C4 - The Oakville Beaver, Wednesday October 30, 2002 Breast cancer declining in older women W0SS Class of '78 reunion (Continued from page C2) Today, breast cancer rates have declined by 25 per cent among women aged 50 to 69, and almost 14 per cent for all ages since 1985. While these statistics are encouraging, they're not much comfort in the face of a diagno sis. Porter, for example, is relieved to have fought and won, but knows there is a greater risk for her daughter, especially with her family his tory. Porter's mother had cancer twice, her sister also had breast cancer, her father had lung can cer and her brother had leukemia. When it comes to breast cancer, there is a higher risk as you get older and an even higher risk if there is a family history with a mother or sister diagnosed under 50. Canadian Cancer Society statistics show that breast can cer increases with age after menopause. At the age of 30, a woman's chances of getting breast cancer are one in 650. By the time a woman is 50, the risk increases to one in 110. "I advise my daughter who is 25, to eat a lot of green veg gies," said Porter. "Everyone knows how to be healthy, you just have to practice it. Willpower is very important. Be proactive - use all the resources out there. There is information at» the Cancer Society's Oakville office and on the Internet. "Don't sit back and feel sorry for yourself." For more information about services offered by the Oakville Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society, call 905-845-6231 or visit www.cancer.ca. Did you graduate from White Oaks Secondary School in 1978, from either Grade 12 or 13? Do you know-any WOSS gradu ates from that year? If so, Sandi Richardson and Janet Rakowski (Marano) want to hear from you. A Class of 1978 Reunion will be held on Saturday April 12, 2003, at the Le Dome Banquet Hall, featur ing a sit-down steak dinner at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 5 p.m. Tickets cost $40 each, available in advance only. To order tickets, call Sandi Richardson at 905-6903977 or Janet Rakowski at 416-4021387. Only 500 tickets will be sold. Cheques, and a self-addressed stamped envelope, can be mailed to Sandi Richardson at 63 Hamesworth Cr., Waterdown, ON, LOR 2H6; or to Janet Rakowski. 1363 Bridge Rd., Oakville, ON, L6L 2C8. Tickets will also be sold on Nov. 17 at the Ramada Inn, in the Centennial Room, from 1 - 3 p.m. Customer Appreciation BEST DEAL! O u r Lowest Prices Ever! BUFFET CATERING DSG Child Find benefit A n o t h e r FREE REMOTE 0 H L Y Quality Homemade Italian Cuisine Everything made from Scratch! ·Business Meetings ·Parties ·Christm as Ask About O u r Vegetarian Selection ib e r SAVE ' 200 L450PK-4 NAPOLEON GOURMET GRILLS Electric Fireplace Lifestyle 450 Barbecue only p ro p a n e NOW $475 plus *A Q Q 9 5 y While They Last!! free Remote Reg. $8 9 9 .9 5 Traditional Stove Style electnaname Haarth Solutions I by Dimple: SPECIAL PURCHASE O u r Lowest Prices Ever! SPECIAL PURCHASE O u r Lowest Prices Ever! Q u a lity Ita lia n D ishes ·stuffed mussels · minestrone soup · homemade pesto · fresh pasta · marmara sauce (905] 815-0863 (416) 389-5061 SAVE $70829 Vienna II Cast Natural Gas Stove Natural Gas Logs Installed Price * SAVE ' 399" War Amps Champs $1AQ166 |||7 I W " Reg. $ 179 9.95 ` Install extra Almond colour $1AQQ95 I i i ^ f Reg. $149 9 ` Subject to pre-inspect o t Pay CASH & CAR R Y Do N : ' 'j K j m tll for 6 M o n t h s O.A.C. PATIO FLOOR MODELS Its Their Future Today Members of the CHAMP Program for child amputees receive financial assistance for artificial limbs. Direct Vent Fireplace BLOWOUT SAVE $400 Simplicity Model only taeatilator Thefirst name in fireplaces $00095" s ,» 8 J T f " Reg. $7 9 9 .9 5 installation extra selected Patio Furniture and Accessories Heidt, Homecrest, Lloyd Flanders Tomorrow Graduates of CHAMP will carry on The War Amps tradition of "amputees helping amputees" and pass the NEVER AGAIN! message on to future generations. T h a n k s to y o u r s u p p o r t , th e le g a c y o f T h e W a r A m p s c o n t in u e s . WOOD ACCESSORIES Your Source For W ood Fireplace Accessories... · D oors · Screens ·W ood G rates ·Tool Sets . . · / GAS FIREPLACES selected Floor Model and Out-of-Box GAS FIREPLACES MSRP I t em s not exactly as illustrated O ff l/iH -M (S/J GflLL & Fhepuce 490 Speers Rd. Oakville · 905-844-3224 · w w w .bbqgasgrill.com Bazaar Come one and all to the annual To order documentaries from our NEVER AGAIN! series, contact The War Amps. E-ZEE ACCESS: Tel.: 1-800-2 50 -3 03 0 , Fax: 1-800-21 9 -89 8 8, www.waramps.ca or customerservice@waram ps.ca Documentaries can be borrowed free-of-charge or purchased at cost-recovery prices. Charitable Registration N o .: 1 3 1 9 6 9 6 2 8 R R 0 0 0 1 a Evening o f Funny Stuff, a benefit for O a k v ille - b a s e d Child Find Ontario will be held on Saturday, Nov. 2 at the University of Toronto's Erindale Campus in Mississauga. Featuring actor, writer and impro viser Ron Tite, the four-person come dy troupe and Canadian Comedy Award winner, Slap Happy and a c c o m p lis h e d sketch comedian, Dave Tomlinson., the benefit will be held at the Student Centre Pub near Parking Lot 2. Doors open at 8 p.m., and show time is 8:30 p.m.. Tickets cost $15. per person. R e s e rv a tio n s can be made by calling Child Find Ontario at 905842-5353. Child Find gives hope and support to families by helping to keep their children safe and helps recover them should they go missing. Last year, about 66,000 cases of missing children were reported to police in Canada. These children and young people, whether they were abducted by a stranger, taken by a non-custodial family member or ran away from home, are at risk. Child Find pro vides a full range of awareness, pre vention, search and recovery serv ices to help reduce the incidence of missing and exploited children. Community Notices Deaths_________________ HOYLE, Bob- Peacefully passed away at his home, O ctober 24. Beloved husband of Dorothy and devoted father of Brenda (Fred Folkerts), Brian (Barb Hunt), Debbie (Don Murray) and Dee (Bruce McAulay) a dearly loved Papa to Justin, Erica, Donald, D a v id , R ya n a n d C a rs o n . M e m o ria l donation to Lions Foundation of C anada Dogguides. Deaths_________________ SMITH, H erbert (Herb) - P ea ce fu lly after a lengthy illness on Friday, October 25, 2002 at the Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Herb, beloved husband of Ruth (Donald) Smith. Dear father of Neil of Oakville, Reg (Rickie) of Burlington. Son-in-law of Beatrice Donald of O akville. Brother of M edrith Nickerson of M ississauga, M arion N ickerson of B u rlin g to n and Ethel W estw ood of O a kville. Predeceased by his sister and two brothers. Lovingly remembered by his sister-in-law Valerie (Len) Lane and brothers-in-law, George and Charles. Cherished by two grandchildren. Herb w ill be remembered for his joke of the day. A service was held at the Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home, 64 Lakeshore Road West, Oakville, Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 2:30 p.m. in the chapel. Tender_________________ THE OAKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY ON BEHALF OF THE HALTON COOPERATIVE PURCHASING GROUP (HCPG) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 1-2002 Supply of Recycled Laser Toner Cartridges SEALED BIDS for the above will be received at the office of the undersigned on or before: 12:00 NOON. LOCAL TIME. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 2002 STARTING THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2002, Specifications, Bid Forms and Bid Envelopes will be available at the Oakville Public Library, Administration Offices, Lower Floor, 120 Navy Street, Oakville, Ontario L6J 2Z4, 905-815-2042 LOW EST OR ANY BID NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Charlotte Meissner Director of Corporate Services InMemoriam InM ST. MICHAEL'S BAZAAR Saturday, November 2,2002 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. 