Oakville Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 8 Aug 2003, p. 35

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The Oakville Beaver, Friday A ugust 8, 2003 - 35 / ~ n THE OAKVILLE BEAVER BONUS!All classified ads appear @ WWW. C lassified TO PLACE AN AD CALL oakvillebeaver.com The site your community clicks on! E-mail: classified@haltonsearch.com 905-845-3824 OR 905-337-5610 FAX: 905-632-8165 MON. - FRI. 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Circulation: 905-845-9742 · Real Estate 100-135 Business to Business 140-169 · Rentals 170-196 · Leisure Living 200-239 · Community & Public Notices 240-299 · Merchandise 300385 · Auto 400470 · Help Wanted 500-570 · Services 700795 houses for sale H ^ jl J houses tor sale Open House Sun. Aug. 10th 2-4pm $429,900 WANTED TO PURCHASE.. Profitable Business in Halton area Either Involved with printing and publish ing or dependant upon promotion and publicity or delivery to homes in area. Interested in business clearing more than $200,000 in annual profit. All inquiries treated in confidence. Please forward information to: Box 2133, c/o Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 APARTMENTS STARTING AT ONLY $875. Studio, 1 bedroom, 1+den and 2bedroom Convenient location near GO Stn · Gorgeous views · Indoor pool & sauna · Newly renovated suites · Tenant controlled Heat and A/C · Security · Includes all utilities and cable. B U R LO A K / Lakeshore area. Professionally reno vated basement apartment. Gas fireplace, dishwasher, laundry facilities. $950/mo. inclusive. 905-639-3683 ALDER SH O T (w est Bur lington) newly renovated b ach elor w ith fu ll kitchen available immediately. $625/ mo. -fhydro. 905-633-8547 NORTH B u rlington B ase m ent. H eidi Ave. New. 2 bedrooms, kitchen, fam ily room, a/c, separate laundry. $875/m o. -fu tilitie s. 905332-3260_____________ BRONTE o n - th e - Lake. Open concept 1-bedroom. Lake view s, patio , h a rd wood, ceram ics, v e rtica l blinds included. Pool, ten n is. Sept. 1st. $905/m o. parking included. 905-827B R A N T/ L a k e s h o re - 2bedroom , Clean. Q uiet building, fridge and stove, parking. Oct/1 st $750/mo + hydro 905-662-8558 DOW NTOW N B u rlington. 1275 Elgin S treet. 243 Bedrooms available Sept./ O ct. F reshly decorated, spacious, w ell m aintained & quiet with upgraded fire alarm system for safe highriae Hying. CaH 905-637-0321 BU RLIN G TO N H ighriseLarge attractive apartment. Free m icrow ave! 2 -b e d room s $795/m o. 3 -b e d rooms $895/mo. utilities in cluded. (Parking available). Available immediately/ Sept. No pets. 905-632 0961 BURLINGTON- Large, base m ent apa rtm ent, private entrance, immaculate. 1 car parking. Fridge, stove, incl usive, non-sm oking/ pets, first/la st. Prefer students. ·$69G/mo 905-335-0112. BU RLIN G TO N - Large. 2bedroom (825 sq.ft.) Clean quiet building near dow n town. Parking. $800/m o. Call Annie. 905-634-5885. BU RLIN G TO N - large 2bedroom . balcony in 4plex. 930/mo. heat includ ed. O ct.1. 905-637-0622 Keapthisad._______________ 2-BEDRO O M and 1 bed room , clean, cen tra l B ur lington Ghent/ Brant. Avail able Sept. 1st Near bus sta tion, shopping, highw ay access. Parking $760/m o. and $65G/mo. 905-333-1799. BU RLIN G TO N 2 bed rooms. Well located, quiet build in g near dow ntow n, buses, highway, lake. 905333-0869 $ 5 5 0 /M 0 . in cluding u tili ties. S pacious spotle ss basement apartment. Bur lington Mall area. Suit sin gle, quiet, non-sm oker. 905-681-5395. BU RLIN G TO N Downtown 431 M artha Street. 