t and bea utiful, size 7/8 for sale $400. o.b.o. call 905815-9480________________ i C f i l e l articles wanted W AN TE D A ll-C h in a . S il ver. C rysta l, sew ing m a ch in e s.. D o ulton, M oorcroft,Quilts. Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, do lls, p a in tin g s , c o lle c ti bles. estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477 P R O D U C TIO N M anager re q 'd by m ed. size m etal sta m p in g com pany. MRP and to o lin g know led ge a must. W ord. Excel Experi ence an asset. A team leader is needed with good com m unication and people s k ills . All com m unications w ill rem a in c o n fid e n tia l. E m ail resum e to yourfutureOqoesthokJ.com You Deserve The Best LARGE 1 ,2 * 3 BEDROOM SUITES in a desirable and Iriendly Burlington apartment community. Some have upgraded ceramic tile floors and tub enclosure, new kitchen countertops. Ireshly relinished parquet lloors and new appliances. All are Ireshly painted, include window coverings, parking, all utilities, resident-controlled air conditioning or healing-- ' A .plus, plus, p lu s ..... lor rental SSS s' Call 905-639-8583 W A T E R D O W N :John St W alk to E v e ry th in g . Now Appliances. New Windows. Comp. Reno. 2 Bdrms. Util. Incl. from $845./m o. (905) 689-1647. 905-690-4454 ALDER SH OT2-bdrm basement, executive home. Non-smoking, quiet. Park ing, cable, utilities, first/last. No dog s. $795/m o. 905637-2142 A LD E R S H O T (w est B u r lin g to n ) new ly renovated s tu d io w ith fu ll k itchen , available March 1st. $625/ hydro. 905-633-6547. C E N TR A L B u rlin g to n * Spacious, carpeted 2-bed room w ith balcony. A p ril 1st. $860/m cl. Q uiet lownse. 905-466-6032 O A K V IL L E - 1265 Sixth Line, overlooks G olf Club. Large R enovated 1&2Bdrm . New a pp lia nces, w indow s. From $ 8 4 5 ./mo 905-844 5474 OAKVILLE PLACE area-2bedroom m small bldg. Near a ll am e n itie s . S965/m o. Heat, hot w ater, p arkin g included. Immediate. 905847-1138 M AIN flo o r, lo vely 3 -b e d room bungalow. S/W O ak v ille . $1300/m o. in clude s ap p lia n c e s / u tilitie s . Apr. 1st 906-338-6716________ O A K V IL L E . 1 -bedroom apartment available im m e diately. No pets. Referenc es. Speers Rd./ Kerr area. 905-842-2153 O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary 2 -bedroom , Im m ediate. $10 50./m o .; 3-bedroom im m edia te. $1360 /m o. (+ parking) 905-844-9006 O A K V IL LE. 3-bedroom apa rtm e nt, upp er trip le x . A ll am e n itie s , la undry, parking. Apr. 1st. $1050/mo. electricity. 905-845-9068. O AK V ILLE : 392 Pine Ave at C o rn w a ll & T ra fa lg a r. R e novated, la rge suites. W alk to E ve rythin g. 1&2 Bedrooms from $845. 905842-1429 ROUNDTREE M ANOR TOWNHOMES Across Irom Burl. Mall 3&4 Bdrm from $925+ 795 Dynes Road Tel: 905-639-1748 BEST RENTAL VALUE IN BURLINGTON' Amelin Property Mgml LU XURY B u rlin g to n c o n do townhome. 3-bedrooms. 2.5 baths, walk-out to deck. A/C, fireplace. 5 app lia nc es. No smoking or pets. Im m ediate. $ 1450/m o + u tllities. 519-894-5803 KENM ORE frid g e . 22 cu ft. w o rking order. Good beer fridge! $60. 