A2 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 22, 2003 Bronte BIA hosts all-candidates meeting Oct. 29 T he Bronte BIA will host an all-can didates meeting on W ednesday. Oct. 29. T he meeting is set for 7 p.m. at W alton M em orial U nited C hurch, Bronte Hall, located on Lakeshore Road W est (just w est o f Bronte Road). Invited are the Ward 1 regional/local council candidates and public and sepa rate school trustee candidates as w ell as the candidates vying for the m ayor and regional ch air's position. W ard 1 local co u n c illo r R alph Robinson was acclaim ed to his position - the only councillor to be acclaim ed in this y ear's m unicipal election. Local voters will go to the polls on Nov. 10 for the m unicipal election. Everyone is w elcom e to attend the all-candidates meeting being sponsored by the Bronte BIA. Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver Police h a n d c u ff a n d e sco rt a su sp e ct in to a p a tro l c a r fo r q u estio n in g . Landscaper pinned by van By Craig MacBride SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER A landscaper is in hospital with severe leg injuries after being pinned between a minivan and his trailer at a work site at 30 Speers Rd. The crash happened shortly after an argument between the landscaper and another man, according to police. With caution tape surrounding the scene, a man in the back o f a police car and the victim's blood still wet on the curb where he fell, residents o f the nearby apartment buildings attempted to piece together the story. According to one witness, the van was moving quickly when it hit both the parked trailer attached to a red pickup truck and the landscaper, estimated to be in his early 20s. Bob Bouchard, who lives two build ings from the scene, said the landscaper was retrieving his lawnmower from the trailer when he was hit and pinned by the van. The front passenger side of the maroon Ford Aerostar was crushed, and part o f its bumper was lying on the ground more than 15 feet behind the rest o f the vehicle. The wheel well of the trailer was also damaged. The van stopped beyond the trailer, and the landscaper made it to the curb, where he writhed and screamed in pain while another woman tried to help him, according to one witness. Halton Regional Police Sgt. Val Hay confirmed the landscaper was in hospital being treated for severe leg injuries. She said the landscaper had allegedly been talking another man before the incident. The landscaper was taken to hospital, and an accident reconstruction team arrived to investigate the incident. A man was escorted in handcuffs by police into a patrol car and taken to the police station. Charges are pending the completion of the investigation. W ard 3 can d id ates m eeting Oct. 27 All all-candidates meeting for Ward 3 is set for M onday, Oct. 27. H osted by the Jo sh u a C reek R atepayers Inc., O akville L akeside R esidents A ssociation and the T rafalgar-C hartw ell R esid en ts' Association, the m eeting is set to run from 7-10 p.m. It will be held in the cafeteria at O ak v ille-T rafalg ar H igh S chool on D evon Road. T he doors will open at 6:30 p.m. w ith an opportunity to m eet the candi dates and learn how they would address som e o f the issues affecting Ward 3 and O akville overall. Candidates invited include the local and regional/local candidates for Ward 3, the public and separate school trustee candidates for Ward 3 and the candi dates vying for the jo b o f m ayor and H alton regional chair. Barrie Erskine · Oakville Beaver T h e v ictim 's shoe lies u n d e rn e a th th e tr u c k h e w as p in n e d u p a g a in st by a van. Oakville Parent-Child Centre in v ite s y o u to jo in u s fo r o u r P A R E N T IN G C O N N E C T IO N D R O P IN 7: 30- 9:00 p m a t o u r A B B E Y W 0 0 D lo c a tio n 1395 A b b e v w o o d D r. Parents of children 0-5 years are invited to join us for our new "PARENTS ONLY' drop in program. We will chat about the topic for the first 15-20 minutes o f drop in. Handouts will be available. After that, parents will have an opportunity to discuss their own parenting questions with the group. Chamber prepares municipal election questionnaire T he O akville C ham ber o f C om m erce is sending questionnaires to all o f the can d id ates running in the Nov. 10 m unicipal election. The questionnaire poses candidates a num ber o f questions regarding business issues affecting O akville. The purpose o f the q u estio n n aire is to provide C ham ber m em bers with inform ation on the positions o f the candidates. "W ith