1 & 2bedroom $795/ $850/mo. + hydro. First/ Last. 905-6372820 Leave message. O A K V IL L E Glen Abbey, spacious 3 bedroom, close to transit. $1375 + utilities. C all for appointm ent 416875-7181 _ O A K V ILL E , G len Abbey area. 1-bedroom walk-out basement apartment, $750/ mo. available Aug. Call 905847-3564 after 5pm. O A K V ILL E Downtown. Renovated 283 bedrooms. Fam ily/ senior building. Near amenities. Immediate. From $820/$950/mo. 905339-0823; 416-592-0437. LAKESHORE/KERR ST. 2 storey apartm ents: 3-bedroom + den. $1400/m o. 2 bdrm $1125 (-futilities, park ing included). Call 905-3377135. ____ _____ BURLINGTON- Extra large one bedroom unit of lower level home. Including appliances, fireplace, A/C, garage, u tilitie s extra. No pets, no smoking. $875/mo. Sept. 15.905-331-8490 O A K V ILL E W est near Lakeshore. Private entrance 1-bedroom basem ent apartm ent, all in clusive. $750/mo. 905-825-0223. 2 Bedroom Apartm ents ava ila b le im m edia tely/ Oct. From $745/m o. C on ven ie n tly lo cate d W ood w a rd/ G uelph Line, B u r lington 905-632-4265 BURLINGTON Downtown, walk to lake. 2-bedroom apartment, balcony, parking included. From $795/mo. hydro. Immediately 905-6310191. BRONTE A cce pting applications for low er lev el. 2 bedroom . $85 0./mo Sept.1; Bachelor $600./mo O c t.l. Each include heat, hydro. 1 parkin g space. Fireplace. Private. No pets. 905-842-7315 BRONTE/ Lakeshore: large new ly-renovated designer suites with lakeview. 1 & 2 bedroom s available. New appliances, big balconies, quiet neighbourhood, walk to shops, minutes to GO. On O akville bus route, www. betterrent.com 905-827-6783 TW O bedroom apartm ent a va ila b le A u g .15. 1130 Q ueens Ave.. (Near O ak ville Place). $1010./month. Indoor pool, cre d it check required. 905-339-1159 BURLINGTON 2-bedrooms. $770. Near all am entites. Free parkin g. A va ila ble im m edia tely. Sept. 1st. & Oct. 1st. $850.905-631-1826. BURLINGTON- 2 bedroom. Spacious. Newly painted. Renovated bathroom/ kitch en cera m ics/ app lia nces; No Dogs/ Suit Single fami ly. $78 0./m o nth . Im m e d ia te ly 905-639-8642. 905-827-6674 O AKVILLE furnished room in new home, laundry, pri vate bath, parkin g. S u it a ble fo r fem ale s tu d ent/executive. Non-smoker. $650. 647-294-2065. OAKVILLE- New Bachelor $700/month. Cable, parking included. Laundry. Nonsmoker. First/ Last. Available Aug. 15. call 289-259-0488 O A K V IL L E : 2-bedroom . Im m ediate occupancy. $800/m o. +hydro. 1 car parking in clude d. 905564-0134 or 905-849-9178 O AKV ILLE : bright 1-bed room basement apartment. Parking, cable, u tilities induded. Sept. 1st. Suit single person only 905-847-6599 O A K V IL L E : R ebecca & Kerr: 1-bedroom, furnished/ u n furnish ed. $850./mo. u tilitie s, parking included. Immediate. 905-469-4584 1-BEDROOM $795. hydro, parking extra. 80 Speers Rd. O akville. Speers & Kerr. 905-842-0565 1-BD RM fu rn ish e d apt. C o rnw all/ M aple G rove (Oakville). Ground floor, no pets/ sm oking. $700/m o. 905-845-8194____________ 2 Bdrm Brow nstone. 5 appl., garage w/ dr opener. Irg rec rm. priva te patio, steps from Mapleview Mall. Freshly decorated. $1000/ mo + utilities. Avail, immediately. CaH 905-639-6237 BURLING TO N C entral. 2bedrooms. New hardwood. No dogs. $690/mo. fhydro. includes parking, Septem ber 1st. 905-38 8-52 36, 905-634-7088. ____________ HEADON Forest. B u rlin g ton. 1-bedroom apartment, share kitchen/ laundry, bus route, female non-smoker. $580/m o. Immediate. 905319-1347. O A K V IL L E rental a p a rt m ents. 1,2,3 bedroom apa rtm e nts. Pool, w eight room, saunas. 24 hour video surveillance 905-815-8965 NEWLY renovated, freshly painted! 