905-3390927 A S SU M P TIO N S ch ool Uniform- pants, golf shirts, k ilt (sz-18 ).. $100. for all 905-632-0068 PS2 M em ory Card. $75 00 Call 905 333-6354 STOVE- " M offat - Fiesta S ta in le ss S teel, (m any features). Excellent w ork in g c o n d itio n . $10 0.obo 905-632-3098 W EO DING dress, v e il. C rin o lin e , size M edium , $100. 905-639-9303 LIC E N S E D B ody T e ch n i cian required by City Auto motive. Busy flat rate colli sion shop. Please call Kelly or Randy. 905-335-1499. A L L IA N C E L a b e lin g Inc. in Oakville is seeking Gen e ra l La b o u re rs for our growing facility. The rate of pay is $ lO /h r. In te re ste d a p p lic a n ts can e ith e r fax th e ir resum e to 905 -33 70931 or submit a resume or a p p lic a tio n in person to 201 Speers Road. _____ S E A S O N A L P o sitio n - Im m edia te ope ning fo r RV p a rts and a cce sso rie s counterperson. Looking for in d ivid u a l to w o rk days in our store . Experience not m andatory, we w ill tra in . Send co m p le te resum e: Ruston RV Centre Limited. 1428 P lain s R oad W est, Burlington. Ont. L7T-1H6 O R G A N IS T - C h o ir A c co m p a n ist nee ded June. 10 hrs/wk. Resum e/ refe r ence s by M arch 31st. P rin ce of P eace Lutheran Church. 1299 Brant Street, Burlington L7P-1X7 AR E You C o nnected? Learn how to earn o n lin e incom e! ww w .hom em oney maker.ca F U L L -T IM E s to re fro n t and bakery person. Flexi ble Day and w e ekend shifts. Please call between 9am -5pm 905 -2 5 7 -1 2 9 4 (Trafalgar G Dundas)______ P A R T -T IM E W arehouse p e rso n n e l req u ire d . 2 e ve n in g s and one S a tu r day. Min. 20 hours/week. Subm it resum e to: S pec trum F lo o rin g Inc. 3 3 1 9A M ainw ay Dr. B u rlin g to n L7M 1A6 fax: 905 -33 27076, email: www.spectrumceoQ msn.com _____ W A R EH O U S E/ D riverrequired full-tim e. Energe tic with clean driving record fo r O a k v ille shop. Some heavy lifting/ computer. Fax rsaume 906-826-0678 T R A IN IN G p ro vid e d . No n ig h ts / w e ekends. H ours 8:30am -4:30 pm M ondayFriday. Molly Maid (Housecle a n in g p ro fe ssio n a ls). T ra n sp o rta tio n provid ed. 905-681-7484 BU RLING TO N south ce n tral. 3-bedrooms, 1.5 baths, new frid g e / gas sto ve / washer/ gas dryer. Upgrad ed window s/ patio/ garage do o rs . C u sto m -fin ish e d basem ent. New gas fu r nace/ air conditioner. Ren ov a te d kitchen (m ap le). $150,900.906-637-1389. ON Lakeshore O Burloak e x c e lle n tly m a intained 3 bedrooms. 2.5 baths, eat-in kitchen, ceram ics, finished basem ent. 2 in d o o r p a rk ing. C /A. pool, sauna. $144,900. Please call 905847-2068 Closing late May ROOMS B u rlington Mall. Near GO/ bus. Chnstian fe males. Mature, pleasant, w orking. 9 05 -46 5-55 01; 9 05 -63 1-01 16. (plea se leave callback time) O A K V IL L E M a s te r b e d room for rent. River Oaks area. Full use of house. 10 m in. fro m S h e rid a n , re s p o n s ib le c le a n p e rs o n warned. $550/per month all inclusive. Available M arch la t C a l (905)616-2214 O A K V ILL E $500/mo. First and la s t. N ice h om e to sh a re w ith ow n e r. A v a il able im m ediately, working m a tu re m a le p re fe rre d . Full use of house (905)8451592-leave message W a lk t o G O 2067 Prospect St at Brant St. Huge 1&2 Bdrms From $825/mo. » Corner Suites Avail. » Gleaming parquet flooring » Over-size balconies » Undergound parking » On-site customer service.... 