the im portance o f this upcom ing m unicipal election, the C ham ber is w orking to provide our M em bers with accurate inform ation on the candidate's positions on a num ber o f im portant business issues," said Laura Babcock, Executive D irector Oakville Cham ber o f C om m erce. "T h e ca n d id a tes' responses will give C ham ber M em bers a great opportunity to be fully informed w hen they cast their votes Nov. 10." T he questionnaire was sent by e-mail and fax to all o f the candidates listed on the Town o f Oakville W eb site. T he can didates are asked to com plete the ques tionnaire and return it to the C ham ber by Oct. 31. The C ham ber will post the candi d ates responses on the W eb site ww w.oakvillecham ber.com by M onday, Nov. 3. Participation in the questionnaire is voluntary, and the candidate's responses will not be edited (except for length if necessary). NOVEM BER 7m T O NOVEM BER 9m, 2003 International Centre AIRPORT ROAD, MISSISSAUGA www.travelandleisureshow.com Y o u r o p p o r tu n ity fo r g re a t deals a n d sp e cia l d is c o u n ts o n a w id e v a rie ty o f trip s and d e stin a tio n s. L O T S T O S E E Hundreds o f exhibitors · Discover your dream destination L O T S T O T A S T E Taboos "Wildfire Culinary Series" with Chef Michael Pataran · Daily seminars L O T S O F P R IZ E S Three Grand Prizes - one drawn daily L O T S O F F U N Enjoy daily live entertainment on the W orld Stage L O T S O F D E A L S Book your dream I holiday with special savings at the show Daily Trip G iveaw ays F re e P ark in g Live E n te rta in m e n t Travel & L eisu re Show S pecials | 'T W O ·O N E FOR OUOAY. N O V tM M A 7 1000AM - 400PM SATURDAY. N OVTM M R · 10.00AM - 400PM SUNDAY. NOV*M 8£R 1000AM - SOOPM N T tR N A T IO N A L C E N T O H a l S. MOO A trp ort JU»d. M H M tu up A D M IS S IO N · m -m w if m )M I I Bnng tfut "2 for I " »dm *w or coupon to T h* Trw** * la n u r * Show VkM fo r admMVon on a my <y» dty N o v ^ b w 7. 8. T 2003 R ^u ta r .dnvtwoo *1 0 p* adult. Senior* (SO*) A I ^ ^ Y o u th t (13-18) $7 KJdi under 12 when accompanM by an adult. M l2 5 B ^ S P O N S O R E D BY: In s u ra n c e InStore SMMIRtB t f S V G l y * l-tffrlY-SEARS ,caW ^ w w w .oruba.c om ^ A R U B /^ " * 2003/2004 D A TES & T O P IC S Monday, November 3/03 .Ages & stages for toddlers Monday, November 17/03 Discipline for toddlers Monday, December 1/03 Surviving the holidays Monday, January 5/04 Sleep habits and routines Monday, January 19/04 Stress and Parenting Monday, February 2/04 Toilet learning Monday, February 16/04 .Ages and stages for preschoolers Discipline for preschoolers Monday, March 1/04 Monday, April 5/04 Eating Monday, April 19/04 Social skills & relationships Siblings Monday, May 3/04 Monday, May 17/04 Self esteem Monday, June 7/04 Summer safety and good bye For more inform ation please call Nikki at INTERCONTINENTAL M OTtlS C R O U P ttXHT-GOU COWBNQ C1*TB taboo re s o rts 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -6 3 6 6 M i r in s it le F R O N T I W i N C L A S S IC P A V IN G & C O N C R E T E D riveways · Parking Lots · Concrete Curbs Retaining Walls · Patios · Interlocking Stones Basements & Garage Floors · Exposed Aggregate An Oakville Beaver Retail Feature m m TO ADVERTISE IN THIS SECTION CALL MICHELLE THERRIEN AT 905-845-3824 EXT. 235 OR FAX: 905-337-5568 V Todlf, M o o t JK /SK I before I after sc b l g j Arts food l i m usk, fitoess i mm, MONKEY M o n k e y FREE ESTIMATES Call Joe STOP BASEMENT LEAKS Lifetime guarantee on basem ent leaks www.dassicpaving.701 .com For kids who like to make cool stuff... · Arts and Craft Store · Drop-In Craft Centre Feature · Birthday Parties · Baby, Kid and Parent Friendly · Relaxing Cafe · Jewellery Making · Pre-Registered Art Programs 905-469-1943 1439 SPEERS RD,, OAKVILLE 1g ) 0 Q? French classes Q? H ands M C ooking Stronj ^0(li«S M frittllw il Q? H eaW iy nutritious raeals/snacks i arcade s o u n d s y s te m s diildtwe and D evelopm ent Centres Creative Lewting & Childcare too! 7 tU me, m i I'll h ip . ` Z Z S IZ E S * *·» » « « * C a ll fo rm o re in fo rm a tio n 2 Oakville Locations: 1272 S p eers Rd. 2 6 4 0 B ris to l C irc le . S u ite 1 0 0 . O a k v ille . O N . L 6 H 6 Z 7 1 3 9 5 A b b e y w o o d Or.. U ni 1 1 6. ( n o r t h o f ClEW o f t 3 rd L in e ) T re a t B a g $ 0 ' Oct. 20-31 Trafalgar Ridge Plaza 2 3 8 7 T rafa lg a r R d, O akville Loblaws Plaza 847-9131 (9 0 5 ) 8 2 9 - 1 9 5 4 (9 0 5 ) 4 6 9 - 2 9 4 4 » Gten A b b e y lo catio n o nly 905.257.7002 Open Mon.-Wed 10-6, Thurs.-Fri. 10-8, Sat. 10-5, Sun 12-4