1-bedroom, out door swim m ing pool 1363 Lakeshore. B u rlington across from Spencer Smith Park. 905-637-8431, 7-days. 9am-6pm, (Ring Apt. *101) O A K V ILL E Southeast. Sm all furn ish e d garden bachelor, private entrance, parking, suits mature gen tleman. ,$600/mo. inclusive. 905-842-7313. B U R LIN G TO N . W alker s/ U pper M iddle. 1-bedroom basem ent, separate e n trance, shared laundry. No s m oking / pets. $ 75 0/incl. 905-331-2699 BURLINGTON SQUARE 760 Brant St. (at Ghent Ave.) Call us a t 905-639-4677 5501 Cedar Springs Rd. Campbellville Golfers Paradise. Unique country property on 1 acre lot. 2-storey contemporary split, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths.Large kitchen. Mainfloor familyroom. Fireplaces. Pool. Spring fed pond. Park like setting. Call 905-336-8888 CONSIDER G eorgetow n! Prime location. ExclusiveBeautiful landscaped, pro fession ally deco rated, across from forest, lovely quiet Street. 4 bdrm . 3 baths. 3yrs new. Deck, wa te rfa ll & pond. 2 car g a rage G reat for fam ilies. $355,900. 905-873-9673 BU R LING TO N: 3 bdrm townhouse. in sought after Shendan Pines, new C/A & furnace 2003. wood floors, upgraded kitchen, fresh ly painted, finished basement End unit only a ttach ed at garage. 30 day pocession asking $159. 500 Call 905631-9915 MILTON. Lovely 3-bdrm in mature treed family neigh bourhood. New w indow s (except bay) 2000. new sliding doof from diningroom to deck C/A & C/V. profess ionally modeled basement with bar Price: $220,000 caH 416-706-7551 or 905^93-8706 LOCATION Location Loca tion! Charming 3-bedroom, sidespiit with fireplace 5215 Cedartxook Cres. m desirable Whitepines. C/A, many new upgrades-S tunm ng m u lti level new deck, new roo f/fu rn a ce /flo o rin g . By appointment only. $289,900. 905-634-5716 NO money down Free list of properties available with no down paym ent. Free recorded m essage 1-877848-3941 ID * 2053. Royal LePage Burloak Real EsM liS e n rto t.______________ GORGEOUS updated 2*1 bedroom O a kville home, hardw ood floors throughout, gas F/P. newly renovated basem ent. 50*X136' property Backs onto park, d e sira b le R iv erside Drive area. Walk to all am enities. $294,000. Call Laura to view 905-847 TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT A GREAT LAKE! BRONTE, ON THE LAKE. 1&2 Bedroom suites w ith lake view s and upgrades ... hardw ood, ce ra m ic s, w in d o w c o v e rin g s . Flex, avail, dates. Underground parking, pool & tennis in- B urlington TOWERS 1, 2 & 3 Bdrms Individually controlled A/C! 90 5-639-85 83 www.ontim.com SALE or rent. 2-bedrooms. 3 baths, a pp lia nces, g a rage, Glenada Cres., O ak ville, behind plaza. Private. 416-626-3922 Business Plans and Bank Loan Applications Prepared by retired bankers. Call Scott for information. -k 7*r N E W LYR enovatedlo r rent 1, 2 & 3 bdrm. apart ments. Close to all am eni ties. $1150 to $1390./mo inclusive. Parking extra. Im m ediate occupancy. 205 Q ueen Mary D rive 905844-9670 FoHnfo. call 905- 8 2 7 -9 1 6 9 www.ontim.com & ir ( V ic 4 i a n i * W M ftm « <« Come See the Difference! 511 Guelph Line. BURLINGTON 1&2 Bedroom, Sept., from $865 . A LD ER SH O T $285,900 T o ta lly renovated 3BR. 2BTH raised bungalow, fin ished basement, fireplace, hardw ood floors. Open House Sunday 2-5pm. 923 Daryl Drive. JC Pais ReMax Condos Plus 416-2036636 or full listing e-mail: w286234@condo6pius.qls.in1o 289-259-6359 W RITER for hire. Letters, resum es, business com m unication. Misc. Very af fordable. W rite r4h ire.itg o. com. Or call Dennis 905-3208514 Up-dated website. PlJHlndu^S /commercial space O F FIC E / shop space for lease. Overhead door, ap pro x im a te ly 9 00 sq.ft. Speers/ T hird Line, O ak v ille . A v a ila b le S e p t.1st. 905-827-6358; 905-847-9137 SPEER S. 1260 *1 6 1200 sq.ft. Overhead door, sky light. Rent/ sale. VTB. Call Sandy. 