905-631-0033 NO RTHSH O R E Tow ers. Available M ar./ A p ril/ May: 2-bdrm . from $825./m o. (+ $33. parkin g). U tilitie s in clu ded. No Pets. Q uiet Building. Diane. 9am-7pm. 905-681-1307* Burlngton C A N A D IA N A . Q uiet, wellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1.2&3 bedrooms available Imm e diately/Mar. 5220 Lakeshore. Burlington. 905-632-5486 O A K V IL L E : 190 K err, at Rebecca. Renovated. Large suites. W alk to everything. 1&2 bedrooms from $825. (905)845-1777 BURLINGTON- Furnished 2bedroom la rge , a ttra c tiv e apartments available Mar. 1st. HeaV hydro included. From $1050/m o. No pets. 905632-0961 SH O R T-TER M Clean, spacious 1&2 bedroom fur nished suites at much de sired location.... Burlington Towers 905-639-8583 T R A V E L S U IT E S .N E T Log on! 'N e w * C o r porate Luxury Accom m o datio ns. 1-4 bed roo m s/ baths. All am enities. 40++ lo c a tio n s . D a ily, W eekly. M onthly. From $39 .95*/ night. (V isa M aste rC ard / AmEx). L/M: 905-681-7355 FU RN ISH ED B u rlin g to n Luxury! 1&2 bedrooms from $1.395/mo. u tilities in clud ed. Immediate. Short/ long term . (905)632-8354 ; (905)632-6189 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT 2418 Glenwood School Dr, Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 3-Bedrooms THE P a la c e - B e a u tifu l 1bedroom condo solarium com er unit, southwest view. Near Mapleview Mall. 24-hr s e c u rity $ 11 9,90 0 C all 905-387-1698 WE s p e c ia liz e in C o n d o m inium S a les & R e nta ls. Can Linda Davies Real Es ta te Ltd.. R e altor. (905)333-4347 Quiet! Convenient! Wall-Maintained! Spacious! 3055 Glencrest Rd. Burlington 1 & 2 Bdrm Suites ® (9 0 5 ) $1,000/mo. + 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. 9 0 5 -6 3 9 -9 2 1 2 BRONTE. 3-bedroom s. 11/2 baths, fin is h e d ba se ment, 4 appliances. $1150/ m o.+ u tilitie s . A v a ila ble May 1st 905-336-8041 B U R LIN G TO N : 2-bedroom from $989./mo.+ utili ties. Im m ed./ M ar./ Apr. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outsid e parkin g . Near s choo ls, s h op ping. Parklike setting. (905)333-1190 637-3921 M ARC H Break R ental at Vistana Resorts. March 9th16 th. M inutes from Disney World and all major attrac tions. 2-bdrm s.. sleeps 8, k itch e n e tte , several pool areas, tennis, m in i-a o lf. $900. C a ll eve n in g s 905338-8351.________________ A C A P U LC O / P u erta Valla rta c o n d o - 4-6 person. $980/week. complete kitch en. d ire c tly on P a cific. C hoose your w eek. 905822-8301 M Iy in memoriams A Super place to Shop for a ll year long. S kates; Hockey equipm ent, tobog gans; Ski equipment- cross c o u n try/ dow nhill; Sewing m achines; Reuse C entre. 3335 N.Sen/ice. Burlington. W ed/Th/Frl-12-8pm . Sat-95pm; Sun-12-4pm._________ AN TIQ U E m antle B a ss wood. excellen t condition. $700/obo. 905-637-1630 BED, All-New King. Extra thick pillow -top Orthopedic mattress set. Still in plastic. C ost $1700. S a crifice . $650. (905)304-6573. BEDROO M suite, brand new 8-pce., so lid C herryw ood sle ig h b e d . C hest, T ri-d re s s e r w /m irro r. 2nig h tsta n d s. A ll D o ve ta il. Never opened, still boxed. C ost $8,499. se ll $3,999. 