Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 23 Dec 2003, A 7

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The Oakville Beaver, Tuesday D ecem ber 23, 2003 - A 7 NOTICE O F PUBLIC M EETING ZONING AMENDMENT, DRAFT P U N OE SUBDIVISION AND DRAFT PLAN OF CONDOMINIUM APPLICANT - EDDIE TSANG INVESTMENTS, 2475 LAKESHORE ROAD WEST FILES: Z.1730.33, 24T 03/00S AND 24CDM-03/01D p U dl Thursday, January 8,2004 7:30 PM Monday, February 9,2004 7:30 PM P lease be advised that tw o p u b lic m e e tin g s will be held to discuss a proposed zoning a m endm ent, plan of subdivision, plan of condom inium . T h e first m eeting will be a public information m eeting hosted by the Planning Services D epartm ent w here details of the proposed 14 live/w ork Tow nhouse units will be presented and public concerns noted. This m eeting will ta ke place on T h u rs d a y J a n u a ry 8, 2 0 0 4 com m encing at 7 :30 p .m . in th e A c o rn G rill C a fe te ria , Town Hall, 1 22 5 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. The second m eeting will be a public m eeting hosted by Town Council at w hich tim e a staff report and recom m endations will be considered. This m eeting will be held on M o n d a y , F e b ru a ry 9, 2 0 0 4 com m encing at 7:30 p .m . in the C o u n c il C h a m b e rs , Town Hall, 1 22 5 Trafalgar R oad, Oakville. Any individuals wishing to attend th ese m eetings and speak to this m at te r are invited to do so. A sum m ary of the proposal and a description and key m ap o f the land affected is found below. If a person o r public body th at files a notice of appeal o f a decision in respect of th e proposed zoning a m endm ent to the Ontario M unicipal Board does not m ake oral subm issions at a public m eeting or does not m ake w ritten subm issions before th e proposed am en d m en t is approved, the O ntario M unicipal Board m ay dism iss all or part of th e appeal. A c opy o f the staff report pertaining to this m atter will be available for review in the C lerk's D epartm ent as of F e b ru a ry 2, 2 0 0 4 before 4:30 pm . The report will also be available on th e-w ebsite at http://w w w .oakville.ca/R esidents/res 7248.htm Any questions or w ritten subm issions m ay be directed to S ally S tu ll, M CIP, R PR Planner, Telephone: 8 4 5 -6 6 0 1 , ext. 3 26 1; E-m ail: sstull@ oakville.ca L o c a tio n - T h e subject site is located on the northw est corner of Bronte R oad and Lakeshore R oad W est, th e site is locally know n as the fo rm er Etc, R estaurant property. The land is legally described as Lot 64, Plan M 1 0 and Part of Lot 6 5, Plan M 1 0 and Part 1 on Plan 2 0 R -1 5 29 5. O ffic ia l P lan - Figure 12, Bronte C om m unity (w est o f Third Line) desig nates th e site C S A , C om m unity Shopping A rea and a C om m unity Im provem ent Area. Z o n in g - The site is zoned C 3R - C entral Business District - Residential. P ro p o s a l - The applicant have subm itted a proposal for a zoning am e n d m ent, plan o f subdivision and plan of condom inium to perm it 14 freehold tow nhouse units. 10 tow nhouses are proposed as live/w ork units includ ing a m ain floor com m ercial c om ponent o f approxim ately 40m ^. P le a s e N o te : This application m ay be subject to m odification. Bin N ew ell, MCIP, R PP M anager, C om m unity Planning * Planning Services D epartm ent With pro£r$vo$ $nd services &ovo yo&r ^ c r g ^ t io D m d C u lt u r e Certificates Now zfbvtfihbl® www.oakville.ca 905.338.4250 Holiday Season Closures at Town Hall Oakville Town Hall and the administrative offices of the Oakville Fire Department will be closed from 12 pm on December 24, 2003 to January 1, 2004. Town Hall and its administrative offices will re-open for business on Friday January 2, 2004. The following programs will be closed on December 24, 25, 26, and January 1: · · · · · Oakville Museum Oakville Galleries (Gairloch Gallery & Centennial Gallery) Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts Pools Public Libraries (including December 31) Transit, Recreation Facilities and Public Works services are available over the holidays with the following modified service schedule: OAKVILLE SHOW PLOW ING PRIORITIES & PARKING S and/salt trucks are dispatched as soon as a snowfall starts and at the first sign of roads beginning to ice. Snowplows are then dispatched to primary (arterial) and secondary (collector) roads when snow starts to accumulate. Residential streets generally receive sand/salt treatm ent at intersections, hills and sharp curves. Plowing of residential streets occur only after a snowfall accumulation in excess of 10 centimetres. When all streets require plowing, they are to be cleared within 2 4 hours after the end of the storm. Oakville provides snow clearing operations on all sidewalks. Sidewalk snow clearing commences only after the roadways have achieved their appropriate level of service. Remember to locate and clean snow from any fire hydrant or drainage catchbasins adjacent to your property. To assist us in our snow clearing operations, please park vehicles off the street when possible. By-law 1 9 8 4 -1 prohibits parking of vehicles on Town streets between 2 :00 a.m. and 6 :0 0 a.m. from November 15th to April 15th. Holiday guests? Temporary On-Street Parking Permits are available for visitor/guest parking when parking requirements temporarily exceed the parking provisions. Please visit our offices for details. For one night of unplanned overnight on-street parking, please use the after-hours message sen/ice (9 0 5 ) 3 3 8 -4 3 9 4 to record your address, licence number and make of your car. For more information on snow removal: O akville Transit and care-A-van · December 24, 2003 full-service for care-A-van and a modified bus service. Peek hour routes will run earlier than usual to accommodate additional GO homebound trains from Union Station. · December 25, 26, 2003 and January 1, 2004 there will be no care-A-van or bus service. For more Information please call 905 815 2020. F a c ilitie s & R ecreatio n · The Glen Abbey, River Oaks and Iroquois Ridge Recreation/Community Centres will close December 24 at 12 pm; December 31 at 4 pm; and January 1, 2004. · Oakville's Senior Centres will close December 24 and re-open December 29, however, will be closed January 1, 2004. · The Oakville, Kinoak and Maplegrove arenas will close December 24 at 12 pm; December 31 at 4 pm; and January 1, 2004. Public W orks · Parking Operations/Halton Court Services will be open on December 29, 30 and 31, 2003. · Public Works operations will close on December 24 at 12 pm with staff on call and will re-open on December 29, 2003. 2 4 Hour Snow Phone Information Line: (9 0 5 ) 8 15 -5 9 9 9 Road and Works Operations: Monday to Friday, 8 :3 0 a.m. to 4 :3 0 p.m: (9 05 ) 3 3 8 -4 3 9 2 . After-hours emergencies: (9 05 ) 8 4 5 -6 6 0 6 D.M. Cozzi, P.Eng. Director, Roads and Works Operations Department Im p o rta n t Num bers Emergency/After Hours Phone Snow Clearing Information Emergency Services (Fire, Police, Ambulance) 905 845 6606 905 388 4392 911 The M em bers of Council and staff wish you a safe and happy Holiday Season. Best wishes for the upcom ing N ew Year! W atch fo r 'In The News' on page 7 o f The Oakville Beaver every W ednesday! Town of Oakville 1225 Trafalgar Road, PO Box 310 , Oakville, ON L6 J 5 A6 905 - 845-6601 www.oakville.ca

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