1-705-684-8258; Jay 905-319-3409.____________ LO W EST RATES. Short, lo ng term . W arehouse, light industrial. 50,000 sq. ft. or less also 2100 sq. ft. Joe Luyk 905-616-8866 $ 1 0 5 0 /M 0 . M ain flo o r of hou sel 2 -bedroom s, 1 bath! LR w/FP, immediate p o s s .l No sm okers/ pets! Walk downtown and to GO! Barbara Beers. Associate Broker. Royal LePage Burtoak. R E S 905-634-7755 LA K E S H O R E / Maple September 1st. 1-bedroom from $825/mo. Parking ex tra. H eat/ hydro included. Lakefront view. Indoor pool. Bus stops at door. Near Mapleview/ hospital. Great highway access. 905-6325258 PRIME Downtown B u r lin g to n , Upgraded suites 1.2&3 Bedroom . New windows. Modernized ele vators. Scenic views. 478 Pearl. 477 Elizabeth: 905634-9374__________________ W ATERD OW N: John St Walk everywhere. New Appliances& window s. Up graded 1, 2& 3-bdrm s s ta rtin g $770. U til. Incl. 905-68 9-16 47. 905-6904454 ww w.w aterdow nrent ers.com SP AC IO U S 1.283 Bed room s. F reshly painted, brigh t. C o m pe titive rent. Burlington high-rise. Wellmaintained. Convenient loca tion. 905-333-9646. Noorv8pm O LD O akville*- Park lik e setting, very w ell m ain tained building. 1 block to fine dining and shopping. 2 bedroom from $ 1 1 75/m o Call 905-845-5787 or 905330-2770__________________ 2-BE DRO O M S : $870./ mo. (U tilitie s included). 2386 New Street at Guelph Line. R ental O ffic e Open 11am-7pm, Mon.-Sat. 905639-5761__________________ H ISTO R IC one bedroom . B u rlin g to n D owntown. $790/mo., includes parking laundry. Hydro extra. 905631-1127 HEART of Bronte 50 East S t.. clo s e to la ke/ Bronte H arbour. Sept & O ct.: 1bedroom from $950/mo.; 2bedroom from $1095/mo. ( parking) 905-825-0816 G UELPH L in e - two base ment apartments 1-bdrm & bach elor. Seperate e n tran ces. a/c, quiet. $535/ m o, $625/m o in clusive. 905-681-8880 Tyandaga Terrace Burlington Situated on private, park-like grounds. Freshly painted with private walk-outs to ce dar hedged patios. 2&3 Bdrm Apts at 1 4 4 0 ,1 4 5 0 *1 4 6 0 Tyandaga Park Dr. 905-336-0015 905-336-0016 Sunken livingrooms, breakfast nooks, windows in kitchens, 2 outdoor pools. .. 640 Guelph Line. BURLINGTON 2 Bedroom, Sept., from $950 . BURLINGTON downtown 2-bedrooms, lowrise building, tenant pays hydro. Parking. Laundry. $78Q/mo. Available im m edia tely. C all 905632-6948 SPACIOUS clean basement apartment in quiet country home. W alkers Line/ Hwy*5. All inclusive. Single preferred. No pets/smoking. Im m ediate. $750/m onth, (905)332-6214____________ FR ESH LY p ainted, h a rd wood flo o rs! 2-Bedroom availab le Sept./O ct. From $949/mo.-f parking. Clean, quiet. Brant/ Prospect. Near GO & MaMs. 905-639-7805 LA K E View & Park View! Old Oakville, close to lake. Shopping just outside front d oo r! 1-bedroom from $985. No deposit & no lease. Please call 905-844-6952 B U R LIN G TO N . 383 St. Paul S treet: 2-bedroom , from $799/m o. Includ es heat, hydro, parking. For ap pointm ent. 905-634-6903. Well- maintained by Jordan & Williamson O A K V IL L E . U pper Mid die/ Sixth Line. Bright spa cio us basem ent bach elor apt. Includes private e n tran ce. parkin g, laundry, cable, utilities. No smoking/ pets. S uit q uiet fem ale Sept. 1st. $700/m o. 905849-1999 A V A IL A B L E Sept.1 1bdrm basement apartment near Oakville Place. Park ing. $550/mo. all inclusive. 