905-971-1777 BE DS , New, D ouble, $220; Q ueen. $240. C om plete w/frame. Futons. Free D e live ry. R e furbished VCRs, 17-25* colour TVs, p o rta b le CD players. (905)681-9496. B E D - Q ueen, o rth o p e d ic p illo w to p m attress, boxsp rin g , h e a d b o a rd / fo o t board. frame. New. in plas tic. Cost $1275. sell $550. Will deliver 905-971-3315. B U N K B E D - red. metal, tw in/double, asking. $200. 905-639-6133____________ C A R P ET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainm aster & 100% nylon ca r pet. W ill do living roo m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & in stallatio n (30 yards). Steve. (905)639-2902 C LE A R A N C E sale: re co n d itio n e d / fa c to ry s e c onds. W ork gloves/ mitts. All types including cotton, te rry clo th le a th e r and le a th e r palm . PVC etc. Sold by the dozen only. As low as $37 dozen. Dealers welcome. Thursday-Friday 10am-4pm, Saturday 9am1pm. 1701 B ram pton St. Hamilton. D INING RO O M su ite . 10 p iece, in clu d e s bu ffe t, hutch/ dry sink. Dark-stain p ine. $ 2 ,000.00 519-8337320, 905-85 8-34 34. R.J. Bachle D INING RO O M 13-pce.. C herryw ood set. 96* d o u ble ped e sta l tab le w/ le aves. 8 -ch a irs, Lighted C hina C a bine t, all D o ve ta il. N ever ope ned. Cost $12,250, sacrifice $4,750. (905)304-9994. DINING RO O M table , four chairs, china cabinet, dark oak fin is h $250. obo ca ll 905-634-5722 D ISTRESSED Sale- Must sell! 3 steel buildings. Never ere cte d . O ne is 5 0'x1 00'. Sacrifice prices. 1-800-2215949 _____________ EXQUISITE pair of Queen A n n e s e tte e s, ro s e and taupe. S a c rific e at $750. Call (905)465-3487 FREE E stim a te s... Got w o bbly o r broken chairs? W eak sofa or ch a ir springs? Soft foam ? Tired lo oking w ood fin is h e s ? ... then call Fields for all furni ture re p a irs and custom wood refinishing. 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090____________ LA D IES 14 carat engage ment ring: 6 princess cut diamonds. Appraised over $5500. se ll $3,000. 905690-2444 FOR le ase- retail Industri al unit betw een 3rd & 4th Line. 1250 sq.ft. Frontage on Speers. $12 00/m o u tilitie s . 905 -8 4 7 -1 8 0 5 or after 6pm 905-319-0977. 3500 s q .ft co m m e rcia l 6 bay garage on 1/2 acre fen c e d lo t. B ronte. M ain Street Milton area. Apnl 1st. 905-875-1150 · 2-B E D R O O M S : $ 8 3 0 / mo. (U tilitie s in c lu d e d ). 2386 New Street at Guelph L ine. O ffice O pen 9-4pm , Mon -Sat (905)639-5761 HEART of Bronte. 50 East S t., clo se to la k e / Bronte H a rbo ur. 2-bedroom . Im mediate. $1,110. (+parking) 905-825-0816 _ _ ___ NEW LY renovated, freshly p a in te d ! 1&2 B edroom s ava ila b le M a r.1st. 1363 Lakeshore, Burlington across from Spencer Sm ith Park. 905-637-8431. 7-days. 9am5pm, (Ring Apt. >101) ___ G EO R G IA N A p artm ents. 1.2&3 B edroom s. F eb./ M ar./A pr. H eat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (No pets) Burlington. 905-6390456. M-F: 9am-4pm. 6:308pm 3020 Glencrest Road, Bur lington. 1. 2 & 3-bedroom ap a rtm e n ts ava ila b le M arch / A p ril. From $895/ mo. 905-632-0129. 1 ,2 4 3 B edroom A p a rt ments available from $875/ mo. Indoor pool. QEW/ Tra falgar area. 905-844-1106 1&2 Bedroom Apartm ents ava ila b le in w e ll- m a in ta in e d O a k v ille bu ild in g . Close to schools & profes sio nal se rv ic e s . Easy a c cess to QEW & 403. 