Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 15 Jan 2003, C02

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C 0 2 - The Oakville Beaver, W ednesday January 15, 2003 2003 Lincoln Aviator T h e 2 0 0 3 A v ia t o r is d e sig n e d fo r p e o p le w h o d o n 't w a n t to c o m p ro m ise . T h is a ll-n e w Lin coln m id -size d SUV, w ith 3 0 2 hp. u n iq u e 2x2 x2 se a tin g a n d d istin ctive Lincoln d e sig n , is a ve hicle fo r th o se w h o w o rk , play, a n d live life w ell. A p le a su re to lo o k at a n d a jo y to drive, th e A v ia t o r is d e s ig n e d to c o m p le m e n t a m o re d y n a m ic lifestyle. The 2003 A viator includes standard features such as: · 4.6L 32-valve a ll-a lu m in u m D O H C V 8 e n g in e d e liverin g 302 h p · A ll-W h e e l D rive System · A ll-W h e e l in d e p e n d e n t suspension · 2x2x2 seating w ith h eated and cooled fro n t seats · D ual electronic a u to m a tic te m p e ra tu re controls w ith auxiliary air c o n d itio n in g and heat · P rem ium a u dio w ith in-dash 6-disc C D cha n ge r and 7 speakers · 4 -w h e e l ABS p o w e r disc w ith brake assist · P ow e r adjustab le pedals w ith m e m o ry · Safety C a n o p y TM · Personal Safety System TM · H igh Intensity Discharge (H ID ) headlam ps · 1588 kg. (35001b.) standard to w in g capacity (M a x im u m 7300 lb. w ith o p tio n a l tra ile r t o w package) New used car program allows customers to bu y w ith confidence If you're looking for a car, but d o n 't want to invest in a new one, O ak-Land Ford Lincoln m ight have ju st the right used vehicle you're looking for. Used car m anager Lazo Borota, who has over 10 years experience in the car sales industry, says the dealership offers only the highest quality used cars to their custom ers. "The advantage o f being in business for over 30 years is that the quality o f our products is always high," he says. " M ost o f our custom ers who trade in their vehicles are local, which gives us the opportu nity to know everything about the car, from purchase to service and m aintenance." Lazo says the dealership is also proud to be a onestop shopping centre for those who are looking to purchase used cars, since they have staff that takes care o f everything from selling and financing your car to servicing your vehicle. "We have staff in our finance departm ent that have been in the business for over 15 years, and instead o f having to go to your bank for a loan, we can take care o f it while you're with us," he says. " Our finance departm ent has the m ost com petitive finance program s and rates available to suit our custom er's needs." A side from the one-stop shopping feature, Oak-Land Ford Lincoln also reconditions their vehicles using a thorough 110-point inspection and backs them with a 30-day, 2,000 km. 110-point warranty and a sixmonth, 10,000 km. powertrain warranty. If you are unhappy with your vehicle, O ak-Land Ford Lincoln will allow a full exchange w ithin seven days or 1,000 km. Lazo em phasizes the fact that he w ants custom ers to buy w ith confidence. The dealership has over 80 pre-owned vehicles to choose from, with a variety o f them under $ 10,000, they include: luxury vehicles, SU V 's, pickup trucks and m id-sized to com pact cars. Lazo and his staff look forward to taking care o f all your used vehicle needs today! P R E-O W N ED VEHICLES Mercury Grand Marquis LS 42,000kms, T owner, leather interior, 6 disc CD chonger, luxury group, handling pkg., p. seats., deep dish alum. A A A wheels Stock#P2930 SALE 5 Z 4 , 9 0 0 2000 " 2001 M u sta n g _________ 20,000kms, Buy now ond save! V6, auto, om/fm/cd, oir, p.w., p.d.l., cruise, till, troction control, p. convertible A A A roof Stock#A089I SAL[ ^ / 0 , 9 0 0 ___________ 2002 Explorer XLS 22,0o0kms, Save SOOO's from new! V6, automatic, air, n/p. options, balance foclory worronty C O O a a a Stock #A0920 S ALE5 Z 0 , 0 0 0 Ford Escape XLT 4X4 44,000kms, Fully equipped ind. 6 disc CD changer, tan leather interior, p. moonroof, oil power options. A A A Stock #2T400A SALE5 / 5 , 9 0 0 e- n M Cn F * · * if1 ,vf' * 2000 Ranger Supercab lS.OOOkms, Auto., air, AM /W C D . Just traded in. 1 owner. 31Y6,4x4. Stock *R1657A ^ $ 2 0 , 9 0 0 Buy With Confidence 1998 Explorer Sport Thorough 110-point Inspection 30 Day, 2,000 km., 110 Point Warranty 6 Month, 10,000 Power Train Warranty 7 Day 1,000 km., Exchange Policy stsar 79,000kms, 1 owner, sport pkg., p.w., pdl., shift on the ffy, 4x4, »leSi 6,900 Escort Wagon 130,000kms, Economical, 4 cyl., outo., oir, p i., p.b., keyless remote entry. « v Stock #2S320A SALE5 / , 9 9 5 82,000kms, Great value, auto., 4 cyl., oir, dual airbags, p.s., p.b., eco nomical, keyless remote entry. C I A 7 A Stock#3S049A S AL E5 ! 0 , 7 / 0 "W 2000 99 Taurus 47,OOOkms, Fully equipped, 3L V i, aula., p.b., p.s., p.w., pdl., courise, tilt, rear spoiler, olum. rims, 1 owner. C I A A A A S t o c k 341 SALE5 ! 2 , 9 0 0 2001 Lincoln LS 47,000kms, Executive driven, V8, sport pkg., chrome rims, p. moonroof, block leather, Save SOOO's over r Stock #A0922 M ystiq u e 61,do0kms, Duratech V6 engine power to spore!, p.w., p.d.l., dual airbags, sport pkg., olum. rims, tilt, cruise. Stock #R1470 Expedition XLT 4x4 i . * l 1,900 37,9D0kms, Sport pkg., 5.41 V8, leather interior, 8 pass, seating, p. moonroof, p. deal., 6 disc CD chonger, olum., * a a A A A rims, step bors, p.w., pdl., till, cruise. c » i c ^ J J . V U U Stock #RI 668 SALt * ;.^34,9 00 tfOAK-LAND FORD LINCOLN "Plus registration fee, freight & taxes. C q tv jo 570 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville a t th e q.e.w.905- 844-3273 www.oaklandfordlincoln.ca

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