905-844-1686_____________ MUST see to app reciate! 3055 G lencrest Rd.. B ur lington. C entrally located, well- maintained, spacious! 182 Bedroom Apartm ents availab le Aug./S ept. 905637-3921__________________ OAKVILLE. Large. 1 bed room basement apartment, separate entrance, fireplace, dishwasher. A/C. parking, avail. Sept 1st. $895/mo. in clusive. 905-827-6165 B E A U TIFU L, brigh t 1bdrm w a lk-out basem ent apartm ent near Sheridan College. Available Sept.1. $800/m o. Call after 6pm. 905-339-2461 ___________ O A K V IL L E . Kerr Street 1& 2-bedrooms, July/1 st & August/1 st. Sept/1 st $825$925/mo.. Indudes parking. 9am-6pm. 905-339-2437. O A K V IL L E - Kerr/ Speers. 2 bedroom apartm ent $938/mo. includes utilities. A va ila ble im m ediately. 905-849-4782______________ W A LK To B rant GO. 1bedroom indudes heat, park ing. 2 appliances, fresh ly painted, dean quiet building. Available Sept. 1st 905-5171754: 905-664-6253. Very spacious freshly painted suites with hardwood flooring. C a ll 9 0 5 - 6 3 7 - 9 7 2 5 www.OAKVILLERENTERS.com · O a kville : 190 Kerr at Rebecca, Downtown living Large 1 & 2 bdrms from $845/mo 905-845-1777 Walk to GO 2067 Prospect St at Brant St. · O akville: 1265 6th Line Overlooking golf course 1,2, & 3 bdrms from $845/mo. 905-842-8960 · O akville: 392 Pine Ave., at Trafalgar & Cornwall Large 1 & 2 bdrms from $845/mo 905-337-0910 SURREY LANE APARTMENTS 695 Surrey In.,Burl NEW MANAGEMENT NEW APPROACH FULLY RENOVATED Major Upgrades 1 ,2 * 3 bdrm. avail. from $705/mo utilities included. $250 move in bonus on select units Call our On-sile office O AKV ILLE Place area 6plex on North Service Rd. 2-bedroom , im m ediate, $800/mo.+ utilities; 1-bed room, Sept. 1st, $650/mo.+ utilities. Call Sal, 416-9906100 BRONTE- 1(brand new) & 2 bdrm. $850- $900/mo. hydro. A/C, No pets. Call 905-469-9838______________ BU R LIN G TO N . Large 2bedroom. QEW/ Brant, near Fairview GO. Parking. Laundry. $750/mo. +hydro. Sept. 905-639-8436 O A K V ILL E spacious re furbished bachelor 1 and 2bedroom available. Minutes from QEW . GO S tation, shopping, dining. U tilities included. Please call 905845-7545 to inquire about our lim ited tim e rental in centive ^ 1 2 3 3 1 ^ 1-BEDROOM · From $860 · 1 parking included t Comer Suites Avail. > Gleaming parquet flooring » Over-size balconies » Undergound parking and outside parking » On-site customer service.... C O M M E R C IA L/ p ro fe s sio nal space, dow ntow n Burlington available across from lake. D etached w/ parking, approx. 1500 sq.ft. Ideal for many uses. $2500/ mo. C all P eter K ritiko s, Sales Rep. S u tton About Town. 905-681-7900 O A K V IL L E dow ntow n o f fice/ retail space for lease. Approx. 1100sqft. $1550/ mo. +GST includes utilities. Available immediately. Cell 416- 573-7446_____________ DOW NTO W N O akville, prim e offic e /c o m m e c ia l space 1100 sq. ft. $1125/ mo. 375 sq. ft. $530/mo (+ utilities) call 905-337-7135 9 0 5 -6 3 1 4 )0 3 3 BURLINGTON 3020 Glencrest Rd. 1 & 2 bedrooms available Septem ber from $795./m o. U pscale quiet build in g clo se to m ajor shopping. 905-632-0129 EXTRA la rge 1&2 bed room s uites ava ila b le in beautiful O akville building. Large balconies. Close to schools & profession al services. Easy access to QEW & 403. Very reason able. 905-844-2646 B U R LIN G TO N . 2-bdrm . C lean, quiet, w e ll-m a in tained. Excellent central lo cation. Parking. $789/mo. + hydro. Septem ber (No dogs) 905-572-7631; 905664-2659 STEPS from dow ntown O ak v ille . 'D e v o n s h ire A p artm ents'. 