905844-2646 or 905-845-0987 CUTE, quiet, clean 1-bed room , B rant S tre e t, B u r lington. Laundry. Parking. Im m ediate . $760/m o. in clu d e s heat. T ra fa lg a r (Oakville) Realty Inc.. 905338-1130 E AST B u rlin g to n ; 3 -b e d room ranch, ground floor. 4 appliances, parking. $875/ mo 905 -63 2-56 90. Albert McDonagh Ltd.. Realtor Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/Speers/QEW Bachelor from S759* 1-Mnm trom 2-Bdrms lromS999Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Tel: (905) 845-9502 ' (2% prompt pay. disc.) Beautiful Lakefront ^ condom inium s for rent SP EERS Rd/ 3rd Line Sublet- Frontage. 1200sq.ft. Ideal for Light manufacturing, office and washroom. 905O FFIC E space a va ila b le . A p p le b y /H a rv e s te r area, d e s ig n e r/c re a tiv e person preferred. $300./Mo. Avail Mar/1 st call mike 905-6315800 STORE fro n t office space available for sublet in busy s trip plaza in B u rlington. $910/mo. 905-333-1082 NEW LY renovated ,3 bed room , 2 ba th c o n d o new app lia n ce s, new floorin g, and underground parking. Im m e d ia te occupancy $ 1 5 0 0 .0 0 p e r m o n th in cluding utilities. For details call Bill M iller. C entury 21 M ille r R e al E s ta te (9 0 5 ) 846-9180 LU XUR Y L iv in g - 2 bed rooms, livingroom , dining room. garage, a/c. Close lo Burlington Mall. $1300/mo plus utilities. Call 416-2552085 G LEN A bbey s p acious, im m aculate, clean, 2 bed room condo, large balcony. F/P, storage, rec.centre. 5 appliances. Near schools/ shopping. $1250./month + hydro. Im m ediate 905616-5586 ______ "SA ND S'* Downtown Bur lington nea r the lake. 2bedroom s. 2 baths, balco ny. C/A, 5 appliances, pool. . 1 parking. 1 locker, no pets. Im m ediate $1250. C all L.Davies R.E., 905-333-4347 BU R LIN G TO N low rise im m acula te 2 bedroom / b a lco n y 5 app lia n c e c o v ered p arkin g, lo cker, a/c. $1100+ Mar/1 st 905-6325553 1309 Redbank Cres. · OAKVILLE · Near Sheridan 6th Line/Upper Middle Newlvdko rated 3-Bdrms. 1-1/2 Baths. 5 appliances, finished rec.room, 2 parking. $1345/mo.+ utilities Avail. March. Toll-free: 1-877-268-0666 FR ESH LY R e novated! B ra n t/ QEW . 2-bedroom . M a r.1st. $825/m o.; 3-bed room. Feb./Mar.. $950/mo. (1 parking included/ utilities extra) 905-319-9769_______ BURLINGTON (M illcreek)1350 sq .ft brand new executive 2 bdrm. 3 levels. 1 patio, 1 deck, 2 full bath rooms, parking, 5 appliances. Available Apnl 15th. $1450/ mo +utHittes. 905-464-4134 B U R LIN G TO N . 3 -b e d room m aison ettes, fridge, s tove. A v a ila b le A p r.1st. S m all com ple x. No pets. 905-335-0636.____________ B U R LIN G TO N . Luxury townhouses. 3-bedroom s. $ 1 175/m o. 4-bedroom s. $12 75/m o. F am ilyroom . basem ent, yard. U tilitie s extra , p a rk in g $40. 905639-0950________________ W ES TO A K T R A IL S : A l most new 3-bedroom semi. H ardw ood, ceram ics, gas fire p la c e , en s u ite , 4 ap pliance s, attach ed double garage. P refer no pets or sm oking. A p r.2nd. $1800/ mo. L .D a v ie s R .E ., 905333-4347________________ O A K V IL L E - 2&3 Bedroom townhouses available Mar.May. 4 appliances. Hopedale M all area. Lakeshore Management, 905-876-3336 WATERDOWN. 3-bedrooms. 5 a p p lia n c e s . 2 parkin g spots, fenced yard, $1200/ mo. + u tilitie s . A v a ila b le Apr. 1st. Non-smokers. 