50-50 Draw! Penny Draw Sale! Rattle! ·Baked Treats · Book Nook · Nearly New Items ·Children's Corner · Great Bargains. St. Michael's School 168 Sewell Drive All proceeds to St Michael's Catholic Women's League. "He left us quietly His thoughts unknown But he left us with memories We're so proud to own" MAHER, Brian John - in his 38th year suddenly, of Charlotte North Carolina, also Chatham, N.J. and Oakville, Ontario. Beloved by his wife Barbara (Davren) Maher and their children Clare and Liam Maher. Loving son of Edward Gerry Maher and Eileen Maher of Cape Coral Florida and Oakville Ontario, Canada. Cherished bro th e r of Kevin M aher, P h y llis F loria n , Diane Sarikas, Clare Emery, Carol M urray, and Patrick Maher. Loving uncle of many nieces and nephews, and beloved by his many aunts and uncles. The fam ily w ill receive visito rs at Saint Matthews Catholic Church, 8015 Ballintyne Commons Blvd. Charlotte, North Carolina on Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 10:00 a.m. followed by a mass at 11:00 a.m. A reception w ill follow at the church hall. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Brian's memory to St. Matthew's Catholic Church Building Fund, 8015 Ballintyne Commons Blvd., Charlotte, NC 28277 Create a lasting tribute to your loved one with an In Memoriam passage in The Post's Community Notices \> \ Fun for the Whole Family! Don't Miss It! Deaths ALLEN, Ivy Grace - Passed away on Sunday, O ctober 27, 2 0 0 2 at the Ian A nderson House, Oakville. Dear wife of Douglas. Cherished mother of Megan and her husband Bill and Rodney and his wife Leslie. Proud grandmother of Virginia, Charles and Richard. Great grandmother of Tara and Alex. At her request, there w ill be no funeral service. A special thanks to all the staff at Ian Anderson House for their wonderful care and genuine kindness. In lieu of flo w e rs , please c o n s id e r a d o n a tio n to the Ian Anderson House or the Canadian Cancer Society. HANNAH A. (Nan) - Peacefully on Friday, October 25, 2002 at A llen d a le Long Term Care N ursing Home in Milton. Beloved wife of Harry Hannah. Dear m oth e r to B radley H annah. L o vin g Nana to g ra n d so n s D erek, S tephen, Jared and K eith. Predeceased by her sister Jean, brothers Sam and Daniel and remembered by her sister W innie and brothers Tony and Robert in Scotland. A Funeral Mass w ill be celebrated on Wednesday, October 30, 2002 (today) at St. M atth e w 's P arish at 1 p.m. Cremation. In lieu of flowers, a donation may be made to the Alzheimer's Society. Many thanks to the staff of Allendale for providing wonderful care and attention. Thanks also to our many friends for your support and comfort. Family Services A lcoholics Anonym ous If you drink, that's your business If you want to quit, That's Ours! (416) 487-5591 (905) 631-8784 Legal Notice NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND O THERS IN THE ESTATE O F HARO LD DOUGLAS BARTMAN FREE "In Memoriam & Cards of Thanks" booklet, a selection of verses offered to help you capture that poignant memory. To receive your booklet call 905-632-4440 and we'll mail you a copy today. Booklets are also available at the Classified Department of the Burlington Post 2321 Fairview St., Burlington Classified H rs: rio * o r V oVjr( PULLEN, David Michael - On Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at Oakville-Trafalgar M em orial Hospital, David in his 56th year. Beloved son of Enid and the late Peter. Dear brother of Anne and her husband Chesley Robert Beck of Mississauga and proud uncle of Allison and Kristin. Private fam ily service. For those w ho w ish , m em orial c o n trib u tio n s to the Canadian Diabetic Society or the Oakville-Trafalgar M e m o ria l H o sp ita l w o u ld be app re ciate d . A rra n g em e n ts e n tru ste d to the K op riva T a ylo r Community Funeral Home, Oakville (905)-844-- 2600 jjw v a All persons having claims against the Estate of Harold Douglas Bartman, late of the Town of Oakville, who died on or about the 21st day of March, 2002, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before November 15th, 2002 after which date the assets of the Estate shall be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Oakville, this 15th day of October, 2002. Gordon Douglas Bartman Estate Trustee, by his solicitor P. William Perras Jr. Suite 210,1540 Cornwall Road Oakville, Ontario L6J 7W5 (905)827-2700 Mon-Fri 8:30am to 5pm