2-bedroom , $1250/m o.. O ct.; 3-bedroom. $1350/mo. Sept. 15th; U tilities/ parking included. Q uiet building, wheelchair accessible. 905-844-1934 O A K V IL L E . N ear all amenities. 199 Queen Mary Im m ediate & S e p t.Bachelor. 1,28.3 bedrooms starting from $780-/mo. (* parking). 905-844-9006 GLEN Abbey, luxury 2-bedroom basement apartment, parking. 5 appliances. C/V, C /A.. $805/m o. -fu tilitie s . Immediate. 905-847-7211. 1 2 & 4^__________ [IV J open houses 905-639-0456 www homestead.on.ca W ATERD OW N: Large 1bedroom apartm ent in country hom e. Separate entrance, heat/ hydro in cluded. Suitable for single occupancy. $625/mo. 905659-4195 or 905-659-4187 OAKVILLE large, bright. 1 bdrm apt to sublet. Oct 1st - March 31st. Pool, sauna, indr. parking, walk to Sheri dan College & O a kville Place, minutes from QEW & GO. CaH 906-338-5854. 2 bedroom apartm ent, main floor of house. Brant/ QEW area. $850/mo inclu sive. A v a ila ble Sept/1 st. Days 905-271-6031 night/ weekends 416-889-5132 C A N ADIANA. Quiet, wellm aintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 1,283 bedrooms available im m e d ia te ly / S e pt./ O ct. 5220 Lakeshore. B u rlington. 905-632-5486. NEW LY renovated 1-bed room +den basem ent apartm ent, sepa rate en trance. cable, air, parking, utilities included, no smok ing/ pets, Speers/ Dorval. $78Q/mo. 905-845-2323. OPEN house- Private Sale by ow ner - Sun. A u g .1012-4pm. 116 Roxton Road. (Oak Park) O akville. 905257-0460 __________ BURLINGTON, townhousecondo. M aple C rossing. Master bedroom , lo ft with ensuite. vau lte d ceilin g s / skylights, cherry hardwood floor in livin g room , pas fireplace, large prof. finished basement w/ 3 piece bath. C/A, small quiet well main tained complex. $184,500. 905-639-4364 GORGEOUS to w n h o u s e ' 3-bedroom s, backs on to creek, p ro fe ssio n a lly fin ished basement, extensive upgrades. 75 Ryans Way 905-689-3463 W aterdown $184,9000 O pen House Sunday 2-4pm ____________ O A K V ILL E W est Oak Trails. 3 bedroom to w n house. free hold, corner lot with la rge fu lly fenced backyard. 3 years old. Ap prox. 1500 sq. ft. 2.5 bath rooms. C/A. $238,500. 905469-4853 EXEC UTIVE O pp o rtu n ity to cre a te w e alth. 1-877234-6057, www.developing wealth.net I mortgage, loans $$ M oney $$ 100% 1st. 2nd and 3rd M o rtg a g e s Bad credit OK. Call Ontario Wide. 1 888-307-7799 C A L L SCFS - 905-8441245. 1-yr 3.85. 5-yr 4 80. ARM 4.35. Also equ ity m ortgage program s, re gardless of income or credit. BURLINGTON. 1 bedroom, separate entrance, parking, near GO, No smoking/ pets, suit single $750/mo. Sept. 1st. 905-815-7174 TRENDY 2-bdrm. Lakeshore Rd. (Burlington), immaculate, quiet building, downtown, hardwood, laundry. Parking. Sept/1 st $900/m o. 905336-7207 PR IN CESS & Regency Apartments. Lovely & spa cious 2 bedrooms. Steps to B u rlington M all. Refined tenants. M arble Lobby. Parking & Hydro included. 905-63 9-80 09; 905-6818115 SPENCER Landing Building. Luxury 2bdrm + den, 2 park ing spots. 2 bath w/jacuzzi. indr. p o o l, all am enities, c orner unit. dbl. balcony, 11th fir., spectacular view of lake. Spencer Sm ith park $1975/mo Call 905-331 -9797 NEED a great resum e top get the job you want? Con tact Jillian 905-681-1949 or see h ttp ://w w w .g e o c i ties.com /jillianperk/professionalresum es.htm l fo r in- ft*' .# * j · « < ,t r » '· · * .« « ·' , `A * / * · > > · Ji £ · * « j* · · · · * / * * » · «' * * » % % 0 « Mi * >> * A »' · · e · / A 9 f · r a % · * · · .* A / J > · /,» * ' / » / / / / 1 » » · · ·

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