905600-7707._______________ UPPER Middle/ Sixth Line. U pper 2 -flo o rs o f tow nhouse, 3-bedroom s, 1.5 baths. Mar. 1st., $950/mo. + utilities. 905-632-2820. GUELPH Une/ Upper Middle 2-bedroom s, fridge, stove. $800/mo. +utilities. first/ last. Available March/ April. 905336-7901. 9am-6pm Only O A K V IL L E : G len A bbey end u n it, b a c k s o n to woods. 3-bedroom s. 2-1/2 b a th s , 2 fire p la c e s , f in ish ed base m en t, n e a r all am enities. C /A/Vac. 5 ap p lia n c e s $16 50/m o+ u tili ties. No pets. 905-827-9223 IN M em oriam / C ard of thanks Booklet available by c a llin g B u rlin g to n Post, 905 -63 2-44 40 or O akville Beaver, A sk fo r Loraine, 905-845-3824____________ V i l u f lost & found FOUND m ale grey tabby, Johnston and Spruce area. "Fletcher* caB 905-637-7325 FOUND: set of 2 keys, on p ed estria n cro ssw a lk Shoreacres & New St. 905681-2703._______________ FOUND: set of keys. Lowvllle Park, at bottom of toboogan hill. Call 905-3331792 after 4:30 p.m.________ FOUND: DSH orange ta b by m ale cat. M artha & Lake shore area. W e call "Casper*. 905-637-7325 FOUND: male cat. unneu tered, not de-clawed, gray/ silver, black spots/ stripes, a ffe ctio n a te . John ston/ Spruce. 905-639-4590 Ideally Located J275 Elgin St, Burl. Very spacious, well maintained, quiet living. Fresh paint, refinished hardwood, some new kit. cabinetry & upgraded fire alarm system lor your safety & peace-olmind. Walk to hospital, lake, shops & schools. Call (905) 637-0321 * * * * * O A K V IL L E . P res tig io u s b u ild in g ... Steps from dow ntow n. 2-bedroom , $ 1200/mo. Apr./ May/ June. 3-bedroom . $ 1 350/m o. Immediate. Utilities/ parking in clude d. Q uiet b u ild in g , w h e e lc h a ir acce ssib le . 905-844-1934 > * > > 5348 Lakeshore 1& 2 bedroom suites from$935/mo Avail, immed./ Feb. Quiet building New appliances. Washer, dryer on each floor. Parking. i&ZBdrms-Mar/Api, $$ GOVERNMENT Funds $$ Grants and loans information to s ta rt and expa nd yo u r business or farm. 1-800-5058866 G U A R A N TE E D dry 100% hardw ood. PR O PER LY seasoned. Ontario's largest Firew ood re ta il. M arc's Quality Firewood, 905-2576366 NEW Faces N eeded For 2 0 0 2 - All ages/ sizes and petites. M /F fo r catalogue w ork, fa sh io n /h a ir show s, TV. $20-$90/hr. C all 905336-5455. ATTENTION $18.05 Base/Appt New office needs 47 people. PT/FT CUSTOMER SALESI SERVICE No exp. needed- will train. Conditions apply. Great lor students & others. 905-842-8045 A S S IS TA N T S u p e rin tendent Couple required for large com m ercial/ residen tial com plex in Burlington/ O a kville area. G eneral clean-up and repairs. Mini m um 2 years expe rience. A bove a verage pay. Resumes Attention Proper ty Manager: Fax: 905-6328856 DE VE LO P Your Own B u siness! A ttra ctive parttim e incom e grow ing to 6 figures fulltime! $475 start up includes training. 1-877242-5732. 24-hr message 905-639-3301 365 370 musical Instruments BEAUTIFUL WATERDOWN! Edith Court 142 Bdrm Suites Avail. March From $735./mo Includes utilities. Parking Available C E R TIFIE D n a n nies & ca re g ive rs a v a ila b le !! No fees to pay for em ployers w illing to sponsor. Serv-fil In ti (4 16)615-1649 or (416)755-6164____________ NANNY: G len Abbey. Full-time experienced careaiver required (my hom e) for 3 children. Non-smoker. D river s license & vehicle required. References. 905827-9955 PIANO- upright by Lachner. $300 o.b.o. call 905827-6419 pets. supplies boarding MONEY P roblem s? G ar nishees? Too m any pay* m ents? O p tio n s to avoidbankruptcy. Free Consulta tion. John Tonner, B ank ruptcy Trustee: (905) 6 3 1 0600 mortgage, loans P U PP IES , sm all m ixed b reed, hom e raised , d e worm ed & first shots. Call 905-639-0467 Spectacular Lake Views 5200 Lakeshore On th e W ater Appleby & Lakeshore · Freshly painted suites · Mature treed setting · Recently renovated corridors · Galley kitchens · Sparking hardwood · Outdoor pool & patio 2 BEDROOM SUITES FROM S990/M0. * * * * * O A K V IL L E . 2-bedroom + den, (can be used as 3rd bed roo m ). Large m aster, walk-in closet, 2 bathrooms, separate diningroom , sun ken liv in g ro o m w ith fire place. rec. facilities w/pool. Immediate. 905-337-8876 _ B A C H E LO R ap t., selfcontained. private entrance non-smoker, no pets. April 1st. O a k v ille . $690/m o. 905-845-3756 O A K V ILL E / S peers/ Kerr: 2 bedroom apa rtm e nt $885/M o. Includes utilities Apr/1st 906-849-4782 LAKESHORE Maple. Bur lin g to n . 1-bedroom , May, $875/mo.+ parking; 2-bed room. March, $1037./m o.+ parkin g . H e at/ hydro in cluded. Beautiful lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview & h o s p ita l. G reat highw ay access 905-632-5258 1.2& 3 B edroom Suites am ong re fin e d tenants in lu x u ry b u ild in g clo s e to B u rlin g to n M all. C a ll the ·P rincess*. 905 -63 9-80 09 or the 'Regency*. 905-6818115 905-690-1896 B R IG H T base m en t suite, e at-in kitchen, 6 app lia nc es. fireplace, satellite, steps from Lake side V illa g e . (905)637-5467.___________ B U R LIN G TO N C e n tra l Spacious 2-bedroom, clean, quiet b u ild in g . A v a ila b le Apr 1st. $820/mo. Call 905336-6690._______________ BURLING TO N: 1-bedroom lower duplex on cul-de-sac, parking, $750/mo. +utilities. 905-827-5542 ALDERSHOT, new 1bedroom basem ent a p a rt ment. Bright, modem, 4-pce bath, eat-in kitchen, sepa rate entrance. Im m ediate. $75 0/m o. in c lu s iv e . No sm oking or pets. 905-6348543 O A K V IL L E D owntown. S p aciou s im m acula tely re n ovated 2-bedroom a p a rtm e n t. P arking. On Lake shore R oad/ Kerr S tre e t, from $ 1 100/m o. + u tilitie s . Im m ediate . No pets. 9 05 -33 7-71 35; 905331-1301. All The Advantages of Condo Living 1-Bdrm+ Den & 2-Bdrm Suites with solarium! Rec. fac.. 24-hr security & more. Mapleview area! 0 9 0 5 -3 12 -2 3 8 7 tr I houses for rent RENT to Own options or 0 Down Program based on credit & earnings v e rific a tion. Contact Jay Nelligan, Associate Broker. Re/Max Escarpment Realty. Realtor. 9 05 -63 9-52 58; cre a tiv e o p ts g quickclic.net O A K V ILL E : exceptional e x e c u tiv e tow nhom e for people who appreciate the best. No-smokers/ pets. For details.... 905-659-7046 3-BE D R O O M bungalow , $ 12 00/m o.+ u tilitie s . A p pliances. garage. No pets. R eferences. A c tiv e M an agem ent. 905-33 3-55 06. Ext.74 400 cars for sale C A L L Redwood. 416-4949 8 8 3 e x t. 321 o r 1-8 0 0 328-7887 ext. 321. 1 year 3 .6 0 . 5 y e a r 5 65 . AR M 1 .9 9 . A ls o re fin a n c in g , equity m ortgage program s re g a rd le s s o f in c o m e o r credit LO W R A TES . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mortgages, is ts . 2nds. self em plo yed. bank turn dow ns. Phone R ichard, M ortgag e F ina n cia l 905336-9966 ALL ages- Full/ part-time. 6years expe rience. E xce l le nt refe ren ces. U pper M iddle/ 3rd Line. Lots of fun activities, local outings and community play groups. CaH Kathy 905-847-5802.___ D U N D AS/ W a lke r s. N u r tu rin g . lo vin g hom e. F u ll time spaces, all ages, nutri tious meals. Fun & Learning. 905-331-5111_________ ECE, 17 years e x p e ri ence. Reg. w/H C C R . F/T spaces 7am-5pm Mon-Fri. Burioak/New. 905-333 -3579 EX PER IE N C ED c a re g iv er has full-tim e spaces. St. P a ul's S ch o o l/ G uelph Line/ New. All ages. References 905-631-8085 EXPER IE N C ED c h ild care provid er ava ila b le in fun/ loving atmosphere. Hot lunches, snacks. A ll ages welcome. North Burlington. 905-332-9762 EXPER IE N C ED dayca re provider has spaces avail able, nutritious meals, arts/ crafts. I supply references, re ce ip ts, all equ ipm ent. Palmer area. 905-336-0864. 1993 M azda 6 2 6 C rono s V6. 1 58 ,000 km , 5 -sp e e d standard, certifie d , dealer maintained Asking $5,600 Call (905)844-7560 1990 S undance 4-door, 238K.. air. new tires & ex haust. Runs great! $1500 aa to. 905-845-6877. 1996 Jeep G rand C h ero kee 4x4 auto, ala rm , cd, running boards, lots of ex tras 13,500. obo 905-2080534 ASSU M E lease on 2000 Ford Focus ZX3, 15 months rem a in in g c a ll 905 -63 45957 1996 O lds A u rora lu lly lo aded, le a th e r. 10 disk CD, cham pagne co lo u r. 180.km 's sa fe ty/E tested, good co n d itio n $12 ,500 905-631-0962 1993 M azda MX3- Precidia- Red. 150km. Auto. Air. Sporty. Certified. E-tested. Am/Fm/CD. $5,500. 905827-0197.905-842-5812 1998 In tre p id ES. fu lly lo a d e d , 3.2L. auto., red. temperature control, leather in te rio r. 134K $10,500. 905-331-9473 DRIVERS D licensed or higher required. TD6A ex perience. Clean driving record. Mon.-Fri. 8-4:30pm Phone: 905-333-3004 lax: 905-333-1306 NEED a Job? 90% o l our p a rtic ip a n ts get e m p lo y ment or training opportuni ties. C a ll the YM CA at (905)-681-1140___________ S E LEC T Roses. O akville, require experienced Floral Designer to work part-timesome weekends. Call Glenys. 905-842-7673.________ WORK-AT-HOME Health in d u s try , S 1 .0 0 0 P /T S 5 .0 0 0 F /T p e r m o n th . T rain ing a vailab le.C all for in form ation 416-631-7156 or www.workathomevc.com 905-681-7126 BRONTE 2-bedroom apt., M a r.1st. $10 50/m o. in cludes heat, hydro, parking, locker. Sm all quiet b u ild ing. 905-827-8228^ O A K V IL L E . Q EW / T ra fa l gar. 1-bedroom from $869/ m o.*: 2-bedroom from $959/mo.*; 3-bedroom from $10 79/m o.* W ell m a in ta in e d b u ild in g . N e llie . (905)339-2028. (' included 2% prom pt paym ent d is count) O LD O akv ille . B e a u tifu lly m a in ta in e d , very cle an, quiet b u ild in g dow ntow n. Step out to shops. 1-bed room from $985; 2 -b e d room from $1250./m o. No lease. 9 0 5 -84 5-82 54 (leave message) S P A C IO U S 1.2&3 B e d room s. F reshly painted, brig h t. C o m p e titiv e rent. B urlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient lo ca tio n . 9 0 5 -3 3 3 -9 8 4 6 , Noon-8pm

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